Showing posts with label MK-Ultra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MK-Ultra. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Where's the Justice? Silicon Valley Billionaire Scum Along With the CIA and NSA: Must Watch Documentary Below- Learn the History of Manipulation of Human Beings With Classified Technology (Many Silicon Valley Billionaires, Electrical Engineers, Computer Scientists, Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists Know About This & Are Complicit in Covering it Up)

See here for more about Ewen Cameron.  See here for a list of government agencies involved in covering up the human rights abuses and torture that continues now.  

See here and here for more about classified and hi-technology. See here for more about MkUltra. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles when you click through on the MkUltra link.) See here for more about Transhumanism. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles and videos when you click on the Transhumanist link.)

The documentary below is an absolute must watch. Be sure to watch the whole presentation. You will learn how long this technology has been around and the massive human rights abuses that have been perpetrated. This is something that is rarely talked about, in fact, it is extremely difficult to find information on this topic. Be sure to watch this old news clip from CNN in the 80's. Also interesting are movies from the 80's like Videodrome and Brainstorm

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons

For more information on classified technology, see here.

By Stephen Lendman

Directed energy weapons include lasers, high power microwave, and millimeter wave models among others. A relevant December 2007 Department of Defense (DOD) report called them a "transformational game changer in military operations, able to augment and improve operational capabilities in many areas," for both lethal and non-lethal purposes.

Access the full text through the following link:

Among other applications, EMF weapons/devices are used for harassment, surveillance and mind control. Agencies like the Pentagon, CIA and NSA use them to monitor people, manipulate their minds, harm, and at times kill them. The Navy Times called them the "most feared and controversial weapon(s) of (the) modern age."

Human experiments in America go back decades, an earlier article addressed MK-ULTRA accessed through the following link:

Begun in 1953, it was the code name for a secret CIA mind control program to perfect a truth drug. It followed earlier WW II hypnosis, primitive drugs research, and the US Navy's Project Chatter, identifying and testing drugs on both animal and human subjects. These and other experiments aimed to control human behavior through psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs, electroshock, radiation, graphology, paramilitary techniques, and various psychological/sociological/anthropological methods, among others.

They comprised a vast open-field of mind experimentation, using anything that might work, legal or not on willing and unwitting subjects. For example, Dr. Ross Adey worked on the CIA's Pandora Project, using microwaves to send signals to human brains. Cataloguing the results, he showed how they affected emotional and pathological states. He also learned that human brains could be controlled remotely through extremely low frequency modulated microwave beams, able to cause psychological and physical harm.

People could almost be turned into zombies, their minds easily controlled. Physical harm also resulted, affecting their blood, cardiovascular system, cells, central nervous and digestive systems, glands, metabolism, reproduction, eyesight, and hearing. In addition, subjects could be made suicidal or driven mad. Moreover, sounds and speech can be placed in victims' brains, actual voices they can't control or stop.

Other effects include unexplainable burning, itching, tickling or pressure; "humming" or "buzzing" causing sleeplessness and anxiety; loss of body control, producing sudden twitching or jerking of an arm or leg; and feelings of dread, rage, lust, sorrow, or other emotions that come and go quickly.

Moreover, microwave cooking can heat people to death by increasing the radiation field intensity, causing local hot spots in eyes, gall bladders, and other body parts. Paralysis can also be induced. Memories are erased or impaired. Cancerous cells can be produced, and behavior modified the way authorities wish, even turning people into killers, microwave signals directing them. The entire mobile phone network can be used for these purposes, yet people are unaware of what's happening.

Post-WW II, human radiation experiments were conducted, affecting thousands of US citizens. Millions more were exposed to radioactive fallout from over 200 atmospheric and underground tests. At the Nevada site in the 1950s and 1960s, detonations affected over 200,000 '"atomic vets," thousands more downwind also in Nevada, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico. These and numerous other physical and psychological experiments caused enormous harm to hundreds of thousands of unwitting people, victimized by their own country.

Electronic harassment and mind control technologies direct energy through lasers, radio frequency energy beams, holography, interferometry, electromagnetic radiation, radio and sound waves, satellites, radar, brain-computer interfaces, brain chips, smart dust, and other means. All do it invisibly over thousands of miles. They can penetrate walls, buildings, metals, concrete, mountains and thousands of miles of earth.

Bush I declared the 1990s "The Decade of the Brain," an effort "to enhance public awareness of the benefits to be derived from brain research," keeping its dark side hidden.

The Pentagon's DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) conducted research and development in "augmented cognition," what universities call "cognitive science." It's the interdisciplinary study of how information is represented and transformed in the brain. The Pentagon's purpose was for military applications, including manipulating the emotions and behavior of adversaries.

Used globally, it's applicable individually, for crowd control, or larger groups, using millimeter waves, pulsed energy projectiles, and high power magnetic weapons, subjects unaware of what's hitting them.

The NSA's Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) involves decoding EMF waves to tap into computers wirelessly and track people. Using EMF Brain Stimulation to monitor individuals, organizations and nations, it complements the CIA/Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) Human Intelligence (HUMINT), and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's Imagery Intelligence (IMINT). NSA's DOMINT can track millions of people simultaneously. It can also inflict harm, control subjects psychologically and kill.

In conflict zones like Iraq and Afghanistan, "Project Sheriff" is used to give "troops working in urban terrain more options" against combatants and noncombatants alike. Humvees and armored personnel carriers have been retrofitted with non-lethal weapons, including microwave-like pain rays (an Active Denial System) and a Long Range Acoustic Device emitting earsplitting sounds.

Pulsed Energy Projectiles (PEPs) travel nearly at the speed of light. With pinpoint accuracy, they emit invisible laser pulses, electromagnetic radiation, stunning targets, knocking them off their feet, paralyzing them in pain. Their long-term effects, however, are unknown, including on the brain.

Voice to Skull directed acoustic devices are neuro-electromagnetic non-lethal weapons, able to produce mood-altering sounds in a person's head. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) uses satellite transmitted extra low frequencies (ELF) to send voice to brain communications. Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs) are used for crowd control. They produce 150-decibel acoustic beams, "designed to communicate with authority and exceptionally high intelligibility in a 15 - 30 degree beam." They emit verbal challenges over distances beyond 500 meters, with warning tones to influence behavior. They can also inflict physical harm, manipulate minds, and cause death.

The field of Augmented Cognition includes Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), used therapeutically and for military purposes. The latter is to emit close proximity electrical impulses to the brain to affect mood, sleep patterns, and improve cognitive abilities in areas of learning, memory, attentiveness, visualization, and decision-making. The long-term neurological effects are unknown. The potential for human harm is considerable.

Transmitted over long distances, silent psychotronic weapons can cause illness or death for no apparent reason. In his 1970 book, "Between Two Ages," Zbigniew Brezezinski, discussed technologies to conduct secret warfare, saying:

"It is possible - and tempting - to exploit, for strategic-political purposes, the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior....Accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth....In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of a very large population in selected regions, over an extended period."

Most people know nothing about directed energy weapons, manipulating, incapacitating and killing many thousands who have no idea what hit them. America has been a longtime global offender, developing and using them for decades to surveil, harass, intimidate, manipulate, torture, and kill. They can also read minds and turn people into mind-controlled zombies. Why? To achieve total unchallengeable control.

So-called "non-lethal weapons" can be as harmful as killer ones. Ongoing research, in fact, is chilling. Waging war on human minds and bodies, it's morally, ethically, and legally indefensible. Continuing, however, atrocity technologies are produced, mostly without public knowledge or that governments like America use them against their own people and others. For ill, of course, not good. Dr. Mengele lives.

MK-ULTRA: The CIA's Mind Control Program

For more information about the origins of mind control and what is known as MKUltra, See here, here, here, here, here and here. For more about classified technology, see here

by Stephen Lendman

MK-ULTRA was the code name for a secret CIA mind control program, begun in 1953, under Director Allen Dulles. Its purpose was multifold, including to perfect a truth drug for interrogating suspected Soviet spies during the Cold War. It followed earlier WW II hypnosis, primitive drugs research, and the US Navy's Project Chatter, explained by its Bureau of Medicine and Surgery in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request as follows:

It began "in the fall of 1947 focusing on the identification and testing of drugs (LSD and others) in interrogations and the recruitment of agents. The research included laboratory experiments on both animal and human subjects. The program ended shortly after the Korean War in 1953." 

It was run under the direction of Dr. Charles Savage of the Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, MD from 1947 - 1953, after which CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence continued it under the name Project Bluebird, its first mind control program to:

-- learn how to condition subjects to withstand information from being extracted from them by known means;

-- develop interrogation methods to exert control;

-- develop memory enhancement techniques; and

-- establish ways to prevent hostile control of Agency personnel.

In 1951, it was renamed Project Artichoke, then MK-ULTRA under Deputy CIA Director Richard Helms in 1953. It aimed to control human behavior through psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs, electroshock, radiation, graphology, paramilitary techniques, and psychological/sociological/anthropological methods, among others - a vast open-field of mind experimentation trying anything that might work, legal or otherwise on willing and unwitting subjects.

Ongoing at different times were 149 sub-projects in 80 US and Canadian universities, medical centers and three prisons, involving 185 researchers, 15 foundations and numerous drug companies. Everything was top secret, and most records later destroyed, yet FOIA suits salvaged thousands of pages with documented evidence of the horrific experiments and their effects on human subjects.

Most were unwitting guinea pigs, and those consenting were misinformed of the dangers. James Stanley was a career soldier when given LSD in 1958 along with 1,000 other military "volunteers." They suffered hallucinations, memory loss, incoherence, and severe personality changes. Stanley exhibited uncontrollable violence. It destroyed his family, impeded his working ability, and he never knew why until the Army asked him to participate in a follow-up study. 

He sued for damages under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), his case reaching the Supreme Court in United States v. Stanley. Argued and decided in 1987, the Court dismissed his claim (5 - 4), ruling his injuries occurred during military service. Justices Thurgood Marshall, William Brennan and Sandra Day O'Conner wrote dissenting opinions, saying the Nuremberg Code applies to soldiers as well as civilians. In 1996, Stanley got $400,000 in compensation, but no apology from the government.

Perhaps MK-ULTRA's most publicized victim was Frank Olsen, a biochemist working for the Army Chemical Corps' Special Operations Division at Ft. Detrick, MD. On November 18, 1953, he was administered LSD. Immediately, he became agitated and severely paranoid. Nine days later, he reportedly committed suicide by jumping 13 stories to his death through a New York hotel's closed window. His family members didn't know he was drugged until MK-ULTRA was exposed in 1975. 

President Gerald Ford apologized, granted a $750,000 settlement, but Olson's son discovered documents suggesting his father was killed. In 1994, he exhumed the body, had it forensically evaluated, and the conclusion was homicide based on a previously undetected skull fracture suggesting a blow on the head and other disturbing evidence.

Stanley Glickman was another MK-ULTRA tragedy, an unwitting victim of hallucinogenic drugs and electroshock treatment. He became traumatized, couldn't work, barely ate, suffered a psychological breakdown and never fully recovered. After learning about the CIA's LSD experiments, he sued in 1983. The trial was delayed 16 years, he died, but his sister Gloria Kronisch pursued the case.

MK-ULTRA chief Stanley Gottleib was at issue, hired to run its Technical Service Staff (TSS) to develop poisons to assassinate political opponents, truth serum drugs for interrogating spies, and mind control techniques to create robot assassins or unwitting double agents. He used Nazi scientists and their state of the art methods, perfected on concentration camp victims. Some were known as programmers, skilled professionals in the art of breaking down and controlling the human mind.

Joseph Mengele did similar work, experimenting extensively with children and adults using mescaline, electroshock therapy, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, torture, rape, starvation, and trauma bonding. He was so successful with the latter technique that survivors expressed strong affection for him.

The CIA and US military copied the Nazi methodology through numerous programs, including MK-ULTRA, MK being an abbreviation for words "mind control" in German. According to obtained documents, it works best when severe trauma (such as rape) occurs by age three, the result often causing the personality to split or dissociate (called dissociative identity disorder or DID) to repress painful memories.

Therapists can cause multiple personality disorder (MPD) by mind manipulation, but early in life trauma makes victims especially vulnerable. Gottlieb focused on LSD for mind control and exotic poisons and drugs for political assassinations.

Under Operation Paperclip, around 9000 Nazi scientists and technicians were recruited

In 1952, Gottlieb met Glickman in a Paris cafe, bought him a drink and laced it with LSD. After finally being held to account, he became ill. The trial was postponed, and on the eve of its resumption he died unexpectedly. At the time, New York Times and Los Angeles Times obituaries reported that his family refused to disclose the cause. The online WorldNet Daily explained it was after a "month-long bout with pneumonia," saying that after being admitted to the University of Virginia Medical Center, he lapsed into a coma, never recovered, but foul play couldn't be determined. 

At trial against his estate, the judge died of a heart attack while exercising. The question again arose. Was it natural or was he killed, especially since his replacement was prejudicial to the plaintiff having thrown out his case two years earlier. Perhaps so after the jury ruled against Glickman's family, denying them justice.

On December 22, 1974, Seymour Hersh exposed MK-ULTRA in a New York Times article. Headlined, "Huge CIA Operation Reported in US Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years," it documented illegal activities, including secret experiments on US citizens during the 1960s and earlier. Church Committee Congressional investigations followed, headed by Senator Frank Church, on abusive intelligence practices, replaced by the Pike Committee five months later. The Rockefeller Commission, under vice president Nelson Rockefeller, also examined the domestic activities of the CIA, FBI, and military intelligence agencies.

By summer 1975, it was learned that CIA and Department of Defense had conducted illegal experiments on willing and unwitting subjects as part of an exhaustive program to influence human behavior through psychoactive drugs (including LSD and mescaline) and other chemical, biological, psychological, and other methods.

Origins of CIA Mind Manipulation Practices

CIA became interested in Montreal Dr. Ewen Cameron's work at McGill University's Allan Memorial Institute. With full knowledge of the Canadian government, he was funded to perform bizarre experiments on his psychiatric patients, including keeping them asleep and isolated for weeks, then administering large doses of electroshock and experimental drug cocktails, LSD and PCP angel dust among them.

Though clearly unethical, Cameron believed by blasting the human brain with an array of shocks, he could unmake impaired minds, rebuilding them with new personalities cleansed of their previous state. It was voodoo science and failed, but CIA gained a wealth of knowledge it's used to this day.

In 1951, the Agency engaged McGill's director of psychology, Dr. Donald Hebb, and others to conduct sensory-deprivation experiments on volunteer students. They showed intense isolation disrupts clear thinking enough to make subjects receptive to suggestion. They were also formidable interrogation techniques amounting to torture when forcibly administered.

These early experiments laid the foundation for CIA's two-stage torture process - sensory deprivation followed by overload. University of Wisconsin historian Alfred McCoy documented them in his book, "A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror," calling them "the first real revolution in the cruel science of pain in more than three centuries."

CIA developed and codified them in manuals, used extensively in Southeast Asia, Central America, Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo, and at secret black sites globally. McCoy referred to an offshore information extraction mini-gulag during the Cold War and War on Terror. Out of sight, nothing is banned, including physical harshness and psychologically crippling mind control methods that turn human beings into mush. 

MK-ULTRA was one of them, even though Gerald Ford's 1976 Executive Order (EO 11905) "establish(ed) policies to improve the quality of intelligence needed for national security (and) establish(ed) effective oversight to assure compliance with law in the management and direction of intelligence agencies and departments of the national government."

The EO prohibited "experimentation with drugs on human subjects, except with their informed consent, in writing and witnessed by a disinterested party, of each such human subject," according to guidelines issued by the National Commission. Subsequent Carter and Reagan directives banned all human experimentation. Nonetheless, they continue, in violation of the Nuremberg Code that prohibits:

-- medical experiments without the voluntary consent of human subjects - "without coercion, fraud, deceit, and the full disclosure of known risks;" 

-- those "where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur;" and

-- only ones expected "to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study...."

Conducting human mind control experiments are clearly illegal and unethical. They're more sophisticated than ever today, and claims that MK-ULTRA experiments were halted in the 1970s were false. Renamed they continue and much more.

America's Long History of Human Experimentation

Prior examples include:

-- In 1931, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads infected human subjects with cancer cells under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations; Rhoads later conducted radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients;

-- In 1932, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study began on 200 black men; they're weren't told of their illness, were denied treatment, and were used as human guinea pigs to follow their disease symptoms and progression; they all subsequently died;

-- in 1940, 400 Chicago prisoners were infected with malaria to study the effects of new and experimental drugs;

-- from 1942 - 1945, the US Navy used human subjects (locked in chambers) to test gas masks and clothing;

-- since the 1940s, human radiation experiments were conducted to test its effects and determine how much can kill; unwitting subjects were used in prisons, hospitals, orphanages, and mental institutions, including men, women, children, and the unborn of all races, mostly people from lower socio-economic brackets; in addition, more than 200,000 US soldiers were exposed to above ground nuclear tests; many later became ill and died;

-- in 1945, the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) implemented "Program F," the most exhaustive American study of fluoride's health effects - a key component in atomic bomb production and one of the most toxic chemicals known; it causes marked adverse central nervous system effects; in the interest of national security, the information was suppressed;

-- in 1945, VA hospital patients became guinea pigs for medical experiments;

-- in 1947, the AEC's Colonel EE Kirkpatrich issued secret document #07075001, stating that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects;

-- in 1949, the US Army released biological agents in US cities to study the effects of a real germ warfare attack; tests continued secretly through at least the 1960s in San Francisco, New York, Washington, DC, Panama City and Key West, FL, Minnesota, other midwest locations, along the Pennsylvania turnpike and elsewhere;

-- in 1950, the Defense Department (DOD) began open-air testing of nuclear weapons in desert areas, then monitored downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates;

-- in 1951, African-Americans were exposed to potentially fatal stimulants as part of a race-specific fungal weapons test in Virginia;

-- in 1953, DOD released zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, Canada, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley, MD, and Leesburg, VA - to determine how efficiently chemical agents can be dispersed;

-- in 1953, joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments were conducted in New York and San Francisco, exposing tens of thousands of people to the airborne agents Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii;

-- in 1955, the CIA released bacteria from the Army's Tampa, FL biological warfare arsenal to test its ability to infect human populations;

-- in 1956, the US military released mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, GA and Avon Park, FL to test the health effects on humans;

-- in 1965, Homesburg State Prison, Philadelphia prisoners were subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic Agent Orange agent, to study their carcinogenic effects;

-- in 1966, the New York subway system was used for a germ warfare experiment;

-- in 1969, an apparent nerve agent killed thousands of sheep in Utah;

-- in 1970, the Military Review reported that "ethnic weapons" development was intensified to be able to target specific ethnic groups thought susceptible to genetic differences and DNA variations;

-- in 1976, Americans were warned about an earlier Swine Flu scare, urging everyone to be vaccinated; millions complied, many of whom were harmed; 500 Guillan-Barre Syndrome (GBS - the deadly nerve disorder) resulted; people died from respiratory failure after severe paralysis, and experts said the vaccine increased the GBS risk level eight-fold;

-- in 1985 and 1986, open-air biological agents testing was done in populated areas;

-- in 1990, over 1,500 six-month old Los Angeles black and hispanic babies were given an experimental measles vaccine, never informing parents of the potential harm

-- in 1990 and 1991 before deploying to the Persian Gulf, all US troops were inoculated with experimental anthrax and botulinum toxoid vaccines, even though concerns were raised about their adverse long-term effects; over 12,000 died and over 30% became ill from non-combat-related factors in what subsequently was called Gulf War Syndrome, the result of exposure to a variety of toxins;

-- in 1994, Senator Jay Rockefeller issued a report revealing that for the past 50 or more years, DOD used hundreds of thousands of US military personnel, exposing them to dangerous substances experimentally; materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and other drugs;

-- in 1995, Dr. Garth Nicolson discovered that toxic agents used during the Gulf War were pre-tested on Texas Department of Corrections prisoners;

-- in 1996, DOD admitted that Gulf War troops were exposed to chemical agents; and

-- in 2009, experimental vaccines were again used to inoculate people globally in response to another hyped Swine Flu scare; scattered reports of illnesses and deaths followed.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

CIA Mind Control Techniques MKULTRA Program Brainwashing

Below you will see a video about project MKULTRA. Here is a quote from about the minute mark into the beginning of the documentary:

"In this anything goes atmosphere, Donavan appointed this man, Stanley Lovell, a Boston industrialist, to break new ground in many scientific and technical fields, Donavan called Lovell his Dr. Moriarty, after the fiendish professor in Sherlock Holmes. Lovell liked the name and posed for this Saturday Evening Post photo. He later wrote of his OSS job, it was quote "to stimulate the Peck's Bad Boy beneath every American scientist, and to say to him, throw all of your normal law-abiding concepts out of the window, here is a chance to raise Merry hell. It was in this atmosphere that the search for mind control began. "

You will see that they mostly only talk about the use of drugs. The truth of the matter is, the real secret of intelligence and the big secret of MKULTRA has always been mind control with electronics. They used to even mention this on Wikipedia's write-up about MKULTRA. They have now taken it down, (after I started talking about it,) but, I put up the old one here.  In any event, you can see that the CIA was involved with drugs right from the beginning. This is why so many drug dealers work with them. The CIA is essentially a protected class of business people and criminals with connections to banking, the universities, the entertainment industry, (Hollywood, music, and porn) the military, and Silicon Valley.  

Another good documentary to watch is this one. It describes more about the Unabomber and the links between the internet, computers, the military, the intelligence community, the universities, and the aerospace industry. See here for more about BBN technologies, which is a division of Raytheon. It might also be beneficial to watch this. It provides information about the potential problems of technology and the connections with the Unabomber. It talks more about a certain philosopher that was a major influence on Ted Kaczynski. I have also provided additional links below the video for further investigation.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron: The Psychopathic Canadian Psychiatrist Behind "Psychic Driving"

See here for more about Ewen Cameron from Wikipedia. 

The crazed psychopath below was actually working in Canada at Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University. I wrote about him previously a few years ago.  He was essentially one of the founders of MKULTRA and was working for the CIA. One of the techniques they were using back then and are still using now is called "psychic driving." Psychic driving is essentially brain remapping or brain repatterning that works much in the same manner of how our brains change with neuroplasticity. Essentially, thoughts and emotions over time create neural associations... which in turn, affect personality.

Here is another article and video on MKULTRA.  With the technology they have today, they don't need you to be in a hospital or anywhere else to experiment on you, they can do it in a completely remote location away from the target. Nor do they need to use any form of LSD, in fact, even the Wikipedia write-up on MKULTRA acknowledges the use of electromagnetic means(Update: it used to, someone went into Wikipedia and edited the MKULTRA article, I wonder why? I have now put up the old link that refers to it that they took down.) This is the real secret of MKULTRA. 

Drugs are too unpredictable at changing human behavior and controlling the human mind. Also, with electronics a person will not even know that they are being mind controlled while with drugs it becomes much more obvious.

See these old CNN clips from the 80's for a short introduction to the topic. It has now become so insane that they can turn anyone's life into a reality TV show of live torture

It truly is crazy. It's like the Hunger Games or Videodrome. They can literally chase and stalk people around the world and torture them!  

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sunday, February 28, 2016

5 Most Shocking CIA Experiments of Project MKULTRA

See here for Subproject 119. This is one of the most important.

If you have read any of my previous posts,(herehere, here, here, here and here,) you know all of this is true. These people are complete psychopaths. If you pay close attention to Number 4 in the video below, which is Subproject 54, you will see them using weapons to produce concussions on human beings. This is very similar to what I am talking about.

Now, look how long ago that was.... what do you think they have now? Also, please see this post about Edward Snowden being a fake, mind control and Electromagnetic Weapons along with this post about being hooked up to a Supercomputer at the NSA and the CIA.

See here for the technology that is used by intelligence. See here for a blog about various technologies that intelligence agencies use. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Transhumanism: From MKULTRA To Google

By David Livingstone

Despite Google’s dictum of “Don’t Be Evil,” the company has suspiciously aligned itself with the grand ambitions of American imperialism, with its executive chairman Eric Schmidt  attending the infamous Bilderberg conference in 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2013. Schmidt  also has a listed membership with the Trilateral Commission.

Far more disturbing, however, is Google participation in what appears to be a totalitarian ambition to create a New World Order under a superconscious computer likened to God. See herehere, here, and here for more. While it may sound like science fiction, Google execs have been advancing the cause of “technological singularity,” and the advent of superhuman intelligence, known as “transhumanism.”

These delusional ambitions have their origin in the CIA-sponsored Cybernetics Group, formed about the Macy Conferences of the 40s and 50s. They were inheritors of the mad scientists of the Frankfurt School, a group of neo-Freudians who manufactured the foundations of American popular culture. Beginning with the 60s counterculture, it fostered the rise of the “personal computer,” which grew out of the CIA”s MK-Ultra program for the proliferation of LSD.

It would be through the aid of powerful psychedelics that the transhumanists would be aided in developing a delusional wonderment with this completely implausible scenario of a conscious computer.

These aspirations are outgrowths of the Kabbalah, according to which human intellectual history is that of man evolving to become God. From its origins with Isaac Luria in the sixteenth century, the idea has now evolved so that it is proposed that humans will become gods, by achieving the ultimate divine feat, creating intelligent life, in the form of a supercomputer.

The technological singularity, or simply the singularity, is a hypothetical moment in time when artificial intelligence will have progressed to the point of a greater-than-human intelligence, radically changing civilization, and perhaps human nature. Because the capabilities of such an intelligence may be difficult for a human to comprehend, the technological singularity is often seen as an occurrence beyond which the future course of human history is unpredictable or even unfathomable.

The use of the term "transhuman" goes back to Jesuit priest, philosopher and paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin., the "Catholic Darwin," who through his postulation that man would create the Noosphere, a supreme consciousness, is often regarded as the patron saint of the internet.

Teilhard applied the scientific concept of evolution to the Christian notion of spiritual rapture, believing that technology would bring about the ultimate spiritual evolution of mankind.  According to him, this is the work of Christ. Teilhard's beliefs also reconciled panpsychism, the idea that all matter is intelligent. He developed the Omega Point Theory, which posits that all the organisms on Earth will reach a higher evolutionary point by merging into one "planetized spirit."

However, humans would have to merge their collective intelligence into one super-mind through computer technology, as a necessary first step in the collective evolution of the universe. Teilhard was unapologetic about the eugenic basis of his theory:

So far we have certainly allowed our race to develop at random, and we have given too little thought to the question of what medical and moral factors must replace the crude forces of natural selection should we suppress them. In the course of the coming centuries, it is indispensable that a form of noble eugenics, on a standard worthy of our personalities, should be discovered and developed.  Eugenics applied to individuals leads to eugenics applied to society.[1]

The first use of the term "singularity" in this context was by mathematician John von Neumann, one of the leaders of the Cybernetics Group. According to Jeffrey Steinberg, in From Cybernetics to Littleton,

For John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener, the core of the Cybernetics Group project was the development of computers, and the prospect of combining high-speed computers with so-called Artificial Intelligence, to literally "program" the human race. Underlying all of these efforts was the unshakable, albeit preposterous conviction, most avidly presented by von Neumann, that there was nothing sacred about the human mind, and that the human brain was a machine, whose functioning could be replicated, and eventually surpassed, by computers.

The biologist and eugenicist Julian Huxley, who was once head of UNESCO and whose brother Aldous was one of the leading architects of MK-Ultra, popularizing the use of psychedelics, is generally regarded as the founder of "transhumanism." Julian also wrote the introduction to Teilhard de Chardin's The Phenomenon of Man. In 1957 he wrote:

Up till now human life has generally been, as Hobbes described it, ‘nasty, brutish and short’; the great majority of human beings (if they have not already died young) have been afflicted with misery… we can justifiably hold the belief that these lands of possibility exist, and that the present limitations and miserable frustrations of our existence could be in large measure surmounted… The human species can, if it wishes, transcend itself —- not just sporadically, an individual here in one way, an individual there in another way, but in its entirety, as humanity.[2]

Computer scientist Marvin Minsky wrote on relationships between human and artificial intelligence beginning in the 1960s. Over the succeeding decades, this field continued to generate influential thinkers, such as Hans Moravec and Raymond Kurzweil. The coalescence of an identifiable transhumanist movement began in the last decades of the 20th century. In 1966, FM-2030 (formerly F.M. Esfandiary), a futurist who taught “new concepts of the Human” at The New School in New York, began to identify people who adopt technologies, lifestyles and world views transitional to "posthumanity" as "transhuman."

The New School had become affiliated with the Frankfurt School when, following Hitler’s rise to power in 1933, its members left Germany for Geneva before moving to New York in 1935. There, they became affiliated with the University in Exile, which the New School had founded in 1933, with financial contributions from the Rockefeller Foundation, to be a haven for scholars dismissed from teaching positions by the Italian fascists or Nazi Germany.

These ideas were glamorized in Hollywood, such as Kubrik's version of 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke, the Terminator series, Blade Runner based on LSD-influenced author Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Dick was also inspired by Teilhard de Chardin. Philip K Dick was also associated with Ira Einhorn, known as “The Unicorn,” a prominent figure in the New Age counterculture of the late sixties and seventies. through The Whole Earth Review, a by-product of Stewart Brand's Catalogue, where they initiated discussion of Soviet psychotronics and mind control. Shortly afterward, Einhorn's girlfriend’s body parts were discovered in a trunk in his Philadelphia apartment, and Einhorn charged with her murder.

Other movies following the transhumanist trends have been the anime classic The Ghost in the Shell, The Matrix, the remake of Robocop, and more recently Her, with Joachin Phoenix, and Transcendence, starring Johnny Depp.

Ray Kurzweil, now a director of engineering at Google, cited von Neumann's use of the term “singularity” in a foreword to von Neumann's classic The Computer and the Brain. Kurzweil received the 1999 National Medal of Technology and Innovation, America's highest honor in technology, from President Clinton in a White House ceremony. And in 2002 he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, established by the U.S. Patent Office. He has received nineteen honorary doctorates, and honors from three U.S. presidents. Kurzweil has been described as a "restless genius" by The Wall Street Journal and "the ultimate thinking machine" by Forbes. PBS included Kurzweil as one of 16 "revolutionaries who made America" along with other inventors of the past two centuries. Inc. magazine ranked him #8 among the "most fascinating" entrepreneurs in the United States and called him “Edison's rightful heir."

Kurzweil has authored seven books, five of which have been national bestsellers. The Age of Spiritual Machines, about artificial intelligence and the future course of humanity, has been translated into 9 languages and was the #1 best-selling book on Amazon in science. Kurzweil believes evolution provides evidence that humans will one day create machines more intelligent than they are. Kurzweil predicts the machines "will appear to have their own free will" and even "spiritual experiences".

Kurzweil's book The Singularity Is Near was a New York Times bestseller, says this will lead to a technological singularity in the year 2045, a point where progress is so rapid it outstrips humans' ability to comprehend it. Once the Singularity has been reached, Kurzweil predicts machine intelligence will be infinitely more powerful than all human intelligence combined. Afterward, Kurzweil says, intelligence will radiate outward from the planet until it saturates the universe.

Kurzweil's standing as a futurist and transhumanist has led to his involvement in several singularity-themed organizations. Kurzweil is also among the founders of the Singularity Summit, the annual conference of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, in 2006 at Stanford University. SIAI was founded to "help humanity prepare for the moment when machine intelligence exceeded human intelligence." (Also check out the Singularity University.)

A leading evangelist for Kurweil’s ideas is Jason Silva, a television personality and “performance philosopher,” who quotes Teilhard de Chardin to substantiate his prognostications. Silva started out as a presenter on Al Gore’s cable channel, Current TV. In September 2012, he appeared at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, where he presented a speech entitled "We Are The Gods Now."

Silva also promotes the ideas of David Pearce, a leading figure in the Transhumanism movement. Pearce owns a series of websites that feature biographies and information about MKUltra personalities like Chilean psychiatrist Claudio Naranjo and Aldous Huxley. In The Hedonistic Imperative, Pearce calls for liberation from our natural biochemistry, what he refers to as the “sick psycho-chemical ghetto bequeathed by our genetic past" and the beginning of an era of “paradise engineering.” With the help of psychedelics, he writes, we´ll be able to chemically enhance our dopaminergic systems so that “undiluted existential happiness will infuse every second of waking and dreaming existence.”[3]

The Atlantic describes Silva as "A Timothy Leary of the Viral Video Age."[4] Silva, who is also described as "a part-time filmmaker and full-time walking, talking TEDTalk," is completely giddy with wild possibilities about transcendence. Continuing the MK-Ultra tradition of drugs and computers, Silva says of himself that he is “fascinated by the relationship between psychedelics and technology…”[5]

[1] Aaron Franz, “The Jesuit Priest who influenced Transhumanism,” The Age of Transitions, Friday May 1, 2009
[2] Huxley, Julian (1957). Transhumanism. Retrieved 2006-02-24
[3] James Vlahos, “Will Drugs Make Us Smarter and Happier?” Popular Science, July 31, 2005.
[4]  "A Timothy Leary for the Viral Video Age". The Atlantic. Retrieved 17 August 2012.
[5] Futurology forum,

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Is This Still Happening In Canada? Dr. Ewen Cameron Lives On --- the Nazis Didn't Lose the War, They Just Had to Move...

 Before you watch the video I posted below, read my post fully.

First, start by going to this wikipedia link for Dr. Cameron. Read the top and then go to the part on Project MKULTRA. Here is the most important point:

Cameron is best known for his MKULTRA-related and other behavior modification research for the CIA. Cameron was President of the American Psychiatric Association in 1952–1953. He lived and worked in Albany, New York, and was involved in experiments in Canada for Project MKULTRA, a CIA-directed mind control program which eventually led to the publication of the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany to Montreal every week to work at McGill's Allan Memorial Institute and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKULTRA experiments there. The American Psychiatric Association created the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) manual. The very organization that Ewen Cameron was the President of!

Now, remember, these tests were done in CANADA by the CIA! Yes, the United States government was conducting mind control research on Canadians! This should lead you to ask yourself... does Canada run its own country?

Who knows. Two things are for sure though:

1.) Canada bends over backward for the United States. If the United States says to Canada to jump, we do...

2.) Canada is still allowing mind control and weapons testing on its citizens today!

I know because I'm living proof.  This is currently happening to me. I'm positive it has been happening to me since 2005... probably longer.

Canada is a complete sham democracy. I would suggest if you do go out and vote in the next election to vote against the Conservative party, though it probably won't make any difference. Canadians and Americans have no more rights in the traditional sense of the term. The bullshit news you get from the mainstream OR the alternative media sources are all downplaying how bad your countries are.

Don't be a person who says something "politically incorrect"... or even worse, don't "think," yes THINK something that bothers someone in a position of power. This is political correctness taken to a level of pure insanity.

We now live in George Orwell's 1984. LITERALLY.  You just can't see it because they cover it up from you.

I can just hear them talking: "Bunch of stupid animals.... ha, ha... they think they have rights.... they think they have freedom of thought.... they think their votes mean anything. Those dumb bunch of fools."

This isn't just the government, the intelligence agencies or the military we are talking about here. It's also some large corporations, the media, people that have access to the technology through universities in neuroscience departments, organized crime, and the revolving door of the outsourced intelligence community.

As far as intelligence in the United States--- most of it is now being handled by private contractors. (I do not know about Canada.) You think you live in a country with a "free market" economy?  Good luck. You live in a country run by a bunch of people that will steal ideas right out of your brain. We already know that the NSA has the power to data mine emails for keywords. Now, just imagine if they had the power to data mine human brains for thoughts? Sounds crazy... doesn't it?

After you see some of the information I put on this site it will not seem crazy anymore. There is a whole group of psycho assholes playing God on the majority of the population.

This is the current "free market" at work! I have come to see the free market in our day and age like a giraffe riding around in a horse and buggy. I have heard stories but I've never actually seen one in our day and age. Or come to think of it... maybe in any. The truth is we live in a mixed economy, and it's becoming more and more mixed up with it teetering towards those in positions of power.

Let's say someone doesn't like you very much and they have access to this technology, just think what they can do. It can become your worst nightmare --- because --- unless someone lets you know that it exists, you won't even know what is being done to you or your family.

Okay... now, watch the video below!