Sunday, February 28, 2021

Going After Political Dissidents

Realize that the "Five Eyes" intelligence agencies all work together and are involved in this. For complimentary information to the article below, see here for the Stasi techniques they use against political dissidents. Make sure you look under the links labeled 'Zersetzung'. See here to learn more about the classified technology they use. You can also look under the classified and hi-technology heading on my blog. 

To learn more about Counter Intelligence, see hereherehere, herehere,  and here.  Also, see this video of Noam Chomsky talking about this problem. To learn more about classified technology, see here. To learn more about microwave weapons, see here


I fully believe that one day the (Anti-Society) ECHELON Citizen Spying Network will be dismantled by the people brick by brick just the same as the Berlin Wall.George Farquhar - Oct 1999

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. - Edgar J Hoover

The easiest way to gain control of the population is to carry out acts of terror. - Joseph Stalin

Today, all over the US and Canada, people are being nonconsensually rolled into covert programs of 24/7 physical assault, torture, and slow-kill assassination by EMR microwave/radio/sonic neuroweapons, also called Directed Energy Weapons or Non-Lethal WeaponsThis involves 24/7 remote access, manipulation, and assault of their brains and central nervous systems; and 24/7 “full spectrum surveillance” involving overt community surveillance, concealed electronic monitoring, and public/community stalking, accompanied by discrediting and social ostracism by defamation and slander campaigns, and in-community harassment and PsyOps projects.

This is a joint program between the Department of Defense/Intelligence/Department of Justice/Academic Institutions. These are extreme abuses and violations of surveillance programs, privileges, and laws on the books, even the most invasive and permissive among them, including the Patriot Act, Executive Order 12333, State Secrets Privileges, and others.

They completely embody the human rights and civil rights crimes suggested by Section 1.7 of Executive Order 13526 (which protects classification in the interests of national security):

Sec. 1.7. (Executive Order 13526) Classification Prohibitions and Limitations.
(a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:

(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;

(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;

(3) restrain competition; or

(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.

These crimes are kept secret from active and open coverage and discussion in the media and challenged by human rights advocates, and congressional or parliamentary oversight by virtue of the multiplicity of abuses permitted by wrongful classification, the secrecy created by this wrongful classification, and the clandestine aspect to these crimes.

These crimes are being committed widely in the USA, but also in the five eyes countries. This suggests connections between secret intelligence agencies in these countries, or/and the long reach of the US Military/Intel/Academic mechanism, or/and the existence and secret operation of a putative global, totalitarian, shadow government using Military/Intel/Academic entities in all these countries.

“Clandestine’ in military parlance means “Active Concealment.” This means methods of deception, fraud, and trickery are actively utilized in order to keep the activity under wraps, unprobeable (by FOIA requests, media requests), unscrutinized, and invisible to society at large.

These are methodologies sanctioned by Military and Intelligence directives as normative and in the interests of “National Security.” “Military Deception” and “PsyOps–Psychological Operations” (they have stated,) will be actively used toward this end, of active concealment.

To see what concealed monitoring is all about, and how secret surveillance and active concealment works, see the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Intelligence Law Handbook, and take a look at these Military/Air Force Intelligence and Military Intelligence documents and slideshows:

1. Insider’s Guide to Intelligence Oversight & CounterIntelligence
2. Army Regulation 381-10, US Army Intelligence Activities
3. Air Force Intelligence Oversight Training Brief

“Clandestine” means: as soon as a project is named clandestine, or involves the participation of the CIA’s National Clandestine Services, the existence of this project is not permitted to be known, acknowledged, or spoken about publicly–by anyone: whether the President, congressmen/women, government departments, state and local governments, large human rights organizations, law enforcement, media/journalists, private businesses, individuals, Intel agencies, military employees, participating universities & research institutions, hospitals and medical centers, emergency rooms/police 911 units, anyone.

“Clandestine” becomes here a wide umbrella for criminal deception to shelter under granted privilege.

Remember, active methods are taken, sanctioned and authorized in order to covertly conceal the project. Why else would thousands of individuals being assaulted be given absolutely no cognizance by the people and institutions they repeatedly approach for help/exposure/justice: Congress, the media, human rights organizations, local police, local medical centers/hospitals, etc.?


1) Directed-Energy Weapons are radiation and wave weapons; by their very nature, they lend themselves to covert action, because most EM radiation and Sound waves can’t be seen or heard:

A. Electromagnetic radiation waves in the high frequency, low frequency, very high frequency, and very low-frequency range cannot be seen by the human eye, they can only be felt (click on links below to see clear graphics and easy spell-outs).

Visible light, the only set of EMR waves we can see, is comprised of very very tiny waves in length–380 nanometers (violet) to 700 nanometers (red) –and are high-frequency waves, traveling at what we’ve been told is the immutable speed of light: 186,282 miles per second.

But there are waves shorter and longer than visible light that we cannot see, but whose effects on our bodies we can feel, when applied steadily enough, for any duration, as heat, as pulsation, as damage.

Light We Cannot See:

Non-ionizing radiation: Infra-red light is just below red light in frequency, and just slightly longer–but we cannot see it. All objects emit electromagnetic radiation, including our live, warm human bodies; this is how military night-vision and infra-red glasses work, by tracking the live, warm, infra-red signature of human bodies.

Microwaves are longer/lower frequency than visible light waves, up to 10 cm–but we cannot see them. Radio waves are longer/even lower frequency than microwaves and visible light–up to 10,000 meters long–and we cannot see them.

As radio waves get longer, their frequency decreases–and we cannot see them. Radio waves from 10,000 meters long to 10,000,000 meters long are super-long and are known by their frequencies as Low-Frequency waves: Very Low-Frequency Waves, Super Low-Frequency Waves, Extremely Low-Frequency waves. ELFs and their friends can traverse the earth’s curve, penetrate the earth, and enter human bodies. ELFs have been found by researchers and the military to have Distinct effects on human bodies, minds, emotions, moods.

Ionizing Radiation: At the shorter wavelength end, ultra-violet radiation is shorter than violet, and higher frequency–we cannot see it, but as we all know, our skin can.

X-rays are super-tiny, and very high frequency, we cannot see them, but our organs know when they’re being hit. (Hence those lead shields at the dentist if you’re pregnant.)

Gamma rays are even shorter (shorter in length than atoms), and ultra-high frequency, so of course we can’t see them.

B. Sound waves can only be heard (by humans) in the Audible Sound portion of the Sonic spectrum, between 20 Hz to 20,000Hz.

Sound that is higher in frequency–Ultrasound–and lower in frequency–Infrasound–cannot be heard by the human ear. But again, the effects can be felt by human bodies. To understand how diagnostic ultrasound works, for instance, see this course handout.

2 A) There is an active electronic warfare policy to conceal the actual nature of the current/future use and operation of Directed Energy Weapons: consult, for instance, the US Army Concept Capability Plan for Army Electronic Warfare Operations for the Future Modular Force, 2015-2024 (TRADOC Pam 525-7-6), which speaks expansively about the ways in which electronic warfare lends itself to deception and cover, this quality makes it very attractive to “warfighting”: “although applicable across the full spectrum of operations, EW offers substantial operational benefits to IO. The IO roadmap signed by the Secretary of Defense defined IO as “the integrated employment of the core capabilities of EW, CNO, PSYOP, MILDEC, and OPSEC, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, and corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision-making while protecting our own.” (2-9, Page 45, TRADOC Pam 525-7-6)

In discussing electronic warfare support, which involves tracking RINT–“unintentionally radiated intelligence,” unclassified public-domain military documents (& Wikipedia) will not spell out what this really is–but look up NSA Signals Intelligence, also read about the Echelon network to find out what it is they are talking about.

One key to understanding what electronic warfare really is has to do with the open infatuation with persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. To achieve this, the military engages in joint air, sea, space, and land action. This is how Satellite surveillance is included, and how radio and microwave emissions from towers and antennas, as well as ELFs from phased array radar factor in. This is called Total-Spectrum-Surveillance. The Military works in very close collusion with Intel agencies, especially the NSA.

To understand Electronic Warfare–and that it means a lot more than jamming communication systems and actually is not the same as Cyberwarfare, which likes to attack computers (although they work together), See the Wikipedia Electronic Warfare here. Also, here is a search on the term. Discover a trove of other documents discussing electronic warfare to delve into.

Also look into the TRADOC site–US Army Training and Doctrine Command–and click on TRADOC Pamphlets for links to various Army and Joint documents detailing Electronic Warfare, Full-Spectrum Dominance, and other treats.

Look up the Joint Doctrine for Electronic Warfare, which details, among other things, the Multinational aspects to Electronic Warfare strategies.

The key to understanding the phenomenon of “Targeted Individuals” is really understanding that Silent New Age Electronic Warfare is operative among us today, that it is supremely dangerous, and that it is easily concealed.

This whole modality, of Electronic Warfare–which has for its history the CIA MKULTRA & Department of Energy radiation experiments on humans, and CIA MKULTRA research into mind control, neurological and brain control, and behavior modification using Electromagnetic Radiation –using neuroweaponry–microwave/radio/sonic weapons aimed at destroying portions of the brain and nervous system and therefore the entire human body–represents a tremendous shift in Military Strategy worldwide; we are literally at a turning-point for humanity today, and this, the incredible significance of these EMR neuroweapons which constitute Electronic Warfare on individuals, is being kept a deadly secret by the Military and by governments and Intel agencies, who are using these weapons already on us.

“The Army is pursuing the most comprehensive transformation of its forces since the early years of World War II. This transformation is happening while the nation is at war… Experimentation, wargames and experience are the methods the Army uses to mitigate risk while considering and improving capabilities for the future Modular Force.” (7-1, Page 77, TRADOC Pam 525-7-6)

Who reads these military documents, generally speaking? They're dry as dust and full of nonsense about how to effectively destroy, damage, and kill people and everything they own. But maybe we all should–warfare has become a fine art today, and is horrifically aided by science, And is today being turned on everyone.

Electronic Weapons are, after Nuclear Weapons, the next most dangerous weapons in our midst; one could argue they are worse than Nuclear weapons–because they are invisible, they can be used on unsuspecting persons anytime, to induce disease, physical or mental, to change moods and receptivities, to alter emotions, to put people to sleep, to make them passive or aggressive, to manipulate their nerves, muscles, bodies, to physiologically alter the functioning of their bodies, to torture from a distance, to induce pain, heat, and damage in the human body–and “Targeted Individuals” are witness to the irrevocable fact that these weapons are currently being operated, both as weapons operation and weapons testing/training, on individuals in the USA, and worldwide.

See here and here for more about symptoms of being targeted. 

”Targeted Individuals” are actively discredited. This is achieved by running a Full-Spectrum Discrediting Program on individuals being assaulted today by microwave/radio/sonic weapons. How best to keep Covert Actions–of base criminality–hidden from the rest of society? The Military/Intel complex answers this by running an elaborate MILDEC/PSYOPS on the individual, and on society. Here is how it is done:

1.) Individuals are politically targeted, courtesy Patriot Act, in Canada, Bill C-51.

Democracy Now’s interview with ex-FBI Agent Mike German, The abuses of secret domestic intelligence operations/mentions FBI resources wasted on pursuing innocents/mentions military grade weapons being used.

Individuals are targeted as “Domestic Adversaries” and classified, military weapons are turned on them. Testing/Training programs, funded by the government, for use as human guinea pigs in asymmetric warfare, electronic warfare, urban warfare –deploying the use of classified military intelligence satellites through the National Reconnaissance Agency. Classified Military Intelligence ground teams using cars and SUVs in neighborhoods, or staked out in neighborhood houses and apartments. 

This stealth warfare that is currently operative all over the US and Canada conscripts and gags entire neighborhoods and entire communities.

From documents, it seems the military is actually waging what it calls low-intensity conflict or deterrence--permitted or legitimized by secret Dept of Defense/Dept of Justice agreements and coalitions.

Persons it has unilaterally, falsely, politically deemed to be/casually labelled as “threats to national security” (these are not terrorists we are talking about; these are exceptional and upstanding citizens, active community members, talented and highly qualified individuals, activists, whistleblowers, and civically-engaged men and women), while simultaneously testing weapons and training personnel in this kind of Covert Electronic Warfare--a two in one apparently, a paid-for political action of extermination & suppression of dissent, paid for by every single Federal taxpayer, ethical or unethical, whose labor anonymously funds these weapons-testing/training Defense contracts.

Individuals are also sold to well-heeled black-budget classified Military and Government-funded, MKULTRA-extended human subject experimentation research programs being run by unethical scientists in major Universities, certainly most likely the ones which amorally took part in the first MKULTRA experiments–and spanning the spectrum from Neuropsychology to Artificial Intelligence to Sociology to Cancer studies to Ophthalmology.

(Eye diseases & blindness can be induced by radiation too. No doubt some palatably noble aim is instantly affixed to the research goals, such as studying disease onset or blindness in order to heal it.) Covert implantation of RFIDs, nanosensors, and MEMS–MicroElectroMechanical devices or transceivers–all of which is being reported by assaulted individuals nationwide, and worldwide, could be a part of MKULTRA.

2) Part of this targeting involves the secret obtaining of warrants for invasive surveillance through the FISA Court, naming the person under scrutiny falsely as a terrorist or spy, courtesy Section 215, Patriot Act.

3) False allegations do not stop there. A false and entirely fraudulent investigation is opened on the subject by Intelligence, FBI or local Intel/Law Enforcement complex–all kinds of joint action is in evidence today, thanks to the Patriot Act—and entire communities, neighborhoods, businesses are notified and conscripted into "Community Policing and Watch" activities of this now-falsely-labelled individual.

4) Herein lies the core of the PSYOP. Active discrediting or aggressive military deception means outright lies, deceit, rumors, slander, defamation are set in motion. Neighbors, employers, business-owners are all lied to. Since the goal is discrediting the individual, a variety of unsavory lies are trotted out, that the person now under “court-ordered electronic surveillance” and “concealed monitoring” is variously a pedophile, sex maniac, you name it. Neighbors are pulled into GPS’ing and overtly surveilling and spying on the individual, round the clock. Communities are told they are monitoring the individual in order to prevent a crime!!! (The irony here is extreme.)

5) Conscripting communities into overt policing/surveillance has a secondary facet to it, conscription into COINTELPRO activities against the individual (titled organized stalking in most accounts.) Here’s where MKULTRA dovetails with COINTELPRO. Communities are pulled into “behavior modification” activities aimed at the individual, which include wearing certain colors, saying certain things, and doing certain things all supposedly connected in some way with the individual, information on whom is gained through aggressive covert surveillance electronic surveillance, as well as through the mildly-named but aggressive-mind-reading mechanisms of “Electronic Warfare Support”–essentially, picking up the low-frequency emanations of thought waveforms, mood waveforms via Signature Intelligence, which includes your mind, thinking. Now officially known as unintentionally radiation-intelligence, or RINT–and free for the picking–or so the Military assumes. (See here, here and here for more about this.)

In addition, Infraguard or Citizen Watch/Fusion Center groups are pulled into active traffic and retail harassment activities (again, termed Gangstalking colloquially) which include weird actions and street theater in front of the individual.

One apparent reason for all this insanity seems to be a desperate attempt to get the individual diagnosed professionally (by either an unsuspecting or complicit psychiatrist) as a “paranoid schizophrenic”, the moment he or she begins talking about covert harassment, being attacked by pulses of radiation hitting his or her body, being sleep-deprived by way of being woken up by high powered microwaves hitting his spine or voices beamed into his skull, being stalked, being covertly implanted, being “gang-stalked” on the roadways, or being surrounded by people wearing his favorite colors or talking about him or saying things in his presence straight out of his head. The psychiatrist’s handbook, the DSM–the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is full of handy disorders and syndromes to pin to the “TI” including Delusions of Reference, Hallucinations, and Paranoia.

Let us not forget that Paranoid Schizophrenia is precisely the Tool of Authoritarian Governments to discredit and sabotage people. In America and elsewhere in the world today, this diagnosis serves to discredit and disappear those being assaulted with Electronic Warfare weapons.

4) Active concealment is also achieved by active disinformation. This would explain the oddness of some sites and videos online purportedly from “Targeted Individuals”–the ultimate PSYOP of course, is in the denigration of that label. Targeted Individual, tinfoil hat, conspiracy theorist–these terms have been carefully engineered in elaborate ways to invoke notions of fringe, paranoid, unbalanced, unstable.


We are not living in a civilized and humane society when people can be tortured in our midst using invisible directed-energy EMR and sonic weapons. These weapons are being used under cover of secrecy, protected by Secrecy laws fully aimed against the citizenry and fully promotive of secret abuses by government and Intel agencies, essentially by the unethical corporations and banks which run the Government. These corporations and banks are currently aiming deadly weapons at those who speak out against them. Is that even remotely sane?

These assaults and attacks are crimes of the worst sort. The hiding of them is permitted by our Secrecy laws, they are crimes conducted in secret. Their existence is suppressed.

How could something akin to Nuclear Warfare and Absolute Holocaust be permitted to exist in secret, unchallenged? Maybe that is why the Military has been keeping Electronic Warfare so secret–they know none of us would approve.

Society would be seriously perturbed if people understood that Directed-Energy weapons meant you–any one of us–could be attacked, day in, day out–in your heart, your temple, your eyes, your brain, your kidneys, your liver, your pancreas, your genitals--by pulses of dirty radiation, that no-one could see, hear, or touch, and be able to do nothing about it–and all just for your beliefs, your thoughts, your words, your actions. What price thinking you’re the one in charge of your own health, your own body, your own mind?

It’s the Gulag plus Minority Report. It’s the end of Human Autonomy, Human Privacy, and Human Sovereignty.

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