Showing posts with label Organized Crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organized Crime. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Corruption of the RCMP and How They Work With Organized Crime

In addition to the following article, please see here and here about the ADL, how it works with the RCMP and the FBI, and its ties to organized crime. See here for the strong Jewish organized crime presence in Canada, see here for the Zionist takeover of Canada. See here and here for previous articles regarding the little known nor talked about topic of Jewish organized crime.


Some of the RCMP  are using classified technology.  (See enumerated previous posts below this article regarding the RCMP, CSIS, and the CSE.) These corrupt RCMP officers work with organized crime, CSIS and the CSE. They know how drugs get in and out of the country at the top of these organizations. It's a complete joke. See this post about the CIA's connections with drugs. Do you think it is any different in Canada?

Organized Crime is running Canada. It's 100% true.

It is Zionism at the very top of the RCMP.  CSIS was formed in 1984 under the supervision of the influential Zionist Bob Kaplan when the intelligence was taken away from the RCMP. This was part of the strategy, this way they could feed the "intelligence" to the RCMP and provide their ideas of terrorism to them. This was around the same time as the Ernst Zundel trial and when Reagan was in power in the United States. Reagan came to power with the help of organized crime. (See herehere and here.) These same powers were and are in control of Canada, (also see here and here.) Did you know that Canada is currently trying to wrestle power away from Zionist bankers over at the Bank of Canada? See here for the secrets of banking and learning about the money changers. 

As far as Ernst Zundel, it doesn't matter if he was right or not, what matters is; 1.) That such a thing even had to go to trial to begin with 2.) How he was treated when going up to the courthouse. I have never seen any criminal in Canada get attacked like him while going into court. Think about that... with all the heinous crimes and criminals we have had in this country. NEVER! In fact, I have never seen anything like that in any country. It just goes to show you how powerful these people are and how controversial this topic is. It was like the Manson trial of Canada.

Now, see here for the origins of Homeland Security. See here for a collection of tweets about Homeland Security and its connections to Zionism. See here for the strong connections between Israel, Canada, and the United States. See here for the Canada-Israel “Public Security” Agreement for Counter-Terrorism & Homeland security. See here for how the Canadian government is cracking down on criticism of Israel. 

These powerful interests are running the country and feeding you a false perception of your country and the world through the media.  Ask yourself one question, why is the media not talking about any of the info on my blog?


This is such important information it can change the way you look at your country and the world. Why won't they say anything?  It is because these are the real people that control your country and they have taken away your rights with Bill C-51, just like the Patriot Act and the NDAA have accomplished in the United States.

Imagine if you really knew the truth of your government and how much they are lying to you. We Canadians should be doing something about this NOW.

1. CSIS- The Recruiting Videos Make You Think You Will Be The Next James Bond

2. RCMP + CSEC + CSIS = Stasi (Oh, I Almost Forgot, They Already Took "Canada" Out Of The Name Of Our Most Important Spy Agency)

3. Canadian Police State - Fusion Centers - Data Mining - Loss of Sovereignty

4. The ADL That Works With the RCMP and the FBI - and its Ties to Organized Crime

5. RCMP Targets Muslim Extremists, But Gives Zionist Terrorists Free Pass

6. Canada --- Pathetic like the United States

7. Zersetzung - The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State

8. Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism

9. Homeland Security and the Alternative Media

10. Activist Reveals Hidden Military Ties Between Canada and Israel

11. Brian Hutchinson: The RCMP and Pickton

12. CIA and Drugs: The Relation to Stasi Stalking and Organized Crime

13. The Canada-United States Partnership

Monday, September 4, 2017

Interesting Video: Felix Sater - Jewish Organized Crime

See here for an article about Felix Sater and his connections to Donald Trump. (Also see here for a whole collection of articles and videos referring to Donald Trump's strong connections to Zionism, the right-wing of Israel, and Jewish organized crime.)

Below is an interesting video about Felix Sater and his connections to Chabad Lubavitch. (See this article about Chabad, Trump and Putin.) See what he says early in the video below, (starting around 1 minute and 28 seconds in,) about Felix Sater's connections to intelligence agencies. (See here for more about the Mossad and how these intelligence agencies think they can do whatever they want.)

Donald Trump's son in law Jared Kushner has connections to Chabad.  (See here, herehere and here for more about this.) To see a website setup by Jews to inform other Jews about the problems of Chabad, see here.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


See previous articles about the "Russian" mob here and here.

“It was with some astonishment that I discovered what an integral part of American Jewish life crime was. Our forefathers made names for themselves as gangsters, murderers, musclemen, hit men, acid throwers, arm breakers, bombers and all the other professions open to nice Jewish boys. Prostitution, vice, alcohol, gambling, racketeering, extortion, and all the other things that fill the newspaper today and that I gladly have been attributing as character flaws in other groups…those were our things. I was shocked at how deep our roots are in all the sinks of depravity and corruption. The Jews were the first ones to realize the link between organized crime and organized politics. They led the way in corrupting the police and city hall. They first realized the value of gang/syndicate cartels in business to reduce the killing of each other. They were monopolists of the highest order. We wrote the book, so to speak, on crime, but it’s all forgotten.” —Marvin Kitman, Jewish critic and writer

From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion

While the FBI and major media obsess about the Sicilian Mafia (the "Cosa Nostra") a far more powerful and sinister force is in existence that has controlled most of the globe's organized crime for at least 65 years  — the Jewish mafia from Russia (a "Kosher Nostra") . Yet there is not even a desk at the FBI for their crimes, which dwarf those of the Italian gangsters in scope, violence, and depth.

Let's go back to April 28, 2002, when a military helicopter went down in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia. On board was a major Russian dignitary, Gen. Alexander Lebed, governor of the region. Lebed was pronounced dead at the scene.

Almost immediately, the international press blamed "heavy fog"  for the incident. However, at the time, every member of the Russian military was convinced the death of Lebed was no accident, but rather another hit by the inter- national Jewish mafia, an organization that had long since taken control over much of Russia's economy.

Lebed, likely the most popular man in Russia at the time, was going to build a national socialist empire — possibly with Chinese assistance — based on the massive oil and mineral wealth of the region.

Had he succeeded, world history could have changed, and the 21st century would look very different. Prior to that, dozens of anti-Zionists in Russia had been murdered by car bombs or other devices, while none of the cases were ever solved. Only a handful was even investigated.

The very fact that the Jewish mafia (often misnamed the "Russian" mafia) was capable of completely covering its tracks, being completely left out of all news reports surrounding the incident,
while the common people (in Russia) were utterly convinced of their complicity, proves the immense strength of this rather new movement of organized crime.

The Jewish mafia is nothing like their Irish or Italian predecessors in its American or European operations. They are much, much richer, smarter, more international in scope and far more violent and ruthless. They kill children. They kill policemen and their families. They kill whoever they like. There has been nothing like it before in the history of the globe. And they are just getting started.

The major figure in uncovering the web of secrecy that surrounds the Jewish mafia was a journalist named Robert I. Friedman, (see a previous post about the Jewish Mafia here,) who died at an early age from a "tropical disease." He had interviewed the major figures in this underground. After his book on the subject was published, major mafia leaders put a bounty on his head. The "Russian" mafia knows that it can kill with impunity, and, given their cozy relationship with European and American intelligence agencies, their immunity from real prosecution will only get more pronounced.

Friedman's work is breathtaking in scope, and this essay will cite him extensively, especially his book Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America. Friedman is not afraid to state the obvious, namely, that the entire "Russian" mafia is Jewish, without exception, and that they have used this as a shield to deflect criticism. This shield has permitted them to grow and prosper. Further, Friedman is also not afraid to admit that Jewish organizations throughout the world, led by the Anti-Defamation League, are the major beneficiaries of money and gifts given generously from organized crime, and that the organizations in question are aware of it.

In other words, Jewish organized crime is considered an acceptable part of Jewish life, and that Jewish organizations have actually lobbied law enforcement to stop investigations into this phenomenon, almost always with success. A perfect example, when the ardent Zionist and former chief of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff was confirmed to his position. This more than likely gave Jewish organized crime in America a strong leg to stand on. In other words, Jewish organized crime would probably not be facing many of the stings that were targeted against the Italian Mafia, or for example, the likes of Asian and biker gangs.

The roots of Jewish organized crime, it is said, go far back into tsarist times. Organized crime syndicates assisted Lenin's gangs in bank robberies and the creation of general mayhem. During the so-called revolution, it was difficult, sometimes impossible, to distinguish between Bolshevik ideologues and Jewish organized crime syndicates. They acted in nearly an identical manner.

However, in more modern times, they seem to have had their roots in the waning days of the stagnant USSR under Leonid Brezhnev. By the late 1970s, the Russian economy was driven by the black market, and the early stages of the Jewish mafia were involved in this black underground. In fact, the Russian socialist economy would have collapsed much sooner if it had not been propped up by the extensive black economy.

Soon, the rulers of the black market became so powerful they were able to form their own "people's courts," which dispensed justice" completely apart from the Soviet state, and away from its control.
Many of these black marketeers had been recently released from the gulag system of prison camps in an earlier era for their black market activities, and the toughness that was required to survive these dungeons served this new criminal elite very well (Friedman, 9) .

The black market acted as a safety valve for the Soviet state for decades, making all estimations of the strength of the Soviet economy subject to speculation. The black market provided many goods and services the overextended Soviet system could not provide. In the gulag, they had formed brotherhoods, much like blacks and Hispanics currently do today in prison. They formed Jewish bunds that, upon release, served to create deep bonds that exist today, maintaining a highly secretive organization almost impossible to deal with or penetrate.

Sen. Henry "Scoop" Jackson's famous bill, the Jackson-Vanick law, linked Soviet trade privileges to the treatment of Soviet Jews. It was a bill lobbied heavily for by American Jewish organizations. And while non-Jews could not emigrate from Russia, Jews could. Quickly, the KGB took this opportunity to dump its hardcore criminals into the United States, many who were Jewish, as conservatives cheered, believing, naively as usual, to have scored a major victory against the USSR. Much of the
Jewish mafia's penetration into the United States came as a result of these Soviet "boatlifts," which were partially financed by groups such as the ADL or the Hebrew Aid Society.

Given the substantial nature of the black market and the Soviet criminal underground, and its exclusively Jewish character, it is difficult to believe that the Jewish groups who were financing the immigration of Russian Jews to America were unaware of the connections of many of the new arrivals. Regardless, much of the money earmarked for immigration to Israel was pocketed by the
mafia and redirected to settling Jews in New York — the New Promised Land.

Marat Balagula was one of these. A major Jewish crime figure, he bought a restaurant in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, named it the Odessa (a major port city in Ukraine), and quickly converted it into a central recruiting base for mobsters. It was also closely linked with Zionist agencies in the area, including the women's group Hadassah, who used the establishment for
meetings and fund raising dinners (Friedman, 17).

This restaurant also became the seat of real political power in Brooklyn, for in the upstairs part of the establishment, Balagula and other Jewish mobsters would convene the "People's Courts," and their word was (and is) law. Ordinary courts in the area could not hope to compete with the mobsters, well protected by powerful Jewish groups within the city and the municipal government itself.

These courts, controlled by the Jewish mob, were more powerful and acted more quickly than the regular municipal courts of New York City. Balagula had created a state within a state. The Italian
gangs in New York didn't know what hit them. Public executions and torturings were common in Brooklyn, and in broad daylight. Often, public murders would happen for the tiniest offenses, or to
prove one's toughness. While the Italians were very cautious and deliberate, the Jewish mob was flamboyant and gratuitously violent.

Yuri Brokhin, another Jewish mobster who had already made a name for himself in America, and
Balagula were heavily into stealing diamonds from jewelry stores and replacing them with cheap fakes. At one incident, narrated by Friedman, the pair pulled such a scam in Chicago, and was
caught at the airport with $175,000.

As it turns out, the duo was seen by a Jewish security guard in Chicago's O'Hare Airport
wearing their phony Hassidic garb on the eve of Yom Kippur, when Jews are strictly forbidden to travel. This sloppiness got them caught. The duo was convicted, but as proof of the power of the Jewish mafia, they both got off without a jail sentence, having committed major grand larceny, among other crimes.

Of course, Friedman does not speculate as to why this would be, since a major felony such as this often carried sentences over 20 years. Both Brokhin and Balagula were criminals in the USSR,
and were able to transfer their wealth to America via Zionist and "charitable" organizations of Jewry.

A major connection between the halls of American political power and the Jewish mafia is the rabbi Ronald Greenwald. He knowingly did business with con artists and mafia figures, and used his major political connections to shield them. Greenwald was a major player in CREEP, the re-election campaign for Richard Nixon in 1972. Greenwald was used heavily by Nixon and other Republicans to gain the Jewish vote, which he doubled for Nixon during that election (Friedman, 31) in the state of New York.

Soon, the rabbi was given a post as an "adviser" to Nixon on "Jewish poverty programs," a post which certainly made some snicker at the time, though it was clear that Nixon owed Greenwald, and the rabbi made quick use of his newfound powers. He used his power to protect the mafia's bilking of
Medicaid programs and other crimes that were never investigated by the authorities.

His post as head of the 'Jewish poverty" initiative permitted him to shield those involved with such
financial scams, as well as call off any and all FBI investigations of his friends. Part of the rise of Jewish mafia groups was the protection afforded it by Greenwald's political connections.

Greenwald was also instrumental in protecting Marc Rich, a billionaire Jewish investor with mob
ties. Rich, a major player in the Clinton administration, swindled investors out of billions. Nothing
was done, again, though negative media treatment against Rich was permitted largely because he did do business with Iran, and thus was considered a traitor by his fellow Jews. Eventually, Clinton
pardoned Rich in a much-publicized case, and Rich is now free.

Jewish mafia investors all but took over Las Vegas, also with the political protection and patronage of Greenwald. Some years back, a movie was released called Casino, starring Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci. Concerning itself with the takeover of Las Vegas, the film depicted Mr. Rothstein (played by the Jewish DeNiro) as the suave and successful entrepreneur, and Pesci as the typical Italian wiseguy, brash and insolent.

Of course, the purpose of the movie was to absolve Jewish organized crime and transfer all blame to Italian mobsters. The opposite was true.

Balagula, before taking over Jewish mafia interests in the United States, acted as a mob functionary for the KGB. In his very own words, Balagula said that the "KGB gave him visas, no problem" (Friedman, 44) and was instrumental in sending him stolen art and jewels, which he sold to foreign tourists. The KGB also set him up as head of the largest food co-op in Ukraine, a position he quickly turned into a major black market operation with the blessings of the KGB. Near the end of the Cold War, members of the KGB viewed the Jewish crime syndicate as a source of possible new jobs for them after the old system was destroyed. So, not only did they have the patronage of the American political establishment under Greenwald, but also the decaying intelligence apparatus of the USSR as well.


What needs to be kept in mind about the bootlegging operation is that it was never small time. Nothing the Jewish mob did was ever small. This operation was multinational in scope. They had a fleet of massive oil tankers, tanker trucks and hundreds of gasoline stations and distributorships, all owned by Jews loyal to the mob.

Balagula had created a massive mafia empire leading from North Africa to Saudi Arabia to Venezuela to Brooklyn. The Jewish mobsters developed an infrastructure within the oil trade that made them invincible. Mafia influence is substantial in the price of oil, as well as acting as the occasional go between the Mossad and Arab oil-producing sheikdoms. No one of substance was
ever brought to justice.

With all the power that the Jewish mob has amassed, they are merely a pimple on the back of the
master of them all, and a man who truly controls much of the globe. There is very few on Earth more powerful than he, and, as per usual, he remains unknown, left out of all press and television reports on the subject.

The fact that he remains almost unknown shows the power of the Zionist-controlled media and their relentless drive to suppress all investigation into Jewish crime. He has created a massive, global communications network and employs hundreds of Ph.D.s in computer science, physics and economics to run his massive financial empire. He has penetrated every stock exchange in the world and controls much of the trading therein.

He was also the mastermind of the largest money-laundering scheme in U.S. history, "washing" $7 billion through the Bank of New York, which is a major branch of the Federal Reserve and his bank of choice. His name is Semion Mogilevich, born in 1946.

Basing his first operations in Israel, where he fleeced Jewish refugees from Russia, Mogilevich acquired Hungarian citizenship after making the comment that the biggest problem with Israel is that there are "too many Jews there."

However, he single-handedly controls the brothels in Israel, where Ukrainian and Russian girls are forced into sexual slavery This is legal in Israel if the girls are non-Jews. The name of Mogilevich has been left out of every report on the phenomenon in Israel, Ukraine or the United States. Mogilevich also controls the vodka trade in Russia and Central Europe.

Most ominously, Mogilevich has bought Hungary's armaments industry. In other words, he controls the military equipment being manufactured in Hungary. He has his own army, artillery, mechanized infantry, antiaircraft guns and missiles of all types. NATO has said that he is a "threat to the stability of Europe," though his name remains little known. This mobster is militarily more powerful than many European countries. He has nuclear weapons from the former Warsaw Pact countries and is
presently trading with various governments and providing them with nuclear technology. He has agents in the intelligence agencies of all European countries, which means that he may never
be prosecuted, for he is made aware of any pending investigation into his activities, which quickly gets quashed.

German television reported that the German intelligence service, the BND, had entered into secret negotiations with Mogilevich whereby the latter would supply information on his rivals in Russia. He
has a similar arrangement with French intelligence. He has close connections to the Mossad, which destroyed his criminal file (Friedman, 245-247) .

Therefore he is immune to prosecution and travels freely. He controls the black market from Central Europe to Russia. He has a Rockefeller connection as well, as his main economics advisor, Igor
Fisherman was a consultant to Chase Manhattan Bank.

Friedman writes, concerning the Fed and its relations to Mogilevich: "While the bank has not been charged with any wrongdoing, some investigators believe that the money laundering could not have taken place unless senior bank officials were bought off or otherwise involved" (259).

When the Justice Department began a criminal investigation into Mogilevich (which went nowhere), he accused the Department of an "anti-Semitic conspiracy."

George W. Bush's professed mentor, Natan Sharansky, has long and deep ties to organized crime. The Congress, State Department and the CIA all have lengthy dossiers on Sharansky, who acted as a bridge between the Republican Party and Jewish thugs in a similar manner to Rabbi Greenwald. Sharansky, knowing his power, simply refused to sever his ties with organized crime, infusing the Jewish mafia into the highest echelons of the Bush administration. A pattern emerges in relation to the Republican Party: Russian Jews usually pose as "anti-Communists." They did this partially because they had been arrested by security services for their black market activities, but also because
this posture would make them valuable to Republican operatives and the Beltway "conservative movement." Their reputations as "dissidents" protected them almost as much as their religion.

"George W. 's father refused to cooperate with several investigations into Russian mob activities in Switzerland. The US government has commented that there is no "major Russian mob figure that does not carry an Israeli passport."

Because of this, George W.'s father also refused to cooperate with several investigations into Russian mob activities in Switzerland. The US government has commented that there is no "major Russian mob figure that does not carry an Israeli passport," but the Israeli state refuses to take any action against the gangsters. Yitzhak Rabin was the one exception, and met with Mossad figures, as well as Shin Bet and Israel's FBI, to combat organized crime, believing that it could destabilize Israel. Within a few days, he was murdered. His successor, Shimon Peres, shelved the recommendations formulated under Rabin, where they collect dust to this day.


It might be worthwhile to delve into some of the causes of this phenomenon. Why the Jews? It is true that many culture groups have engaged in ethnic-based organized crime, but it seems only the Italians get frequently mentioned. Today, Chechen, Hispanic, Albanian and Asian gangs are growing in power, but none has come close to being even a footnote to the Jewish clans.

The power of the Jewish gangs is wielded more ruthlessly than any other criminal gang. Jewish mobsters enjoy inflicting pain, they murder children as well as unarmed men and women. The
old code of honor among Irish and Italian gangsters is nonexistent. These old-time mobsters would only kill another mobster. The Jewish gangs have no regard for these rules, and thus are more feared.

The sheer arrogance of the Jewish gangsters and their outrageous self-assurance have allowed their "competition" among the Italian gangs to take a very cautious stance toward their Jewish counterparts.

The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia.

 Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers and slave traders are free from prosecution in Israel. Israel does not consider these to be crimes, again, so long as the victims are non-Jews. The mafia proved its power in the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. The Israeli state will not extradite its citizens to non-Jewish countries, and, therefore, Jewish murderers can quite easily escape punishment in Israel.

The unique situation in the former USSR, and the fact that Jews predominated in the Soviet bureaucracy, provides another link in the rise of the mafia. Jews predominated in the earlier
and more primitive black market in Russia, and thus these groups were physically more ready to take advantage of the crisis in Russia beginning in the mid-1980s.

Jewish organized crime, connected to both the KGB and Mossad, automatically had the skids greased to pretty much take over allied intelligence agencies.

Likely the most important factor is the complete control of the media by Jewish families and the power of the ADL in American culture. The power of the Jews in America is so great that any serious investigation into Jewish crime will see shrill attacks from every major media outlet in America. In terms of public relations, it is just not worth it. Therefore, one will see a television program like "The Sopranos" about Italian mobsters, but one will never see the same program featuring Jewish mobsters.


There is very little that can be done at this time. There is every reason to believe that soon, nationalists and Revisionists will be targeted by Jewish criminals with strong ties to the Intelligence agencies. The fate of the west is being decided in Israel and New York, not in Washington, D.C.

Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to continue to centralize power in his own person. His elimination of provincial governors was meant primarily as a crime fighting campaign, as local governors were making peace with the crime bosses. Putin also needs to continue to reform the military and security services, making them more and more loyal to the new Russian order. Putin should begin publicly drawing attention to the global power of the bosses and the connivance of
western powers in their rise and present prosperity.

The ruble should be made non-convertible (so as to prevent its manipulation by crime bosses in the currency markets), and a strong Sino-Slavic trading bloc needs to be solidified. Police work in Russia is now a rough business. Poorly paid policemen need to be supplemented by local militias to begin direct and militant confrontations with organized crime and corruption wherever it might arise. Putin has the popularity and the powerto create a major security bloc against organized crime, as well
as capitalist imperialism.

Russian banks need to come under state control, and be purged of all criminal elements. Further-
more, the church, currently the second most popular institution in Russia after Putin, needs to place its powerful seal on the development of a mob-free Russia, and call on all Russians to repent and begin building a nationalist and communitarian system. Agriculture and the village commune should receive government support to repopulate the countryside, making Russia self-sufficient in food.

And, of course, Russia's extremely important and strategic oil and natural gas reserves need to be protected by interior ministry troops and placed under government control if need be. Putin,
the nationalists and the church have tremendous popularity and influence. This capital should be spent on developing a nationalist system dedicated to purging Russia of Jewish-inspired crime, imperialism, depopulation and liberalism. He is already moving in this direction, and Russian
economic growth and a low inflation and unemployment rate are its fruits.


This article is based chiefly on: Robert I. Friedman, Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America, 288 pages, hardcover, Little, Brown; May 1, 2000; mass market paperback publisher:
Berkley Publishing Group (2002) . Other books of similar interest: Russian Mafia
in America: Immigration, Culture, and Crime by James O. Finckenauer; Comrade
Criminal: Russia 's New Mafiya, by Stephen Handelman; Godfather of the Kremlin:
The Decline of Russia in the Age of Gangster Capitalism by Paul Klebnikov; Darkness
at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State, by David Satter.

Dr. M. Raphael Johnson received his Ph.D. in political science at the University of Nebraska. He is widely published in both peer-reviewed journals as well as popular journals of opinion.
He is presently a college professor in Pennsylvania. He lives with his family in Chambersburg.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Roseanne, is this the Grandmother you were Looking to Put in Power in the USA? Bonus, She is Jewish! Jewish Grandmother Says - "Jews Are Crooks" Obviously She is an Anti-Semite

Of course, I don't believe all Jews are crooks, but why is she saying this? To watch the full documentary of which the clip is from below, click here.

I saw a video clip of Roseanne saying that we should have a loving sort of Grandmother running the United States. (Maybe as a  joke, but maybe not?) I am paraphrasing, but she said something like that. 

See here for how the word "anti-Semite" is used as a club to stop people from criticizing Jews. 

She also mentions "monkey business" in the video below... this was just too funny for me. She is so right, I know one personally, here he is. Also the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz. 

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Jewish Gangsters in America

For previous posts on Jewish organized crime, see here, here and here. The truly unique part of Jewish organized crime and what makes it "organized crime" in the truest sense of the word is that it is metastasized to the government apparatus. Meaning, at least now, it is endemic to the government through banking and intelligence. Banking and intelligence are connected. Look into the history of the intelligence agencies, especially the CIA. The CIA was started by people connected to Wall Street. In Canada, CSIS was started under the supervision of the influential Zionist Bob Kaplan. Then there is the ADL which stands for the Anti-Defamation League, (see here for more about the ADL, be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles there.) The ADL was actually funded by Jewish gangsters. Both the ADL and the intelligence agencies funnel information to law enforcement. Law enforcement literally gets their intelligence from these people. No other form of organized crime in the world has this level of influence over you.


By Gad Nahshon

“It was with some astonishment that I discovered what an integral part of American Jewish life crime was. Our forefathers made names for themselves as gangsters, murderers, musclemen, hit men, acid throwers, arm breakers, bombers and all the other professions open to nice Jewish boys. Prostitution, vice, alcohol, gambling, racketeering, extortion, and all the other things that fill the newspaper today and that I gladly have been attributing as character flaws in other groups…those were our things. I was shocked at how deep our roots are in all the sinks of depravity and corruption. The Jews were the first ones to realize the link between organized crime and organized politics. They led the way in corrupting the police and city hall. They first realized the value of gang/syndicate cartels in business to reduce the killing of each other. They were monopolists of the highest order. We wrote the book, so to speak, on crime, but it’s all forgotten.” —Marvin Kitman, Jewish critic and writer

"These are the conclusions from Rich Cohen's exciting to read book:
'Tough Jews' is a fascinating read back into the history of organized
crime," wrote Martin Scorcese. And Mario Cuomo defined this book as
"unusually entertaining". Larry King, a friend of the family, said, "WOW.
What a book. . . You do not have to be Jewish to love Tough Jews."

Arnold Rothstein was the founding father of American organized crime. He was murdered in 1928. He left a legend and a myth and also a tribe of notorious "boys": Louis Lepke Buchalter, the first builder of an empire of crimes which produced in 1940 around $2 million a year, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegal, Dutch Schultz, Abraham Twist Kid Reles, Pep Strauss, Mendy Weiss, Gurrah Shapiro, Red Levine and many others.

They were Jews, criminals, and murderers. They also did not hesitate to murder other Jews who dared to challenge them in the underworld. They left a "legacy" to be followed by the Italian "disciples" of Rothstein: Lucky Luciano, Joe Adonis, Louis Capone, Albert Anastasia and many others.

A young writer, Rich Cohen, decided to expose the role of these Jews in the history of organized crime in America. But he also illuminated these Jews in a sort of romantic-nostalgic light.

Cohen is an excellent writer and a superb story teller. He conducted research of his own and produced a fascinating account of the life of these criminal Jews. His book: "Tough Jews, Fathers, Sons and Gangsters" (Simon and Schuster, 1998, New York) will stir debate about the "contribution" of Jews to America.

First: Jews do not tend to be only white collar kind of criminals. They can be cruel murderers.

Second, Jews invented organized crime.

Third, Jews were the first ones to describe themselves as businessmen. They turned the crime into business and they built a network of crimes: gambling, prostitution, smuggling, extortion and protection money.

Fourth, sad to say they were the first drug dealers in America!!

Fifth, they were often "good Jews". They went to synagogue and they defended Jews against American Nazis and anti-Semites.

These are the conclusions from Rich Cohen's exciting to read book: "Tough Jews is a fascinating read back into the history of organized crime," wrote Martin Scorcese. And Mario Cuomo defined this book as "unusually entertaining". Larry King, a friend of the family, said, "WOW. What a book. . . You do not have to be Jewish to love Tough Jews."

He is right. The book is rich with engrossing, vivid, violent anecdotes. Cohen covered the era from 1918 to 1950.

These Jews grew up in the Jewish ghettos of America and especially in Brooklyn or Brownsville. As a special tribe, Cohen illuminated, they disappear. Why? Because they sent their children to the colleges, rather than to the streets. The Italians were the ones to develop families or dynasties of organized crime.

But it looks as if the Jews taught them the secret art of organized crime. Cohen does not have a background in criminal justice and he ignored the famous book by Jenna Weismann Joselit: "Our Gang" (1900-1940). So we need more material to understand the unique characteristics of "Jewish crime". Also, he did not mention the film "Lepke" (Buchalter) with Tony Curtis in the major role.

Cohen also compared the "toughness" of the Jewish gangsters with the art of the Israeli commando in Entebbe (give me a break).

Cohen tried to revise our attitude to these Jews. Well they were criminals, period. Many Jews today are sensitive to these kind of stories about crimes. Well we should be more mature. We are not always perfect or a "Light to the Nations". But we should not give medals to Jews such as Abe Reles, for example.

Cohen also tried to present these Jews as an example of "Pride Jews" but the criminals did not go to fight against Hitler in World War II.

Rich Cohen grew up in Glencoe, Illinois. He attended Tulane University in New Orleans and spent his junior year at Oxford University in England. His first job after college was with The New Yorker where he wrote a number of stories, mostly humorous pieces, that ran in "Notes and Comment" and "Talk of the Town." After two years at The New Yorker he became a staff writer at The New York Observer, writing "mostly funny stories about mostly serious people." Less than a year later, he was offered a contract by Rolling Stone magazine where he's now a contributing editor.

At Rolling Stone, he has written stories on the Rolling Stones, Alicia Silverstone, Tom Clancy, Pat Buchanan, and Howard Stern, among other notable subjects. He continues to write articles and humor pieces for The New York Times, The New Yorker, New York magazine, Spy, and Details. He lives in New York City.

Monday, February 13, 2017

The CIA and Drugs, Inc.: a Covert History

For previous articles on this topic, see here, here and here. It is worth noting that the CIA is the only "independent agency" out of the whole intelligence community apparatus. This is similar to the Federal Reserve bank. They have zero oversight, just as Alan Greenspan says about the Federal Reserve bank in this video clip. One wonders why the founding of the CIA can be traced back to Wall Street. These low life pieces of trash use your tax dollars to do all of this. They are also involved with child trafficking, human trafficking, overthrowing governments that oppose their business interests, organized crime, spying on you and your family, and of course, intimidation and attempting to ruin the lives of political threats. This is done through Stasi-like activities, for example, stalking, harassment and slander campaigns. The reality is, the CIA is not against working with anyone. They recruit people similar to the Stasi

By Douglas Valentine

Gary Webb was a good investigator. He linked a drug dealer in Los Angeles, through Contra suppliers, to CIA officers and Republican politicians. His editor let the story rip, and the “Dark Alliance” series made a mighty impact on Black Americans, who saw it as evidence that the ruling class was as racist as ever.
Webb stuck a stake in the evil heart of the national security state and embarrassed the CIA’s contacts in the mainstream media. All of which was unforgivable. Pressure was applied, history re-written, and Webb, in despair, apparently committed suicide.
The irony, of course, is that Webb had exposed only a small part of the story. The fact of the matter is that the US government has always managed large portions of the illicit, international drug business, and was doing so long before the CIA came into existence.
Documented cases abound, like the Opium Scandal of 1927, in which a “former” US Attorney in Shanghai provided a Chinese warlord with 6500 Mausers in exchange for $500,000 worth of opium.
Two years later, US Customs inspectors found a huge quantity of opium, heroin, and morphine in the luggage of Mrs. Kao, the wife of a Nationalist Chinese official in San Francisco. At which point Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson hustled Chiang Kai-shek’s ring of drug dealing diplomats out of the country.
The State Department likewise protected a ring of drug smugglers in 1934, and thus allowed heroin to pour into New Orleans. Two historians said about the Honduran Drugs-For-Guns case: “the defense of the Western hemisphere against the Axis powers…reduced to insignificance clandestine attempts to link the managerial personnel of a major cargo airline to smuggling.”[i]
As it was in the beginning, it is now and ever shall be: the ruling class’s power resides in its control of the criminal underworld; and since 1947, it has been the CIA’s job to advance and protect the conspiracy.
Consider the Federal Narcotic Bureau’s drug conspiracy case on Bugsy Siegel, which included Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky, both of whom had provided services to the US government during the war. The conspiracy had its inception in 1939 when, at Lansky’s request, sexy Virginia Hill moved to Mexico and seduced a number of Mexico’s “top politicians, army officers, diplomats, and police officials.”[ii]
Hill came to own a nightclub in Nuevo Laredo and made frequent trips to Mexico City with Dr. Margaret Chung, an alleged prostitute and abortionist, honorary member of the Hip Sing T’ong, and the attending physician to the Flying Tigers – the private airline the US government formed to fly supplies to Chiang Kai-shek’s forces in Kunming, a city described as infused with spies and opium. As the FBN was well aware, Dr. Chung was “in the narcotic traffic in San Francisco.”[iii]
Chung took large cash payments from Siegel and delivered heroin to Hill in New Orleans, Las Vegas, New York, and Chicago. And yet, despite the fact that West Coast FBN agents kept her under surveillance for years, they could never make a case against her, because she was protected by the American military establishment. Indeed, Siegel’s murder in 1947 may have been a government hit designed to protect its sanctioned KMT-Mafia drug operation out of Mexico. As Peter Dale Scott observed, right after Bugsy was squashed, Mexico’s intelligence service, the DFS, formed relations with the top Mexican drug lord, at which point the CIA “became enmeshed in the drug intrigues and protection of the DFS.” By 1950, Mexican drug lords were receiving narcotics from the Lansky-Luciano connection, which stretched to the Far East.
The CIA’s involvement in the Far East drug trade began with its predecessor organization, the Office of Strategic Services, which supplied Iranian opium to Burmese guerrillas fighting the Japanese. This is no secret: General William Peers, commander of OSS Detachment 101 in Burma, confessed in his autobiography: “If opium could be useful in achieving victory, the pattern was clear. We would use opium.” [iv]
OSS chief William Donovan and Chiang’s intelligence chief, General Tai Li, tried hard to control drug trafficking in China during the war. To ensure security for KMT smuggling operations, the Americans sent a team to Chungking to train Chiang’s secret political police force. The head of the team, Charles Johnston, was described as previously having spent fifteen years “in the narcotics game.” [v]
Johnston’s team and Tai Li’s agents worked closely with Chiang’s designated drug smuggler Du Yue-sheng. Tai Li’s agents escorted Du’s opium caravans from Yunnan to Saigon, where the Kuomintang used Red Cross operations as a front for selling opium to the Japanese. In so far as national security always trumps drug law enforcement, this operation was afforded the same immunity as OSS Detachment 101.
After the war, the Americans did nothing to stop the French from importing tons of opium from Laos, and selling it on the black market to finance their colonial war against the Vietnamese. During a visit to Saigon in 1948, an FBN agent reported that opium was “the greatest single source of revenue” for the French.[vi]
CIA drug ops took a great leap forward in 1949, when Mao chased Chiang to Taiwan, where KMT gangsters slaughtered thousands of people and set up a worldwide drug ring. To facilitate this particular criminal conspiracy in the name of freedom and democracy, US officials exempted a subsidiary of William Donovan’s World Commerce Corporation from the Foreign Agents Registration Act, so it could supply the KMT with everything from gas masks to airplanes. This subsidiary was accused of smuggling “contraband” to America.
Some of the “contraband” no doubt emanated from the KMT’s 93rdDivision, which had fled from Yunnan into Burma in 1949. In exchange for launching covert raids into China, these enterprising KMT forces were allowed to grow and export opium onto the black-market in Bangkok and Hong Kong. In the same way the Israeli Lobby blackmails and bribes Congress to achieve its criminal ends, the US-China Lobby attacked KMT critics and launched a massive propaganda campaign citing the People’s Republic as the source of all the illicit dope that reached San Francisco.
To facilitate the drug trade emanating from its KMT army in Burma, the China Lobby raised five million dollars of private money, which the CIA used to create its drug smuggling airline Civil Air Transport (CAT). The aforementioned General William Peers, as CIA station chief in Taipai, arranged for CAT to support KMT incursions from Burma into Yunnan – and thus enabled the KMT to bring to market “a third of the world’s illicit opium supply.”[vii]
When Burma charged the KMT with opium smuggling in 1953, the CIA requested “a rapid evacuation in order to prevent the leakage of information about the KMT’s opium business.” The State Department announced that KMT troops were being airlifted by the CAT to Taiwan, but most remained in Burma or were relocated to northern Thailand with the consent of Thailand’s top policeman and drug lord. US Ambassador William J. Sebald wasn’t fooled by this chicanery, and rhetorically asked if the CIA had deliberately left the KMT troops behind in Burma to continue “the opium smuggling racket.”[viii]
Suborning the Police
The story of the CIA’s drug empire is the biggest cover-up in American history – even though the basic facts are available in books like Al McCoy’s The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia and Richard M. Gibson’s The Secret Army.
Organizing the cover-up initially depended on the CIA’s ability to suborn the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, which, as the conflict in Vietnam heated up, was forced to investigate the flow drugs from the Far East to America. Thus, in 1963, FBN headquarters sent Agent Sal Vizzini to Thailand to open an office in Bangkok. As Vizzini told me, “Customs was already in Vietnam, but only under the aegis of helping the soldiers. Apart from that, no one’s making cases in Vietnam, because the CIA is escorting dope to its warlords.”
Vizzini’s assertion was validated on 30 August 1964, when Major Stanley C. Hobbs was caught smuggling 57 pounds of opium from Bangkok to a clique of South Vietnamese officers in Saigon. Hobbs had flown into Saigon on the CIA’s new drug smuggling airline, Air America. Hobbs’s court martial was conducted in secret and the defense witnesses were all US army and South Vietnamese intelligence officers. The records of the trial were dutifully lost and Hobbs was fined a mere three thousand dollars and suspended from promotion for five years. As a protected CIA drug courier, he served no time.
The FBN Commissioner wrote a letter to Senator Thomas J. Dodd asking for help obtaining information about Hobbs. But Dodd was stonewalled too, proving that the CIA is able to subvert drug law enforcement at the highest legislative level in the nation.
Later in 1963, FBN Agent Bowman Taylor replaced Sal Vizzini in Bangkok. Taylor was famous for slipping into Laos and making a case on General Vang Pao, commander of the CIA’s private army of indigenous, opium-growing tribesmen. Taylor didn’t know the identity of the person he was buying from: he simply set up an undercover buy, got a flash roll together, and went to “the meet” covered by the Vientiane police. But when the seller stepped out of his car and opened the trunk, and the police saw who it was, they ran away, leaving Taylor to bust the felonious general alone.
“Yep, I made a case on Vang Pao and was thrown out of the country as a result,” Taylor acknowledged. “The prime minister gave him back his Mercedes Benz and morphine base, and the CIA sent him to Miami for six months to cool his heels. I wrote a report to the Commissioner, but when he confronted the CIA, they said the incident never happened.
“The station chiefs ran things in Southeast Asia,” Taylor stressed, adding that the first secretary at the Vietnamese Embassy in Bangkok had a private airline for smuggling drugs to Saigon, as the CIA was well aware. “I tried to catch him, but there was no assistance. In fact, the CIA actively supported the Thai Border Police, who were involved in trafficking.”
Taylor shrugged. “The CIA would do anything to achieve its goals.”
The 118A Strategic Intelligence Network
Not only was the CIA protecting Vietnamese warlords, their Corsican accomplices, and its private armies of opium growers in Laos, Burma and Thailand, it was managing the caravan that moved opium to the world’s biggest market in Houei Sai, Laos.
In 1991, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, I interviewed William Young, the CIA officer who set the operation up.
The son of an American missionary in Burma, Young had learned the local dialects before he mastered English. During World War II, his family was forced to move to Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, where Young’s father taught William Donovan the intricacies of the region’s opium business.
Following a tour of duty with the US Army in Germany, Young was recruited into the CIA and in 1958, posted to Bangkok then Chiang Mai. From Chiang Mai, Young led a succession of CIA officers to the strategically placed Laotian and Burmese villages that would eventually serve as Agency bases.
It was Young who introduced General Vang Pao to his first official CIA case officer.
From his headquarters at the CIA airbase at Long Tieng, on the south side of the opium-rich Plain Of Jars, Vang Pao conscripted 30,000 tribesmen, many as young as 13, into a secret army to fight the Pathet Lao and its Vietnamese allies. In exchange for selling his people as cannon fodder, he was allowed to make a fortune selling opium. Much of the brokering was done at the village of Houei Sai in western Laos. Pao’s front man was the chieftain of the local Yao tribe, but behind the scenes Young set up deals between Pao, the top Laotian generals and politicians, and the KMT generals inside Burma. The Burmese generals operated clandestine CIA radio listening posts inside Burma, and in return were allowed to move 90% of the opium that reached Houei Sai.
It was a happy arrangement until October 1964, when the Chinese detonated an atomic bomb at Lop Nor. That seminal event signaled a need for better intelligence inside China, and resulted in the CIA directing Young to set up a strategic intelligence network at Nam Yu (aka Base 118), a few miles north of Houei Sai. The purpose of the 118A Strategic Intelligence Network was to use a KMT opium caravan to insert agents inside China. The agents placed by Young in the caravan were his childhood friends, Lahu tribesmen Moody Taw and Isaac Lee. Young equipped them with cameras, and while in China they photographed Chinese engineers building a road toward the Thai border, as well as Chinese soldiers massing along it. Knowing the number and location of these Chinese troops helped the CIA plot a strategy for fighting the Vietnam War.
Once the 118A network was up and running, Young turned it over to CIA officer Lou Ojibwe, and after Ojibwe was killed in the summer of 1965, Anthony Poshepny took charge. A Marine veteran who served with the CIA in the Indonesia and Tibet, “Tony Poe” was the balding, robust model for Marlon Brando’s Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now! Poe also served as a father figure to the junior CIA officers (including Terry Burke, a future acting chief of the DEA) he commanded in the jungles of Laos.
When I interviewed Poe in Udorn, Thailand in 1991, he said he “hated” Vang Pao because he was selling guns to the Communists. But Poe was a company man, and he made sure the CIA’s share of opium was delivered from Nam Yu to the airfield at Houei Sai. The opium was packed in oil drums, loaded on C-47s, and flown by KMT mercenaries to the Gulf of Siam. The oil drums were dropped into the sea and picked up by accomplices in sampans waiting at specified coordinates. The opium was ferried to Hong Kong, where it was cooked into heroin by KMT chemists and sold to the Mafia and Corsicans.
FBN Agent Albert Habib, in a Memorandum Report dated 27 January 1966, cited CIA officer Don Wittaker as confirming that opium drums were dropped from planes, originating in Laos, to boats in the Gulf of Siam. Wittaker identified the chemist in Houei Sai, and fingered the local Yao leaders as the opium suppliers.
By 1966, when FBN Agent Douglas Chandler arrived in Bangkok, the existence of the CIA’s 118A opium caravan was a known fact. As Chandler recalled, “An interpreter took me to meet a Burmese warlord in Chiang Mai. Speaking perfect English, the warlord said he was a Michigan State graduate and the grandson of the king of Burma. Then he invited me to travel with the caravan that brought opium back from Burma.” Chandler paused for effect.
“When I sent the information to the CIA, they looked away, and when I told the embassy, they flipped out. We had agents in the caravan who knew where the Kuomintang heroin labs were located, but the Kuomintang was a uniformed army equipped with modern weapons, so the Thai government left them alone.”
As described by Young and Poe, the 118A Strategic Intelligence Network was the CIA’s private drug channel to its Mafia partners in Hong Kong – people like Santo Trafficante, the Mafia boss the CIA hired to kill Fidel Castro, and protected ever thereafter. The same thing is happening today in Afghanistan, with the DEA providing cover for the CIA and military, just as the FBN did in the 1960s.
Which brings me back to Gary Webb. The CIA wasn’t happy that Poe and Young were talking. Poe was told to shut up after his chat with me, and he did. But Young sold his story to a major Hollywood studio for $100,000. And that was unforgivable.
On April Fool’s Day, 2011, Thai police found Bill Young’s corpse. It had been perfectly arranged with a pistol in his one hand and a crucifix in the other.
Maybe he was depressed too?
And it is seriously depressing, the fact our utterly corrupt government, aided by its criminal co-conspirators in the mainstream media, pretends as if the CIA doesn’t deal drugs.
[i] Douglas Clark Kinder and William O. Walker III, “Stable Force In a Storm: Harry J. Anslinger and United States Narcotic Policy, 1930-1962,” The Journal of American History, Volume 72, No 4, March 1986, p. 919, note.
[ii] Ed Reid, The Mistress and the Mafia, p. 42.
[iii] Reid, Mistress, p. 90.
[iv] William Peers and Dean Brellis, Behind The Burma Road, Boston: Little Brown, 1963 p. 64.
[v] Milton Miles, A Different Kind of War, New York: Doubleday, 1967.
[vi] William O. Walker, Opium and Foreign Policy, University of North Carolina Press, 1991, p. 177.
[vii] Burton Hersh, The Old BoysThe American Elite And The Origins Of The CIA, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1992 p. 300

The Real Drug Lords: A Brief History of CIA Involvement in the Drug Trade

For previous articles on this topic, see here and here. It is worth noting that the CIA is the only "independent agency" out of the whole intelligence community apparatus. This is similar to the Federal Reserve bank. They have zero oversight, just as Alan Greenspan says about the Federal Reserve bank in this video clip. One wonders why the founding of the CIA can be traced back to Wall Street. These low life pieces of trash use your tax dollar to do all of this. They are also involved with child trafficking, human trafficking, overthrowing governments that oppose their business interests, organized crime, spying on you and your family, and of course, intimidation and attempting to ruin the lives of political threats. This is done through Stasi-like activities, for example, stalking, harassment and slander campaigns. The reality is, the CIA is not against working with anyone. They recruit people similar to the Stasi

1947 to 1951, FRANCE
According to Alfred W. McCoy in The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, CIA arms, money, and disinformation enabled Corsican criminal syndicates in Marseille to wrestle control of labor unions from the Communist Party. The Corsicans gained political influence and control over the docks — ideal conditions for cementing a long-term partnership with mafia drug distributors, which turned Marseille into the postwar heroin capital of the Western world. Marseille’s first heroin laboratones were opened in 1951, only months after the Corsicans took over the waterfront.
The Nationalist Chinese army, organized by the CIA to wage war against Communist China, became the opium barons of The Golden Triangle (parts of Burma, Thailand and Laos), the world’s largest source of opium and heroin. Air America, the ClA’s principal airline proprietary, flew the drugs all over Southeast Asia. (See Christopher Robbins, Air America, Avon Books, 1985, chapter 9)
1950s to early 1970s, INDOCHINA During U.S. military involvement in Laos and other parts of Indochina, Air America flew opium and heroin throughout the area. Many Gl’s in Vietnam became addicts. A laboratory built at CIA headquarters in northern Laos was used to refine heroin. After a decade of American military intervention, Southeast Asia had become the source of 70 percent of the world’s illicit opium and the major supplier of raw materials for America’s booming heroin market.
1973-80, AUSTRALIA
The Nugan Hand Bank of Sydney was a CIA bank in all but name. Among its officers were a network of US generals, admirals and CIA men, including fommer CIA Director William Colby, who was also one of its lawyers. With branches in Saudi Arabia, Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and the U.S., Nugan Hand Bank financed drug trafficking, money laundering and international arms dealings. In 1980, amidst several mysterious deaths, the bank collapsed, $50 million in debt. (See Jonathan Kwitny, The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money and the CIA, W.W. Norton & Co., 1 987.)
1970s and 1980s, PANAMA
For more than a decade, Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega was a highly paid CIA asset and collaborator, despite knowledge by U.S. drug authorities as early as 1971 that the general was heavily involved in drug trafficking and money laundering. Noriega facilitated ”guns-for-drugs” flights for the contras, providing protection and pilots, as well as safe havens for drug cartel otficials, and discreet banking facilities. U.S. officials, including then-ClA Director William Webster and several DEA officers, sent Noriega letters of praise for efforts to thwart drug trafficking (albeit only against competitors of his Medellin Cartel patrons). The U.S. government only turned against Noriega, invading Panama in December 1989 and kidnapping the general once they discovered he was providing intelligence and services to the Cubans and Sandinistas. Ironically drug trafficking through Panama increased after the US invasion. (John Dinges, Our Man in Panama, Random House, 1991; National Security Archive Documentation Packet The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations.)
The San Jose Mercury News series documents just one thread of the interwoven operations linking the CIA, the contras and the cocaine cartels. Obsessed with overthrowing the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua, Reagan administration officials tolerated drug trafficking as long as the traffickers gave support to the contras. In 1989, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations (the Kerry committee) concluded a three-year investigation by stating:
“There was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the war zones on the part of individual Contras, Contra suppliers, Contra pilots mercenaries who worked with the Contras, and Contra supporters throughout the region…. U.S. officials involved in Central America failed to address the drug issue for fear of jeopardizing the war efforts against Nicaragua…. In each case, one or another agency of the U.S. govemment had intormation regarding the involvement either while it was occurring, or immediately thereafter…. Senior U S policy makers were nit immune to the idea that drug money was a perfect solution to the Contras’ funding problems.” (Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy, a Report of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and Intemational Operations, 1989)
In Costa Rica, which served as the “Southern Front” for the contras (Honduras being the Northern Front), there were several different ClA-contra networks involved in drug trafficking. In addition to those servicing the Meneses-Blandon operation detailed by the Mercury News, and Noriega’s operation, there was CIA operative John Hull, whose farms along Costa Rica’s border with Nicaragua were the main staging area for the contras. Hull and other ClA-connected contra supporters and pilots teamed up with George Morales, a major Miami-based Colombian drug trafficker who later admitted to giving $3 million in cash and several planes to contra leaders. In 1989, after the Costa Rica government indicted Hull for drug trafficking, a DEA-hired plane clandestinely and illegally flew the CIA operative to Miami, via Haiti. The US repeatedly thwarted Costa Rican efforts to extradite Hull back to Costa Rica to stand trial. Another Costa Rican-based drug ring involved a group of Cuban Amencans whom the CIA had hired as military trainers for the contras. Many had long been involved with the CIA and drug trafficking They used contra planes and a Costa Rican-based shnmp company, which laundered money for the CIA, to move cocaine to the U.S. Costa Rica was not the only route. Guatemala, whose military intelligence service — closely associated with the CIA — harbored many drug traffickers, according to the DEA, was another way station along the cocaine highway.
Additionally, the Medellin Cartel’s Miami accountant, Ramon Milian Rodriguez, testified that he funneled nearly $10 million to Nicaraguan contras through long-time CIA operative Felix Rodriguez, who was based at Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador. The contras provided both protection and infrastructure (planes, pilots, airstrips, warehouses, front companies and banks) to these ClA-linked drug networks. At least four transport companies under investigation for drug trafficking received US govemment contracts to carry non-lethal supplies to the contras. Southern Air Transport, “formerly” ClA-owned, and later under Pentagon contract, was involved in the drug running as well. Cocaine-laden planes flew to Florida, Texas, Louisiana and other locations, including several militarv bases Designated as ‘Contra Craft,” these shipments were not to be inspected. When some authority wasn’t clued in and made an arrest, powerful strings were pulled on behalf of dropping the case, acquittal, reduced sentence, or deportation.
1980s to early 1990s, AFGHANISTAN
ClA-supported Moujahedeen rebels engaged heavily in drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported govemment and its plans to reform the very backward Afghan society. The Agency’s principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading druglords and leading heroin refiner. CIA supplied trucks and mules, which had carried arms into Afghanistan, were used to transport opium to laboratories along the Afghan Pakistan border. The output provided up to one half of the heroin used annually in the United States and three-quarters of that used in Western Europe. US officials admitted in 1990 that they had failed to investigate or take action against the drug operabon because of a desire not to offend their Pakistani and Afghan allies. In 1993, an official of the DEA called Afghanistan the new Colombia of the drug world.
MlD-1980s to early 199Os, HAITI
While working to keep key Haitian military and political leaders in power, the CIA turned a blind eye to their clients’ drug trafficking. In 1986, the Agency added some more names to its payroll by creating a new Haitian organization, the National Intelligence Service (SIN). SIN was purportedly created to fight the cocaine trade, though SIN officers themselves engaged in the trafficking, a trade aided and abetted by some of the Haitian military and political leaders.
William Blum is author of Killing Hope: U.S Military and CIA Interventions Since World War ll available from Common Courage Press, P.O. Box 702, Monroe, Maine, 04951