Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Israel's Right To Exist Debunked DERSHOWITZ DESTROYED: DERSHOWITZ is a Disgusting Little Weasel- A Shining Example of One of the Losers Who Gets Ahead & Promoted in This Sick World

See here for a past debate with Alan Dershowitz. This guy is nothing but a pathetic liar. See here for more about the Jews. They are literally trying to stop you from criticizing them by yelping about so-called "anti-semitism." See here, herehere, here, here, here and here for Jews and terrorism.

Image result for alan dershowitz

(To Download the audio, click on the link above and then click on the download link in the top right hand corner.)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Lisa Podesta Former Head of the Maple Ridge News- Look What She Has The Nerve To Put On The Top Of Her Facebook Account!

See The Picture Below!

This piece of crap now goes by Lisa Craik. Lisa Podesta, Lisa Prophet... whatever your name is

This was originally put up around July 1, 2019. Disgraceful. See the picture below. Free to Speak Without Fear? Free to Stand For What I Think is Right? You are pathetic. You hate these ideas and you know exactly what is going on in Canada. Of course, she knows Mark Amery.... and there was an article in her newspaper when Mark got on the Dragon's Den. See what I was saying here (scroll to the very bottom of the page to see the picture,) way before he was on the Dragon's Den. Complete lying scum of the earth. Could you people get any lower?

See past articles about this psychopath here. This is how insane these people really are. Talk about hubris and entitlement. This piece of trash runs a newspaper and knows exactly what is happening in Canada with people like me. She also knows what Bill C-51 is. Bill C-51 effectively allows the intelligence agencies and the police to do anything they want to the Canadian population. How can anyone believe that this will not be abused? This means radiating selected people with microwaves, spying on them in their homes and hooking their brains up to computers. I am not lying, this is the truth. Soon everyone will see how screwed up these people really are. They are entitled lying psychopaths. See here for how the RCMP is turning its resources towards "terrorists" and away from organized crime. See here for how the RCMP targets Muslim extremists but gives Zionist terrorists a free pass. See here for how Canada is clamping down on freedom of speech about Israel.

Whatever you think, one point is perfectly clear, these people are lying. This one article from academics shows this technology exists. See here for a full list of classified technology. See here for former U.S. Representative from Ohio and candidate for the President of the United States Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons. See here for Dr. John Hall speaking about the problems of this technology. See here for microwave weaponry explained. See here for a list of microwave weaponry links. See here for documented proof of radio frequency testing, torture and experimentation on some of the population of Eugene, Oregon from 500 miles away. This was back in the 1970s! See here for how United States Intelligence used sound-waves to produce concussions in people, this was as far back as the 1950's!

Now, is Lisa Podesta insane, is she ignorant? No, she is lying Zionist scum. She has the power to print the truth in a newspaper, so why doesn't she? See here for what Thomas Jefferson says about freedom of the press and its importance to the health of your country.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

InfraGard: An Unhealthy Government Alliance


There is an organization that is quietly and secretly becoming very large and powerful. The FBI started this partnership or alliance between the federal government and the private sector in 1996 in Cleveland with a few select people. After September 11, 2001, when the general population replaced their rationality with fear, this organization, called InfraGard, continued growing, and with little notice. By 2005 more than 11,000 members were involved, but as of today, according to the InfraGard website, there are 23,682 members, including FBI personnel. At first glance, many would think this alliance healthy and useful in the fight against “terrorism,” but upon further examination, one has to wonder.

InfraGard began as an alliance between the FBI and local businesses with the objective of investigating cyber threats. Since that time, little resemblance to that design exists. According to InfraGard’s own website,

InfraGard is an information sharing and analysis effort serving the interests and combining the knowledge base of a wide range of members. At its most basic level, InfraGard is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the private sector. InfraGard is an association of businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence [emphasis added] to prevent hostile acts against the United States.

Every InfraGard chapter has an FBI special agent coordinator attached to it, and this FBI coordinator works closely with FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. Initially, while under the direction of the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), the focus of InfraGard was cyberinfrastructure protection, but things have gotten much more interesting since September 11, 2001. NIPC then expanded its efforts to include physical as well as cyberthreats to critical infrastructures.

A progression is occurring, but it gets even more interesting as time passes. In March 2003, NIPC was transferred to the Department of Homeland Security which now has total responsibility for critical infrastructure protection (CIP) matters. Part of the Department of Homeland Security’s mission is to facilitate InfraGard’s continuing role in CIP activities and to further develop InfraGard’s ability to support the FBI’s investigative mission, especially as it pertains to counterterrorism and cyber crimes.

InfraGard’s stated goal “is to promote ongoing dialogue and timely communications between members and the FBI.” Pay attention to this next part:

Infragard members gain access to information that enables them to protect their assets and in turn give information to government that facilitates its responsibilities to prevent and address terrorism and other crimes.

I take from this statement that there is a distinct tradeoff, a tradeoff not available to the rest of us, whereby InfraGard members are privy to inside information from government to protect themselves and their assets; in return they give the government information it desires. This is done under the auspices of preventing terrorism and other crimes. Of course, as usual, “other crimes” is not defined, leaving us to guess just what information is being transferred. Since these members of InfraGard are people in positions of power in the “private” sector, people who have access to a massive amount of private information about the rest of us, just what information are they divulging to government? Remember, they are getting valuable consideration in the form of advance warnings and protection for their lives and assets from government. This does not an honest partnership make; quite the contrary.

In my article “The New Crime of Thinking,” I criticized H.R.1955 and Senate 1959, which, if passed, will literally criminalize thought against government. As usual, the exact type of thought is left undefined. This vagueness in the thought-crime legislation together with the secrecy of InfraGard makes for a dangerous combination. S.1959, if passed, will be attached to the Homeland Security Act and InfraGard is already a part of the Department of Homeland Security. This is not a coincidence. Under section 899b of S.1959 it is stated:

Preventing the potential rise of self radicalized, unaffiliated terrorists domestically cannot be easily accomplished solely through traditional Federal intelligence or law enforcement efforts, and can benefit from the incorporation of State and local efforts.

This appears to be a direct reference to the InfraGard program. Moreover, in section 899c of S.1959 the new commission created after passage is to build upon and bring together the work of other entities, and will establish, as designated under 899d, a “Center of Excellence.” This center will be university-based, and is to study “violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism” in the United States. According to InfraGard’s mission statement, it is a group of businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence. Keep in mind that this new center will be, and InfraGard already is, a part of the Department of Homeland Security. I’m just speculating, of course, but is it possible that InfraGard will be a domestic police and spying arm for the government concerning “thought crime”?

There is a definite and natural link here, and it should give us pause. The definitions concerning thought crime are vague and unclear, left to the interpretation of government only. InfraGard, on the other hand, is an organization cloaked in secrecy. It holds secret meetings with the FBI. It also, according to FBI Director Robert Mueller, shares information (what information, we don’t know) with the Secret Service and all government agencies involved with security in the United States.

One question on InfraGard’s application for membership is, Which critical infrastructures does your organization belong to? Some choices listed are defense, government, banking and finance, information and telecommunications, postal and shipping, transportation, public health, and energy. At least 350 of the Fortune 500 companies have representation in InfraGard, this according to their website. These representatives have access to most of our private records, including phone and Internet use, health records, and banking and finance records. Considering the recent attempts by President Bush and his administration to protect many telecommunications companies and executives from prosecution for releasing private information, how many of the top telecom executives are members of InfraGard? I, for one, would be very interested in this information, but alas, it is not public information; it is secret.

According to InfraGard’s own policies and procedures,

The interests of InfraGard must be protected whenever presented to non-InfraGard members. Independent of the type of presentation, (interview, brief, or published documentation) the InfraGard leadership and the local FBI representative should be made aware of the upcoming presentation. The InfraGard member and the FBI representative should agree on the theme of the presentation. The identity of InfraGard members should be protected at all times.

This means that no one outside InfraGard is to know who is a member unless previous approval has been given. In addition, when interviews with members of the press are forthcoming, all questions should be submitted in writing prior to the interview. The InfraGard leadership and the local FBI representative should review the submitted questions, agree on the character of the answers, and identify the appropriate person to be interviewed prior to the interview. Even demeanor is addressed in this directive, and strict guidelines for behavior are listed. You see, when I said secret, I wasn’t kidding.

The bottom line is this: This is an organization created by the FBI, sanctioning individuals from the private business sector to provide information, sensitive and private information, to government agencies for special concessions. These concessions, or favors, according to an article titled “The FBI Deputizes Business,”in The Progressive magazine, include advance warning on a secure portal about any threatening information related to infrastructure disruption or terrorism. InfraGard notes as much on their website by advertising for members “access to an FBI secure communication network complete with VPN encrypted website, webmail, listservs, message boards and much more.” Also advertised: “Learn time-sensitive, infrastructure related security information from government sources such as DHS [Department of Homeland Security] and the FBI.” Is this elitist group of InfraGard members a group of Americans superior to the rest of us? Are they truly privileged or just selling their souls for protection and favors? And how involved will they be in watchdog activities, activities sanctioned by the U.S. government? Is this a new kind of conscription by government meant to increase its surveillance capabilities so that it can monitor our lives even more than it does now?

Legislation, bureaucracies, and government/business partnerships created since 9/11 have severely infringed our freedom. Almost all of the so-called terror-protection legislation has been linked — and in many cases it is linked — to increased government oversight of the rest of us. This is evident concerning InfraGard and the Department of Homeland Security. If this program is for the benefit of this country, why are the members’ names and their activities kept so secret? Why do some gain protection and early warning while the rest of us do not? And what information and “intelligence” is being shared? Since these business members are fully protected by government, how far will they go, and when will it be too late to stop this secret assault by this behemoth we call government?

Gary D. Barnett is president of Barnett Financial Services, Inc., in Lewistown, Montana. Send him email.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Jewish Control of Social Media

See herehere, and here for past posts about Silicon Valley and Zionism. 

Are people really this stupid? Are we this dumb to allow this to happen and to never say anything about it? I wonder what is wrong with "cancel culture." As if canceling people is culture... even language has become stupified by these losers. They are the losers in this world and they are going to be brought down. No one deserves it more. NO ONE. 

As one shining example, let us take a look at the complete and utter disgraceful Jewish loser Mr. Sacha Baron Cohen. This absolutely despicable scumbag made his living from being controversial with his comedy. (See Borat for example. ) BUT, when it comes to discussing the truth about the problems in our world politically, he wants to snuff out freedom of speech. 

This piece of crap actually has the nerve to become a spokesperson for the ADL! This is unreal! Anyone who actually knows the history of the ADL and what it does would think this is a joke itself.  See here for more about the ADL. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles.)  

Monday, March 25, 2019

Absolute Must Read: Microwave Weapons, Torture and Evil Stalking Snake Psychopaths

Update: I originally posted this in April of 2017. My situation has now become worse. I was sent to the hospital on March 22, 2018, (I'm sure the day was just a coincidence,) with severe pains in my stomach and a heart rate of 29. The Mission Hospital can validate this, I am telling the truth. Since then my health has just become worse. (By the way, did you know that the terrorist attack happened in England on March 22, in 2017? Did you know the terrorist attack that happened in Belgium in 2016 was on March 22? ) Interesting the Skull and Bones 322All coincidences right?  

Besides the people listed below, there are many organized stalking losers in the town of Mission, Maple Ridge, and Abbotsford that are involved in this. The police (RCMP and Abbotsford police,) are completely complicit in covering this up. See here and here for proof of this. Canada has officially become a Banana Republic.

You Must Read All 21 Of The Tweets Below!

See here and here for more about classified technology, see here for more about intelligence tactics. See here for more about slandering and discrediting people with hi-technology video and picture editing. What do the people listed below all have in common?  They are being motivated by a Zionist agenda to do what they are doing... whether they know it or not.  So, either they are working with intelligence, they are working with organized crime somewhere, or they are involved with drugs, (see here for the CIA history and involvement with drugs,) or they are Zionists. 

This is how sad countries like the United States and Canada have become, it is absolutely sickening and pathetic. It is important to know that the intelligence agencies, from their very inception, have always been attached to Wall Street and the banks. They are the real ones who control the drug trade. (For more articles about intelligence agencies and their connections to drugs, see all the articles here, scroll down to read and view them all.) 

Intelligence agencies have always worked with organized crime. There have also been strong connections between Silicon Valley and intelligence agencies right from the beginning. These nutjobs rule our countries. Did you know that the FBI and the RCMP literally receive their intelligence from them? Some of the people below know each other. This is a good example. See here for more about vigilante groups that work with the Police and Neighbourhood Watch. There are many people who are involved in Wall Street who know others in intelligence, military intelligence, counterintelligence in law enforcement, Silicon Valley, organized crime, Hollywood, and academia. They all work together. See here for more about FBI InfraGard

This is the modern-day Stasi Octopus, at the top, it's run by the banks, organized crime, intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley, it then filters down into the community level. It involves everyone from informants for the police, drug dealers, drug addicts, neighborhood watch, businessmen and women, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, government employees, teachers, nurses, ambulance drivers, firemen, trades personnel, (for example; pest control and anti-graffiti cleaning companies or property management,) cross-fit centers, Jiu-Jitsu and martial arts places, gyms, vitamin and supplement stores, law enforcement, private security and security guards, writers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, actors, sports figures, priests and religious leaders, addiction recovery groups, university professors, waiters and hotel personnel. This is exactly what it was like in East Germany. There isn't one group they didn't infiltrate. Now your society has become just as sad, our countries have turned into Stasi nightmares. 


2. See here: We Must Not Forget That Some Of The Greatest Murderers Of Modern Times Were Jewish

3. See here: Talmudic Terror and Torture:

4. Counter Intelligence Phonies Who Know About Stasi Organized Stalking & Classified Technology And Keep Quiet About It:

5. Right now, you have a war going on, literally, it will potentially become a full-blown civil war....Zionists and their collaborators

6. against the population, I swear on my life this is true.  I am risking my life to tell people this

7. They are openly torturing people, and openly using bio-warfare on the population, the RCMP is a complete disgrace and does nothing. They are also using neuro-weapons and they know this

. They are openly shooting people with microwaves and classified technology, I feel this all the time

8. I had pain down my arm and radiate to my chest and back like a stroke... for a couple weeks, they watch like snuff.
(See here for more about satellite terrorism.  See this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes. What they have now is even more advanced. They are using brain-chips and nanotechnology.)

9. Chest pain, neck pain.... they are psychopaths. Why are the Zionist-influenced media and our government covering up technology like this?

10. Microwave Warfare & Directed Energy Weapons - a List of Must See Links and a Video: … … … … … …

11. Also, look under my name Shane Hurren on my Twitter here: see classified technology, learn intelligence tactics, discredit someone with hi-technology

12. I am using my real name and I am the only one who is telling the truth about this, maybe in the whole world. This is the truth

13. This all connects to Israel--

14. Counter Intelligence 101 - The Sabotage Of Legitimate Dissent: … …

15. Look what Donald Trump had to say about Senator John Glenn & yet they won't talk about classified technology: … also former U.S. representative from Ohio and candidate for the president of the United States Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons: THEY ARE REAL!

16. RCMP, CSIS, The CSE, And FBI- RCMP knows about microwave technology and they are allowing biowarfare in Canada:

17. FBI knows of and admits biowarfare, but, RCMP supposedly doesn't know...sure:… … #RCMPARELIARS

18. Counter Intelligence Against Political Dissidents:

19. Must read, this is how they deal with counter-intelligence targets: … …

20. A collection of MUST READ posts about brain chips - electromagnetic weapons and mind control: … … … … … … …

21. A list Of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs that need to be seen for what they really are --- liars:

Friday, March 22, 2019

Must Watch Video the Israel Lobby

This video is a few years old but it is still excellent. Guess what? This will blow your mind.... AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee,) does not have to register as a foreign lobby in the United States! It has been around since 1963, and that is how it has always been. Absolutely amazing. Think of how insane that is. I wonder why they have so much power in the USA. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

New York Times- Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers

Whatever these people suffered, everyone has to know these weapons are 100% real and extremely deadly and evil. I have posted previously about classified and high technology here and here. See here and here for more about targeting political dissidents. See here for evidence of electronic warfare in military manuals, see here for more about it at Wikipedia.

It is rather interesting that the New York Times also talked about mind control and Dr. Delgado in an article way back in the 70's, see here for that.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Sam "Spock" Harris, Who is Jewish Himself: Jews Often Bring it On Themselves (When He Was More Honest) Lex Fridman Read Here For More About the "Courage" of Bill Ackman on Wall Street Benefiting From the Covid Crash

Sam Harris also knows the truth of the COVID-19 epidemic. ( See here for how people on Wall Street and Silicon Valley benefited from it,) and because he is a mouthpiece who works for the CIA, he will not tell you the truth about that either. Interestingly, he is also friends with the Satanic loser Joe Rogan and some of the Silicon Valley clowns too

They don't care about any of you, they lie all the time. Sam, why don't you talk about this? You should know what is happening, you are a neuroscientist, just like Andrew Huberman. 

It's a trick, we always use it. I love that. Here is another interesting video of an Israeli saying the "Godly" action is to kill you. Sam, why don't you talk about some of the crazy extremist psychopaths in the state of Israel? Like this guy. That's only one, and he is the equivalent of the head of Public Safety Canada or Homeland Security in the USA. He literally is a supporter of terrorists and now arguably, is one! What is the real threat in Canada and the USA right now? It is Jewish Zionist extremism

The only country in the world that says this.  See this comment from a past Israeli Prime Minister! If you had Christians or Muslims saying this, we would not hear the end of it. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Really? No Way.... Would Have Never Believed It...

Read this

And this and this

Oh, and this,.

Wait,  let us not forget about this:

(Who They Pinned to a Cross)


John 7:13Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.
John 19:38And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.
John 20:19Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

Borg Hand Sign

Borg Cube

Israeli Soldier

Religious Jew

666 Hand Sign

Epstein Island Cube Israeli Colours
Maxwell (and Father) British Intelligence and Israeli
Epstein CIA and Israeli

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Blade Runner Actress (Sean Young) Talking About the Jewish Control of the Media On the Topic of the Middle East and Israel

Zionism Controls Our Governments, The Police, The Streets, Wake Up This Is Community Oriented Policing

See here for classified technology and here for intelligence and Homeland Security tactics.  These same strategies are being done in Canada by the RCMP, CSIS, CSE, and Public Safety Canada.  This is a Zionist plan of control.  See here and here for more about Zionist organized stalking. See here for killing freedom of speech when it comes to Israel. See here for a collection of links about Homeland Security and how it connects to the ideology of Zionism. 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

'Couple Harassed with Organized Stalking Noise Harassment Campaign'

See here for another MUST SEE video on this topic.

Notice in the video below how even members of the police, fire department and as I say here, nurses are involved. This is how screwed up these pieces of crap really are. They are complete psychopaths. My situation is because of sick, screwed up people that are connected to organized crime, intelligence agencies, Hollywood, Wall Street and Silicon Valley that has filtered down into the community level. My targeting is 100% Zionist based.

That is not to say that "all Jews" are involved, nor that it is only Jews doing this, but... that is the truth of what is happening to me. See here for Homeland Security and its links to Zionism. I also must stress, this targeting started before I began posting anything about what I knew. Meaning, the targeting got worse when I started posting information, but, they were doing this to me before I posted anything. This is a part of counter-intelligence with collaboration in the private sector and organized crime. See here for more information about how the RCMP and CSIS are involved with this. This is what they do. See here for intelligence tactics and here for classified technology.  See here for a free e-book about organized stalking that is being perpetrated by government agencies.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Police Take Surveillance To A WHOLE New Level

Once again, showing how pathetic the police really are, you cannot trust them. All they do is lie. They will never admit what they are really doing. All the agencies are working together to surveil the whole population. This is no different than what the police are doing in Canada. The other programs they are using are here.  Much of what is being used is artificial intelligence. See here for the DARPA artificial intelligence grid.  Other companies that are involved in providing this technology to law enforcement are, and

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Threat of Israeli settler violence casts dark shadow over 2019

Following a year of escalating attacks by settlers against Palestinians, Israel's security agency is warning of a continued upward trend

Sunday 27 January 2019 10:55 UTC

On the night of 12 October 2018, Aisha al-Rabi, a Palestinian in her 40s, was riding in her family’s car, seated next to her husband and with her two daughters asleep in the back. 
These would be the final minutes of her life. The mother-of-seven was killed moments later, after being struck in the head by a stone thrown by a group of teenage Jewish settlers on a road near the settlement of Rehelim in the occupied West Bank.
Rabi’s brutal murder was just one of 482 attacks carried out by Jewish settlers against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank during 2018, a threefold increase over the previous year.
Even more worrying, Israel’s security agency, Shin Bet, forecasts a continued upward surge in settler violence against Palestinians this year, warning that extremist Jewish groups are “committed” to terrorising Palestinians in the occupied territory. 

Clear and sinister motive

It’s hard to imagine how 2018 could have been any worse for the more than six million Palestinians who live in Israel and the occupied territories. Not only did the US sanctify an Israeli war crime in relocating its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but it also cut funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, jeopardising the lives of hundreds of thousands Palestinian refugees who depend on the agency for their daily survival. 
Also last year, Israeli snipers assassinated around 200 peaceful Palestinian protesters in Gaza, including women, children, medics and journalists, all killed since the Great March of Return began on 30 March.
These attacks are occurring and increasing for one very simple reason: The perpetrators are neither deterred, arrested nor punished
Added to this misery is the fact that illegal Jewish settlers are now seemingly hell-bent on going after the more than two million Palestinians who legally occupy the West Bank.
While only a small number of the 482 settler attacks in 2018 were fatal, the objective of this violence has a clear and sinister motive: to terrorise the indigenous population into fleeing their homes for refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and elsewhere.
Acts of settler violence have included physical assaults and the vandalism and destruction of Palestinian-owned farmland, homes and vehicles. In addition, “price tag” attacks have been designed to “exact a price” from local Palestinians for residing on the land that Israeli settlers deem desirable for themselves.

Apartheid system of governance

Palestinian residents in the village of Yasuf described to Middle East Eye how they awoke to find their car tyres slashed, and their homes and local mosque covered in racist graffiti, including: “Death to Arabs”, “Price tag” and “Revenge”.
These attacks are occurring and increasing for one very simple reason: The perpetrators are neither deterred, arrested nor punished. In the occupied West Bank, there is one set of laws and rules for Palestinians, and another for Israeli settlers. This is the hallmark of an apartheid system of governance: two laws for one land. 
Israeli settlers are pictured in the settlement of Sa Nur in the occupied West Bank on 24 July (AFP)
In fact, the entire Israeli judicial system is based on racism and prejudice against non-Jewish people, so much so that it refuses to recognise the rights of Palestinians who live lawfully on their land, while at the same time granting extraordinary legal rights to Jewish settlers who live in settlements that defy international law.
It’s also easy to argue that in the Trump era, which has effectively given Israel a green light to do whatever it pleases against Palestinians - no matter how repressive, illegal or immoral - there is a climate of impunity for settlers in the West Bank. This is illustrated by the fact that the Israeli government issued its highest number of new settlement construction tenders in more than a decade during the past year.

‘Green light’ for settlements

When I spoke with former Palestinian health minister Basem Naim, he identified four factors behind the surge in settler violence, including the Israeli government’s tacit support of right-wing extremism; the refusal of the Israeli judicial system to hold violent settlers accountable; the US government’s “green light” for building more settlements; and the “collaboration” of Palestinian Authority security forces with Israel.
Omar Baddar, a Palestinian American and deputy director of the Arab American Institute, told me: “Donald Trump’s administration is the most viciously anti-Palestinian administration in the history of the US.
"[As a result], Israeli settlers have picked up on the climate created by their own extremist government and the unconditional backing of the Trump administration, which in turn emboldens them to carry out further aggression against the Palestinians, knowing accountability is a very distant prospect.”
With these political winds favouring Israel’s settler movement - one that’s enthusiastically led by the Netanyahu government and underwritten by the Trump administration - 2019 promises to be every bit as violent towards Palestinians living under the boot of an ever-expanding settler population, one that’s becoming increasingly emboldened and radicalised.