Showing posts with label Political Correctness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political Correctness. Show all posts

Monday, March 12, 2018

Narcissistic Jewish Bullies And The Bolshevik Mentality: This Is Now A Driving Force In Canada And The United States

Cultural Marxism is being implemented under Homeland Security in the United States and the Bill C-51 laws in Canada. They are also using neighborhood watch, social media like Facebook, (see here for an article about Facebook and intelligence agency connections,) vigilante groups, and Jewish Sayanim to accomplish this. (See this here about what is happening in the area where I grew up.)

This is happening all across Canada and in the United States too. The media is actively covering it up and is complicit. This is why it is important to know who the major shareholders and owners of the media are.

Unfortunately, much commentary on Cultural Marxism leaves out the Jewish influence, motivations, and ideology behind it. (See here for what Gilad Atzmon is saying.) It cannot be ignored if you want to face reality. It is the real driving force behind all of this.  It is literally on the flag of Israel. See here for more about Stalin's Jews - we must not forget that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish. See here for more about Homeland Security and its connections to Zionism. See here for the connections between Freemasonry, Jews, the state of Israel and the Stasi.

See here for the historical connections between the Bolsheviks, the Cheka, and the Stasi. See here for the historical connections between the Jews, Bolsheviks, and the Russian Revolution which led to the Cheka. See here for more about the Stasi and how Homeland Security is based on the exact same idea, see here for more about the tactics these sociopaths are implementing, and here for the classified technology they are using. Also, see here and here to learn more about the technique that intelligence agencies use called "Gaslighting."

End note: To see how Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism ties into intelligence agencies, Transhumanism, computers, and even drugs see here and here. The reality is, the intelligence agencies have always worked with Hollywood, drugs, organized crime, the military, universities, and banks. See here for the history of the intelligence agencies with drugs. (Scroll down and go through all the articles there on drugs and the CIA connections.) The Frankfurt School were the neo-Freudian architects of the 60's counterculture and also responsible for the modern ideas of  Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness. It is important to realize how much this was created to curb and monitor supposed "antisemitism" and the criticism of Jews and Zionism.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kevin MacDonald Prof. Cal State Jewish Influence On Western Culture

For books from Kevin MacDonald, see here. When talking about Judaism, one might want to ask the question ---- what exactly is meant by crypto-Judaism or "secretly practicing Judaism?"

Most people do not know enough about Judaism to be able to judge it properly. Were they expelled from nations in the past simply because they refrained from eating pork or because they observed the Sabbath?  Seriously, think of how stupid that sounds. 

At the 13 minute point of the video it becomes speculative when he is referring to how the Y chromosome can be traced back to Aaron and Moses. See here for more about Jews and DNA. Also see this video which supports the Christian interpretation of the Old Testament. The Christian interpretation is much more logical and reasonable. Hence, the Christian emphasis on LOGOS or reason and logic in the Gospel of John. 

Instruct certain men not to teach false doctrines or devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculation rather than the stewardship of God’s work, which is by faith. The goal of our instruction is the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a sincere faith - 1 Timothy 1:4

Monday, February 6, 2017

Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness

Another excellent video showing how pathetic some Jewish intellectuals are. For other interesting posts on political correctness, see here, here and here. Also be sure to see here for more about Jewish slavery with blacks and whites. (Be sure to scroll down and see all of the articles.)

To receive value from the video below, you do not have to be a supporter of Christianity or the Catholic church. It is just important for you to see where some of the crazy ideas of political correctness had their origins.

Most people do not know much about Judaism--- how are you supposed to be a judge of something you do not understand? First off, everyone should read the Old Testament and realize Jews are a people of the Old Testament --- but that is far from being the whole picture, read here to learn more. Also, see here for more about the Jewish Talmud.

Jews need to own up for their major role in slavery. They were involved more than any other group of people. Jewish director Stephen Spielberg will not talk about it in his movie Amistad. Why not Mr. Spielberg? I used to have so much respect for Jewish people, unfortunately, I have seen the truth of what some Jews really are.... absolutely privileged pathetic liars.