Exposing Intelligence Agency Human Rights Abuses, Government and Corporate Corruption Along with the Problems of Zionism. The Foundation of Freedom is Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Speech
Showing posts with label Slave Trade and Human Trafficking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slave Trade and Human Trafficking. Show all posts
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Mass Scale Debauchery in the United States Government - Right Up to the Highest Levels - Including the NSA and CIA
Forward Note: As I said before, this is why you cannot trust government spy institutions and the police who work with them. See here, here, here, here and here for more connections to mind control, pedophilia, drug trafficking, human and child trafficking with spy institutions. Most people do not know that one of the ways for intelligence officers or anyone else, (a hacker,) to download child porn is to use someone else's computer. They can also use BitTorrents and other Peer-to-Peer File Sharing programs. Many people often download and use these programs for other reasons, but, they can be dangerous because hackers can piggyback on them and download other material onto your computer.
The Pizzagate meme that you hear going around right now is certainly nothing new. The first thing to keep in mind is this stuff is real and it happens. It goes back hundreds if not thousands of years. From cases like Giles de Rais to the Countess Elizabeth Báthory.
Don't forget the Ian Watkins baby incidents with Peaches Geldof. Peaches tweeted out the Mom's names involved in this. Then there is Jimmy Savile and especially the case of Marc Dutroux who literally had children in torture chambers. The Marc Dutroux case also involved elites in high places. These connections run through the royal families, the Anglo-American empire, the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church which is connected to the Church of England and the Royal Family, the Jewish elite, the state of Israel and Arab allies in the middle east, like Saudi Arabia.
But, it is also happening in Canada and the United States. Just look at this interview with Corey Feldman about the Hollywood elite and pedophilia and this video with Elijah Wood about the child sex abuse problem in Hollywood. You can also watch this documentary called Hollywood Pedophiles Exposed. Then, of course, there is Jeffery Epstein, the billionaire pedophile with his sex slaves and orgy island. Someone who the Clintons, Donald Trump, and many others knew. Most people have never heard of this case with the father of Nicole Kidman either, where it was alleged that he was involved in an elite pedophile ring.
Another case to consider is Russell Williams in Canada. Russell Williams was the roommate of Paul Bernardo. Williams was flying around Stephen Harper and the Royal family! These are not coincidences. Just like the connections between drugs, organized crime, law enforcement and the intelligence industry.
It's also thought provoking to contemplate the cases below in the context of the classified technology I'm talking about. The intelligence industry and elite politically connected individuals are hoarding classified technology and some of us are under a perverted level of surveillance. (They can do it to anyone.) These people have access to technology that allows them to turn someone's life into a reality TV show.
They can look out any child, woman or man's eyes. This is the never talked about link between the intelligence agencies and pedophilia. They are, by default, all voyeurs and pedophiles. The people in control of the United States government right now are absolute lying psychopaths. You are truly living in times comparable to the French Revolution. Their levels of corruption, greed, and depravity are beyond most people's imaginations. This is nothing new. It was going on at the time of the Franklin Coverup, also see here for more about the FBI and Child Sex Trafficking.
The intelligence agencies are run by complete lying sadistic perverted psychopaths. Do you think it is a coincidence that John Podesta is friends with former speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert?
Do you think it's a coincidence that Andrew Breitbart tweeted out those tweets before he died? Another interesting video is this one here, with Andrew Breitbart with Greg Gutfeld on Fox making remarks about "Ping Pong." Hmm, you don't think they knew something? (See here for more about Comet Ping Pong.)
Below is a whole list of United States abuses that are worth looking at. What is most compelling about them, is many are a part of the government, the most interesting being the intelligence agencies and the Pentagon. This is already something that I pointed out here and here.
Vancouver Police counter exploitation detective charged with sexual exploitation and assault
The Pizzagate meme that you hear going around right now is certainly nothing new. The first thing to keep in mind is this stuff is real and it happens. It goes back hundreds if not thousands of years. From cases like Giles de Rais to the Countess Elizabeth Báthory.
There Really is People That Are This Crazy
Don't forget the Ian Watkins baby incidents with Peaches Geldof. Peaches tweeted out the Mom's names involved in this. Then there is Jimmy Savile and especially the case of Marc Dutroux who literally had children in torture chambers. The Marc Dutroux case also involved elites in high places. These connections run through the royal families, the Anglo-American empire, the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church which is connected to the Church of England and the Royal Family, the Jewish elite, the state of Israel and Arab allies in the middle east, like Saudi Arabia.
But, it is also happening in Canada and the United States. Just look at this interview with Corey Feldman about the Hollywood elite and pedophilia and this video with Elijah Wood about the child sex abuse problem in Hollywood. You can also watch this documentary called Hollywood Pedophiles Exposed. Then, of course, there is Jeffery Epstein, the billionaire pedophile with his sex slaves and orgy island. Someone who the Clintons, Donald Trump, and many others knew. Most people have never heard of this case with the father of Nicole Kidman either, where it was alleged that he was involved in an elite pedophile ring.
Another case to consider is Russell Williams in Canada. Russell Williams was the roommate of Paul Bernardo. Williams was flying around Stephen Harper and the Royal family! These are not coincidences. Just like the connections between drugs, organized crime, law enforcement and the intelligence industry.
It's also thought provoking to contemplate the cases below in the context of the classified technology I'm talking about. The intelligence industry and elite politically connected individuals are hoarding classified technology and some of us are under a perverted level of surveillance. (They can do it to anyone.) These people have access to technology that allows them to turn someone's life into a reality TV show.
They can look out any child, woman or man's eyes. This is the never talked about link between the intelligence agencies and pedophilia. They are, by default, all voyeurs and pedophiles. The people in control of the United States government right now are absolute lying psychopaths. You are truly living in times comparable to the French Revolution. Their levels of corruption, greed, and depravity are beyond most people's imaginations. This is nothing new. It was going on at the time of the Franklin Coverup, also see here for more about the FBI and Child Sex Trafficking.
The intelligence agencies are run by complete lying sadistic perverted psychopaths. Do you think it is a coincidence that John Podesta is friends with former speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert?
Do you think it's a coincidence that Andrew Breitbart tweeted out those tweets before he died? Another interesting video is this one here, with Andrew Breitbart with Greg Gutfeld on Fox making remarks about "Ping Pong." Hmm, you don't think they knew something? (See here for more about Comet Ping Pong.)
Below is a whole list of United States abuses that are worth looking at. What is most compelling about them, is many are a part of the government, the most interesting being the intelligence agencies and the Pentagon. This is already something that I pointed out here and here.
Former Speaker of the House: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hastert http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/04/27/ex-speaker-dennis-hastert-faces-sentencing-chicago/83584440/
Ex-House Speaker, 'serial child molester' Dennis Hastert goes to prison
CIA able to keep its secrets on budgets, bad apples
Pentagon lagged on pursuing porn cases
5,200 Pentagon Employees Bought Child Pornography – Investigation halted after 8 Months:
Did We Finish Looking Into Those 1,700 Pentagon Child Porn Cases?'
Child Porn, Coke Smuggling: Hundreds of DHS Employees Arrested Last Year
‘Cannibal Cop’ partner Michael Van Hise wanted to keep children as sex slaves: prosecutors
'Cannibal Cop's' partner 'wanted to make stepdaughter, three, a sex slave and offered two nieces to be raped'
Hill aide arrested on child porn charges
Ryan Loskarn Child Pornography
Lamar Alexander's former aide, charged with child porn, kills himself
Crimes Of DHS Employees – Child Porn, Coke Smuggling, Forgery, Bribery, And Robbery
DHS Press Secretary Arrested on Child Seduction Charges
Jared Fogle, ex-Subway pitchman, paid kids for sex on New York trips, prosecutor says
San Francisco: Homeland Security agent found guilty of possession of child pornography
Customs and Border Protection Supervisor Pleads Guilty to Possession of Child Pornography
State Department official arrested on suspicion of seeking sex with minor: CNN
UPDATE: Aldie man charged with sexually soliciting middle school girls
State Department employee arrested on child porn charge in Broward
N.J. state employee used work computer to download child porn, AG says
State Department employee Carl Carey arrested on child porn charges
Conn. Mayor Arrested on Child Sex Charges
Cop Arrested for Child Sex Charges AGAIN — After Dept Failed to Prosecute the First Time
Real Life #Pizzagate Authorities Arrest 51 In Child Sex Ring, Lawmakers Included
South Florida ICE official arrested on child porn charges
Former Navy official pleads to pornography charge
Former Navy chaplain to be sentenced for child pornography
Former Navy MP pleads guilty to federal child porn charge
Former Navy sailor pleads guilty to child porn charge
Undersecretary of the Navy, Special Assistant to Reagan, Pentagon Spokesman - CHILD PORN
Former Navy Physician’s Assistant Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charges
Ex-Blue Angels photographer pleads guilty to child porn charge
Ex-Army Colonel Weeps as He Is Sentenced to Prison on Child Pornography Charges
Canadian soldier in England pleads guilty to making and possessing child pornography
Former Ontario education deputy minister pleads guilty to three child porn charges
Military officer pleads guilty to possessing graphic child porn
Ex-Clinton adviser pleads to child-porn charge
Ex-Edmonton soldier pleads guilty to child porn charges
Former Subway pitchman seeks to plead guilty to child pornography, sex charges
Former drug agent pleads guilty to federal child pornography charge
More high-ranking officers being charged with sex crimes against subordinates
Retired Navy officer gets one year prison in child-porn case
Portland Man Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison for Possessing One Image of Child Sexual Abuse- employee of the DOI's Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
Former Department of Agriculture Worker Sentenced for Child Porn
Former House staffer sentenced for child porn
Former federal worker gets 50 years in rape, child porn case
Army colonel sentenced to 12 years in child pornography case
Former Greene County Deputy Sentenced for Child Porn
Former Coulee Dam school administrator pleads guilty to federal child porn charge
Richmond Resident Convicted of Possession of Child Pornography
Former BPD detective sentenced in child porn case
Former top FBI agent charged with child porn distribution
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Operation Flicker – Child Pornography Found At High Levels of Government
See past posts that cover topics of pedophilia, child trafficking and mind control here, here and here.
The following is a write-up by Voice of America on the government investigation known as “Operation Flicker.”
Federal investigators have identified members of the U.S. military and defense contractors who allegedly bought and downloaded child pornography, at times on government computers. Some of the individuals have high-level security clearances.
The Pentagon released 94 pages of documents related to investigations that date back to 2002. Many names and details are blacked out, but the facts that remain are disturbing.
A contractor with top secret clearance, tasked with providing support to the National Security Agency, was charged with possessing child pornography. Investigators say he tampered with his work computer after agents searched his home. He fled the country and is believed to be in Libya. The case is closed until he is arrested and extradited.
A National Reconnaissance Office contract employee acknowledged he regularly viewed sexually explicit images of children.
One sailor admitted to accessing child pornography while stationed on the Naval destroyer U.S.S. Mason. He was sentenced to nearly four years in prison.
The findings come from a wider investigation conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That probe, dubbed Operation Flicker, identified more than 5,000 individuals who subscribed to child pornography websites. An assistant U.S. attorney general requested that the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, under the auspices of the Pentagon’s Inspector General, assist in identifying Pentagon-affiliated individuals.
The above article was written when only the DCIS investigation was released, which is found below. Since then, I have managed to get quite a few more pages declassified, which can also be downloaded here:
Department of Defense / Office of Inspector General [2 Pages, 0.2MB] – As of July of 2015, the DOD/IG is denying all records associated with this request, and will not release them.
The following is a write-up by Voice of America on the government investigation known as “Operation Flicker.”
Federal investigators have identified members of the U.S. military and defense contractors who allegedly bought and downloaded child pornography, at times on government computers. Some of the individuals have high-level security clearances.
The Pentagon released 94 pages of documents related to investigations that date back to 2002. Many names and details are blacked out, but the facts that remain are disturbing.
A contractor with top secret clearance, tasked with providing support to the National Security Agency, was charged with possessing child pornography. Investigators say he tampered with his work computer after agents searched his home. He fled the country and is believed to be in Libya. The case is closed until he is arrested and extradited.
A National Reconnaissance Office contract employee acknowledged he regularly viewed sexually explicit images of children.
One sailor admitted to accessing child pornography while stationed on the Naval destroyer U.S.S. Mason. He was sentenced to nearly four years in prison.
The findings come from a wider investigation conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That probe, dubbed Operation Flicker, identified more than 5,000 individuals who subscribed to child pornography websites. An assistant U.S. attorney general requested that the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, under the auspices of the Pentagon’s Inspector General, assist in identifying Pentagon-affiliated individuals.
The above article was written when only the DCIS investigation was released, which is found below. Since then, I have managed to get quite a few more pages declassified, which can also be downloaded here:
Declassified Documents
Report of Investigation, Defense Criminal Investigative Service, 20 November 2009 [94 Pages, 4.9MB]
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Documents, Released July 15, 2016 [932 Pages, 182.5MB]
Monday, September 19, 2016
Jews Selling Blacks - The Little Known or Talked About History of Jewish Involvement in the Slave Trade
Besides the book below, to see previous posts on the relationship between Judaism and slavery, see here, here, here and here. After you see the historical connections between Judaism and slavery, it's certainly not much of a leap of the imagination to go to political slavery being implemented through Transhumanism. See here for the connections between Judaism and Transhumanism, see here, here and here for the connections between Transhumanism and political control, see here and here for the connections between Judaism and eugenics.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
NSA Silent on Spies’ Child Porn Problem
Forward Note: As I said before, this is why you cannot trust government spy institutions and the police who work with them. See here and here for more connections to mind control, pedophilia, human and child trafficking with spy institutions. Most people do not know that one of the ways for intelligence officers or anyone else, (a hacker,) to download child porn is to use someone else's computer. They can also use BitTorrents and other Peer-to-Peer File Sharing programs. Many people often download and use these programs for other reasons, but, they can be dangerous because hackers can piggyback on them and download other material onto your computer.
The government’s cyber spying outfit has an ‘unbelievable’ child porn problem. But the NSA can’t—or won’t—say how often it finds such criminal images on its workers’ computers.
By Shane Harris - 05.05.16 10:15 PM ET- The Daily Beast
Two senior U.S. intelligence officials said recently that defense and intelligence employees have an “unbelievable” amount of child pornography on their work computers and devices, and that child porn has been found on the systems of the National Security Agency, the country’s biggest intelligence organization.
But the NSA, which is responsible for keeping tabs on its own computers as well as military and intelligence agency networks, cannot say just how many times employees have been found to possess or share child pornography, or how many times such cases have been referred to law enforcement for investigation and potential criminal prosecution.
An agency spokesperson was unable to provide The Daily Beast with statistics to elaborate on comments by Kemp Ensor, the NSA’s director of security, who said at a public conference in Virginia on April 28 that he had seen child porn on agency systems. Despite the fact that NSA employees know they work inside the most powerful surveillance organization on the planet, it doesn’t stop some from engaging in criminal behavior. “What people do [at work] is amazing,” Ensor said.
His comments were first reported by Nextgov.
“NSA is a professional foreign-intelligence and information-assurance organization with a highly disciplined workforce, serving around the clock in some of the world’s most dangerous areas,” an NSA spokesperson said in a written statement. “We set high professional standards for our personnel and any violations of the law are appropriately reported.”
(Comment from editor: This is laughable because when you know they truth of the NSA essentially they break the law all the time. Like other intelligence agencies, they are pretty much a lawless organization with almost zero oversite.)
But how many? How often? These are questions one might imagine the world’s premiere computer-monitoring agency could answer.
Privately, current and former intelligence officials told The Daily Beast that the NSA does know when employees are downloading, storing, or sharing graphic and illegal images. Downloading, purchasing, and disseminating child pornography is a crime. But NSA is probably not keeping track of the number of times child porn has been found, the current and former officials said—at least not in any form that it’s willing to release publicly.
If that’s the case, it’s not because defense and security officials have failed to raise red flags. Six years ago, the Pentagon released more than 90 pages from an investigation called Operation Flicker, which revealed that members of the military and defense contractors had allegedly purchased child porn on their government computers. One contractor with a top-secret security clearance was charged with possession. The contractor worked for the NSA.
So the agency clearly understands, even if anecdotally or based on the results of outside investigations, that there’s a problem. And the NSA isn’t alone.
“The amount of child porn I see is just unbelievable,” Daniel Payne, the director of the Defense Security Service, said at the same conference where Ensor spoke. The DSS, which is a separate agency from the NSA, conducts background checks on prospective and current government employees. Payne has worked in intelligence and counterintelligence for 34 years, including jobs in the military and at the CIA.
Ensor and Payne’s candid remarks clearly made their employers uncomfortable. Not only did the NSA decline repeated requests to quantify the nature of the problem that Ensor described. The Defense Security Service, when asked the same question, initially provided a boilerplate statement that softened Payne’s alarming comments.
Payne’s “remarks were not Agency specific; rather, he was speaking in terms of the government as a whole,” the statement said. Asked again to provide information that would quantify the nature of that problem, the agency offered a count of its own employees who were found with porn on their work computers: zero.
“The Defense Security Service has found no instances of child pornography on agency computers,” the statement read. “Should a DSS employee be found to have child pornography, the case would be referred to law enforcement for further investigation.”
Asked for the number of times it had found child porn on the computers of other agencies, such as those where DSS investigators are conducting background checks for security clearance renewals, the agency didn’t provide a number.
“As a part of our mission, DSS conducts security vulnerability assessments of cleared facilities, which includes reviewing the audit records of classified systems,” the agency said in another statement. “Should the review uncover any illegal activity, DSS would inform the facility security staff, and if necessary, ensure the appropriate law enforcement authorities are notified.”
Payne and Ensor weren’t trying to raise awareness about child porn and abuse in government. Rather, they were speaking on a panel about so-called insider threats at intelligence agencies. Since Edward Snowden disclosed highly-classified information about surveillance by the NSA, American intelligence agencies have made detecting the next leaker or spy a top priority.
(Comment from editor: Edward Snowden is a phony. See here, here and here for more on this.)
To do that, the agencies need to keep tabs not just on what government employees are doing at work, but also at home, Payne and Ensor argued. NSA employees, particularly young ones, leave the agency and then hop online from the privacy of their own home. “That is where were we need to be, that’s where we need to mine,” Ensor said.
The child porn problem came up, spokespersons for both agencies said, in the context of a discussion about the kinds of activities that signal someone could be engaging in criminal behavior, which would immediately make them a potential security threat.
That raised the question of whether the officials were using one form of criminal behavior—the downloading of child pornography—which they couldn’t precisely quantify, to justify the expansion of surveillance of government employees.
But in trying to emphasize one problem—leakers and spies—Payne and Ensor underscored another: the ongoing and persistent downloading of child porn in the workplace. And, perhaps, officials’ willful ignorance of the matter.
Government investigations have found instances in which intelligence officials effectively ignored evidence of employees viewing child porn and potential child abuse. In 2014, McClatchy reported that an inspector general found the National Reconnaissance Office, which runs U.S. spy satellites, had failed to notify authorities when some of its employees and contractors confessed to child molestation and other crimes during lie detector tests, which are administered for security clearance purposes.
“In one instance, one of the agency’s top lawyers told colleagues not to bother reporting confessions by a government contractor of child molestation, viewing child pornography and sexting with a minor, the inquiry by the inspector general for the intelligence community revealed,” according to McClatchy. Two years earlier, the news organization had reported that law enforcement officials weren’t being told about criminal confessions that surfaced in lie detector tests.
In 2011, the Boston Globe reported that the Defense Department had investigated just 3,500 out of 5,200 people who were suspected of downloading child porn. The Pentagon’s inspector general promised an “all-out pursuit” to catch perpetrators, and said his office would review 1,700 potential cases of child pornography possession that had been referred to military investigators four years earlier, but that were never screened, the Globe reported.
Though they apparently didn’t mean to, Payne and Ensor made a valuable point. The problem of child porn in the government workplace, which has been documented time and again, obviously remains unsolved if two senior officials whose job it is to know are still talking about it.
The government’s cyber spying outfit has an ‘unbelievable’ child porn problem. But the NSA can’t—or won’t—say how often it finds such criminal images on its workers’ computers.
By Shane Harris - 05.05.16 10:15 PM ET- The Daily Beast
Two senior U.S. intelligence officials said recently that defense and intelligence employees have an “unbelievable” amount of child pornography on their work computers and devices, and that child porn has been found on the systems of the National Security Agency, the country’s biggest intelligence organization.
But the NSA, which is responsible for keeping tabs on its own computers as well as military and intelligence agency networks, cannot say just how many times employees have been found to possess or share child pornography, or how many times such cases have been referred to law enforcement for investigation and potential criminal prosecution.
An agency spokesperson was unable to provide The Daily Beast with statistics to elaborate on comments by Kemp Ensor, the NSA’s director of security, who said at a public conference in Virginia on April 28 that he had seen child porn on agency systems. Despite the fact that NSA employees know they work inside the most powerful surveillance organization on the planet, it doesn’t stop some from engaging in criminal behavior. “What people do [at work] is amazing,” Ensor said.
His comments were first reported by Nextgov.
“NSA is a professional foreign-intelligence and information-assurance organization with a highly disciplined workforce, serving around the clock in some of the world’s most dangerous areas,” an NSA spokesperson said in a written statement. “We set high professional standards for our personnel and any violations of the law are appropriately reported.”
(Comment from editor: This is laughable because when you know they truth of the NSA essentially they break the law all the time. Like other intelligence agencies, they are pretty much a lawless organization with almost zero oversite.)
But how many? How often? These are questions one might imagine the world’s premiere computer-monitoring agency could answer.
Privately, current and former intelligence officials told The Daily Beast that the NSA does know when employees are downloading, storing, or sharing graphic and illegal images. Downloading, purchasing, and disseminating child pornography is a crime. But NSA is probably not keeping track of the number of times child porn has been found, the current and former officials said—at least not in any form that it’s willing to release publicly.
If that’s the case, it’s not because defense and security officials have failed to raise red flags. Six years ago, the Pentagon released more than 90 pages from an investigation called Operation Flicker, which revealed that members of the military and defense contractors had allegedly purchased child porn on their government computers. One contractor with a top-secret security clearance was charged with possession. The contractor worked for the NSA.
So the agency clearly understands, even if anecdotally or based on the results of outside investigations, that there’s a problem. And the NSA isn’t alone.
“The amount of child porn I see is just unbelievable,” Daniel Payne, the director of the Defense Security Service, said at the same conference where Ensor spoke. The DSS, which is a separate agency from the NSA, conducts background checks on prospective and current government employees. Payne has worked in intelligence and counterintelligence for 34 years, including jobs in the military and at the CIA.
Ensor and Payne’s candid remarks clearly made their employers uncomfortable. Not only did the NSA decline repeated requests to quantify the nature of the problem that Ensor described. The Defense Security Service, when asked the same question, initially provided a boilerplate statement that softened Payne’s alarming comments.
Payne’s “remarks were not Agency specific; rather, he was speaking in terms of the government as a whole,” the statement said. Asked again to provide information that would quantify the nature of that problem, the agency offered a count of its own employees who were found with porn on their work computers: zero.
“The Defense Security Service has found no instances of child pornography on agency computers,” the statement read. “Should a DSS employee be found to have child pornography, the case would be referred to law enforcement for further investigation.”
Asked for the number of times it had found child porn on the computers of other agencies, such as those where DSS investigators are conducting background checks for security clearance renewals, the agency didn’t provide a number.
“As a part of our mission, DSS conducts security vulnerability assessments of cleared facilities, which includes reviewing the audit records of classified systems,” the agency said in another statement. “Should the review uncover any illegal activity, DSS would inform the facility security staff, and if necessary, ensure the appropriate law enforcement authorities are notified.”
Payne and Ensor weren’t trying to raise awareness about child porn and abuse in government. Rather, they were speaking on a panel about so-called insider threats at intelligence agencies. Since Edward Snowden disclosed highly-classified information about surveillance by the NSA, American intelligence agencies have made detecting the next leaker or spy a top priority.
(Comment from editor: Edward Snowden is a phony. See here, here and here for more on this.)
To do that, the agencies need to keep tabs not just on what government employees are doing at work, but also at home, Payne and Ensor argued. NSA employees, particularly young ones, leave the agency and then hop online from the privacy of their own home. “That is where were we need to be, that’s where we need to mine,” Ensor said.
The child porn problem came up, spokespersons for both agencies said, in the context of a discussion about the kinds of activities that signal someone could be engaging in criminal behavior, which would immediately make them a potential security threat.
That raised the question of whether the officials were using one form of criminal behavior—the downloading of child pornography—which they couldn’t precisely quantify, to justify the expansion of surveillance of government employees.
But in trying to emphasize one problem—leakers and spies—Payne and Ensor underscored another: the ongoing and persistent downloading of child porn in the workplace. And, perhaps, officials’ willful ignorance of the matter.
Government investigations have found instances in which intelligence officials effectively ignored evidence of employees viewing child porn and potential child abuse. In 2014, McClatchy reported that an inspector general found the National Reconnaissance Office, which runs U.S. spy satellites, had failed to notify authorities when some of its employees and contractors confessed to child molestation and other crimes during lie detector tests, which are administered for security clearance purposes.
“In one instance, one of the agency’s top lawyers told colleagues not to bother reporting confessions by a government contractor of child molestation, viewing child pornography and sexting with a minor, the inquiry by the inspector general for the intelligence community revealed,” according to McClatchy. Two years earlier, the news organization had reported that law enforcement officials weren’t being told about criminal confessions that surfaced in lie detector tests.
In 2011, the Boston Globe reported that the Defense Department had investigated just 3,500 out of 5,200 people who were suspected of downloading child porn. The Pentagon’s inspector general promised an “all-out pursuit” to catch perpetrators, and said his office would review 1,700 potential cases of child pornography possession that had been referred to military investigators four years earlier, but that were never screened, the Globe reported.
Though they apparently didn’t mean to, Payne and Ensor made a valuable point. The problem of child porn in the government workplace, which has been documented time and again, obviously remains unsolved if two senior officials whose job it is to know are still talking about it.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
FBI and Child Sex Trafficking
In addition to reading the article below, please see here for more about the Franklin Cover-up: Intelligence Agencies, drugs, child prostitution and mind control.
It is interesting to contemplate the article below in the context of what has been told about Jimmy Savile and Marc Dutroux. As anyone knows that has done any research on Jimmy Savile, his connections went all the way up to the royal family and the highest level of british society, entertainment and government. As I have pointed out here, these connections run through the British royal family, the Anglo-American empire, the Jewish elite, the state of Israel and Zionism. But, it is also happening in the United States too. Just look at this interview with Corey Feldman about the Hollywood elite and Pedophilia and this video with Elijah Wood about the child sex abuse problem in Hollywood. You can also watch this documentary called Hollywood Paedophiles Exposed.
It is also thought provoking to contemplate the case of Jimmy Savile and Marc Dutroux in the context of the classified technology I am talking about. Another case to consider is Russell Williams in Canada. Russell Williams was the roommate of Paul Bernardo. Williams was flying around Stephen Harper and the Royal family! These are not coincidences. Just like the connections between drugs, organized crime, law enforcement and the intelligence industry.
The intelligence industry and elite politically connected families are hording classified technology and some of us are under a perverted level of surveillance. (They can do it to anyone.) These people have access to technology that allows them to turn someones life into a reality TV show. They can look out any child, woman or man's eyes. This is the never talked about link between the intelligence agencies and pedophilia. They are, by default, all voyeurs and pedophiles.
From August 1, 2013
The FBI announced Monday that it has arrested 150 people suspected of child sex trafficking.
Unfortunately, those arrested appear to be low-level operators - not the well-connected kingpins who pander children to the wealthiest and most powerful Americans. Elite pedophile networks connected to elements of the CIA, including the “Finders of Lost Children” and the Franklin Scandal group, have operated shamelessly and without fear of prosecution for decades. They have even peddled young prostitutes during midnight tours of the White House.
On June 29th, 1989, the Washington Times published a breakthrough story headlined: “Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush: ‘Call boys’ took midnight tour of White House.’”
The story began: “A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington’s political elite, documents obtained by The Washington Times reveal. One of the ring’s high-profile clients was so well-connected, in fact, that he could arrange a middle-of-the-night tour of the White House for his friends on Sunday, July 3, of last year. Among the six persons on the extraordinary 1 a.m. tour were two male prostitutes.”
None of the guilty parties was ever prosecuted.
In 2005, male prostitute Jeff Gannon repeatedly took midnight tours of George W. Bush’s White House. Though Gannon was using bogus press credentials, and though the Secret Service broke its own rules by failing to log Gannon in and out properly, no investigation was launched - and, of course, nobody was ever prosecuted.
Apparently, offering midnight tours of the White House for young male prostitutes is standard operating procedure in today’s USA.
Why do these criminals enjoy immunity from prosecution?
Two interrelated factors are at work.
First, America’s wealthiest families share a tradition of what sociologists and criminologists call “elite deviance”: They consider themselves above the law. Groups like Skull and Bones, whose initiates masturbate naked in a coffin in front of the older members, help intensify this culture of deviance by inculcating an ethic of superiority and impunity, and operating as a “feeder” for US intelligence services. Professor Peter Dale Scott explains that these elite organized criminals form an “overworld” which is as far above the law as the “underworld” is beneath it.
Secondly, rogue elements of various police and intelligence services, as well as top-tier organized crime outfits, use blackmail as a means of control. They employ child prostitution rings to obtain blackmail material on politicians, judges, military and intelligence officers, and other key power-brokers.
One of the most notorious CIA-linked child-pimping outfits is the Finders of Lost Children. In 1979, police in Tallahassee, Florida arrested two men who were brutally abusing six children between the ages of three and six. A police investigation revealed that large numbers of captive children were being held in two warehouses in Washington, DC and being treated worse than animals in a zoo. The children were “unaware of the purposes of telephones, televisions, and toilets” and were used in blood rituals and sexual orgies. A vast treasure trove of documents, photos, and videos showed that the Finders were running a huge, multi-national child trafficking operation.
Agent Ramon Martinez of the US Customs Service and Detective James Bradley of the Washington, DC police were horrified at what they found. They were even more horrified when their investigation and attempted prosecution of the Finders was called off - by the CIA! According to Agent Martinez’s report, the case of the Finders of Lost Children was deemed “a CIA internal matter” and all details were “classified secret and not available for review.” The CIA forced USCS, the DC Police, and the FBI to drop the case and release the two child abusers - and give them back the six children for further abuse.
The CIA’s role in organized child trafficking has been revealed by former CIA Director William Colby, who admitted to Nebraska State Legislator John DeCamp that a rogue element of the CIA was heavily involved in ritual child abuse. Colby said it would be very difficult to stop the CIA child abusers, who held enormous power, but that in the long term they might be brought down. He informed DeCamp that the abused children were being used in CIA mind-control experiments as well as blackmail projects.
Unfortunately, Colby did not live to see the demise of the CIA child-abuse faction. He was killed in a transparently fraudulent “boating accident” a few years after he began working with DeCamp.
John DeCamp’s book The Franklin Cover-up describes how children from Nebraska’s Boys Town orphanage were flown all over the US by a pimp named Larry King, a well-connected Republican who sang the National Anthem at the Republican National Convention by day, then sold child sex slaves to Republican party bigwigs at night. One of the child prostitutes implicated George H.W. Bush in testimony videotaped by investigators.
A series of mysterious deaths ended the Franklin investigation, but the truth is not hard to discover. Nick Bryant’s book The Franklin Scandal and John DeCamp’s The Franklin Cover-up flesh out the details. And the documentary film Conspiracy of Silence - which was nearly scrubbed from history by the child-abuse perpetrators - can and must be viewed on-line.
Bottom line: Though the FBI should be commended for arresting 150 suspected child traffickers, it still needs to be pressured to go after the elite pedophile organizations that apparently enjoy continuing impunity.
It is interesting to contemplate the article below in the context of what has been told about Jimmy Savile and Marc Dutroux. As anyone knows that has done any research on Jimmy Savile, his connections went all the way up to the royal family and the highest level of british society, entertainment and government. As I have pointed out here, these connections run through the British royal family, the Anglo-American empire, the Jewish elite, the state of Israel and Zionism. But, it is also happening in the United States too. Just look at this interview with Corey Feldman about the Hollywood elite and Pedophilia and this video with Elijah Wood about the child sex abuse problem in Hollywood. You can also watch this documentary called Hollywood Paedophiles Exposed.
The intelligence industry and elite politically connected families are hording classified technology and some of us are under a perverted level of surveillance. (They can do it to anyone.) These people have access to technology that allows them to turn someones life into a reality TV show. They can look out any child, woman or man's eyes. This is the never talked about link between the intelligence agencies and pedophilia. They are, by default, all voyeurs and pedophiles.
From August 1, 2013
The FBI announced Monday that it has arrested 150 people suspected of child sex trafficking.
Unfortunately, those arrested appear to be low-level operators - not the well-connected kingpins who pander children to the wealthiest and most powerful Americans. Elite pedophile networks connected to elements of the CIA, including the “Finders of Lost Children” and the Franklin Scandal group, have operated shamelessly and without fear of prosecution for decades. They have even peddled young prostitutes during midnight tours of the White House.
On June 29th, 1989, the Washington Times published a breakthrough story headlined: “Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush: ‘Call boys’ took midnight tour of White House.’”
The story began: “A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington’s political elite, documents obtained by The Washington Times reveal. One of the ring’s high-profile clients was so well-connected, in fact, that he could arrange a middle-of-the-night tour of the White House for his friends on Sunday, July 3, of last year. Among the six persons on the extraordinary 1 a.m. tour were two male prostitutes.”
None of the guilty parties was ever prosecuted.
In 2005, male prostitute Jeff Gannon repeatedly took midnight tours of George W. Bush’s White House. Though Gannon was using bogus press credentials, and though the Secret Service broke its own rules by failing to log Gannon in and out properly, no investigation was launched - and, of course, nobody was ever prosecuted.
Apparently, offering midnight tours of the White House for young male prostitutes is standard operating procedure in today’s USA.
Why do these criminals enjoy immunity from prosecution?
Two interrelated factors are at work.
First, America’s wealthiest families share a tradition of what sociologists and criminologists call “elite deviance”: They consider themselves above the law. Groups like Skull and Bones, whose initiates masturbate naked in a coffin in front of the older members, help intensify this culture of deviance by inculcating an ethic of superiority and impunity, and operating as a “feeder” for US intelligence services. Professor Peter Dale Scott explains that these elite organized criminals form an “overworld” which is as far above the law as the “underworld” is beneath it.
Secondly, rogue elements of various police and intelligence services, as well as top-tier organized crime outfits, use blackmail as a means of control. They employ child prostitution rings to obtain blackmail material on politicians, judges, military and intelligence officers, and other key power-brokers.
One of the most notorious CIA-linked child-pimping outfits is the Finders of Lost Children. In 1979, police in Tallahassee, Florida arrested two men who were brutally abusing six children between the ages of three and six. A police investigation revealed that large numbers of captive children were being held in two warehouses in Washington, DC and being treated worse than animals in a zoo. The children were “unaware of the purposes of telephones, televisions, and toilets” and were used in blood rituals and sexual orgies. A vast treasure trove of documents, photos, and videos showed that the Finders were running a huge, multi-national child trafficking operation.
Agent Ramon Martinez of the US Customs Service and Detective James Bradley of the Washington, DC police were horrified at what they found. They were even more horrified when their investigation and attempted prosecution of the Finders was called off - by the CIA! According to Agent Martinez’s report, the case of the Finders of Lost Children was deemed “a CIA internal matter” and all details were “classified secret and not available for review.” The CIA forced USCS, the DC Police, and the FBI to drop the case and release the two child abusers - and give them back the six children for further abuse.
The CIA’s role in organized child trafficking has been revealed by former CIA Director William Colby, who admitted to Nebraska State Legislator John DeCamp that a rogue element of the CIA was heavily involved in ritual child abuse. Colby said it would be very difficult to stop the CIA child abusers, who held enormous power, but that in the long term they might be brought down. He informed DeCamp that the abused children were being used in CIA mind-control experiments as well as blackmail projects.
Unfortunately, Colby did not live to see the demise of the CIA child-abuse faction. He was killed in a transparently fraudulent “boating accident” a few years after he began working with DeCamp.
John DeCamp’s book The Franklin Cover-up describes how children from Nebraska’s Boys Town orphanage were flown all over the US by a pimp named Larry King, a well-connected Republican who sang the National Anthem at the Republican National Convention by day, then sold child sex slaves to Republican party bigwigs at night. One of the child prostitutes implicated George H.W. Bush in testimony videotaped by investigators.
A series of mysterious deaths ended the Franklin investigation, but the truth is not hard to discover. Nick Bryant’s book The Franklin Scandal and John DeCamp’s The Franklin Cover-up flesh out the details. And the documentary film Conspiracy of Silence - which was nearly scrubbed from history by the child-abuse perpetrators - can and must be viewed on-line.
Bottom line: Though the FBI should be commended for arresting 150 suspected child traffickers, it still needs to be pressured to go after the elite pedophile organizations that apparently enjoy continuing impunity.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Jews, the White Slave Trade and the Evolution of the "Russian" Mob
STEVEN SPIELBERG’S pseudo-historical film about a 19th-century mutiny and massacre aboard a Spanish slave ship, Amistad, and the subsequent trial of the Black mutineers was praised by the reviewers.
Spielberg, one of the wealthiest and most successful of Hollywood’s Jewish filmmakers, was also being praised by his kinsmen in various so-called “human rights” organizations for using his propaganda skills to sensitize white, Gentile audiences to the horrors of slavery and make them feel just a little more guilty for treating non-Whites so badly in the past. What the film doesn’t mention, of course, is that Spielberg’s Jewish kinsmen owned many, though not all, of the ships involved in the 18th- and 19th-century Atlantic trade in Black slaves and, in fact, played a very prominent role in bringing Black slaves to America. See here and here for more.
The film tends to steer one away from blaming anyone for slavery except white Gentiles. This bit of misdirection is interesting in light of the fact that Jewish individuals have been dominant in the slave trade since at least Roman times — especially the trade in white slaves. Jewish slave dealers followed Caesar’s armies everywhere — into Gaul, into Germany, and into other northern lands — eager to buy as slaves all of the captives of the Romans — especially the female captives. (This actually fits right into Talmudic Judaism's interpretation of the Old Testament.)
Jews have remained dominant in the white slave trade until the present day — (especially after the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe and the rise of organized crime in Russia.) Although during the Middle Ages the Christian Church tried unsuccessfully a number of times to stop them, beginning in the fifth century with an edict by the emperor Theodosius II against Jews owning Christian slaves.
The fact is, this human trafficking is not even that stigmatized by Jewish culture, as this passage reveals:
Can a synagogue give a Torah honor to a known pimp? This question was asked of a gadol (leading haredi rabbi) and was answered by him.
That rabbi was the Ben Ish Hai, Rabbi Yosef Haim ben Elijah Haham of Baghdad (1835-1909), the leading Sefardi haredi rabbi in the world and the Av Beit Din, president, of the Baghdad rabbinical court. His answer was published in a book of his responsa, Rav Pe’alim.
The question and his paraphrased answer posted below comes from Trafficking and Prostitution: Lessons from Jewish Sources, Naomi Graetz and Julie Cwikel, Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 20 [2006]: 25-58:
Question: What happens when there is only one Cohen in town and he happens to be a Shabbat violator, can he be called up to the Torah? And what happens if in this small town there is only one Levi and he is a pimp, can he be called up to the Torah for an aliya?
R. Joseph qualifies the question: it wasn’t stated if this is a pimp who practices exclusively among “goyim” or among Jews as well. “I will relate to both cases.” In the first case, if the clientele is non-Jewish the bottom line is that it is possible to honor the pimp. But in the second case, (if Jews are involved) if he brings a non-Jewish prostitute to Jews or Jewish women to non-Jews, he cannot be called up to the Torah.
But it is not easy to deny a Levi his honors and so R. Joseph in his final judgment writes that despite the fact that the profession of pimping is frowned upon, if it is just alleged that he deals in prostitution with Jews, he can still be honored.
After being banned from owning or dealing in slaves by one emperor, Jewish slave traders would wait until the next emperor came along, then they would buy a charter giving them a monopoly in the slave trade. Then public outrage against Jews would grow until another emperor would ban their slave-dealing again. Most of the time, however, Jews were the undisputed masters of the slave trade, and that is still the case today. See here for more information about the history of Judaism and slavery. Also see here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
Interestingly enough, this fact was revealed in the New York Times. The January 11, 1998 issue has a major article titled “Contraband Women” and written by a Jewish reporter in Israel. The article deals specifically with the Jewish trade in Ukrainian and Russian women — although it doesn’t label the trade as “Jewish.” ( See here for more about the Russian Mob.)
What the report does say is this:
Centered in Moscow and the Ukrainian capital Kiev, the networks trafficking women run east to Japan and Thailand, where thousands of young Slavic women now work against their will as prostitutes, and west to the Adriatic coast and beyond. The routes are controlled by Russian crime gangs based in Moscow.
What the reader must understand is that the predominant ethnicity of these crime gangs is being underemphasized. They are mostly Jewish, but the agreed-upon subterfuge used by the newspapers in this country is to refer to them as “Russian." Thus one reads in various news organizations about the recent takeover of organized crime in many areas of America — especially the East Coast and Los Angeles — by “Russian gangs” and of the viciousness and cleverness of these “Russian” gangsters, but there is never any mention of the fact that they are not exactly Russian, but mostly politically and economically connected Jews from the former Soviet Union.
The story of the exploitation of eastern Europe by Jewish criminals is a fascinating and infuriating story. Throughout the Middle Ages and into the modern era they focused on profiting from the weaknesses and vices of the Gentile populations of Poles, Russians, Ukrainians and others among whom they lived as a barely tolerated minority. In addition to being the moneylenders, they controlled the liquor business and owned the drinking establishments, the gambling dens, and the brothels. ( See here for the porn industry.) A number of 19th-century Russian writers, among them Dostoevsky and Gogol, have described their destructive effects on Slavic peasant society and the perpetual condition of mutual hostility which existed between the Jews and the Slavs.
During the 19th and early 20th centuries the Jewish trade in white slaves from these lands expanded enormously. It has been described by the Jewish historian Edward Bristow in his 1982 book Prostitution and Prejudice, published by Oxford University Press and Schocken Books in New York. Although Bristow’s book is written from the viewpoint of one opposed to this Jewish trade in women, it is nevertheless enormously revealing. The Jews recruited peasant girls in Polish and Russian villages, usually under false pretenses, and transported them to brothels in Turkey, Egypt, and other parts of the Middle East; to Vienna, Budapest, and other major cities in the Austro-Hungarian Empire; and as far away as New York, New Orleans, and Buenos Aires. This Jewish trade in Slavic women naturally caused a great deal of hatred against the Jews by the Slavs, and this hatred broke out in pogroms and other popular actions against the Jews over and over again.
One would believe from the works of Mr. Spielberg and other Jewish propagandists that the hatred the Slavs bore against the Jews was based only on religious bigotry and that the Jews were completely innocent and inoffensive. One fascinating fact which Bristow’s book reveals is that the center of the Jewish trade in Polish girls was in a little town called Oswiecim. The German name for this town was Auschwitz.
I don’t mean to imply that the Jews were the only ones at fault in the White slave trade. Gentile politicians and police officials gladly accepted bribes from the Jews and in return allowed them to carry on their dirty business. And in the United States non-Jewish criminal elements such as the Mafia collaborate with Jewish organized crime or ran their own slave operations. But the trade in white slaves from eastern Europe has been a mostly Jewish activity for the last 200 years.
It is ironic that organized Marxism put a temporary crimp in the slave trade in women. When the Bolsheviks seized control of Russia and Ukraine after the First World War, and of Poland and other Slavic lands after the Second World War, they clamped down on all capitalist activity, including that of the largely Jewish slave business. What they did instead was establish a huge empire of slave-labor camps, of which Alexander Solzhenitsyn has written so eloquently about. Some of these former slave dealers became commissars and slave camp bosses. And of course, they butchered opponents by the millions.
Actually, some capitalist activity did survive throughout the Communist years in the form of organized crime. Two excellent books on the subject were published in the United States, both written by Soviet Jews thoroughly familiar with organized crime in the Soviet Union. In fact, one of the authors, Yuri Brokhin, was a former member of a Jewish organized crime gang in Russia, where he worked as a pimp. His book, Hustling on Gorky Street, was published in 1975.
The other author, Konstantin Simis, was a defense lawyer for organized criminals. His book, USSR: The Corrupt Society, was published in 1982. Both of these Jewish authors write quite frankly about the Jewish domination of organized crime during the communist years. Brokhin brags about it, in fact. He says Russians and other Slavs can only be ordinary criminals, depending on guns and strong-arm tactics, but they aren’t smart enough for successful, large-scale organized crime; only Jews are smart enough for that.
A factor neither author mentions which was more important than smartness was the connections Jewish criminals had with Communists in the Soviet bureaucracy. When a Jew, who ran a prostitution and drug racket in Moscow, could count on someone in the prosecutor’s office, law enforcement, military or intelligence to keep him informed about police plans for raids, as well as a little covert assistance if matters ever came to court, he had a distinct advantage over his Russian competitors.
Eventually Communism bled eastern Europe dry, and with the economies of the countries under their control on the verge of collapse some Communists switched hats, declared themselves “democrats” instead of Communists, and announced a return to capitalism. Many Jewish slave dealers came back into business. Other former Communists went into the business too. As the economies were “privatized” — that is, as state-owned factories and businesses were sold to private entrepreneurs at bargain-basement prices — Jews used their connections with their now “democratic” kinsmen in the bureaucracies to snap them up. Other Jews, who had monopolized organized crime during the Communist years, remained as organized crime bosses but greatly expanded the scope of their operations. Often, the new entrepreneurs and the new crime bosses are the same people. (See here for more about Russian Oligarchs.)
After the collapse of Communism, Boris Berezovsky was the richest man in Russia. He became a multi-billionaire by buying up banks, television networks, and newspapers from the government, with the aid of his friends in the bureaucracy of the government. Berezovsky would go around Moscow in a bulletproof vest and an armored limousine, and anyone who got in the way of his business interests had a tendency to get shot or simply to disappear. Second only to Berezovsky in wealth at that time, was another Jewish media mogul, Vladimir Gusinsky. Between them, Berezovsky and Gusinsky controlled most of the mass media in Russia. They also exercised pretty thorough control of Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s alcoholic president, who was a sort of a Slavic version of Bill Clinton, plus vodka. It was only through the support of Berezovsky’s and Gusinsky’s media that Yeltsin won his last election.
If you remember, Clinton and all of the media in the United States were rooting enthusiastically for Yeltsin during that election. They all were afraid that a genuine Russian patriot might beat Yeltsin, in which case the largely Jewish organized crime control of Russia would have been finished.
After the election, Yeltsin appointed Berezovsky to Russia’s national security council, but when some of the few media in Russia which still were independent publicized Berezovsky’s connections to Jewish organized crime gangs, Yeltsin was forced to fire him. Yeltsin appointed another Jew, Boris Nemtsov, to the position of deputy prime minister, one of the most powerful positions in the government. One thing Yeltsin never did, however, was make any move to curtail the operations of Russia’s organized Jewish crime gangs, which ran rampant through the country and displaying their wealth and power, while ordinary Russians struggled to feed themselves and keep their homes warm in the winter.
And tens of thousands of pretty but naive young Russian and Ukrainian women were swept up by the Russian Jewish gangs — called “Russian” gangs by the New York Times — and shipped off to a life of misery and degradation in Turkey, Pakistan, Thailand, and Israel, as well as to countries in western Europe, where Jews also had strong organized crime connections. The young women, unable to find work in Russia, Ukraine, or Poland and facing a bleak future in countries ravaged by decades of Communism, were eager for any chance at a better life. They respond to advertisements that offer them work abroad as receptionists or secretaries and also promise free training and transportation. When the girls arrive at their destinations, however, they found something quite different — but by then it was too late.
One of these girls, Irina, a 21-year-old, green-eyed Ukrainian blond, was interviewed in Israel. She told how her Israeli employer took her to a brothel soon after her arrival in Israel. He took her passport away from her, burned it before her eyes, and told her that she now was his property and must work in the brothel. When Irina refused, she was beaten and raped. Luckier than most of the Slavic women lured to Israel, Irina eventually was swept up in a police raid and sent to prison as an illegal alien. She was awaiting deportation, along with hundreds of other Russian and Ukrainian women, when she was interviewed. She lamented the fact that the Israeli who had raped her and forced her to work in the brothel was not even arrested. Indeed, according to "Talmudic" law, the rape of a Gentile woman is not technically illegal. Nor was it illegal in Israel to buy and sell slaves, so long as the slaves are not Jewish. Amazingly, the New York Times article reveals this fact.
Don't be naive and think the white slave trade isn't still big business in Israel and other countries. It is. In 1998, the time of the New York Times article, Ukrainian authorities estimated that as many as 40,000 Ukrainian women under the age of 30 were taken from Ukraine each year. Some of these women responded to advertisements promising employment abroad, like Irina did, and some were simply kidnapped and smuggled out of the country. Those who try to escape from their Jewish captors are treated brutally. Often they are butchered in front of other captive women to keep the others terrified into doing whatever they are told. At slave markets operated by the Jewish gangs in Italy young Slavic women are stripped, put on blocks, and auctioned off to brothel owners.
The most astounding thing about this whole, filthy business is that most people are forced to learn about it from a newspaper like the New York Times. And really, you should read for yourself the article to which I referred. It was in the January 11, 1998, issue, and the news is not likely to be repeated.
Ask yourself, why doesn’t Interpol, the international police agency, do something to put a stop to this White slave trade? Why don’t the governments of the countries from which the women are being abducted do something? Why don’t the mass media raise a hue and cry? Why don’t powerful feminist organizations demand the eradication of White slavery?
And the answer to all of these questions is easy: they dare not do or say anything because it is a largely Jewish business. In places like Germany, where Jews also have very strong organized crime connections, anyone who announces that fact publicly will be arrested and charged with “inciting racial hatred.” Germany and most other European countries have laws against what they call “hate speech.” Saying anything negative about Jews or Judaism, true or not, invokes these laws.
Jewish organizations — would like very much to have similar laws in the United States and other countries. Interpol, which has plenty of other work to keep it busy, is not eager to be charged with “anti-Semitism” by going after the largely Jewish White-slave gangs. But that isn't the whole story. There’s a huge amount of money made from selling women: enough money to pay off politicians, bureaucrats, judges, and policemen.
Jews like to say about the “Holocaust” of the Second World War, “Never again.” They like to talk about how it is necessary to stamp out anti-Semitism and pass laws against so-called “hate speech,” so that there can never be another “Holocaust.” But by their own behavior, they are setting in place their own future problems.
Politically connected Jews believe that with their influence in the mass media and in government, and with their puppets in political power in countries like the United States and Canada — and with their enormous wealth they have at their disposal, and with so many Gentiles qwelled like sheep when they yell “Holocaust” or "anti-Semitism"" anytime someone criticisizes them ---- that they can keep getting away with exploitation forever.
But they are wrong. They themselves are building up the resentment and the rage that will end their reign. It will ruin them all: the gang members, the media bosses, the political writers, the politically connected “advisers” to presidents and prime ministers and the rest, even those who are not currently involved in any of these activities.
They are guaranteeing that there will be a rise in "anti-Semitism."
Spielberg, one of the wealthiest and most successful of Hollywood’s Jewish filmmakers, was also being praised by his kinsmen in various so-called “human rights” organizations for using his propaganda skills to sensitize white, Gentile audiences to the horrors of slavery and make them feel just a little more guilty for treating non-Whites so badly in the past. What the film doesn’t mention, of course, is that Spielberg’s Jewish kinsmen owned many, though not all, of the ships involved in the 18th- and 19th-century Atlantic trade in Black slaves and, in fact, played a very prominent role in bringing Black slaves to America. See here and here for more.
The film tends to steer one away from blaming anyone for slavery except white Gentiles. This bit of misdirection is interesting in light of the fact that Jewish individuals have been dominant in the slave trade since at least Roman times — especially the trade in white slaves. Jewish slave dealers followed Caesar’s armies everywhere — into Gaul, into Germany, and into other northern lands — eager to buy as slaves all of the captives of the Romans — especially the female captives. (This actually fits right into Talmudic Judaism's interpretation of the Old Testament.)
Jews have remained dominant in the white slave trade until the present day — (especially after the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe and the rise of organized crime in Russia.) Although during the Middle Ages the Christian Church tried unsuccessfully a number of times to stop them, beginning in the fifth century with an edict by the emperor Theodosius II against Jews owning Christian slaves.
The fact is, this human trafficking is not even that stigmatized by Jewish culture, as this passage reveals:
Can a synagogue give a Torah honor to a known pimp? This question was asked of a gadol (leading haredi rabbi) and was answered by him.
That rabbi was the Ben Ish Hai, Rabbi Yosef Haim ben Elijah Haham of Baghdad (1835-1909), the leading Sefardi haredi rabbi in the world and the Av Beit Din, president, of the Baghdad rabbinical court. His answer was published in a book of his responsa, Rav Pe’alim.
The question and his paraphrased answer posted below comes from Trafficking and Prostitution: Lessons from Jewish Sources, Naomi Graetz and Julie Cwikel, Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 20 [2006]: 25-58:
Question: What happens when there is only one Cohen in town and he happens to be a Shabbat violator, can he be called up to the Torah? And what happens if in this small town there is only one Levi and he is a pimp, can he be called up to the Torah for an aliya?
R. Joseph qualifies the question: it wasn’t stated if this is a pimp who practices exclusively among “goyim” or among Jews as well. “I will relate to both cases.” In the first case, if the clientele is non-Jewish the bottom line is that it is possible to honor the pimp. But in the second case, (if Jews are involved) if he brings a non-Jewish prostitute to Jews or Jewish women to non-Jews, he cannot be called up to the Torah.
But it is not easy to deny a Levi his honors and so R. Joseph in his final judgment writes that despite the fact that the profession of pimping is frowned upon, if it is just alleged that he deals in prostitution with Jews, he can still be honored.
After being banned from owning or dealing in slaves by one emperor, Jewish slave traders would wait until the next emperor came along, then they would buy a charter giving them a monopoly in the slave trade. Then public outrage against Jews would grow until another emperor would ban their slave-dealing again. Most of the time, however, Jews were the undisputed masters of the slave trade, and that is still the case today. See here for more information about the history of Judaism and slavery. Also see here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
What the report does say is this:
Centered in Moscow and the Ukrainian capital Kiev, the networks trafficking women run east to Japan and Thailand, where thousands of young Slavic women now work against their will as prostitutes, and west to the Adriatic coast and beyond. The routes are controlled by Russian crime gangs based in Moscow.
What the reader must understand is that the predominant ethnicity of these crime gangs is being underemphasized. They are mostly Jewish, but the agreed-upon subterfuge used by the newspapers in this country is to refer to them as “Russian." Thus one reads in various news organizations about the recent takeover of organized crime in many areas of America — especially the East Coast and Los Angeles — by “Russian gangs” and of the viciousness and cleverness of these “Russian” gangsters, but there is never any mention of the fact that they are not exactly Russian, but mostly politically and economically connected Jews from the former Soviet Union.
The story of the exploitation of eastern Europe by Jewish criminals is a fascinating and infuriating story. Throughout the Middle Ages and into the modern era they focused on profiting from the weaknesses and vices of the Gentile populations of Poles, Russians, Ukrainians and others among whom they lived as a barely tolerated minority. In addition to being the moneylenders, they controlled the liquor business and owned the drinking establishments, the gambling dens, and the brothels. ( See here for the porn industry.) A number of 19th-century Russian writers, among them Dostoevsky and Gogol, have described their destructive effects on Slavic peasant society and the perpetual condition of mutual hostility which existed between the Jews and the Slavs.
During the 19th and early 20th centuries the Jewish trade in white slaves from these lands expanded enormously. It has been described by the Jewish historian Edward Bristow in his 1982 book Prostitution and Prejudice, published by Oxford University Press and Schocken Books in New York. Although Bristow’s book is written from the viewpoint of one opposed to this Jewish trade in women, it is nevertheless enormously revealing. The Jews recruited peasant girls in Polish and Russian villages, usually under false pretenses, and transported them to brothels in Turkey, Egypt, and other parts of the Middle East; to Vienna, Budapest, and other major cities in the Austro-Hungarian Empire; and as far away as New York, New Orleans, and Buenos Aires. This Jewish trade in Slavic women naturally caused a great deal of hatred against the Jews by the Slavs, and this hatred broke out in pogroms and other popular actions against the Jews over and over again.
One would believe from the works of Mr. Spielberg and other Jewish propagandists that the hatred the Slavs bore against the Jews was based only on religious bigotry and that the Jews were completely innocent and inoffensive. One fascinating fact which Bristow’s book reveals is that the center of the Jewish trade in Polish girls was in a little town called Oswiecim. The German name for this town was Auschwitz.
I don’t mean to imply that the Jews were the only ones at fault in the White slave trade. Gentile politicians and police officials gladly accepted bribes from the Jews and in return allowed them to carry on their dirty business. And in the United States non-Jewish criminal elements such as the Mafia collaborate with Jewish organized crime or ran their own slave operations. But the trade in white slaves from eastern Europe has been a mostly Jewish activity for the last 200 years.
It is ironic that organized Marxism put a temporary crimp in the slave trade in women. When the Bolsheviks seized control of Russia and Ukraine after the First World War, and of Poland and other Slavic lands after the Second World War, they clamped down on all capitalist activity, including that of the largely Jewish slave business. What they did instead was establish a huge empire of slave-labor camps, of which Alexander Solzhenitsyn has written so eloquently about. Some of these former slave dealers became commissars and slave camp bosses. And of course, they butchered opponents by the millions.
Actually, some capitalist activity did survive throughout the Communist years in the form of organized crime. Two excellent books on the subject were published in the United States, both written by Soviet Jews thoroughly familiar with organized crime in the Soviet Union. In fact, one of the authors, Yuri Brokhin, was a former member of a Jewish organized crime gang in Russia, where he worked as a pimp. His book, Hustling on Gorky Street, was published in 1975.
The other author, Konstantin Simis, was a defense lawyer for organized criminals. His book, USSR: The Corrupt Society, was published in 1982. Both of these Jewish authors write quite frankly about the Jewish domination of organized crime during the communist years. Brokhin brags about it, in fact. He says Russians and other Slavs can only be ordinary criminals, depending on guns and strong-arm tactics, but they aren’t smart enough for successful, large-scale organized crime; only Jews are smart enough for that.
A factor neither author mentions which was more important than smartness was the connections Jewish criminals had with Communists in the Soviet bureaucracy. When a Jew, who ran a prostitution and drug racket in Moscow, could count on someone in the prosecutor’s office, law enforcement, military or intelligence to keep him informed about police plans for raids, as well as a little covert assistance if matters ever came to court, he had a distinct advantage over his Russian competitors.
Eventually Communism bled eastern Europe dry, and with the economies of the countries under their control on the verge of collapse some Communists switched hats, declared themselves “democrats” instead of Communists, and announced a return to capitalism. Many Jewish slave dealers came back into business. Other former Communists went into the business too. As the economies were “privatized” — that is, as state-owned factories and businesses were sold to private entrepreneurs at bargain-basement prices — Jews used their connections with their now “democratic” kinsmen in the bureaucracies to snap them up. Other Jews, who had monopolized organized crime during the Communist years, remained as organized crime bosses but greatly expanded the scope of their operations. Often, the new entrepreneurs and the new crime bosses are the same people. (See here for more about Russian Oligarchs.)
After the collapse of Communism, Boris Berezovsky was the richest man in Russia. He became a multi-billionaire by buying up banks, television networks, and newspapers from the government, with the aid of his friends in the bureaucracy of the government. Berezovsky would go around Moscow in a bulletproof vest and an armored limousine, and anyone who got in the way of his business interests had a tendency to get shot or simply to disappear. Second only to Berezovsky in wealth at that time, was another Jewish media mogul, Vladimir Gusinsky. Between them, Berezovsky and Gusinsky controlled most of the mass media in Russia. They also exercised pretty thorough control of Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s alcoholic president, who was a sort of a Slavic version of Bill Clinton, plus vodka. It was only through the support of Berezovsky’s and Gusinsky’s media that Yeltsin won his last election.
If you remember, Clinton and all of the media in the United States were rooting enthusiastically for Yeltsin during that election. They all were afraid that a genuine Russian patriot might beat Yeltsin, in which case the largely Jewish organized crime control of Russia would have been finished.
After the election, Yeltsin appointed Berezovsky to Russia’s national security council, but when some of the few media in Russia which still were independent publicized Berezovsky’s connections to Jewish organized crime gangs, Yeltsin was forced to fire him. Yeltsin appointed another Jew, Boris Nemtsov, to the position of deputy prime minister, one of the most powerful positions in the government. One thing Yeltsin never did, however, was make any move to curtail the operations of Russia’s organized Jewish crime gangs, which ran rampant through the country and displaying their wealth and power, while ordinary Russians struggled to feed themselves and keep their homes warm in the winter.
And tens of thousands of pretty but naive young Russian and Ukrainian women were swept up by the Russian Jewish gangs — called “Russian” gangs by the New York Times — and shipped off to a life of misery and degradation in Turkey, Pakistan, Thailand, and Israel, as well as to countries in western Europe, where Jews also had strong organized crime connections. The young women, unable to find work in Russia, Ukraine, or Poland and facing a bleak future in countries ravaged by decades of Communism, were eager for any chance at a better life. They respond to advertisements that offer them work abroad as receptionists or secretaries and also promise free training and transportation. When the girls arrive at their destinations, however, they found something quite different — but by then it was too late.
One of these girls, Irina, a 21-year-old, green-eyed Ukrainian blond, was interviewed in Israel. She told how her Israeli employer took her to a brothel soon after her arrival in Israel. He took her passport away from her, burned it before her eyes, and told her that she now was his property and must work in the brothel. When Irina refused, she was beaten and raped. Luckier than most of the Slavic women lured to Israel, Irina eventually was swept up in a police raid and sent to prison as an illegal alien. She was awaiting deportation, along with hundreds of other Russian and Ukrainian women, when she was interviewed. She lamented the fact that the Israeli who had raped her and forced her to work in the brothel was not even arrested. Indeed, according to "Talmudic" law, the rape of a Gentile woman is not technically illegal. Nor was it illegal in Israel to buy and sell slaves, so long as the slaves are not Jewish. Amazingly, the New York Times article reveals this fact.
Don't be naive and think the white slave trade isn't still big business in Israel and other countries. It is. In 1998, the time of the New York Times article, Ukrainian authorities estimated that as many as 40,000 Ukrainian women under the age of 30 were taken from Ukraine each year. Some of these women responded to advertisements promising employment abroad, like Irina did, and some were simply kidnapped and smuggled out of the country. Those who try to escape from their Jewish captors are treated brutally. Often they are butchered in front of other captive women to keep the others terrified into doing whatever they are told. At slave markets operated by the Jewish gangs in Italy young Slavic women are stripped, put on blocks, and auctioned off to brothel owners.
The most astounding thing about this whole, filthy business is that most people are forced to learn about it from a newspaper like the New York Times. And really, you should read for yourself the article to which I referred. It was in the January 11, 1998, issue, and the news is not likely to be repeated.
Ask yourself, why doesn’t Interpol, the international police agency, do something to put a stop to this White slave trade? Why don’t the governments of the countries from which the women are being abducted do something? Why don’t the mass media raise a hue and cry? Why don’t powerful feminist organizations demand the eradication of White slavery?
And the answer to all of these questions is easy: they dare not do or say anything because it is a largely Jewish business. In places like Germany, where Jews also have very strong organized crime connections, anyone who announces that fact publicly will be arrested and charged with “inciting racial hatred.” Germany and most other European countries have laws against what they call “hate speech.” Saying anything negative about Jews or Judaism, true or not, invokes these laws.
Jewish organizations — would like very much to have similar laws in the United States and other countries. Interpol, which has plenty of other work to keep it busy, is not eager to be charged with “anti-Semitism” by going after the largely Jewish White-slave gangs. But that isn't the whole story. There’s a huge amount of money made from selling women: enough money to pay off politicians, bureaucrats, judges, and policemen.
Jews like to say about the “Holocaust” of the Second World War, “Never again.” They like to talk about how it is necessary to stamp out anti-Semitism and pass laws against so-called “hate speech,” so that there can never be another “Holocaust.” But by their own behavior, they are setting in place their own future problems.
Politically connected Jews believe that with their influence in the mass media and in government, and with their puppets in political power in countries like the United States and Canada — and with their enormous wealth they have at their disposal, and with so many Gentiles qwelled like sheep when they yell “Holocaust” or "anti-Semitism"" anytime someone criticisizes them ---- that they can keep getting away with exploitation forever.
But they are wrong. They themselves are building up the resentment and the rage that will end their reign. It will ruin them all: the gang members, the media bosses, the political writers, the politically connected “advisers” to presidents and prime ministers and the rest, even those who are not currently involved in any of these activities.
They are guaranteeing that there will be a rise in "anti-Semitism."
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