Showing posts with label Stasi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stasi. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2025

An Interesting Video About Smearing Political Enemies- This is What Some Zionists Love to Do - WWW Internet = 666 In Hebrew - Connected to Finding Political Dissidents

Internet = WWW = 666

First off, go here to read the Wikipedia entry on COINTELPRO. In addition to watching the video below, you absolutely MUST see the articles below the video. Also, see here, is Zionism/Jewish nationalism a political cult?

Doug Christie exposes the attacks on freedom
 in Canada from Ritual Defamation 

1. Torture, Discrediting With Slander and Organized Stalking
2. Examples Of Counter Intelligence Phonies Who Know About Stasi Organized Stalking & Classified Technology And Keep Quiet About It
3. Zersetzung: The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State
4. Zersetzung: The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State Part 2
5. Zersetzung Part 3 - The New Homeland Security
6. Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism
7. How to Discredit Someone With  Hi-Technology
8. How Covert Agents Infiltrate To Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations
9. Front Groups and Intelligence Agents
10. Learning About the Origins of "Homeland Security"
11. Download STASI book
12. Noam Chomsky on COINTELPRO
13. A Perfect Example of a Cointelpro Website
14. Phony Cointelpro Front Websites and the Liars That are Behind Them
15. COINTELPRO and the Phoenix Program
17. Gaslighting: What Intelligence and Informant Stalkers Participate In
18. Video Example of Stasi "Anchoring" Techniques
19. How Easy is it to Get People to Engage in Organized Stalking? A Perfect Example of The Naivete of the Public and Putting Too Much Trust in Authority Figures
20. 'Couple Harassed with Organized Stalking Noise Harassment Campaign'
21. Homeland Security Made in Israel
22. Homeland Security is Connected to Zionism
23. Homeland Security: The Strong Connections Between Israel, Canada and the United States
24. CSIS and the RCMP dealing with Political People
25. FBI Infragard and Private Outsourced Intelligence Agents
26. InfraGard: An Unhealthy Government Alliance
27Proof FBI Snitching & Organized Stalking Program
28. The Current FBI, NSA, CIA, RCMP, CSE, CSIS, and the Canadian Human Rights Commission Leadership That Should Be Prosecuted & Thrown In Jail
29. Going after Political Dissidents
30. Counter Intelligence Against Political Dissidents 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

RCMP + CSE + CSIS = Stasi (Oh, I Almost Forgot, They Already Took "Canada" Out Of The Name Of Our Most Important Spy Agency)

Yes, believe it. The coup has been happening for years. After you read my blog, you will see who is behind it. So, my headline should actually read the RCMP + CSE + CSIS = Zionist Stasi.

The Stasi was East Germany's dreaded secret police. They spied on ordinary East Germans, tapped their phones, intercepted their mail, assessed their 'reliability', used informants, kept dossiers on persons of interest and ordinary citizens alike.

The hated Stasi fell with the Berlin Wall but they live on - in today's RCMP, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Trudeau's personal security apparatus. Today the RCMP, in conjunction with our official spy agencies, CSE and CSIS, and the Canadian Border Service Agency, operate a domestic spying network called the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team, INSET.

And just whose security is INSET enforcing? Yours? Mine? Canada's? Hardly. Don't be naive. They're the taxpayer-funded security service for them, just like the CBC news. Look at some of the awful information on this blog, why doesn't the CBC report it?

When dealing with a state secret police agency, they're never entitled to the benefit of the doubt. Never.  They're thugs who operate in the shadows, in service not to the country but to powerful, immensely wealthy interests.

Relevant links:

RCMP Targets Muslim Extremists, But Gives Zionist Terrorists Free Pass

There Is No Canada - CSIS

Mind Control and Augmented Cognition: Hooked Up to a Supercomputer with Artificial Intelligence at the NSA and CIA

Torture, Slander and Organized Stalking

Domestic Terrorism Silent Rape And Murder - Brain Chips, Nanotechnology and Psychotronics

Download STASI book

Homeland Security and the Alternative Media Agenda

Zionism Like Racism --- Has To Go...

Israel and the Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty

Canada-Israel: The Other Special Relationship

Canada & Stephen Harper: Always Stand Behind Israel?

The Israel You Don't Hear About in the Media - MUST SEE VIDEOS

The Israel That You Rarely Hear About in the Media Part 2

A Collection of Posts About Israel

Who Really Makes Up the 1%?

Is Zionism / Jewish Nationalism a Political Cult?

Which Group of People are Most Likely To Be Terrorists? The Answer May Surprise You

Collection of Posts About Israel and the "So-Called" Jews

Activist Reveals Hidden Military Ties Between Canada and Israel

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Watch a Lecture From Someone Who Used to Work With Homeland Security Talk About the Evils of the Stasi in East Germany

You have to love this, the video below features someone who used to work with Homeland Security that is talking about how evil the East German Stasi was, and yet, they are using the same techniques in the United States and Canada. He even talks about Zersetzung 15:30 into the video, which is something I talk about here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

The video below is fairly good. But there is some inaccuracies. The Nazi's where not connected to the East German Stasi. The Stasi was actually connected to the Communists of Russia and the Bolshevik Jews. The East German Stasi even called themselves "proud Chekists" because they had their origination in the Cheka of the Bolsheviks.  It absolutely must be mentioned that Jews played a leading role in the development of Bolshevism and the Cheka.  (This doesn't mean all Jews are Communists. To learn more about this, see herehereherehereherehere and here.) They have also played a major role in the development of the new Homeland Security lawsThere are strong connections between Freemasonry and the state of Israel. Most people don't know there are strong connections between Jews, Israel, Freemasonry, Homeland Security, organized stalking, the Stasi and the Cheka. See here and here and here for more about this. 

What he says about IBM is accurate and interesting because it connects to modern day computers, surveillance and Silicon Valley. IBM was one of the leading companies involved in this, and still is.
Silicon Valley works extremely close with the surveillance state, the intelligence agencies and law enforcement. The "Transhumanist" movement, (see here for a whole list of articles on Transhumanism, be sure to scroll down and go through all of them,) that is being pushed by Google comes right out of eugenics. Some of the Zionists that support the state of Israel are literally engaging in the same activities  they were charging the Nazi's with ---- eugenics. This is Jewish supremacism. See here and here for more about Silicon Valley Zionists.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

CSIS- The Recruiting Videos Make You Think You Will Be The Next James Bond- Literally Shows Stalking

It's interesting that the video below features content that is similar to what is happening to me.

See here:
and here: for more.

These ridiculous James Bond-like videos make you think that you will actually be participating in a beneficial service to your country. The truth is the exact opposite.

CSIS is a disservice to the citizens of Canada and the very nature of the Canadian way of life. The activities that CSIS are involved in go against everything that Canadians believe in and that makes Canada a great country and worth fighting for. The Canadian Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms are put in place to ENSHRINE the rights that you have as FREE PEOPLE before they were written up. The government does not grant you these guaranteed and fundamental rights and freedoms, it is there to uphold them.

There is ample evidence on this blog of classified technology that "YOU ARE PAYING FOR." I can absolutely guarantee that CSIS is aware of this technology. This technology is highly invasive and infringes on the human rights of Canadian citizens.  Why aren't you told of this? Remember, you pay for it! Why do we allow them to do this? Why did we allow them to pass BILL C-51?

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Canadian Police State - Fusion Centers - Data Mining - Loss of Sovereignty

Beyond looking for keywords set off in sent emails or words used in conversations on phone calls, CSIS and CSE have access to technology very similar to the CIA and the NSA. The NSA and the CIA use extremely sophisticated software like this:,, and to comb through mounds of data to find statistically significant patterns from all of the data they get from all over the internet. Some of the major contributors of data and information are companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, MicrosoftYahooLinkedIn and Apple.  They also have access to the databases of the U.S. government's files. The CIA and the NSA can also access every Canadian citizen's data. See more about PROMIS software hereherehere and here how this was possible a long time ago. There was problems with the United States and Israel at that time. Nothing has changed.

Essentially PROMIS was a precursor to the three software companies I list above and is the brainchild of the PRISM surveillance program.

To learn more about big data go here. Once a target has been recognized, the information is passed along to what is known as a fusion center. (See here for how the United States and Canada are working together in their fusion centers, intelligence agencies, and national police forces.)

This is where the informant society and organized stalking comes into play. This model is based highly on the East German Stasi government.

All of this spying is has reached a pinnacle with political eugenics and Transhumanism. You have to realize that the United States government's intelligence community, DARPA, and Raytheon BBN Technologies were involved in the creation of the internet. This means the internet was set up for spying, intelligence, and data gathering right from the beginning. They have the potential to gather data from numerous sources on the internet, especially counter intelligence websites like the ones shown herehere and here. Also, see here for more about Judas goats and political dissidents. It is important to remember, that the main targets of the East German STASI were those that they deemed to be political dissidents.

Except it is much, much worse...

In May 25, 2007, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell authorized the National Applications Office (NAO) of the Department of Homeland Security to allow local, state, and domestic Federal agencies to access imagery from military intelligence Reconnaissance satellites and Reconnaissance aircraft sensors which can now be used to observe the activities of U.S. citizens. (This is in the United States, but, all of the links below will show you how close the relationship is between Canada and the USA.) The satellites and aircraft sensors will be able to detect chemical traces, and identify objects in buildings and "underground bunkers", and will provide real-time video at much higher resolutions than the still images produced by programs such as Google Earth. See here and here for more.

In other words, these people have access to technology that can find oil and mineral deposits underground with up to 99% accuracy, (this is called earth-penetrating tomography, Interferometry, see also Earth's Field NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance.) See here for an example using space-based radar, see here and here for more about satellite terrorism. 

Along with satellites and radar, the process of weaponizing nanotechnology and brain-computer interface technology has begun, just as this political activist says here. These technologies allow them to read your mind and thoughts, influence your behavior and track you around the globe. See here and here for more about this.

They have access to the EEG readouts of your brainwaves and brain states to know what you are thinking, and the ability to see out of your eyes and hear out your ears. This is called Total Information Awareness, meaning the goal is to have access to every piece of information on this planet. (See here for more about being hooked up to a supercomputer with artificial intelligence at the NSA and the CIA, and here for why Edward Snowden is a fake.) 

Like I said, they can also influence your behavior. They can put thoughts in your head and hook you up to another individual's brain. When engaging in the latter, if an individual changes the EEG of his or her brain,  that individual can change the EEG of another brain that they are hooked up to. Or in other words, two brains can effectively become one.

BUT IT GETS EVEN WORSE! They can also shoot you with space-based weapons. (See herehere and here for more.)

See Below for More About the Loss of Canada's Sovereignty to the
Ideology of Zionism, the State of Israel and the United States: 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Connection Between Jews, Israel, Freemasonry, the Stasi and Organized Stalking

There are strong connections between Freemasonry and the state of Israel. Most people don't know there are strong connections between Jews, Israel, Freemasonry, Homeland Security, organized stalking, the Stasi and the Cheka. See here for more about this. 

Jews played a leading role in the development of Bolshevism and the Cheka.  The Stasi called themselves proud "Chekists," once again, emphasizing the connections to Bolshevism and the Cheka. Just because this is true that doesn't mean all Jews are Communists.  (To learn more about the Jewish connections to this, see hereherehere, hereherehere and here.) Do you know the Soviet Union was the second country to recognize Israel after the United States? 

They have also played a major role in the development of the new Homeland Security laws. (Also see here.) See here for a collection of links regarding Homeland Security. 

See this post about classified technology that allows them to stalk, harass and torture you remotely, see here for the techniques they use when they find out where you are and who you are. 

The reality is, this is a part of COINTELPRO from the FBI. Now, guess who was a Freemason? None other than J. Edgar Hoover. You don't think the same ideas aren't running the RCMP or the Police in England that have the Masonic checkerboard on their hats? As I said before, Israel is everything. It is the most important place on the map. 

Don't let anyone fool you, this is what runs this world. Can you see the similarities of the Stasi flag, the Israeli flag, and the Freemasonry sign below? 

Image result for flag of israel

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Activist Reveals Hidden Military Ties Between Canada and Israel-Weaponizing Nanotechnology! Originally Posted in 2015

Please see here, here, herehere, and here for articles on the close relationship between Israel and Canada. I have written previously about how there is an agenda in the United States and Canada to take away your rights and freedoms. This is a part of Homeland Security. See here, here, here, here, here, here and here for more information. The following article refers to the weaponization of Nanotechnology. This is one of the ways they are going about this. 

Original Article By Jonathan Caragay-Cook — Published January 27, 2015

“We’re all Palestinians.”

These are the words of Jeff Halper, one of 191 Nobel Peace Prize nominees in 2006. Not only a sentiment of solidarity, this statement reflects the effects of Israeli military research on civil liberties in Canada, according to the Israeli academic and peace activist. He led a discussion with students and professors at Concordia Monday afternoon.

“Where certain parts of universities are getting closed down, departments of universities that feed into military research have greater budgets,” Halper told The Link. “The closer [ties] to the military, the better funded you are.”

Universities like Concordia and McGill collaborate on projects like developing the weaponization of nanotechnology with Israeli schools such as Technion, the Israel Institution of Technology in Haifa, according to the Independent Jewish Voices of Canada. Halper claims Canada benefits when Israeli researchers use Palestinians as “guinea pigs” for its weapons and systems and their exportation.

“Israel is involved in your prison systems. It’s involved in training the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It’s involved in your airport security,” Halper said of Canada’s use of Israeli security tactics.

As the director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition, he referred to how austerity measures in countries like Canada is leading to cuts everywhere except the military and police.

“It’s getting to a point where, if you don’t fall in line to the powers at be, you’re a terrorist,” he said about the West’s increased police militarization. “The whole world is being corrupted; it’s delegitimizing all resistance.”

Halper used the term “pacification” multiple times to describe the current political climate. Protests are becoming more controlled and nullified, according to the Israeli academic. When prompted by a Demilitarize McGill representative in the audience for advice about how to further their cause, Halper suggested asking professors involved in military research to cease operations, and, if they refuse, to publicly out them.

During the Concordia Student Union by-elections last semester, students passed a referendum allowing the CSU to support the global Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement against Israel. The exact terms of how Concordia will enact BDS is yet to be determined, but Halper’s suggestions may be useful.

Born in the U.S., Halper emigrated to Israel in 1973. As both countries pushed anti-Palestinian rhetoric, the activist credited his upbringing in the 1960s and non-belief in government propaganda for his critical thinking.

“From the very beginning, I linked up with the Israelis who themselves are critical of the occupation,” he said. “There are some connections also with Palestinians so that was the circle that I got into.”

While he made Israeli friends with similar opinions and co-founded ICAHD in Israel, Halper said that segregation from Palestinians means Israelis can live their lives in relative safety and a prosperous economy, without encountering a Palestinian or going to the West Bank.

“The occupation is becoming a non-issue,” he continued. “Less and less people are concerned about it.”

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Homeland Security: The Strong Connections Between Israel, Canada and the United States

There are strong connections between Israel, Canada, and the United States when it comes to Homeland Security. (See here for more about the origins of Homeland Security.) Once you understand more about the origins of Homeland Security and how much power Zionists have in the United States and Canada, you begin to see the connections between Israel, Canada, and the United States.

So even though Bill C-51 was a big deal, essentially, it didn't really make much of a difference. Our country is intricately connected to the United States politically and economically now more than ever. 

See here for how the Canadian government is cracking down on criticism of Israel. See here for how the FBI memo labels patriots, truth-seekers as potential 'terrorists.' See here for how "conspiracy theorists" are seen as domestic terrorists. See here for the 72 types of Americans that are considered “potential terrorists” in official government documents.  See here for Israel campaigns against global free speech. See here for the tactics they use and here for the technology they use once they find you. 

Here are some interesting links to check out: 

1. Smart Border Declaration

2. The Canada-US Partnership

3. Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness

4. Canada's National Security in the Post-9/11 World- Canada United States agreement fusion centers homeland security

5. Towards a North American Homeland: U.S.-Canada “Cross-Border” Surveillance, Intelligence Sharing, Law Enforcement and Data Collection

6. The North American Homeland Security Perimeter: A Threat to Canada’s National Sovereignty

Friday, April 14, 2017

Stalin's Jews - We Must Not Forget That Some Of The Greatest Murderers Of Modern Times Were Jewish

Introductory note: The article below actually appeared on an Israeli news website, see here. For more information about the Cheka, see here. For more information about the Stasi, see here. To learn more about the strong Jewish influence in the Russian revolution, see here. For more about the connections between the Cheka, the Stasi and Homeland Security, see here. It would also be beneficial to see this list of Homeland Security links that connect to Zionism.

Sever Plocker |Published:  21.12.06 , 23:35

Here's a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka.

Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.

We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, "opposition members" who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.

In his new, highly praised book "The War of the World, "Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel Aviv University's Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally.

Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined "terror officials," cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate.

All these things are well-known to some extent or another, even though the former Soviet Union's archives have not yet been fully opened to the public. But who knows about this? Within Russia itself, very few people have been brought to justice for their crimes in the NKVD's and KGB's service. The Russian public discourse today completely ignores the question of "How could it have happened to us?" As opposed to Eastern European nations, the Russians did not settle the score with their Stalinist past.

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."

Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.

Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history.

The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and "Soviet people." Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and "play dumb": What do we have to do with them? But let's not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.

Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of "our hangmen," who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Diagram of a Stasi Takedown: Organized Stalking and Torture (Originally Posted in 2017)

For complimentary information to the diagram below, see here for the techniques they use, (make sure you look under the links labeled 'Zersetzung,') many of these techniques originated in East Germany under the Stasi and have now been adopted by intelligence agencies like the CIA and CSIS. See here to learn more about the classified technology they use. (You can also look under the classified and hi-technology heading on my blog.)

Essentially, the intelligence agencies pass information onto the RCMP and the FBI. The problem with this is that the intelligence agencies are run by strong Zionist interests. (Also see under this heading to learn more about the strong relations between organized crime, drugs, and the intelligence agencies.) The same goes for the RCMP and the FBI. See herehere, and here for the links between the Anti-Defamation League and the Police. The reality is, the Anti-Defamation League was funded by Jewish organized crime. They literally give information to the police and train them! But also, the InfraGard program of the FBI is a complete joke. It allows large corporations to work with the FBI and put people on the terrorist watch list.

See here for how the Anti-Defamation League is "concerned" about "anti-government" groups in Canada! Yes, a group that was started by organized crime is concerned about anti-government groups. Why? Because your governments are pretty much run by Jewish organized crime. See here for a list of links that show the connections between Zionism and Homeland Security. See here to learn more about Militant Zionism and organized stalking. Militant Zionism is part of the domestic policy of the United States and Canadian governments, they are literally enforcing this in these countries. It is absolutely pathetic. One of the ways they find potential "troublemakers" and political dissidents is with alternative media websites that act like Judas goats. The websites are fronts for the intelligence agencies. This is also called "Counter Intelligence" or COINTELPRO for short.

Click On Picture Above to Enlarge

Monday, February 27, 2017

Video Example of Stasi "Anchoring" Techniques

For complimentary information to the article and the videos below, see here for the Stasi techniques they use against political dissidents. Make sure you look under the links labeled 'Zersetzung'. See here to learn more about the classified technology they use. You can also look under the classified and hi-technology heading on my blog. To learn more about Counter Intelligence, see here, here, here, here and here.  Also, see this video of Noam Chomsky talking about this problem.


In the videos below, you can see examples of what is called "anchoring" or conditioning. This is exactly what they use for organized stalking. As I stated in previous posts, many of the techniques they are employing were used by the East German Stasi. 

You will see in the first video, the example he uses is a bike attached to the back of a vehicle and a horse trailer. They use all different skits and ideas for these anchors. The one important point that he fails to mention in the video is that they usually get in your face at the beginning of the stalking to get your attention. This way it makes it impossible to ignore them, it is the beginning of the anchoring process. For instance, in his examples, they would also normally cut in front of you and slam on their brakes a few times so it makes it impossible for you to ignore the anchor.

They might also get someone to pull up beside you in a parking lot and swear at you with the anchor attached to their vehicle, or get someone to say something to you out their window that you did earlier in the day. Anything to get your attention with the anchor. After this, the stimulus becomes conditioned. After you have a few people slamming on their brakes in front of you with horse trailers and bikes attached to the back of their vehicle, they would begin to drive past you and yell at you, smile at you, park beside you and mention something to you etc. Probably even park near your work and home.

Another example, if your dog died rather suspiciously, they would do the exact same thing with dogs. They could do "street theater" skits with a dog outside of a mall that you were walking into. They might have the dog lying on its side, pretending that it was sick and a bunch of people attending to the dog. They may even do this a couple times. They would then get tons of people to start walking with their dogs in front of you. Get people to cut in front of your car with stickers on the back of their car that say things like "I LOVE MY DOG:" or "A DOG IS A MAN'S BEST FRIEND" or "I CAN ALWAYS TRUST MY DOG" or "MY DOGS ARE MY CHILDREN AND THEY ARE ON BOARD." You could also have a bunch of people in your community that were involved in this sort of stalking change their Facebook pictures to a picture of their dog or a picture with them and their dog. They could also have people come up behind you in Starbucks or coffee shops talking on the phone or to their friend about their dog getting sick. Once again, they would have to first get in your face and do it in a repetitious manner. Over and over. They have to start with this technique to build the anchor --- after the initial stimulus the conditioning would get in.

Let's use another example, let's say that you were a critic of Israel and Judaism... kind of like Jesus himself was. If you were getting shot with electromagnetic weapons and followed around by a bunch of Zionists ---- and you wrote something about Jesus and the Pharisees on your blog---- you might all of a sudden notice a whole whack of people changing their Facebook pictures to them drinking wine. Signifying human sacrifice and wine with Jesus and Dionysus.

Once again, they would have to get you to notice a relation to what they are doing first. They would have to get in your face to create the link in your mind. You could be in a bookstore and have someone come up to you and talk to you about Jesus or Greek Tragedy and wine. They might say something like "Ya, many people don't know that wine is associated with Jesus." They could also begin to hold up goats in their Facebook or Twitter pictures, not exactly something that people do very often, especially if they know each other. They might also get lots of people to email you with reference to wine and Jesus, or send some mail to your house after you had someone come up to you in the bookstore. They might get tons and tons of people to wear crosses near you, or walk around you with devil symbolism on their shirts --- like devil's faces or the number 666. They might also get cars to cut in front of you with 666 in the license plate number or that have devil stickers on the back or that say something like "SATAN LIVES."

Another example, if you just recently had an abortion, or your girlfriend did, you could see a bunch of people doing skits with babies around you. They might get kids to purposely walk in front of you in shopping centers or malls with baby dolls. Not just once, but many times so you notice. You have to notice for it to work properly. They would constantly cut you off with "Baby on Board" signs in their windows, not just once but over and over. You would also have people constantly park beside you that have a baby, when you go to get in and out of your car they would do their best to get in your face. They would be doing something with them while you are near your car--- and probably be saying "don't cry baby...don't cry."

They might also wear T-Shirts near you that say something with "baby" on it. You might have little kids (being told by their parents believe it or not,) to come say the words like "baby, baby, baby" all the time near you. Or people singing songs near you that have the word "baby" in it. You would get people pretending to talk on their cell phones near you that are referencing stuff about babies or abortion- -- they might even use your name and say something like  "Ya, my friend "your name" just told me that he and his girlfriend had an abortion."

If you turned around and said something to them they would act like you're crazy and that they don't know who you are. They might also put flyers on your window that reference keywords that they are trying to anchor in you, like "baby." It could be a bar or a restaurant with a special on "baby back ribs." They would also get people to park near your work with something to do with babies. They might also leave some diapers on the ground a few times near your car door.

Another one, if you just had an affair in New York or something, you would start seeing references to New York all around you. You would have sexy women come near you that talk about New York, men and women around you with New York references on their clothing. New York license plates and stickers all around you. (Something similar to this happened to me. This is how insane these people are, I literally have had people following me a few times with Virginia license plates in British Columbia, Canada. Just so you know, Virginia is where the CIA is. This happened right after I wrote something on my blog about the CIA.)

Another example, let's say you just heard a story about a woman being raped. She woke up somewhere and she couldn't remember what happened to her the night before. These psychos would incorporate this into their stalking routine. They would start making rape references all around you.

If you were a political dissident and a writer, they would constantly have people come around you and make references to the topics you are writing, reading or talking to people about. They would also start wearing shirts with words on it. For instance, if you were against the racist, ethnocentric idea behind the state of Israel and how they treat the Palestinians, all of a sudden, you would begin to see tons of people wearing stars of David around you. On their hats, jackets or shirts.

You would also have people talking about Israel or Jews around you. You might also begin to see tons of people wearing "OBEY" T-Shirts. Not just here or there, everywhere you go. But first, they would make a point to get in your face and anchor it. They would cut in front of you, bump into you, speak to you, ask directions from you etc. Park in front of your car with Stars of David on their back windows etc.

The absolute worst part of all of this is that many of the people that this is happening to have nanotechnology or what is known as brain-computer interfaces inside of them. (See here to learn more about this.) It is in their brains and bodies and they are being used as human guinea pigs. They are literally being shot with microwaves. They are also being mind-controlled. (It is important to note, one does not need nanotechnology or a brain-computer interface inside of them to be shot with microwaves, Nor do you need a brain-computer interface for them to influence you with microwaves. But, most of these targeted individuals do. It makes it a lot easier and more efficient, plus they can target you from longer distances.) These intelligence and organized crime psychos can put thoughts and emotions into you.... they can also cause pain inside your body. See here and here for more about classified and Hi-technology.

If this is happening to you, they more than likely have technology in your brain and your body! Nanotechnology replicates once it's inside of you. This is not good! You can see an old video of Jose Delgado controlling a bull back in the 60's in this example here.

Pavlovian Conditioning Examples On Children

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The East German Stasi Secret Police and Zersetzung

For previous articles about the East German Stasi and Zersetzung please see here and here. See here for more about the technology they use when they find you, and here for the techniques they use.

East German Opposition and Activism

The Stasi (Ministerium für Staatssicherheit) was the East German secret police, and that country had the highest proportion of informants and secret police in history: 1 in 60 people were involved by 1989.

The Stasi and Zersetzung

After the East German popular uprising of June 1953 (suppressed by Soviet troops) the government gave the Stasi the task of systematic surveillance and prevention of unrest in the population. Initially, this took the form of brutal physical repression: imprisonment and physical abuse (including torture) by police and secret police.

But this changed during the 1970s when the GDR became more interested in gaining a positive international image, and the repression of activists became more subtle. The Stasi redefined the military term Zersetzung (attrition or corrosion) to name their harassment tactics: the aim was to disrupt the working of groups and the lives of individuals to such a degree that their activism became ineffective, or more preferably, ceased altogether.

The aim of the Zersetzung was to ‘switch off’ the group by rendering it ineffective, with an interim goal of hindering any positive media or public exposure. The usual ways to switch groups off were to: create conflict between members – particularly useful subjects for sowing discord were those of a philosophical or political nature, money,and personal (sexual) relations; hinder and sabotage activities by one or more infiltrators, who would agree to do tasks, but not get round to doing them, lose materials and equipment, repeatedly request changes and further edits of materials to slow down production, attempt to divert the group into more harmless activities etc; isolate the groups from other activists, eg by spreading rumors regarding unacceptable behavior and political views etc.

The choice of tactics was based on psychological profiling and intelligence about the group members, particularly: who plays what role, who fulfills what kind of task; what are relationships within the group like, who hangs out with whom.

Informants (IM: Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter) were the usual way to gain information on a group and were also used to implement the plans to incapacitate a group and sabotage its activities. In activist circles, the informants were almost never Stasi or police officers but were usually existing members of the groups who had been pressured, persuaded, bribed or blackmailed into helping the Stasi; or a suitable outsider who would try to infiltrate and become trusted by the group.

How did the Stasi persuade people to become informants?

1.) Appeals to patriotism
2.) Bribery, or Cash or material reward
3.) Blackmail
4.) Offers of immunity from threatened prosecution
5.) Making the mission sound like an exciting adventure

As in the case of groups, the Zersetzung of individuals had the aim of ‘switching off’ that person’s efficacy by undermining their confidence and their belief in the value of their activities. The Stasi did not usually care whether an individual was switched off through disillusionment, fear, burn-out or mental illness: all outcomes were acceptable, and people’s mental health and social standing during or after an operation were of no interest to the officers involved.

The Zersetzung of individuals was usually carried out by systematically undermining the target’s quality of life (both socially and in the workplace,) with the intention of simply destroying the target’s confidence. The tactics used took various forms, such as spreading slanderous rumors, causing trouble at work etc.

The first stage of Zersetzung was an evaluation of all state held data and information, eg medical records, school reports, police records, intelligence reports, searches of target’s residence. At this point they were looking for any weak points (social, emotional or physical) that could be used as a way to put pressure on the target, eg extra-marital affairs, criminal records, alcoholism, drug use, differences between the target and their group (eg age, class, clothing styles) that could be used to socially isolate them.

After this, a Zersetzung strategy was drawn up: What was the specific aim? What tactics should be used to exploit the target’s personal situation and character traits? What was the timescale?

The next stage was often to supplement covert surveillance with overt observation in order to communicate to the target that they were of interest to the Stasi and to create a sense of insecurity and paranoia. Tactics included stalking and following with sensitizing tactics, friends or strangers dropping hints or repeating information to you about something you might have done in your house the day before to let you know you are under surveillance, gaslighting, prank phone calls and strange noises on telephone lines.

The final stages entailed psychological and physical harassment: moving things around at one's home, break-ins  with nothing being stolen, break-ins with nothing but leaving food or milk out on the counter, (one morning the alarm clock goes off at 5am instead of 7am, and the socks are in the wrong drawer, there’s no coffee left…); damage to bikes and vehicles (eg slashing tires); the spreading of rumours as mentioned above; ordering goods in subject’s name etc.

Families were often used as leverage against activists at this stage – either with bribery, material gain or career advancement, or using methods of blackmail (family members were sometimes subject to oppression as a way of putting indirect pressure on the activist), or persuasion (“your daughter will land in deep trouble if she remains involved in that group, can’t you make her see sense? It’s her career at stake…”). Physical harassment often included repeated threats, physical attacks on the street, or abuse and assault could be incited by the rumors that had been spread (eg bullying at work, avoidance by neighbors).

How effective was the Stasi?

The militarily organized Stasi simply couldn’t understand how many activist groups functioned without leaders and hierarchies. They often mistook informal hierarchies (caused for example by differences in empowerment levels or dominant behavior patterns) to be real hierarchies – they would target political activists who they thought were leaders or knew information that they didn't want others to know about, and didn’t realise that even if some of these individuals were ‘switched off’, the rest of the group could still manage to function and wouldn’t necessarily fall apart.

The dedication of individuals and groups was also often underestimated – even if an informant successfully sabotaged an individual or a group’s activities, they rarely were completely disheartened, but would try all the harder to achieve their goals.

The tactics of Zersetzung had a significant control function ... if you were engaged in (or merely suspected of) activities that the Stasi didn’t like then repression was a way to punish you.

The human cost of Zersetzung is hard to quantify – many GDR activists are still suffering from burnout, trauma, and chronic mental health issues as a result of being targeted: on a personal level, the Stasi could be frighteningly effective.

2) Gathering and using intelligence

Informants weren’t just used to sabotage group activities and implement Zersetzung plans, but also to gain intelligence on individuals and groups (around 160km worth of Stasi archives survived the end of the GDR). Most intelligence was used to evaluate relationships and activities (which then led to an extension of intelligence gathering to previously untargeted individuals and groups,) and as a basis for planning Zersetzung operations. Obviously, plans for actions and activities were also reported, but these were acted upon only in rare and serious cases – if intelligence were used to disrupt the activities in any obvious way then suspicion would be drawn to the informant.

Intelligence from surveillance and the use of informants was rarely used to actually gain evidence for a prosecution – the Stasi desperately needed the huge amount of information it was processing in order to justify its own existence (along with the salaries and expenses of its officers and staff). If anything, this made the Stasi more dangerous to activists – the Stasi’s dependency on gathering intelligence and mounting operations made the surveillance, Zersetzung, and sabotage more likely to happen, along with the associated human cost.

Informants were regularly found out – mostly because of poor preparation and chance (eg groups who came across evidence that an informant was passing information to the Stasi). But it is significant that most informants were only discovered after 1989 when the Stasi files were opened.

Dealing with Zersetzung

Many people succumbed to pressure from the Stasi and other security forces, often because of mental health difficulties (brought about by the pressure) or through a process that was commonly called ‘inner migration’: giving up political and social beliefs, following the path of least resistance and ceasing oppositional activity.

On the other hand, resistance to Zersetzung was remarkably commonplace, and activists found ways to remain both healthy and active. When East German activists talk today about how they managed to continue their activism, the same points come up again and again, these are summarized below.

Support from friends and other activists was essential – a circle of close friends who shared an understanding of the political and policing situation was probably the most effective way to counter the Stasi.

With such friends, activists could talk openly about fears, suspicions, and needs – they could work out ways to deal with the pressure. They spent time with these friends doing non-activism related activities which helped to build trust in the group. This helped them to know that if things got bad for them, they could both trust their friends and be trusted by them; they would be there if help and support were in need. As a group, they would make plans for possible situations – for example, who would take care of the children in case of arrest or even imprisonment, or who could provide a ‘safe house’ if somebody was being shadowed and needed a break.

On a wider level, the solidarity between groups was an important factor in their survival and freedom to remain active: those groups that had strong relationships with others around the country were generally subject to less repression. In later years, particularly in East Berlin, even when repression happened, widespread solidarity actions and concerted efforts to gain publicity led to quick results (arrested or imprisoned individuals released, the work of the group allowed to resume etc). On the other hand, those groups that weren’t so well networked (usually those in small towns and rural areas where they might be the only active group) were easy pickings for the Stasi – at times whole regions of the country were ‘cleansed’ of grassroots activism.

Groups openly discussed the possibility of surveillance and intervention. The groups would aim to work out what oppression measures they might be subject to (currently and in future,) and think of ways they could deal with them. The hard bit was not to get lost in paranoia (particularly since there was a good chance that the group already had an informant present,) nor to be naïve or ignorant about the possibilities, but to find a middle ground of sensible measures that would, if needed, help, while not bogging the group down in extensive security measures that would just hinder the work of the group.

Part of working out the level of threat from the Stasi, and how to deal with it, was to consider the way the group worked, and how open the group was to newcomers. It is tempting to think that preparing and carrying out actions in the utmost secrecy would be the best defence against an opponent like the Stasi, but of the groups we know about which worked covertly in the GDR, all were subject to brutal Zersetzung measures, while those that worked openly were often subject ‘only’ to surveillance and sabotage by informants, but could nevertheless carry on their activities to a greater or lesser extent.

When open groups were subject to extraordinary repression levels, they were in a good position to mobilize support from other groups and interests. (It’s difficult to draw conclusions though – generally only those from open groups are willing to speak of their experiences, and any covert group that might have survived would be, by definition, hard to find out about.) Working openly also did not preclude the need to work secretly at times, particularly when planning an action or dealing with sensitive issues, and steps would be taken to avoid surveillance.

If a group identified an individual as a possible informant they might have decided not to take any obvious initial action. The immediate reaction would be to assess whether there might be any merit in the suspicions rather than to spread any rumors. The usual way of dealing with the situation would be for a few trusted individuals to discreetly research the suspect. Backgrounds would be checked (are there any family members? Do they exist? Has anyone else from the group spoken to them? What about friendships outside the group? Did the suspect actually work where they said they did? Are they familiar with the town they say they grew up in? etc) This worked well enough for informants who had been provided with a cover story and infiltrated into the group by the Stasi, but couldn’t provide clear results if the informant was a ‘real’ person who had been turned.

By making notes of behavior patterns and movements of a suspect, the group might think they were finding evidence of Stasi involvement. One certain way was to discover reports or connections to handling officers, this would be a clear sign.


It is easy to get lost in analyzing the techniques the Stasi used, and the more you look into it, the more frightening it gets. But it’s worth mentioning that, in our assessment, the grassroots opposition movements made the biggest contribution to the revolution that started in East Germany in autumn 1989 – despite the horrifying levels of repression and surveillance that they had faced for decades. Quite simply, the Stasi failed to predict the events of that year, and once things had started their Zersetzung tactics became ineffective.