Showing posts with label Porn Industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Porn Industry. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Jews Are Proud of Their Pornography


Jew porn actor Ron Jeremy “reaches out to Christians”

As this article by Jewish author Nathan Abrams, “Triple-exthnics,” proves; it also shows that Jews are aware of the subversive nature of their activities. Some of the language and images evoked by this piece are disgusting, and children should not be permitted to read it.

A STORY LITTLE TOLD OF is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that the ‘triple-exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews’.

Smut Peddlers

Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. Many erotica dealers in the book trade between 1890 and 1940 were immigrant Jews of German origin. According to Jay A. Gertzman, author of Bookleggers and Smuthounds:The Trade in Erotica, 1920-1940 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999), ‘Jews were prominent in the distribution of gallantiana [fiction on erotic themes and books of dirty jokes and ballads], avant-garde sexually explicit novels, sex pulps, sexology, and flagitious materials’.

In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. Born in 1924, Sturman grew up in Cleveland’s East Side. Initially, he sold comics and magazines, but when he realized sex magazines produced twenty times the revenue of comic books, he moved exclusively into porn, eventually producing his own titles and setting up retail stores. By the end of the 1960s, Sturman ranked at the top of adult magazine distributors and by the mid-70s he owned over 200 adult bookstores. Sturman also introduced updated versions of the traditional peepshow booth (typically a dark room with a small colour TV on which the viewer can view X-rated videos). It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry. Eventually he was convicted of tax evasion and other crimes and died, disgraced, in prison in 1997. His son, David, continued running the family business.

The contemporary incarnation of Sturman is 43-year-old Jewish Clevelander Steven Hirsch, who has been described as ‘the Donald Trump of porno’. The link between the two is Steve’s father, Fred, who was a stockbroker-cum-lieutenant to Sturman. Today Hirsch runs the Vivid Entertainment Group, which has been called the Microsoft of the porn world, the top producer of ‘adult’ films in the US. His specialty was to import mainstream marketing techniques into the porn business. Indeed, Vivid parallels the Hollywood studio system of the 1930s and 1940s, particularly in its exclusive contracts to porn stars who are hired and moulded by Hirsch. Vivid was the subject of a behind-the-scenes reality TV show recently broadcast on Channel 4.

Nice Jewish Girls and Boys

Jews accounted for most of the leading male performers as well as a sizeable number of female stars in porn movies of the 1970s and ‘80s. The doyen of the Hebrew studs is Ron Jeremy. Known in the trade as ‘the Hedgehog’, Jeremy is one of America’s biggest porn stars. The 51-year-old Jeremy was raised in an upper-middle-class Jewish family in Flushing, Queens, and has since appeared in more than 1,600 adult movies, as well as directing over 100. Jeremy has achieved iconic status in America, a hero to males of all ages, Jewish and gentile alike — he’s the nebbischy, fat, hairy, ugly guy who gets to bed dozens of beautiful women. He presents an image of a modern-day King David, a Jewish superstud who supersedes the traditional heroes of Jewish lore. No sallow Talmud scholar he. His stature was recently cemented with the release of a pornomentary about his life, Porn Star: The Legend of Ron Jeremy. As probably the most famous Jewish male porn star, Jeremy has done wonders for the psyche of Jewish men in America. Jeremy has also just released a compilation CD, Bang-A-Long-With Ron Jeremy. For £7.99 (including delivery), the lucky listener gets to enjoy Jeremy’s hand-picked favourite porno grooves along with narration by ‘the legend’ himself. As the publicity blurb gushes, ‘Out of the brown paper wrappings and into the mainstream’.

Seymore Butts, aka Adam Glasser, is everything that Jeremy is not: young, handsome and toned. Glasser, a 39-year-old New York Jew, opened a gym in 1991 in Los Angeles. When no one joined, he borrowed a video camera for 24 hours, went to a nearby strip club, recruited a woman, then headed back to his gym and started shooting. Although the movie stank, with a bit of chutzpah and a few business cards he wangled a deal with a manufacturer and started cranking out films. Within a few years, ‘Seymore Butts’ — his nom de porn which is simultaneously his sales pitch — became one of the largest franchises in the adult-film business. As the king of the gonzo genre (marked by handheld cameras, the illusion of spontaneity and a low-tech aesthetic meant to suggest reality), he is today probably the most famous Jewish porn mogul. Seymore Inc., his production company, releases about 36 films annually, most of them shot for less than $15,000, each of them grossing more than 10 times that sum. Glasser employs 12 people, including his mother and cousin Stevie as respectively genial company accountant (and matchmaker for her single son) and lovable but roguish general gopher. Glasser currently even has his own reality TV show (also broadcast on Channel 4), a ten-episode docu-soap called Family Business, whose opening credits show Glasser’s barmitzvah photo.

In Search of a Buck

Jews became involved in the porn industry for much the same reasons that their co-religionists became involved in Hollywood. They were attracted to an industry primarily because it admitted them. Its newness meant that restrictive barriers had not yet been erected, as they had in so many other areas of American life. In porn, there was no discrimination against Jews. During the early part of the twentieth century, an entrepreneur did not require large sums of money to make a start in the film business; cinema was considered a passing fad. In the porn business, it was similarly straightforward to get going. To show ‘stag’ movies or loops, as they were known, all one needed was a projector, screen and a few chairs. Not tied up with the status quo and with nothing to lose by innovation, Jews were open to new ways of doing business. Gertzman explains that

“Jews, when they found themselves excluded from a field of endeavour, turned to a profession in which they sensed they could eventually thrive by cooperating with colleagues in a community of effort . . . Jews have for a very long time cultivated the temperament and talents of middlemen, and they are proud of these abilities”.

The adult entertainment business required something that Jews possessed in abundance: chutzpah. Early Jewish pornographers were marketing geniuses and ambitious entrepreneurs whose toughness, intelligence and boundless self-confidence were responsible for their successes.

Of course, the large number of Jews in porn were mainly motivated by the desire to make profits. Just as their counterparts in Hollywood provided a dream factory for Americans, a blank screen upon which the Jewish moguls’ visions of America could be created and projected, so the porn-moguls displayed a talent for understanding public tastes. What better way to provide the stuff of dreams and fantasies than through the adult-entertainment industry? Performers did porn for the money. As ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman commented, ‘Those Jews who enter the pornography industry have done so as individuals pursuing the American dream.’

Secular Sex

Like their mainstream counterparts, Jews who enter porn do not usually do so as representatives of their religious group. Most of the performers and pornographers are Jewish culturally but not religiously. Many are entirely secular, Jews in name only. Sturman, however, identified as a Jew — he was a generous donator to Jewish charities — and performer Richard Pacheco once interviewed to be a rabbinical student.

Very few, if any, porn films have overtly Jewish themes, although Jeremy once tried to get several Jewish porn stars together to make a kosher porn film. The exception is Debbie Duz Dishes, in which Nina Hartley plays a sexually insatiable Jewish housewife who enjoys sex with anyone who rings the doorbell. It has sold very well, spawned a couple of sequels and is currently very hard to buy — perhaps indicating a new niche to exploit. Indeed, according to an editorial on the World Union of Jewish Students website,

“there are thousands of people searching for Jewish porn. After things like Jewish calendar, Jewish singles, Jewish dating, and Jewish festivals comes ‘Jewish porn’ in the list of top search keywords that provide”.

Sexual Rebels

Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in porn? There is surely an element of rebellion in Jewish X-rated involvement. Its very taboo and forbidden nature serves to make it attractive. As I’ve written in these pages before, treyf signifies ‘the whole world of forbidden sexuality, the sexuality of the goyim, and there all the delights are imagined to lie . . .’ (‘Reel Kashrut: Jewish food in film’, JQ 189 [Spring 2003]).

According to one anonymous industry insider quoted by E. Michael Jones in the magazine Culture Wars (May 2003), ‘the leading male performers through the 1980s came from secular Jewish upbringings and the females from Roman Catholic day schools’. The standard porn scenario became as a result a Jewish fantasy of schtupping the Catholic shiksa.

Furthermore, as Orthodox Jew and porn gossipmonger Luke Ford explains on his website ( ‘Porn is just one expression of [the] rebellion against standards, against the disciplined life of obedience to Torah that marks a Jew living Judaism.’ It is also a revolt against (often middle-class) parents who wish their children to be lawyers, doctors and accountants. As performer Bobby Astyr put it on the same website, ‘It’s an “up yours” to the uncles with the pinky rings who got down on me as a kid for wanting to be [a] musician.’

As religious influences waned and were replaced by secular ones, free-thinking Jews, especially those from California’s Bay Area, viewed sex as a means of personal and political liberation. America provided the freest society Jews have ever known, as manifested by the growth of the adult industry. Those Jewish women who have sex onscreen certainly stand in sharp contradiction to the stereotype of the ‘Jewish American Princess’. They (and I’m speculating here) may have seen themselves as fulfilling the promise of liberation, emancipating themselves from what feminist Betty Friedan in 1963 called the ‘comfortable concentration camp’ of the household as they set out into the Promised Land of the porno sets of Southern California. It signified their economic and social freedom: they were free to choose to enter, rather than coerced into it by economic and other circumstances. Once they had lain down, they could stand on their own two feet, particularly as female performers typically earn twice as much as their male counterparts.

Sexual Revolutionaries

Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. Some porn stars viewed themselves as frontline fighters in the spiritual battle between Christian America and secular humanism. According to Ford, Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast’. Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having ‘to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an “up yours” to these people’. Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said (on, ‘The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.’ Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. Porn is no longer of the ‘what the Butler saw’ voyeuristic type; instead, it is driven to new extremes of portrayal that stretch the boundaries of the porn aesthetic. As new sexual positions are portrayed, the desire to shock (as well as entertain) seems clear.

It is a case of the traditional revolutionary/radical drive of immigrant Jews in America being channelled into sexual rather than leftist politics. Just as Jews have been disproportionately represented in radical movements over the years, so they are also disproportionately represented in the porn industry. Jews in America have been sexual revolutionaries. A large amount of the material on sexual liberation was written by Jews. Those at the forefront of the movement which forced America to adopt a more liberal view of sex were Jewish. Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and Paul Goodman replaced Marx, Trotsky and Lenin as required revolutionary reading. Reich’s central preoccupations were work, love and sex, while Marcuse prophesied that a socialist utopia would free individuals to achieve sexual satisfaction. Goodman wrote of the ‘beautiful cultural consequences’ that would follow from legalizing pornography: it would ‘ennoble all our art’ and ‘humanize sexuality’. Pacheco was one Jewish porn star who read Reich’s intellectual marriage of Freud and Marx (

“Before I got my first part in an adult film, I went down to an audition for an X-rated film with my hair down to my ass, a copy of Wilhelm Reich’s Sexual Revolution under my arm and yelling about work, ‘love and sex’.”

As Rabbi Samuel H. Dresner put it (E. Michael Jones, ‘Rabbi Dresner’s Dilemma: Torah v. Ethnos’ Culture Wars, May 2003), ‘Jewish rebellion has broken out on several levels’, one being ‘the prominent role of Jews as advocates to sexual experimentation’. Overall, then, porn performers are a group of people who praise rebellion, self-fulfilment and promiscuity.

What Are We Ashamed Of?

This brief overview and analysis of the role and motivations behind pornographers and performers is intended to shed light on a neglected topic in American Jewish popular culture. Little has been written about it. Books such as Howard M. Sachar’s A History of the Jews in America (New York: Knopf, 1992) simply ignore the topic. And you can bet that the 350th anniversary of the arrival of the Jews in the United States did not include any celebrations of Jewish innovation in this field. Even the usually tolerant Time Out New York has been too prim to deal with it, although the more iconoclastic Heeb plans an issue on it. In light of the relatively tolerant Jewish view of sex, why are we ashamed of the Jewish role in the porn industry? We might not like it, but the Jewish role in this field has been significant and it is about time it was written about seriously.

Nathan Abrams is a Lecturer in Modern American History at the University of Aberdeen. He has just completed a book on neo-conservatism in the United States.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Top Jewish Pornographer Admits Jews Have Controlled The Porn Industry From Its Very Beginnings


As part of the “Taboo Talks” series presented by the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center in San Diego on May 8, 2013, Mike Kulich, the late jewish owner of Monarchy Distributors, one of the largest pornography companies in America, candidly revealed that Jews do, in fact, control and dominate every aspect of the pornography industry:

Kulich stated:

“Jews in the adult industry, there’s a lot of them….The adult industry was pretty much founded by the Jews. Basically, in the early nineteen hundreds, the German Jewish immigrants came in, and when they were trying to get into different industries, there was a lot of antisemitism where they couldn’t get into normalized work….so they gravitated toward the porn industry because it’s kind of the seedier cousin of the Hollywood industry which had already been controlled by the JewsBasically, they pretty much took it over. If you look at the big stars…

So basically back in the 1960s, 70s, it was founded by people like Dan [unintelligle], and then later in the 80s, The Godfather of the modern day porn industry, his name is Reuben Sturman, who was actually an Orthodox Jew who owned over 200 bookstores all around the country. He’s actually my godfather, which is kind of weird. So Reuben Sturman, what the Jews did pretty much was they revolutionized the adult industry and made it their own. So there was no space for antisemitism. And they basically controlled everything.

So back in the 80s, the only way to get pornography was to go through someone like Reuben Sturman, and he controlled all of his stores and all the stores that he didn’t own, they actually had to pay him a tax to carry his product, and he was the only place to get product from, peep shows from. And later what the Jews did they started the manufacturing end of the business. There were a lot of Italians that were coming into the business, but what they [the Jews] did was they created the manufacturing side which is the replication of printing because back in the day if you wanted to make a VHS or Beta tape or whatever, you couldn’t go down to Kinkos or whatever or any mainstream printer. It would be like, I want to print “G**g B**g My Mom Number Three”.

So what they did was they created all these companies that manufactured DVDs and VHS and Beta and printing and all the companies pretty much had to go through the Jews. So Reuben Sturman eventually he died in prison….they tried to get him for obscenity back in the ‘80s, which was a big thing, and there actually still is an obscenity risk today. But he eventually died in prison because of tax evasion, because didn’t want to pay taxes

Back in the ‘70s, the majority of the male porn performers were jewish, and the majority of the female performers were Roman Catholic.  And if you look at the names of the classic porn stars, you got Ron Jeremy, which isn’t really jewish [sounding], but you have Hershel Savage….It’s kind of funny because those guys came into the industry, and I actually asked a couple of them, cause I asked Ron Jeremy, “Why did you guys decide to go into the porn industry? What was it that drew you in besides the obvious?” He was like “I got to f**k Roman Catholic chicks”….and fulfill every fantasy of every jewish boy has ever had.

So I think the jewish performers, they’ve always been really prevalent in the industry, and even now Ron Jeremy is still one of the most well known performers….Joanna Angel…Daphne Rosen…there’s a bunch of them. And for the most part, the business side is still controlled by Jews. Steve Hersch, who runs Vivid. Steve Orenstein, who runs Wicked. You have me who runs the biggest porn company [Monarch] in the world. Second biggest. But for the most part, the business owners are pretty much Jewish or have Jewish ties, or at some point worked for a Jew in the business to get their start.”

So let’s get this straight: Kulich claims that Jews controlled Hollywood from the beginning, but because of “antisemitism”, Jews couldn’t get jobs working in jewish-controlled Hollywood, so they had no choice but to work in pornography.  That”s what he said, and no one challenged him on that absurdity.  If it sounds familiar, it should because Jews also claim that the reason they engaged in usury is because they couldn’t get jobs doing anything else, and Christians weren’t allowed to lend money at interest.

But of course when Kulich claims that Jews control the porn industry and Hollywood, he’s not attacked for making age-old antisemitic “tropes” and “canards” for the simple reason is that he’s bragging about it and implying that it’s a good thing.  When non-Jews make the same claim, however, they are attacked as “antisemitic” because we don’t think porn and Hollywood filth is good for society.  Jews love to control everything, but they don’t want to be criticized when that control leads to any negative consequences or backlash, which it inevitably does.

You give Christian men freedom of speech, and they found the greatest nation the world has ever known.  You give Jews freedom of speech, and they make pornography, advocate communism, and censor anyone who criticizes them.

Monday, January 15, 2018

The Porn Industry

 Note: In addition to reading the article below, see this and this. See this and this for how porn is being used as a political weapon against the masses. See here for Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control. See here for the definition of Libido Dominandi. The social hypersexualization we, as a society, are currently undergoing has been purposely designed to create decadence and to undermine traditional social mores. This makes us indifferent to politics and less likely to become well organized.

By Luke Ford

Secular Jews play a disproportionate role in the sex industry. In his 1992 book “Oh Canada! Oh, Quebec! Requiem for a Divided Country,” Mordecai Richler writes about Jew-hatred in Quebec:

“The late Abbe Lionel Groulx, patron saint of the sovereignty advocates, is revealed as an admirer of Mussolini who wrote in 1954 that Jews have “a natural passion for money” and could “be found behind all businesses, all shady enterprises, all the pornography operations.”

Leading modern Jewish pornographers include Ron Braverman, John Bone, Wesley Emerson, Paul Fishbein, Herbert Feinberg AKA Mickey Fine, Hank Weinstein, Lenny Friedlander, Bobby Hollander, Rubin Gottesman, Fred Hirsch and his children Steve and Marci, Paul “Norman” Apstein, Steve Orenstein, Jack Richmond (Legend CEO), Theodore Rothstein, Reuben and David Sturman, Ron Sullivan, Jerome Tanner, Armand Weston, Sam and Mitch Weston (Spinelli).

Jews accounted for most of the leading male performers of the 1970s and ’80s. Hebrew studs include Buck Adams, Bobby Astyr, (Bobby Charles) R. Bolla (Robert Kerman), Jerry Butler (Paul Siderman), Seymore Butts (Adam Glasser), Roger Caine (Al Levitsky), David Christopher (Bernie Cohen), Steve Drake, Jesse Eastern, Jamie Gillis (Jamie Gurman), Ron Jeremy (Hyatt), Michael Knight, William Margold, Ashley Moore (Steve Tucker), David Morris, George Payne, Ed Powers (Mark Arnold aka Mark Krinski), Harry Reems (Herbert Streicher), Dave Ruby, Herschel Savage (Harvey Cowen), Carter Stevens (Mal Warub), Marc Stevens, Paul Thomas (Phil Tobias), Marc Wallice (Marc Goldberg), Randy West (Andy Abrams) and Jack Wrangler.

A Jewish male performer writes Luke: “Why are most of the men that do porno Jewish? JEWISH MOTHERS!

“Jewish men are taught to respect women and help them (very codependent)… They also are non-threatening to most women. Let’s face it, Ron Jeremy is not exactly Mike Tyson… You’ll usually find that the real mean bastards (physically violent) in the industry are NOT Jewish (that includes, producers, directors, boyfriends, agents, etc). Jewish guys are more manipulative….”

Jewish female performers include Avalon, Jenny Baxter (Jenny Wexler), Busty Belle (Tracy Praeger), Chelsea Blake, Tiffany Blake, Bunny Bleu (Kim Warner), J.R. Carrington, Lee Carroll (Leslie Barris), Blair Castle/Brooke Fields (Allison Shandibal), Courtney/Natasha/Eden (Natasha Zimmerman), Daphne (Daphne Franks), Barbara Dare (Stacy Mitnick), April Diamond, Jeanna Fine, Alexis Gold, Terri Hall, Heather Hart, Nina Hartley (Hartman), C.J. Laing (Wendy Miller), Frankie Leigh (Cynthia Hope Geller), Gloria Leonard, Traci Lords (Nora Louise Kuzma), Amber Lynn, Tonisha Mills, Melissa Monet, Susan Nero, Scarlett O. (Catherine Goldberg), Tawny Pearl (Susan Pearlman), Nina Preta, Tracey Prince, Raylene, Janey Robbins (Robin Lieberman), Mila Shegol, Alexandra Silk, Susan Sloan, Annie Sprinkle (Ellen Steinberg), Karen Summer (Dana Alper), Cindy West, Zara Whites (Amy Kooiman) and Ona Zee (Ona Simms).

If the Torah [Pentateuch] commands Jews “to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation,” and Judaism strongly opposes porn, why do Jews dominate porn?

The main answer is simple. Jews in porn, like most Jews in academia, media and entertainment, are Jewish in name only. They do little in Jewish life, rarely belong to a synagogue and ignore the Torah. Neither rooted in their own tradition or in that of the majority Christian tradition, they live in a community of rebels.

Why does porn attract so many non-Jewish Jews?

Used to hatred from society, Jews will do its dirty work – such as money-lending in the Middle Ages or porn today – to make money. Persecuted for millennia in the various societies they’ve lived in, many Jews developed an allegiance to their own survival as their highest value and care little about the survival of the persecuting society. Even when Jews live in a society that welcomes them instead of harassing them, many Jews hate the majority culture. Because Jews frequently despise the majority culture, and despite being traditional in most of their values and rituals, Jews seem open to new ways of doing business. Not rooted in the status quo that frequently hates them, Jews often lead the way in the application of new technology – such as printing presses, radio, TV, cable television, VCRs and computers. And the most popular application of new technology for millennia has been porn.

Because of Judaism’s emphasis on education and verbal dexterity, Jews dominate academia, entertainment and media generally.

Belonging to the “Chosen Ones” brings self-confidence, and it takes a strong sense of self to thrive in an industry like porn that is disdained by the public. Male performers particularly need confidence to achieve on camera erections.

Pornographer Seymore Butts attributes the large number of Jews in porn to the desire for profits. “Jews gravitate towards money.

“We’re smart people who’ve been persecuted throughout time. The weak of our people were weeded out. The strong-willed Jews survived…from Egypt to Germany.

“Blacks, for instance, are athletically superior (more muscle fiber per square inch of flesh) because they were bred that way. We killed the weak ones off. The ones that survived were the big ones, the fast ones, the strongest ones, the fighters, the ones that could work the most, with the biggest cocks… Jews same thing. We network, the one thing that blacks don’t do. They’re still killing each other. We support each other. The worst that we will do is sue each other.

“If four people compete for a job, and three of them are goyim [non-Jews], the Jew, all things being equal, will get the job. That’s the way I work. If I’ve got three actors going for a part, and one of them is Jewish, and they’re all in the same ballpark… Sue me.”

In his 2000 book “Bookleggers and Smuthounds: The Trade In Erotica 1920-1940,” English professor Jay Gertzman writes about the disproportionate influence of Jews in the sex book trade: “This irrepressible insistence, seen as characteristic of Jewish merchants in particular, and of ethnic middlemen minorities in general, helped confer pariah status on the erotic book dealers. Here, the one-hundred-percent moralist warned, was a tightly knit group of workers single-mindedly driven to material success, an apparently autonomous minority that had chosen to pursue its own “godless, unAmerican” goals with a strange and foreign intensity. When added to the disreputable nature of the business, as attested to by the denunciations of various authority figures, and by police action against the “promoters,” as postal inspectors termed them, the identity of the erotica distributor as clannish – employing “their own kind” – and aloof – with their own, ethnic, allegiances – became fixed. Here was a kind of “parasite” with whom one would, on occasion, itch to deal, but would remain chary of trusting, especially because the dealer was so good at what he did.” (pg. 41)

Jews participating in the sex trade are not behaving Jewishly. They’re acting in a manner contrary to everything Jewish – the Torah, Israel, God, synagogue and everything the Jewish tradition considers holy.

But to be a Jew, you simply have to be born of a Jewish mother, just as you automatically become an American if you are born to American parents. A Jew can hate Judaism and Israel, Moses and the Torah, and still be a Jew. His values aren’t Jewish but he’s still a member of the people Israel. To be a Christian, by contrast, one must affirm Christ.

This explains how Jews can live un-Jewish lives.

While few Jews are radical, many radicals (and pornographers) are Jews. Writes non-Jew Ernest van den Haag in his book The Jewish Mystique, “Out of one hundred Jews, five may be radicals, but out of ten radicals, five are likely to be Jewish.”

Virtually all movements to change the world come from the Jews – Christianity, secular humanism, Marxism, Socialism and Communism, feminism, and the labor movement. That’s part of the reason that Jews are hated. The world doesn’t want to be changed.

Rooted in nothing, radical Jews frequently seek to make others equally rootless by tearing down their religious, national, communal and traditional allegiances. Such Jews carry on the traditional Jewish hatred of false gods but without offering anything to replace the scorned allegiances.

Jewish domination of porn, banking, entertainment, media and academia does not lead to discrimination against gentiles – most radical Jews marry Gentiles. Nor does it lead to flattering portraits of Jews, as Jews abound in self-criticism. Rather, the most important result of the domination of non-Jewish Jews in these fields is their war on traditional values. Porn is just one expression of this rebellion against standards, against the disciplined life of obedience to Torah that marks a Jew living Judaism.

“I have not yet met a Jewish guy who wasn’t a horny rabbit,” says Nina Hartley. “Culturally it’s ok for Jews to act and for WASPs it’s difficult. Many WASP men feel that acting is making a fool of yourself. To go up there and have sex is seen as opening yourself up to too much potential for failure. It’s ok for Jews to be actors and many of them are hams. They don’t worry about the potential to look silly. There is also a lack of guilt about sex that Jewish men have generally. Plus, they get to have sex with all these beautiful blonde women… Where else are you going to get a succession of shiksas [non- Jewish women] to bed you down?” (Shmate)

The number of Jewish studs is “one of God’s little jokes,” says R. Bolla who once allowed Jamie Gillis to stay at his New York apartment for a few weeks if he promised “to never bring bacon home.”

“Sex is the not the greatest sin in the Jewish religion,” notes Bolla. “I hope that porn is the most unrighteous thing I do. If we go out of our way to be scumbags, that’s the sin. When I do porn, I offend Shakespeare more than God.”

Ten Jewish porn stars interviewed by the late Screw reviewer Dan Shocket in the early ’80s, insisted that they maintained some Jewish values. They sought to treat others in a dignified manner and demanded the same treatment for themselves.

“If I’m in the cesspool,” says Bobby Astyr, “I may as well be nice in the cesspool. When I first got into the business, I felt the least I could do was to get the dopers off dope and to help where I could. I thought that I’m doing something wrong, so while I’m doing it, I’ll also do something nice. Selective morality.” (Screw magazine)

Herschel Savage remembers bringing a girl with him to an interview with a porn director. “This guy looked at the girl and said, ‘Take your top off.’ She did. He then puts up his hands and says, ‘Your tits are too small. I can’t use you.’

“I got so angry. I said, ‘That’s not the way you talk to a person. If you don’t like the way she looks, just say you can’t use her right now.’

“We’re in his basement and he’s standing behind the bar. All of a sudden he puts his hand behind the bar as if he’s going to get a gun. I keep talking, telling him how to behave with people. I know I lost the job, but I couldn’t let him get away with that. The girl was crushed.

“If the producer had said my cock was too small, I could’ve joked about that. I know my worth. The guy couldn’t hurt me. But that girl couldn’t defend herself.” (Screw magazine)

Like many pornographers, Richard Pacheco refuses to use the word pornography.

“Working in adult films is the most righteous thing I do. I take enormous pains to treat people fairly, a revolutionary concept in this business, which is hardcore in terms of exploitation. That we’ve entrusted the sexual film to amateurs, criminals and drug addicts is absurd. My commitment to the industry is to stop doing crap and start doing stuff that elevates the human spirit.” (Screw magazine)
Each of the ten Jews – except Marc Stevens – insisted they were actors first, who happened to perform in X-rated movies.

“I’m feeling more guilty about doing this interview than I am about being a porn star,” Bolla told Dan Shocket. “I’m afraid this will besmirch Jews.

“The men in this business are not as down and out as the women… For women, this is sometimes a last resort. I feel it. For the men, it’s revenge at their parents.”

“Through history, every established order has at one time or another excluded and/or exterminated the Jews,” writes Dan Shocket. “This has given Jews a jaded view of the established order. All X-rated actors interviewed bragged about their joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast.”

“I like the idea of testing the waters,” says Bolla. “In the pond of complacency, I’ll throw something in. I like dichotomies. I go to synagogue, I go to Israel when I can; I make porn films; I make straight films; I’ll stand for specific causes, and I’ll give my life to a cause worth dying for. Those contradictions throw people off.”

Bobby Astyr remembers having “to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an ‘up yours’ to these people. It’s also an ‘up yours’ to the uncles with the pinky rings who got down on me as a kid for wanting to be musician.”
“Five years before I got my first part in an adult film,” says Richard Pacheco, “I went down to an audition for an X-rated film with my hair down to my ass, a copy of Wilhelm Reich’s Sexual Revolution under my arm and yelling about work, love and sex, which were Reich’s three principles. These things have got to be in balance or your life is going to f—ed.” Pacheco didn’t get the job.
“Five years later I auditioned for another X-rated film. That very day, I also interviewed at Hebrew Union Seminary to do rabbinical study.

I made the choice that the kind of rabbi I would be, if I became one, was one that could have been performing in sex films as part of his experience.”

True-believing communist and porn star Nina Hartley wants everyone to have a piece – a piece of sex and a piece of the means of production. She descends ideologically from the Marxist Jewish philosopher Herbert Marcuse who prophesied that a socialist utopia would free individuals to achieve sexual satisfaction. Nina descends literally from a line of radical Jews. Her grandfather (a physics professor) and her father (a radio announcer) belonged to the Communist party. Her home celebrated Hanukkah, Christmas, Passover and Easter as holidays rather than holy days.

Like most of porn’s Jews, Hartley received no formal religious instruction. One of her brothers and her one sister – a doctor – came to Orthodox Judaism as adults and barely relate to Nina, the family’s black sheep. In the mid ’80s, Nina’s parents became Zen Buddhist priests.

“When my parents saw me speaking on the Phil Donahue show,” says Hartley, “they were shocked and upset. They are now more accepting. They know I’m happy and healthy and still the person they know.

“One brother thinks my work is a hoot. Doesn’t bother him at all. My oldest brother can barely bring himself to say hello to me. He’s very upset with what I do. He’s a practicing “born again” Orthodox Jew, so we don’t speak. Even before he found out what I did, we didn’t have a whole lot in common, because of his religious behavior. He’s the hardest case to crack.”

Socialist Sheldon Ranz interviewed Nina for the Spring 1989 edition of the radical New York journal Shmate. “I don’t understand how a family where the parents have a Communist background can raise a kid who grows up to be an Orthodox Jew,” said Ranz, a child of Holocaust survivors. “How did that happen?”

Nina: “They’re still asking themselves that very question. My brother turned to it the way anyone turns to religion as an adult. Insecurity, fear, a desire for community, a desire for roots, and identity. He started out being interested in the history of Jewishness and Jewish culture. He slowly got into the more religious aspects of it, buying the t’fillin and the whole bit.

“My family doesn’t understand exhibitionism or pornography. I’m Jewish culturally but not religiously. I’m generally less subservient than a typical WASP female.

“I grew up in Berkley, which is heavily influenced by [secular] Jewish culture. It’s an intellectual town. A lot of the people who set the political agenda are Jewish.

“I’m proud of my heritage’s intellectual history and its empathy with the persecuted. But I’m no Zionist. Politically, I’m left wing. I want everyone to have a job, everyone to have food, clothing, shelter, medical care and education. Utopia might be communist but in the meantime we have to have socialism. I want everyone to have a piece.

“I believe strongly in the heritage of Jews as educators. I feel very proud of the fact that if it weren’t for the Jews, half the world would still be illiterate. I would like to know about Jewish religion as history, but as an atheist, I see no reason to practice any religion… because it is organized superstition…the opiate of the masses.

“Israel doesn’t figure in my identity, but I do think about it. As it is now – a theocracy masquerading as a democracy – I don’t think it has a right to exist.

“That Israel denies basic civil rights to the Palestinians in the occupied territories makes me angry at Israel. If Israel does not clean up its act, it will become another graveyard for the Jews.” (Shmate)
Nina Hartley’s husband Dave, who works as a gardener, and Nina’s ‘wife’ Bobbie, grew up as liberal Methodists. “They like my energy, my ability to be intellectual, which doesn’t come easy to many WASP women because they’re not taught that it is valuable. My individual will, my refusal to bow down and be subjugated by others is a Jewish trait.

“When I grew up, we had six people around the dinner table. We’d have two or three conversations going on at one time. There’d be diagonal conversations, straight-across conversations, next-to-yourself conversations… When Dave and Bobbi grew up, one person spoke at a time at the table and was finished, and then the next person spoke…. It flabbergasted me when I found this out…

“When Dave goes into a Jewish situation…he goes crazy because everyone talks all at once to everybody else. The interruptions infuriate him.”

In February 2013, the Jewish gossip merchant Harvey Levin led a “Crusade For Racial Equality”after his program, TMZ, reported there was a white porn star who refused to do interracial porn. The “Crusade” was composed of the Jew Levin dispatching his minions to go around agitating black porn-addicts and tapping into the tribe’s mass media network to browbeat this woman into submission.

Alexis Texas, the woman at the center of this artificially created controversy, stated that she refused to do pornography with black men because it would alienate her white audience, and thus make her “product” less profitable. Her explanation was that this was not a moral or racial decision, but a shrewd business one (the only value system accepted as legitimate in America). As Levin himself put it: “More black = Less green”.

I looked at a list of the 50 best selling pornographic films of all time and not a single one featured interracial (describes black men and white women in the industry) scenes. In fact, the most popular female porn stars, featured in most of these best selling smut films: Jenna Jameson, Tera Patrick, Jill Kelly, Asia Carrera, Stormy Daniels and Jesse Jane, have never done a single interracial scene in their entire careers. I cross-referenced this to control for the age of internet porn, but found the same results. PornMD is a data collection project that has gathered the 10 most popular search terms on pornographic websites from all around the world, and “interracial” was not in the top 10 anywhere on the planet.

In an all-encompassing study of pornography that used information collected from 10,000 participants, it was found that only 53% of female porn stars ever do interracial scenes. The researcher also made sure to report that most of those who do participate in porn with black men do it “when the time is right”, or in non-PC English, they do it as a last resort when they start getting desperate for work. To make an analogy, it would be like Nicolas Cage doing an Olive Garden commercial because he’s behind on his credit card debt: the lowest of the low amongst the lowest of the low.

Agents charge premiums to use their clients in interracial porn (since it often sinks their careers due to white male boycott), yet the films do not sell as well as non-interracial porn. This is a terrible business proposition in other words that only large companies able to off-set losses can afford.

So if the shekels are modest, at best, why is interracial porn one of the most widely produced kinds of filth? To understand, let’s start with who is pedaling it.

Looking at the top pornographic booking agencies, I was able to find a very interesting trend. Granted, all people who partake in this trade are some breed of scum, but there is a noteworthy contrast between the behavior of Jewish (motivated by both profit and political agenda) and Gentile (motivated solely by money) porn agents. LA Direct Models, one of the few “talent” managers owned by a Gentile (Derek Hays, a retired English male porn star), only offers 20% of its women for interracial scenes, while Spiegler Girls, owned by Mark Spiegler AKA Shylock (how he signs his business cardsdemands that 80% of his clients participate in interracial porn.

Vivid Entertainment, which is by far the dominant force in the world of pornography, has used 80% of its “actresses” in interracial scenes and is known for churning this stuff out. Vivid was founded and is chaired by the Jew Steven Hirsch and his wife Marci Hirsch. There is no real explanation for this substantial inversion other than the fact that Jewish-owned companies go out of their way to promote this kind of pornography. The tactic is to build themselves up with intra-racial pornography, and then once they dominate the market, promote the more perverse and less popular varieties.

According to Shylock in an interview with Business Insider: “Some agents will charge a premium for girls who do interracial. But we don’t do that: it’s the same rate for non-interracial.” Shylock goes on to cite Sasha Grey as an exception that disproves the rule regarding the career suicide of making porn with negroes, since she started off doing interracial porn and her career took off. But Grey’s fame was not organic, it was created from scratch by moguls at the top. Adult Video News (AVN), a powerful industry trade journal founded by the Jews Paul Fishbein, Irv Slifkin, and Barry Rosenblatt in the 1980’s, helped put Grey on the map by awarding her with the title of “Performer of the Year” in 2008–a year in which she starred in an enormous amount of interracial porn movies.

Grey was the youngest person (20 years old) to ever win the “prestigious” award, and while she had been in the industry for barely two years, her enthusiastic race-mixing paid off and Jews eventually rewarded her with a laughable Hollywood career. Parallel to her in AVN “achievement” is the equally famous black male Lexington Steele, who won AVN’s “Performer of the Year” numerous times (virtually unheard of for a male porn star) and has enjoyed cameos (read: promotion) in non-pornography such as (Jew) Jenji Kohan’s Showtime series Weeds. Lexington Steele’s fame is smoke and mirrors to compel women ambivalent about making interracial porn to piggyback off his fame when their job offers start drying up.

This dynamic can go in reverse as well, or at least they try to will it. By 2013, it became obvious that Miley Cyrus, once a wholesome child star that a whole generation of kids grew up with, was willing to do anything for publicity. Her infamous antics have gotten her lots of promotion from the Jewish media who reward her by artificially lengthening her career (similar to retired supermodel Heidi Klum getting her own TV show after she got with Seal), and like sharks who smell blood, Jews saw an opportunity to exploit her weakness.

A porn company called GameLink, whose founder, CEO, and President is an ardent Zionist and Israeli-“American” dual citizen named Ilan Bunimovitz, sent Miley Cyrus a letter shortly after her “Wrecking Ball” performance. The inquiry offered her $1 million dollars to star in an interracial pornography scene. A GameLink representative expounded on the company motives behind this offer:

“I’d love to see her with Mandingo doing an interracial scene. Now that would really break the daddy’s girl image and burn through the tabloids.”

Typical, the Zionist Jew Ilan Bunimovitz, who is married to a Jewish broad (look him up on Facebook), spends half of his year in Israel, is very dedicated to promoting interracial porn to Gentiles and exploiting other people’s women for his sick ambitions. On the GameLink website, where interracial porn is aggressively marketed, it states the following:

“Although the 20th century was a time of turbulent and rapid change in race relations, mostly for the better, interracial sex is still touted as one of the great taboos. “Interracial” in the world of adult entertainment has come to connote, almost exclusively, relationships or sex between whites and blacks”

This fluffy talk purposely omits that interracial porn is universally considered to be one of the most degrading varieties. In fact, the “genre” has even prompted left-wing blacks to criticize it, erroneously blaming white men instead of the real culprit. This type of porn, they argue, follows 3-4 racially charged templates: the white woman always has blonde hair, a white husband watches his wife have intercourse with blacks, multiple blacks “gang bang” one white woman, and the blacks are instructed by Jewish directors to use vulgar anti-white language while they do it.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Jews and Porn

In addition to the video below, see this article here. One of the points I want to make is this --- whatever your beliefs about porn, it is important for you to realize who the major controlling interests are and their political motivations. 

Believe it or not... it is about more than just money and sex. What is also interesting is how this is very similar to Weimar Germany,  see this book about Weimar Germany. You can download it free here. Also, watch these videos. You can also look at these two articles here and here (especially the second one,) called "Trying To Understand More About World War II"