Showing posts with label Edward Snowden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edward Snowden. Show all posts

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Originally Published in 2020: Public Safety Canada Warns About Harassment of Canadians By the Chinese Government But Doesn't Care About Zionists Harassing Canadians

Read this:

How Interesting eh? Talk about pure insanity. So, apparently Zionist psychopaths can attack the Canadian population but Chinese government agents can't? 

Why isn't the famed supposed whistleblower Edward Snowden talking about any of the advanced technology I am referring to? How does someone like Edward Snowden get on TedTalk, the CBC, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, John Stossel, and the shows of two comedians, namely John Oliver and Joe Rogan. It is pretty simple, it's because Edward Snowden is a phony and a liar by omission like many spies.  The appearance of truth is just as dangerous and sometimes even more dangerous than lies. 

Monday, June 12, 2017

EVERYTHING You Do Online Is Recorded In XKeyscore

Unfortunately, it is even worse than what Snowden says because they have access to your brain and body. This is why Snowden is a phony, he is a liar by omission as I say here. He is also, (if you can believe it,) a character from a book and a movie! It is almost like these lying Zionists are throwing it in your face and laughing at you. They want to see if you are awake to their lies. Like I said before, no real spy is going to get interviewed by a major media outlet like NBC and Brian Williams, and no real spy will be interviewed by a comedian named John Oliver.

That being said, the Snowden revelations still have some useful information. Watch the videos below for more about XKeyscore. See past posts about this issue here and here. For more about Echelon see here. For more about the Communications Security Establishment, which is the Canadian version of the NSA, see here and here.

See here for more about nanotechnology and the brain. See here for the DARPA Control Grid. See here for a collection of videos about artificial intelligence and big data and how it's being used by intelligence agency supercomputers to enslave you. See here for a more complete list of articles and videos about classified technology. See here for more about Raytheon BBN Technologies. They have been involved with the intelligence agencies right from the beginning, they literally were involved in the creation of the internet. See here and here for more about Transhumanism and its connections to eugenics and political control.

It is very important to remember that at least 50% of the intelligence budget is being outsourced to what is known as "private" intelligence agencies who contract for the government. To learn more about this, see here. To learn more about front businesses, see here. To learn more about front organizations such as NGO's and "Human Rights Organizations" see here.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Collection of Tweets About Glenn Greenwald & Edward Snowden Being Zionist Phonies

1. Glenn Greenwald is connected to the "Revelations" of Edward Snowden: Greenwald is a liar by omission for intelligence:

2. Below is his Twitter account picture: many of these "journalists" and writers work for intelligence, they are at war with the population because they are not telling you how bad the situation really is. Remember, the appearance of truth is more dangerous than lies.

3. THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU THE TRUTH of how bad the world is or how much you are under surveillance.

4. Edward Snowden is a phony, Glenn Greenwald is Jewish and a Zionist. If Edward Snowden was real he would tell you how bad it really is. Here is Edward Snowden's Twitter account picture:

5. Why doesn't he tell you the real truth? He has a Twitter account. Follow him here. Edward Snowden could tweet out the info that the newspapers fail to publish, just like I am doing.

6. Here is a joking post I did a while back about why Edward Snowden is a phony:

7. Here is a non-joking real post about why he's a phony: Is Edward Snowden a Fake? Also, see this other post about classified technology.

8. Hey, Glenn- you know about space-based weaponry and everything I am talking about- right? So why shut up about it?

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A Letter Sent To The Maple Ridge News About Something That is Happening in the Town I Live In

Important must read letter below
my introduction - the letter is from
a local newspaper in my town that
was sent in f
rom a resident in
 Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Introduction: Below my introduction is a letter that was sent to the local paper in my town. It describes the exact behavior I have seen from some people in Maple Ridge, British Columbia.

An interesting bit of information for you to know is the paper that this letter was written to knows that this is happening to me. My situation is different than the one described in the letter below, but similar and much more important because as I have said here, Edward Snowden is a phony and I am releasing information that everyone needs to know. (I contacted the newspaper on many occasions and received no reply even though the information I'm exposing is crucial. Absolutely no one will talk about it.) They won't say anything because of who they collect their paychecks from and who runs the papers and the media in Canada. The truth is, my situation is not "bullying" like is described in the letter below, it is 100% torture by any standards.

The individuals that are doing this to me are extremely aware of what they are doing and the importance of discrediting me. They have to do this because the information they are covering up is so horrible it would astound people. Honestly, it would literally affect the foundation of our country. All I can say is these people are demonic human beings that are hell bent on enforcing their ideology. The tactics they are using is similar to the Stasi in East Germany and comes from the Bolsheviks in Russia

Essentially, they are involved in political assassinations and counter-intelligence just like Noam Chomsky is talking abut here. (Also, see here and here for more about COINTELPRO.) This is what counter- intelligence really is and what intelligence agencies and the counter-intelligence departments inside the FBI and the RCMP really do and have been doing since at least the 60's. See here for the technology and here for the techniques they use to destroy a target's life. Be sure to check out the links on the techniques that refer to Zersetzung. See here for more about slander and here on how they discredit a targeted person with hi-technology.

Many of the people that are doing this to me are Jews, others are Christians and all of them care about Israel, (there is a reason why intelligence agencies have religious signs on them.) Besides Jews and Christians, the other people that are involved with this are community watch, vigilante groups connected to Zionism, intelligence agents or informants involved with drugs. Legal and non-legal. Intelligence agencies have always worked with individuals that are involved with drugs, some of these individuals that are involved with drugs get contracts from intelligence agencies, (for example, the intelligence agencies find people that are involved in drugs that they can use for spying, then they hook them up with deals that are involved with medical marijuana markets in the United States.) This way they can hit two birds with one stone, they can make money with drugs and be some sort of pseudo-spy for intelligence agencies.

This gives them maximum security clearance and makes them above the law.  All of this technology is financed by and used against the hapless taxpayers. They are literally subsidizing or socializing their costs and privatizing their profits. They allow YOU the taxpayer to pay for the research and development of the technology. The reality is if they want to make money with drugs and they are doing it in a legal way, that is one thing, but, for them to be using the United States or the Canadian government and taxpayer money to help themselves to accomplish this, that is another thing altogether. Especially when the technology that they have access to is extremely dangerous and massively invasive. 

As I said previously, many of the methodologies and tactics that these intelligence agencies are implementing on the population of their respective countries are right out of the playbooks of the former Stasi in East Germany, see here for more about the Stasi and how they were connected to the Cheka in Russia and how they were started by the Bolsheviks. The Stasi used to called themselves proud "Chekists." It is also important for people to know that many of the Bolsheviks were Jews, and this information comes from extremely reliable sources. This is relevant because of the connections between these tactics and the origins of the Homeland Security laws. (Public Safety Canada are the Homeland Security of Canada.) 

See here for what Zbigniew Brzezinski said about a future run an "elite" unrestrained by "traditional values" enforcing their ideology on our countries with dangerous and invasive hi-technology, see here for more about former U.S. Representative from Ohio Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban on
space- based weaponry.

The truth of the matter is, there might as well be no laws in Canada anymore. This country is pretty much gone. Your rights have been taken away and there is a very, very good chance that you will never get them back. Most Canadians don't know they can actually be waterboarded under the Bill
C-51 laws
. Though there's a slim chance they would do this because they don't need to waterboard you anymore. They will use the technology I'm exposing. They can read your mind and hurt you from a remote location outside of your house.  They can turn your house into a torture dungeon.

But, just as the RCMP officer said to me who came to my house to inform me that I had to take down information about someone working with intelligence  ---- "this is above our heads." 

Many police are afraid to even get involved with this because they will either lose their jobs or become targets themselves. If this keeps up, this is going to erupt into something very ugly in North America.


Original letter found can be found here.


Letters: ‘Bullying continues online’

Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows posted Oct 12, 2016 at 12:00 PM

Editor, The News:

Recently it has come to my attention that a fair number of Maple Ridge residents are engaging in cyber bullying – creating social media pages to intimidate, manipulate, put down, falsely discredit
or humiliate people with the intent to hurt or embarrass those who have a difference of opinion.

Their main targets are the homeless and people suffering mental health or substance use disorders.

Those who at their lowest point in life, with an already unstable mental state, do not need to be
ridiculed, picked on, followed around with cameras and harassed. But the bullying doesn’t stop
there. They’ll target anyone who dares to disagree with their way of thinking.

Posting photos of people and comments in online groups and public pages, then verbally attacking the person, mocking their intelligence. You would think this sort of behaviour would be on the decline given the histories of cyber bullying and it’s outcomes.

These people are grown adults, who consider themselves hard-working, tax-paying citizens of
Maple Ridge. What kind of example are they setting for the younger generation? That it’s OK to make fun of people who don’t share your opinion?

It’s one thing to have a cause that you believe in and promote and stand up for that cause. It’s
another to post things on social media solely for the purpose of ridiculing, telling people they are wrong, unintelligent, and are just a bleeding heart with their head in the sand because they have compassion. Maple Ridge is facing an epidemic, as are many other cities.

Hate and bullying are doing nothing to help the situation. They only makes things worse.

J. Curtis

Maple Ridge

Saturday, March 19, 2016

MUST SEE: Learn More About Classified Technology

As I have previously pointed out on this blog, with the technology and the Stasi police state that has been set up, they have created a system that allows groups of people to participate in torturing individuals in a way that is similar to reality TV.  It is called no-touch torture. They can read your mind, look out of your eyes and hear out of your ears, send messages to you using synthetic telepathy, they can affect your judgment, or even hurt, maim and kill you. Light can be measured, minds can be read, thoughts can be sent. If you can think a thought, you can send it. Just like writing an email with your mind. Zuckerberg is saying it here, he's just not telling you the whole story. Also, see here for another article with Mark Zuckerberg referring to synthetic telepathy. See here for a video from Facebook about typing with your thoughts. See here for a Cisco ad that talks about this technology. See this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes. What they have now is much more advanced. SEE THE ENUMERATED LINKS BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION.

This is a part of the Project for a New American Century plan for Full-Spectrum Dominance. It is useful to examine it in the context of the Clean Break: a New Strategy for Securing the Realm for Israel.
Here is a list of posts to check out:

1. Electronic Warfare on Wikipedia
2. PATENT #3951134 [Explained] Distant Brain Reading & Brain Wave Manipulation 4.10.1976
3. PATENT 6011991 [Explained] Remote Brain-Computer Interface: Neural Monitoring 01.04.2000
4. PATENT# 6470214 – USAF – Device for Implementing RF Hearing Effect 10.22.2002
5. PATENT#WO2001054044A1-Protected accountable primary focal node interface
6. Mind Control Patents
7. Mind Control Patents 2
8. Directed Energy Weapon and Electronic Warfare Relevant Patents
9. Mind Control: Hooked Up to a Supercomputer with Artificial Intelligence at the NSA and CIA
10. Former U.S. Representative From Ohio and Candidate for the President of the United States    Dennis Kucinich's Attempted Ban of Space-Based Weapons
11. TedTalk Talks a Little About Classified Technology
12. Satellite Terrorism & Dr. John Hall Interview About His Problems With Satellite Terrorism
13. DARPA's iXo A.I. Control Grid
14. DARPA Brain Implants - Human Guinea Pigs
15RFID Chips Fuse With Human Brain Cells and Can Be Controlled
16. Complete Transcript of the Documentary on Mind Control Called "That's Incredible"
17. Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System
18. Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons: The Remote Manipulation of the Human Brain
19. Misled & Betrayed: Classified Cold War Technology & Illegal Human Testing
20. Electronic Weapons, Radio Frequency Radiation, Manipulation of the Human Nervous System
21. Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons
22. Microwave Weaponry Explained
23. Reading Your Mind On CBS
24. Talk About Mind Reading Technology On RT News
25. The Neuro Revolution
26. Mind Control & Mind Reading Proof - Is Edward Snowden Not Telling The Whole Story?
27. Can Someone Influence & Effect Your Judgment So it Makes it Harder For You To Tell The Difference Between Right and Wrong?
27. Example of Synthetic Telepathy
28. Raytheon BBN Technologies
29. 5 Most Shocking CIA Experiments of Project MKULTRA
30. Mind Control - Nanotechnology & Remote Neural Monitoring
31. Worst CIA Operations Ever: Precursor to Homeland Security is the Phoenix Program
32. Human Infected With Computer Virus Via RFID Implant
33. Vice President Joe Biden On Microchips and Brain Scans
34. Documented Radio Frequency Testing, Torture and Experimentation
35. Exploring the Brain-Computer Interface
36. Frey Microwave Hearing - Beam Voices Into Your Auditory Cortex
37. Voice-To-Skull Deleted From US Army Center for Army Lessons Learned Website
38. No-Touch Torture: The Numerated Torture Methods for Interrogation and Behavior Modification
39. EU – Commission Ethical Aspects of ICT Implants in the Human Body
40. Canada Psychiatrist Concerned About Remote Influencing Weaponry
41. Microwave Detection And Remote Mind Control Technology
42. Symptoms of Electronic Radiation Exposure
43. Learn the History of Manipulation of Human Beings With Classified Technology
44. Transhumanism and its Connections to Eugenics and Political Control
45. UW Study Shows Direct Brain Interface Between Humans
46. MKULTRA Scientists and Electromagnetic Weaponry
47. Nine Creepy Orwellian Technologies That Are Potentially Inside You
48. More About Mind Control Technology From The History Channel
49. Proof of Mind Control: Subliminal Messages in Microwaves
50. DARPA Smart Dust, Mind Reading, and Synthetic Telepathy
51. Nanotechnology and the Brain
52. Nano-Bots, Mind Control & Trans-Humanism – And The Future of Humanity
53. Ethical Considerations of Brain-Computer Interfaces - Nanotechnology
54. Playing God Documentary
55. Mental Slavery With Classified Geo-Spatial Technology
56. Nanobot Implants Connect Our Brains to the Internet and Give Us 'God-Like' Super-Intelligence
57. Mark Zuckerberg Talks About Artificial Telepathy During Facebook Q&A
58. New Cisco Ad Talks About Brain to Brain Communication
59. Artificial Intelligence And Big Data And How It's Being Used By Intelligence Agency Supercomputers To Enslave You
60. Microwave Warfare & Directed Energy Weapons - a List of Must See Links and a Video
61. Example of Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
62. Police State Canada: Communications Security Establishment Runs Massive Stasi-Like Domestic Spying Program
63. Homeland Security, Torture, Political Prisoners, Classified Technology and Drug Dealers
64. Weaponizing Nanotechnology- Creating Viruses With RNA
65. An Example of Directional Sound and Hearing as an Inner Voice
66. More Examples of Using Directional Sound and Hearing
67. HyperSonic Sound: Can Be Used to Mimic Mental Illness and Influence Human Behavior
68. Satellite and Electromagnetic Terrorism
69. CIA Admits Scalar Waves Exist
70. Mind Control - Light - Synthetic Biology
71. Echelon: The Secret Power of the NSA and Canada's CSE
72. Radio Telescope- See a Book On the Moon From Earth
73. More about brain-computer interface technology
74. The Inevitability of Smart Dust 
75. Synthetic Biology Programming and Computation
76. How Israel Backdoored Everything
77. Slavery By Satellite - Must Read Article From Academics
78. The Great 'Transhumanism' Reset: 'Smart Dust' Spying on Your Brain, Human Microchipping
79. Nanotechnology: Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating Hostile Forces
80. We are Hackable Animals
81. Hacking Humans 
83. Nanotechnology: Hacking Humans, Its Potential, and Real Risks
84. Documentary about the History of Mind Control and Human Experimentation
85. Neuroscientist Dr James Giordano. Neuro-Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Brain Implants
86. Mind Control with Dr. James Giordano PhD, MPhil, is Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry at Georgetown University

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Mind Control and Mind Reading Technology - Is Edward Snowden a Fake?

I mean come on. Please see my previous post regarding this matter. I was obviously joking around there. It was my way of making fun of him. He's not real.

The truth is if this guy was the real deal he would be stalked into the ground, and slandered to all hell. (LIKE ME.) They would do everything possible to try and discredit him. The media would also completely ignore him. Well, not completely. What the media would do --- is exactly what is described here. BUT... they would never give him air time.

The eye-in-the-sky intelligence network would be watching him... ALL THE TIME. When he goes to the bathroom, when he's sleeping, working or when he talks to anyone. He would have virtually no privacy. His brain would be monitored 24/7.


Now, below you'll find out what you need to know. But first, please see here for more information about how Denis Kucinich tried to ban space-based weaponry. This is the crucial information that's not being told to the public. This new class of weapons has to be tested on unaware, not informed humans, who are not consenting to such experimentation. The Nuremberg Code of Conduct for experimentation with human subjects is part of the Customary Law and the UDHR. The Code lists ten points, which universally have been adopted after the Nuremberg trials of war criminals by the Nuremberg Military Tribunals.

1.  CNN Electromagnetic Weapons Introduction from the 80's
2. That's Impossible: Mind Control Documentary
3. Lawsuit against the NSA for Classified Technology
4. The Neuro Revolution
5. The Mind Has No Firewall
6. Handbook of Surveillance Technologies: History & Applications
7. See this patent from Robert. G. Malech for a company that was bought by a major military contractor. Robert Malech was one of the individuals that made Microwave Scanning Antennas possible.
8.  Directed Energy Radar Patent
9.  Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System
10.  Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons: The Remote Manipulation of the Human Brain
11.  Electromagnetic Aspect of Mind Control: A Scientific Analysis
12.  Bioelectromagnetism and Mind Control
13. Spy Technology Used For Surveillance and Patents
14. Mind Reading Patent
15. Mind Control Patents 2
16. Mind Control Patents 3
17. Communicating Speech via the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect Patent
18. Microwave Auditory Effect or the Frey Effect
19. Demonstration of Connecting Brains and Synthetic Telepathy
20. Attempted Ban on Space Based Weapons
21. Full Spectrum Dominance-Dominating Space Dimension of Military Operations
22. Accessing Every Human Brain By Electromagnetic Induction Of Fundamental Algorithms
23. Remote Detection of Human EEG's Using Ultra High Input Impedance Electric Potential Sensors
24. Political Prisoner Torture by Tek Nath Rizal
25. US Intelligence Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons
26. Human Body Resonance Frequencies

The following are mp3 downloads for you to listen to:

27. Classified Technology 1 mp3 Download  
28. Classified Technology 2 mp3 Download
29. Classified Technology 3 mp3 Download
30. Classified Technology 4 mp3 Download
31. Classified Technology 5 mp3 Download
32. Classified Technology 6 mp3 Download
33. Interview Michael Persinger About Synthetic Telepathy

What You Are:

34. The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life
35. Electromagnetism and Life
36. You are an Antenna

37. Watch This Documentary regarding Echelon and Signals Intelligence. First off, realize that this documentary WILL ONLY GO SO FAR IN DISCLOSURE. What they can do is far worse. The book the Puzzle Palace is not telling the whole story either. No one legitimate will be invited to the NSA to tell their story. Also, most of the NSA whistle-blowers that you see on Twitter and the news are not real whistle-blowers. They are not telling you how bad it really is. They can put you under horrible crippling surveillance, they can shoot you and your family with space-based weapons. Echelon is involved in signals intelligence. Please also see here for radiation intelligence and TEMPESTSee this video for an example using a computer. It is important to realize that Signals Intelligence covers everything from intercepting signals to surveillance and electronic warfare. Please see earth-penetrating tomographyInterferometry, also Earth's Field NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. The imagers are multi-purpose, the imaging transmitters serve to target locations, areas and living animals with directed energy. There are passive and active modes, the active mode requires the transmission of signals into the target where passive mode allows imaging with illumination occurring by other means like spying through leaking electrical emanations, including unintentional radio or electrical signals, sounds, and vibrations.

Radio Frequency Phased Array Technology - Is used for surveillance, earth-penetrating tomography and over the horizon radar. There have been many theories pandered around about what these phased-array ionospheric heaters can do.  The main purpose of these technologies is surveillance. In some cases, they can find oil and mineral deposits with up to 99% accuracy.  By using the concave mirror effect of the reflection off the Earth's upper atmosphere, these giant phased arrays can see the smallest energy anywhere within their purview and direct the energy back the same way. Imagine what one would see if the sky were a giant mirror! It would amplify points on Earth like a cosmetic mirror does for your face. To instinctively get a sense of what one would see if they had an eyeball as big as the Earth's upper atmosphere, imagine if we could see in any direction because of our huge eye and the magnifying effect of the mirror. HAARP has been closed down, but, there are other locations, (even movable ones on barges and ships.) The ionospheric heater that is located in Norway has the level of power that Bernard Eastland said was necessary for weather modification. It is important to realize that phased array radar is a form of directed energy, so it can be used as a resonance weapon.  Hints of this include the story of how the original microwave oven was invented based on military radar technology, as a man named Percy Spencer identified in the 1940s that radar would warm soldier's bodies and melt candy bars in their pockets (proof of world scale effects identified early on). While he was not the first to notice it, this inspired him to investigate further ultimately creating the first microwave oven for the purpose of food heating by attaching a high-density electromagnetic field generator to an enclosed metal box (basically radar parts).


43. Imagine something even more powerful than the Hubble Telescope Turned Towards the Earth and Used for Surveillance:

Nanotechnology and the Brain - What do you know about nanotechnology? How would you like to have nanowires or nanobots inside your brain and be hooked up to a supercomputer with artificial intelligence? Sounds crazy? It's already happening. They can introduce it to you in an airborne virus (you catch a cold or flu,) a bacteria or it could be done by a simple injection. Once the nanowires or nanobots are inside you, the miniature robots can replicate and go up into your brain. Imagine your brain being hooked up to a supercomputer and your life being broadcast to a bunch of stalking, psychopathic intelligence spies.  Imagine if they could read your mind, look through your eyes and hear through your ears. Imagine being "hooked up" to another brain. Imagine your life being broadcasted "live" and recorded like a movie. Imagine them doing this just for entertainment. You're a girl on Facebook that they like and want to "get to know" on an intimate level? You're a political dissident with political views the "powers that be" don't like? Watch out. The people in power are absolutely terrible and they do this.

44. Nanotechnology and the Brain

The Inevitability of World Surveillance: Putting You In the World Brain Where Everything You Do Will Be Monitored: Computer and Internet Predicted Long Ago, These Are Long Term Plans Being Rolled Out:)

45. Being Placed Into The World Surveillance Network

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This Powerful Technology is Being Used to Monitor You With NSAGCHQCSEASD and GCSB Supercomputers:

46. A Collection of Videos About Artificial Intelligence And Big Data And How It's Being Used By Intelligence Agency Supercomputers To Enslave You

Software That is Used With Big Data To Data Mine and Predict the Future: Imagine Having the Data the NSA has With Total Information Awareness! What Do You Think They Can Predict?


The Following Video Shows Connections Between Total Information AwarenessDARPA, the Internet, the Intelligence Agencies, the Military, and Facebook. But the same can be said for GoogleTwitterLinkedIn, Yahoo, Microsoft, OracleApple, Amazon, Meetup, and Yelp 


Another Video Showing Connections Between the Internet, Computers, the Intelligence Agencies, the Military and the Universities. This Video Also Talks About the Unabomber. Most people have no idea that Ted Kaczynski was enrolled into an MK-ULTRA program:  


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Edward Snowden is Fake and the Media Doesn't Report Everything... BUT...

The media and him have still informed the public about some very important information. Snowden did not expose anything that was not already known—or at least suspected—since 2002. This timeline just consolidates the known.

Here is a timeline of his revelations:

And here are two excellent links from the Washington Post.

The first one is called Top Secret America:

and the next one is called the Black Budget:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Edward Snowden... I Tell You This --- Go Here Man!

Edward Snowden... now that you are in Russia, it's time for you to go here.

After leaping from the pages of Catch 22 --- and the TV world of Network, (he was literally in these --- in other words, they are laughing in your face while they are lying to you!) your next mission, if you choose to accept it...  is to go back to meet the avatar of your maker.

You must go deep into the forest of Siberia.. where you will find the chosen ones that will take care of you.

There you will find the spotters of the triangles in the sky with pulsing colored lights that appear at each corner of the triangle--- there you will find the awakened ones who await the inevitable chaos of man.

There you will find a cult like the ones I have seen, except the one in Siberia also teaches the masculine professions of handling kettle balls ---- using power tools, and of course... gas operated equipment.

Go now my son. Quickly shuffle thy feet across mother Russia.