Showing posts with label Outsourced Intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outsourced Intelligence. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Private Intelligence Agencies Receiving Government Contracts

Please see here , here and here about private and outsourced intelligence fronts. See here for the evidence of the CIA working with drugs and organized crime. Also, see these previous posts on private intelligence agencies here, here, and here

See here for where Homeland Security started from and the driving force behind it. See here for more about the ADL working with the police and its ties to organized crime. See here for more about the precursor to this program. As these articles show, the technology that these people have access to is beyond what most people could even comprehend. The mainstream and the alternative media are lying to you, this blog is telling you the truth. They are telling you some truth, but, they are lying by omission. They are not telling you how bad it is or who is predominantly behind it and why. These people (predominantly Israeli apologists,) are engaging in broadcasting the lives of people like reality TV shows, while remotely torturing them with electronic warfare

They are complete psychopaths. They are so crazy and out of control, it is beyond what most people could even imagine. It sounds unreal --- and they know this. IT IS THE TRUTH. It is the intention of these government torture programs to be as violent and harsh as possible so victims sound crazy when they describe the events. The tactics used by the CIA/DoD (department of defense) for massive human experimentation has not changed. Acting like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde allows them cover and plausible denial while they cower back into the fringe and shadows of government. If they made the experiments mild, people would be more likely to believe the DoD/CIA conducted this kind of torture research.

Congress in the United States and the House of Commons in Canada are a part of the problem, they are going along for the ride. It is time that people begin to call these losers out, they are complicit in these criminal governments. They are not representing the people. We must fight to spread the truth through word of mouth and other yet to be controlled information channels. Ignorance is the only enemy and everyone working to keep secrets or spread disinformation are merely the unimportant pawns to be sacrificed in this classic metaphorical battle between good and evil.

The United States and Canada, (because of their joint border protection contracts that have sprung up since September 11th,2001 and their special relationship with Israel, example here,) have become like Banana Republics. The people that have access to this technology are above the law. They are essentially organized crime with intelligence contracts and high-security clearance. They are the real ones running the United States. 


What is A Private Intelligence Agency?

Before reading any of this, see here and here. Also, see this. The privatization of "bads" or questionable governmental practices (like warfare and intelligence,) has always been looked at as something that would be unacceptable to do because it leaves less accountability. These contracts are being awarded to companies and are paid by taxpayers. Please see here for when the Soviet Union fell apart and the so-called "privatization" that took place. Are we seeing something similar in the United States? Massive looting while the government falls apart?  
A 'PIA' or Private Intelligence Agency is a private sector (non-governmental) or quasi non-government organization devoted to the collection and analysis of information, most commonly through the evaluation of public sources (OSINT or Open Source INTelligence) and cooperation with other institutions. Some private agencies make their services available to governments as well as individual consumers; however, most of these agencies sell their services to large corporations with an interest or investment in the category (e.g. crimediseasecorruption, etc.) or the region (e.g. Middle EastVietnamPrague, etc.).
The private intelligence industry has boomed due to shifts in how the U.S. government is conducting espionage in the War on Terror. Some US$56 billion or 70% of the US$80 billion national intelligence budget of the United States was in 2013 earmarked for the private sector according to the New York Times' Tim Shorrock.

Functions previously performed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), and other intelligence agencies are now outsourced to private intelligence corporations. The AMC series Rubicon was devoted to the fictional intelligence consultancy American Policy Institute (API).

Outsourcing Intelligence 

Outsourcing Intelligence is a method by which a country gathers information using non-governmental employees. In the United States of America, at least 50% of intelligence gatherers are contractors instead of governmental employees. 
The government of a country may outsource intelligence gathering that may not be obtainable through other means, they may also need to use human intelligence such as the CIA's National Clandestine Service (NCS). It may mean outsourcing to foreign nationals from a country of interest, they may outsource to private companies as well to gather the specified intelligence needed. For a company, the ways of outsourcing intelligence are the same, in which third party individuals and corporations are hired to obtain data and other intelligence. Intelligence can also be outsourced for analysis by a third party, in a similar fashion to what the CIA's Directorate of Intelligence does.
Former analysts and officers of the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of National Intelligence are allowed to leave their government positions and go work for companies in the private sector the next day doing the same job. This is known as "butts in seats." The reason one former government analyst did go work for a private intelligence firm was that the pay in the private sector was about 50% higher than the one he had from the government.

Private Sector Dominance

Following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the United States Congress increased the funding flow to the intelligence community. In November 2005, a CIA official revealed the intelligence budget to be $44 billion, which increased from a $26.6 billion budget reported by CIA Director George Tenet in 1997.
The intelligence community is allowed to keep its budget secret. With this secrecy comes speculation that at the absolute least 50% of the entire budget now flows to the private sector. It is also estimated that in the intelligence community much of the 15,000 analysts are drawing private-sector paychecks as a result of “butts in seats.”
According to R.J. Hillhouse, "Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) workers revealed at a conference in May that contractors make up 51% of the staff in the DIA." Hillhouse goes further to say that, "the CIA has a similar situation…between 50% and 60% of the workforce of the CIA’s most important directorate, the National Clandestine Service (NCS)… is composed of employees of for-profit corporations.” Hillhouse also says that in terms of oversight the ratio is 1:25 (one government employee supervising twenty-five private contractors), which means that it will "involve multiple companies and multiple layers of administration."
Since the September 11 attacks, U.S. telecommunications giants AT&T and Verizon have actually outsourced all their controversial NSA-mandated internet and telephone surveillance to the contractors Narus andVerint respective, both of which have close ties to Israeli intelligence services, although they maintain headquarters in the U.S.

Some Notable private intelligence companies

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Front Businesses and Intelligence Agents

The intelligence officer who recruits and runs agents is a case officer or handler. The handler uses a motivation scale to recruit his agents. 

The higher on the scale, the more trustworthy the agent is to remain loyal and not change sides.

The different motivating factors:

1. Duty
2. Political Agreement
3. Ambition
4. Coercion or Blackmail
5. Money

All agents operate under a cover. Their cover is pretending they are a friend of the enemy person or group they are infiltrating. They hide the fact that they are actually working for an enemy. If they are exposed as enemy agents, they lose their ability to deceive and influence. These front companies are involved in gathering intelligence and using Stasi stalking techniques to ruin people's lives.  See here also. See here for the technology that is used by intelligence. See here for a blog about various technologies that intelligence agencies use. 

Over 50% of intelligence is now being outsourced. Some of the front companies are drug dealing operations or are using a front to conceal their drug operations. (See here for more information about connections between the CIA and drugs.) Some of the businesses that I list here are the sort of front businesses that the FBI lists as terrorist front businesses. Some that I know about are writers, escorts, mining companies, trading education businesses, hedge funds, prop trading firms, martial arts businesses, crossfit-gyms, yoga centers, property management, real-estate agents, mortgage brokers, decal and graphics companies, landscaping and gardening businesses, home renovations (especially mold or mildew from grow operations,) graffiti removal and pest control. 

This is what a cover looks like. If the sheep are fooled by the cover, it leads to their demise. Intelligence and propaganda are weapons used in defeating an enemy. Infiltration, manipulation by propaganda, and sabotage are acts of war. An intelligence agent is just as destructive as an enemy soldier in uniform who is shooting people. An intelligence agent is an operating enemy soldier – who is not making that obvious by wearing an enemy uniform.

The type of person who needs a tank to roll up on their doorstep before they realize they are under attack – they become a casualty in the warfare being waged by covert enemy intelligence agents. Intelligence groups hide behind minions and front groups who do their dirty work and take the blame for it. Let’s take a look at front groups and dupe agents. The usual way a person becomes an intelligence agent is they have knowingly agreed to do it because the handler asked them to. But, that is not the only way that people become agents.

A front group is constructed when the main group cannot have any connection to the action being taken by the front. A front group is run by a knowing agent for an intelligence agency.

If the government wanted to get rid of a particular person or group, (those who oppose the people or group in power,) they cannot openly go about that because it is supposedly illegal for the government to do that. So, the case officer recruits an agent who will start a front group. The front group attacks the person or group that the government wants to get rid of, and therefore the government can deny responsibility for the attacks on that person or group.

The intelligence agent who starts and runs a front group is a knowing agent. He reports to his handler and takes orders from his handler. That knowing agent will employ other people to work within the front group. These other people have no connection to the handler and they have not made an agreement with the handler to act as his agent. However, they are still serving as agents for the handler, they are called dupe agents.

These dupe agents will deny they are being agents for an intelligence agency. It is not what the agent thinks that makes him an agent, it is what the handler thinks.

Front groups are established with a covert evil purpose in mind. The intelligence agent who starts a front group is aware of the covert evil purpose. Other people are brought in who are usually decent people with good intentions. They are not told that the group has been formed by an intelligence agency for a covert evil purpose. The dupes make the front group look like it is just a bunch of good guys doing good things. But the leadership is carrying out a covert evil purpose. The dupes help conceal what the top guys are up to.

The lower-down people in the front group will go out and do what their front business is supposed to do. This makes it appear that they are just a bunch of nice guys. However, at the top of the intelligence front groups, you have people involved in evil activities.

The dupes always think they work for a good cause. But to maintain that idea they have to turn a blind eye to what the leadership is doing.

The true purpose of the front group is not defined by what the lower-down people think and do.

It is defined by what the highest people think and do.

Intelligence agencies run covert black intelligence operations against people they are attacking. They are black because they are based on lies and they are somehow immoral. Framing a person for a crime they did not actually commit is an example of a covert black intelligence operation.

There are also black propaganda operations. Propaganda uses lies to manipulate an audience or community. The audience is under attack because they are being fed false information to manipulate their ideas.

Propaganda is used in every means of communication – smear and slander campaigns, social media, newspapers, magazines, novels, books, radio, television, movies, music, video games, and the internet. Propaganda is one of their most used methods for behavior modification – they call it social engineering and the engineering of consent.

Black intelligence operations and black propaganda operations are covert, because the people doing them do not reveal who they are working for. Both are weak, they lose the ability to influence others when they are exposed as being based on lies or if the people doing them are exposed as to who they work for.

Those who are not alert to the actions of intelligence agents and propaganda agents will have their lives adversely affected. You recognizing enemy intelligence and propaganda agents undermines what they wanted to accomplish.

When they are exposed as being enemy agents, they lose their ability to deceive and influence. One way you can identify an agent is by asking – Who benefits from what the person is doing, or, what are they not willing to talk about?  Intelligence agents are masters of lies by omission. The mainstream and alternative media are full of people like this.

Another example. Let's say you were a best friend of someone for an extended period, and something happened to you to attempt to discredit you and your friend knew about it. Later, after some careful investigation, you discovered that your friend was following you around for extended periods of time, he knew about classified technology that is so invasive it can read your mind and influence your behavior. You also found out that your friend was working with people that you were a critic of and he was running a front business for intelligence. When you confront him, he records your conversation, calls the police and gets you thrown in a mental institution. (Once again, this is actually standard procedure to discredit someone.)

Tactics used by intelligence operatives against “targets” for deceit and reputation destruction:

The 4 D's:  1. Disrupt 2. Deceive 3. Degrade 4. Deny

1. They infiltrate and disrupt a target's life, family and community,  they isolate and destabilize the target, they vilify, they defame, ridicule and harass the target, they nullify the target
2. Torture, Slander and Organized Stalking
3. Zersetzung: The Origins of Modern-Day Homeland Security and the Police State
4. Zersetzung: The Origins of Modern-Day Homeland Security and the Police State Part 2
5. Zersetzung Part 3 - The New Homeland Security
6. Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism
7. How to Discredit Someone - Slander and Stalking
8. How Covert Agents Infiltrate To Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations
9. An Interesting Video About Smearing Political Enemies

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Top Secret America --- Massive Outsourced US Intelligence

Spies For Hire

More on the problems of outsourced intelligence.......

The Choose Yourself Era - Is Outsourcing Intelligence a Big Problem?

I think so.

Is this an example of anarcho-capitalism at work? That's a question I cannot answer. What I would say is this looks eerily similar to the dissolution of the state after the end of the Soviet Union.

The video and the articles below help to make this less CONFIDENTIAL. In other words... it allows you to see it with a pair of "choose yourself" glasses.

So this will have to do.

Imagine if people in the private sector have access to all or some of the stuff I've been talking about on this blog. How are they held accountable?

Can they use what is described here on whoever they want?

Below you'll find two videos about a company called Stratfor. (Also see here.) I'm sure a few people know about them in the financial industry.

And here is another: