Exposing Intelligence Agency Human Rights Abuses, Government and Corporate Corruption Along with the Problems of Zionism. The Foundation of Freedom is Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Speech
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Where's the Justice? Silicon Valley Billionaire Scum Along With the CIA and NSA: Must Watch Documentary Below- Learn the History of Manipulation of Human Beings With Classified Technology (Many Silicon Valley Billionaires, Electrical Engineers, Computer Scientists, Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists Know About This & Are Complicit in Covering it Up)
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Targeted Individual Program is US Special Operations Command’s “Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating Hostile Forces
Click on Links Below to Read the
Government Documents
The following seven power point presentations made by and for US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and their military and corporate partners clearly describe and detail the “technology,” systems, and personnel behind the “organized stalking-electronic torture program."
These power point presentations indicate that this new form of unconventional warfare/low intensity conflict being covertly waged against civilians placed on the Terrorism Watch List under the pretext of the so-called “War on Terrorism” is actually “multi-domain warfare.”
The following terms and technologies, depicted in these power point presentations, strongly suggest that so-called “Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL)”, later termed “Hostile Forces- Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (HF-TTL), is the USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Project) commonly referred to as the Targeted Individual Program/Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment.
Furthermore, TIs are obviously the expendable guinea pigs/test subjects for development of these technologies:
2) Technologies include:
Nanotechnology (including Quantum Dot and Self-assembled Photonic Antenna)
Biotechnology (including “biomimetic devices for detection and identification at long distances” and “Taggants for Biological Signature Amplification, Translation,”)
Chemistry (including “signature enhancing Taggants” and “chemical/biochemical sensors for natural signatures”)
3) Participating agencies include: DARPA, Army Research Lab, NSA, DIA, CIA, Homeland Security, FBI, Air Force Research Lab, DOE, and Industry
4) Human signature detection via skin spectral emissivity's, thermal fingerprints at long distance
5) fieldable “bio-electronics”
6) bio-engineered signature translation and bio-reactive taggant (implant)
7) self-assembled photonic antennae
8) biometrics and tactical site exploitation (forensics)
9) Operation “Silent Dagger”
10) Ground SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) Kit (GSK)
11) Joint Threat Warning Systems from the Air, Land, and Sea
12) RF (radio-frequency) and non-traditional (eg., optical/multi-band) Tags and R/Xs
13) “synchronize acquisition of signals intelligence (SIGINT) capabilities across the air, ground and maritime (warfare) domains”
15) Blue Force Tracking (BFT)
16) Special Operations Tactical Video Systems (SOTVS)
17) Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE)
18) tiny satellites that keep tabs on targets from above (SpaceX rocket carrying the CubeSats—inexpensive satellites so small they can fit in the palm of your hand)
19) tracking satellites are part of the growing Special Operations focus on “high-value target” missions
20) tracking tags on enemies including radio frequency identification devices, quantum dots that could be used to track a singe molecule, and tagging measures such as insect pheromones
These programs are funded via American tax dollars and deploy regular and irregular (citizen-based agents) forces as well as special forces against innocent citizens.
I. US Special Operations Command: Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL)
by Doug Richardson SOAL-T WSO, Sept. 5, 2007
Mr. Doug Richardson SOAL-T WSO 5 September 2007. The overall classification of this briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED and Locating (CTTL) The Ability to Locate, Track, and Identify Human Beings.
Highlights From PPT:
p. 3: Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL)
– The Ability to Locate, Track, and Identify Human Beings and Other Important Targets
- Directly Supports DoD’s Ability to Prosecute the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT)
- Forces Require an Ability to Apply and Monitor Tags
- Detect and Identify Targets Based on Their Unique Observable Characteristics Without Undue Exposure of Personnel to Risks and With Devices That are Sufficiently Clandestine to be Effective.
p. 4: Partnership between Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict (ASD SO/LIC), USSOCOM, and U.S. Army
- Objective: Conduct a Collaborative Effort to Develop New Capabilities for Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating in Response to Priorities Established in a Quick-look Capability-based Assessment Conducted in Response to the Findings of the QDR
- Approach: Transition Existing State-of-the-Art Technologies in Nanotechnology, Chemistry, and Biology to Operational Systems Through the USSOCOM Acquisition Process and Conduct RDT&E From Basic Research Through Prototyping to Provide Continuous Improvements in the CTTL Technology Available for Transition to the Operators. Specific Capability Projections Are Classified.
p. 7: CTTL– Key Enabling Technologies
- Nanotechnology
Clandestine Devices
High Functional-density Devices
Self-organizing, Self-deploying Devices
Processing and Communications
Energy Harvesting
- Biotechnology
Biomimetic Devices for Detection and Identification (ID) at Long Distance Bio-based Devices for Detection and ID at Long Distance Taggants for Biological Signature Amplification, Translation Natural Signature Detection and ID
- Chemistry
Signature Enhancing Taggants
Chemical/Biochemical Sensors for Natural Signatures
p. 8: CTTL– Partnership for Transition–
- DDR&E and USSOCOM AE Executive Sponsorship and Oversight
- USSOCOM Transition
PEO-Special Projects
PEO-Intelligence and Information Systems
- Collaborative Execution of S&T
DoD Service Laboratories
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
ASD(SO/LIC) Coordinated Investments
Intelligence Community Research Organizations
DOE Laboratories
p. 13: CTTL — Human Signature Detection
- Skin Spectral Emissivity's Measured
- Thermal Fingerprints Determined
- “Target” Reacquired 90 Minutes Later
Goal: Verification of Capability and Operational Value Within 2 Years
Human Thermal Fingerprint at Long Distance
p. 14: CTTL –Human Signature Detection —
Goal: Demonstration of Fieldable “Bioelectronics” Within 5 Years
Synthetic Dog’s Nose Sensor
p. 15: CTTL — Signature Amplification/Translation
Bioengineered Signature Translation Bio-reactive Taggant
Goal: Move Basic Research to Advanced Development in 3 Years
Current Capability – Bioengineered Signature Translation
p. 16: CTTL — Nano-scale Devices
Quantum Dots
Goal : Micro-scale in 12 Months, Nano-scale in 4 to 5 Years
Self-assembled Photonic Antenna
Monday, July 22, 2024
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
We are Hackable Animals
There you go. No more rights. Here is the wikipedia of the guy that is featured in the top video below. In the bottom video is Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google along with Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum. Have you ever seen the movie the Circle, which is loosely based upon Google? Remember the Google Chrome circle? Do you remember in the movie how they were following the guy around? This is organized stalking!
The guy in the top video is Dr Yuval Noah Harari, see interviews with him here, here, and here with James Altucher. I have written previously about James Altucher here, here, and here, The video proves what I am saying. James is a computer scientist, Yuval isn't, but he knows about this. (It is worth mentioning, James is not the only one covering this up.)
Monday, July 8, 2024
Brain Computer Interfaces, Mind Control and Surveillance
See past video with Steve Hoffman here. Some one in Silicon Valley that actually tells some of the truth. Think of how many of them know this and say absolutely nothing.
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Hacking Humans
Watch video below, see past videos from this same hacker here. Also, see the screenshot of his company below the video. He works with Homeland Security, so the US government should probably know about this technology. He also works with Honeywell, a major military contractor that is involved with augmented cognition.
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
See past video here with Dr Yuval Noah Harari. Remember, this video is from the World Economic Forum. They are doing this now... end of story, this is real. No more lying.
Friday, April 26, 2024
Ethical Considerations of Brain Computer Interfaces
Monday, February 19, 2024
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Monday, November 27, 2023
Tiny, Wireless, Injectable Chips Use Ultrasound to Monitor Body Processes
See here, here, here, here, and here for past articles with ultrasound.
Wireless Mind Control: Neural “Smart” Dust Will Now Connect Human Brain To a Computer
This paper explores the fundamental system design trade-offs and ultimate size, power, and bandwidth scaling limits of neural recording systems.A network of tiny implantable sensors could function like an MRI inside the brain, recording data on nearby neurons and transmitting it back out. The smart dust particles would all contain an extremely small CMOS sensor capable of measuring electrical activity in nearby neurons. The researchers envision a piezoelectric material backing the CMOS capable of generating electrical signals from ultrasound waves. The process would also work in reverse, allowing the dust to beam data back via high-frequency sound waves. The neural dust would also be coated with polymer. (Source)
- Nano sensors for use in agriculture that measure crops and environmental conditions.
- Bomb-sniffing plants using rewired DNA to detect explosives and biological agents.
- “Smart Dust” motes that wirelessly transmit data on temperature, light, and movement (this can also be used in currency to track cash).
Their idea is to sprinkle electronic sensors the size of dust particles into the cortex and to interrogate them remotely using ultrasound. The ultrasound also powers this so-called neural dust.Each particle of neural dust consists of standard CMOS circuits and sensors that measure the electrical activity in neurons nearby…The neural dust is interrogated by another component placed beneath the scale but powered from outside the body. This generates the ultrasound that powers the neural dust and sensors that listen out for their response, rather like an RFID system.The system is also tetherless–the data is collected and stored outside the body for later analysis. (source, MIT)
That’s why Seo and co have chosen ultrasound to send and receive data. They calculate that the power required to use electromagnetic waves on the scale would generate a damaging amount of heat because of the amount of energy the body absorbs and the troubling signal-to-noise ratios at this scale.By contrast, ultrasound is a much more efficient and should allow the transmission of at least 10 million times more power than electromagnetic waves at the same scale. (emphasis added).
Reading Minds and Influencing Human Behavior With Neural Dust
By Robert Sanders
UC Berkeley engineers have built the first dust-sized, wireless sensors that can be implanted in the body, bringing closer the day when a Fitbit-like device could monitor internal nerves, muscles or organs in real time.
Wireless, battery-less implantable sensors could improve brain control of prosthetics, avoiding wires that go through the skull. (UC Berkeley video by Roxanne Makasdjian and Stephen McNally)
Because these batteryless sensors could also be used to stimulate nerves and muscles, the technology also opens the door to “electroceuticals” to treat disorders such as epilepsy or to stimulate the immune system or tamp down inflammation.
The so-called neural dust, which the team implanted in the muscles and peripheral nerves of rats, is unique in that ultrasound is used both to power and read out the measurements. Ultrasound technology is already well-developed for hospital use, and ultrasound vibrations can penetrate nearly anywhere in the body, unlike radio waves, the researchers say.
“I think the long-term prospects for neural dust are not only within nerves and the brain, but much broader,“ said Michel Maharbiz, an associate professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences and one of the study’s two main authors. “Having access to in-body telemetry has never been possible because there has been no way to put something super tiny super-deep. But now I can take a speck of nothing and park it next to a nerve or organ, your GI tract or a muscle, and read out the data.“
(Ryan Neely photo)
They’re also working to expand the motes’ ability to detect non-electrical signals, such as oxygen or hormone levels.
Marharbiz hit on the idea of ultrasound, and in 2013 published a paper with Carmena, Seo and their colleagues describing how such a system might work. “Our first study demonstrated that the fundamental physics of ultrasound allowed for very, very small implants that could record and communicate neural data,” said Maharbiz. He and his students have now created that system.
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Artificial Intelligence Manufactures Reality by Modeling, Simulating, and Stimulating your Mind
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
DARPA's Control Grid
This is an important document that everyone MUST read. It was written about Eben Moglen, see his lecture in this must see video about "The Inevitable Problems of Technology: World Surveillance and the Totalitarian Technocracy."
Everything in the video below is from government documents. You might want to pause it every once in a while to read it all.
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
More Reports of Microwave Weapons and Sonic Weapons
See this post too. Apparently, no one cares about this in Canada, including the RCMP and CSIS. There is evidence of it being used way back to the 70's. (Also see here for old tests done using soundwaves.) Some of these methods do not need to be in a car or a backpack, they can be done from hundreds of miles away and from space.
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Connected to the fourth industrial revolution. The Great Reset came out a couple months after the COVID-19 issues began. Also, see this book, another one that came out soon after it began.