Showing posts with label Community Policing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Community Policing. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Proof FBI Snitching & Organized Stalking Program

This connects right into Homeland Security and the FBI InfraGard. (See here and here for more about InfraGard.). The RCMP is also doing the same. See here for some of the Stasi tactics they use. Also see here, herehere and here. For more about classified and hi-technology go here and here

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Even David Lee Roth Seems To Know Something..... Still Don't Know Anything?

Read this, this, and this about torture, slander and organized stalking and how it connects to Zionism and Satanism. What does he mean by RUN RITE? See here and here for what it means.  David Lee Roth was also on Joe Rogan's show many times.  See here for Joe Rogan and Satanism. (See here to see him on Joe Rogan's show.) Read his tweet below:



Like a giant octopus, the Stasi's tentacles probed every aspect of life. Full-time officers were posted to all major industrial plants. Without exception, one tenant in every apartment building was designated as a watchdog reporting to an area representative of the Volkspolizei(Vopo), the People's Police. In turn, the police officer was the Stasi's man. If a relative or a friend came to stay overnight, it was reported. Schools, universities, and hospitals were infiltrated from top to bottom. German  academia was shocked to learn Heinrich Fink, professor of theology and vice chancellor at East Berlin's Humbolt University, had been a Stasi informer since 1968. After Fink's Stasi connections came to light, he was summarily fired. Doctors, lawyers, journalists, writers, actors and sports figures were co-opted by Stasi officers, as were waiters and hotel personnel. Tapping about 100, 000 telephone lines in West Germany and West Berlin around the clock was the job of 2000 officers.

Stasi officers knew no limits and had no shame when it came ot protecting the party and the state. Churchmen, including high officials of both the Catholic and Protestant denominations, were recruited en masse as secret informers. Their offices and confessionals were infested with eavesdropping devices. Even the director of Leipzig's famous Thomas Church choir, Hans-Joachim Rotch, was forced to resign when he was unmasked as a Spitzel, the people's pejorative for a Stasi informant.

Absolutely nothing was sacred to the secret police. Tiny holes were bored in apartment and hotel room walls through which Stasi agents filmed their "suspects" with special video cameras. Even the bathrooms were penetrated by the communist voyeurs. Like the Nazi Gestapo, the Stasi was the sinister side of Deutsche Grundlichkeit (German thoroughness.)

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

GANGSTALKING 100% PROOF Of Police Involvement Targeted Individuals

First, watch this about organized stalking and smearing political dissidents. 

The police can no longer deny this. (See here, here and here for more about RCMP corruption.) As far as I'm concerned they all know this is going on. This is not just about police corruption ---- it is realizing that corruption is built into the whole government and it trickles down into Public Safety Canada and Homeland Security which are the umbrella organizations of the military, the intelligence agencies and the police of North America. (See here and here for strong connections to Israel.) These organizations are abusing community watch programs and using them to terrorize people. 

There has also been a surge in private security and intelligence companies, (when you click through on that link scroll down and go through all of the articles,) that are receiving outsourced contracts from Public Safety Canada and Homeland Security and the Intelligence agencies. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Zionism Controls Our Governments, The Police, The Streets, Wake Up This Is Community Oriented Policing

See here for classified technology and here for intelligence and Homeland Security tactics.  These same strategies are being done in Canada by the RCMP, CSIS, CSE, and Public Safety Canada.  This is a Zionist plan of control.  See here and here for more about Zionist organized stalking. See here for killing freedom of speech when it comes to Israel. See here for a collection of links about Homeland Security and how it connects to the ideology of Zionism. 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

'Couple Harassed with Organized Stalking Noise Harassment Campaign'

See here for another MUST SEE video on this topic.

Notice in the video below how even members of the police, fire department and as I say here, nurses are involved. This is how screwed up these pieces of crap really are. They are complete psychopaths. My situation is because of sick, screwed up people that are connected to organized crime, intelligence agencies, Hollywood, Wall Street and Silicon Valley that has filtered down into the community level. My targeting is 100% Zionist based.

That is not to say that "all Jews" are involved, nor that it is only Jews doing this, but... that is the truth of what is happening to me. See here for Homeland Security and its links to Zionism. I also must stress, this targeting started before I began posting anything about what I knew. Meaning, the targeting got worse when I started posting information, but, they were doing this to me before I posted anything. This is a part of counter-intelligence with collaboration in the private sector and organized crime. See here for more information about how the RCMP and CSIS are involved with this. This is what they do. See here for intelligence tactics and here for classified technology.  See here for a free e-book about organized stalking that is being perpetrated by government agencies.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

How Easy is it to Get People to Engage in Organized Stalking? A Perfect Example of The Naivete of the Public and Putting Too Much Trust in Authority Figures

Doesn't this remind you of what they used to say in places like Nazi Germany? "I was just following orders..." See here for classified technology, learn intelligence discrediting tactics here, (be sure to read the links about Zersetzung.) See here for more about Homeland Security.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

More People Who Like To Gang Up On Truth-Tellers

Must-See Pictures Below, Remember 
These People. They Are Traitors To Canada! They Are Evil Organized Stalking Psychopaths, They All Know This Is Happening To Me

The scumbags below are all working with psychos like thisthisthis, and this. They are working with community watch and the RCMP. See here and here for RCMP censorship, see hereherehereherehere, and here for more about targeting political dissidents. See here for more about the Anti-Defamation League that works with the RCMP, (be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles.)

See here for a neighborhood watch Stasi book. See here for slavery by satellite and here for satellite and microwave torture with Dr. John Hall. See here for a Canadian intelligence agency "recruiting" video featuring stalking and surveillance. 

This stalking, surveillance, and torture comes down from intelligence agencies in the United States and Canada. See here and here for the connections between Zionism and Homeland Security, see here for a lecture from a former employee from Homeland Security talking about some of the tactics used by the Stasi, See here for vigilante justice "Zionist" style.

See here for more about classified technology, see here for a list of links about microwave weapons, learn more about intelligence tactics here, see here for discrediting people with hi-technology.

All of the people below live in Mission, British Columbia. They are all stupid enough to be involved in organized stalking and to have Facebook accounts.

1. Henry Tusi - here is his LinkedIn page. (The coward took down his Facebook account and his picture on LinkedIn, I will contact people at your school scumbag.) This piece of crap is at York University so look for him there. He should be kicked out of University. Hey Henry, you like science so much, tell us the truth, you lying psychopath. You like stalking and torturing people, don't you? You don't like people who tell the truth?  

2. Cameron Snow - lives in Mission, B.C. 

3. Cole Matt - lives in Mission B.C. 

4.  Colby Noa- Address- #20- 32705 Fraser Crescent, Mission B.C.  

5. Liam Noa and hereAddress- #20- 32705 Fraser Crescent, Mission B.C.  


Monday, February 27, 2017

Video Example of Stasi "Anchoring" Techniques

For complimentary information to the article and the videos below, see here for the Stasi techniques they use against political dissidents. Make sure you look under the links labeled 'Zersetzung'. See here to learn more about the classified technology they use. You can also look under the classified and hi-technology heading on my blog. To learn more about Counter Intelligence, see here, here, here, here and here.  Also, see this video of Noam Chomsky talking about this problem.


In the videos below, you can see examples of what is called "anchoring" or conditioning. This is exactly what they use for organized stalking. As I stated in previous posts, many of the techniques they are employing were used by the East German Stasi. 

You will see in the first video, the example he uses is a bike attached to the back of a vehicle and a horse trailer. They use all different skits and ideas for these anchors. The one important point that he fails to mention in the video is that they usually get in your face at the beginning of the stalking to get your attention. This way it makes it impossible to ignore them, it is the beginning of the anchoring process. For instance, in his examples, they would also normally cut in front of you and slam on their brakes a few times so it makes it impossible for you to ignore the anchor.

They might also get someone to pull up beside you in a parking lot and swear at you with the anchor attached to their vehicle, or get someone to say something to you out their window that you did earlier in the day. Anything to get your attention with the anchor. After this, the stimulus becomes conditioned. After you have a few people slamming on their brakes in front of you with horse trailers and bikes attached to the back of their vehicle, they would begin to drive past you and yell at you, smile at you, park beside you and mention something to you etc. Probably even park near your work and home.

Another example, if your dog died rather suspiciously, they would do the exact same thing with dogs. They could do "street theater" skits with a dog outside of a mall that you were walking into. They might have the dog lying on its side, pretending that it was sick and a bunch of people attending to the dog. They may even do this a couple times. They would then get tons of people to start walking with their dogs in front of you. Get people to cut in front of your car with stickers on the back of their car that say things like "I LOVE MY DOG:" or "A DOG IS A MAN'S BEST FRIEND" or "I CAN ALWAYS TRUST MY DOG" or "MY DOGS ARE MY CHILDREN AND THEY ARE ON BOARD." You could also have a bunch of people in your community that were involved in this sort of stalking change their Facebook pictures to a picture of their dog or a picture with them and their dog. They could also have people come up behind you in Starbucks or coffee shops talking on the phone or to their friend about their dog getting sick. Once again, they would have to first get in your face and do it in a repetitious manner. Over and over. They have to start with this technique to build the anchor --- after the initial stimulus the conditioning would get in.

Let's use another example, let's say that you were a critic of Israel and Judaism... kind of like Jesus himself was. If you were getting shot with electromagnetic weapons and followed around by a bunch of Zionists ---- and you wrote something about Jesus and the Pharisees on your blog---- you might all of a sudden notice a whole whack of people changing their Facebook pictures to them drinking wine. Signifying human sacrifice and wine with Jesus and Dionysus.

Once again, they would have to get you to notice a relation to what they are doing first. They would have to get in your face to create the link in your mind. You could be in a bookstore and have someone come up to you and talk to you about Jesus or Greek Tragedy and wine. They might say something like "Ya, many people don't know that wine is associated with Jesus." They could also begin to hold up goats in their Facebook or Twitter pictures, not exactly something that people do very often, especially if they know each other. They might also get lots of people to email you with reference to wine and Jesus, or send some mail to your house after you had someone come up to you in the bookstore. They might get tons and tons of people to wear crosses near you, or walk around you with devil symbolism on their shirts --- like devil's faces or the number 666. They might also get cars to cut in front of you with 666 in the license plate number or that have devil stickers on the back or that say something like "SATAN LIVES."

Another example, if you just recently had an abortion, or your girlfriend did, you could see a bunch of people doing skits with babies around you. They might get kids to purposely walk in front of you in shopping centers or malls with baby dolls. Not just once, but many times so you notice. You have to notice for it to work properly. They would constantly cut you off with "Baby on Board" signs in their windows, not just once but over and over. You would also have people constantly park beside you that have a baby, when you go to get in and out of your car they would do their best to get in your face. They would be doing something with them while you are near your car--- and probably be saying "don't cry baby...don't cry."

They might also wear T-Shirts near you that say something with "baby" on it. You might have little kids (being told by their parents believe it or not,) to come say the words like "baby, baby, baby" all the time near you. Or people singing songs near you that have the word "baby" in it. You would get people pretending to talk on their cell phones near you that are referencing stuff about babies or abortion- -- they might even use your name and say something like  "Ya, my friend "your name" just told me that he and his girlfriend had an abortion."

If you turned around and said something to them they would act like you're crazy and that they don't know who you are. They might also put flyers on your window that reference keywords that they are trying to anchor in you, like "baby." It could be a bar or a restaurant with a special on "baby back ribs." They would also get people to park near your work with something to do with babies. They might also leave some diapers on the ground a few times near your car door.

Another one, if you just had an affair in New York or something, you would start seeing references to New York all around you. You would have sexy women come near you that talk about New York, men and women around you with New York references on their clothing. New York license plates and stickers all around you. (Something similar to this happened to me. This is how insane these people are, I literally have had people following me a few times with Virginia license plates in British Columbia, Canada. Just so you know, Virginia is where the CIA is. This happened right after I wrote something on my blog about the CIA.)

Another example, let's say you just heard a story about a woman being raped. She woke up somewhere and she couldn't remember what happened to her the night before. These psychos would incorporate this into their stalking routine. They would start making rape references all around you.

If you were a political dissident and a writer, they would constantly have people come around you and make references to the topics you are writing, reading or talking to people about. They would also start wearing shirts with words on it. For instance, if you were against the racist, ethnocentric idea behind the state of Israel and how they treat the Palestinians, all of a sudden, you would begin to see tons of people wearing stars of David around you. On their hats, jackets or shirts.

You would also have people talking about Israel or Jews around you. You might also begin to see tons of people wearing "OBEY" T-Shirts. Not just here or there, everywhere you go. But first, they would make a point to get in your face and anchor it. They would cut in front of you, bump into you, speak to you, ask directions from you etc. Park in front of your car with Stars of David on their back windows etc.

The absolute worst part of all of this is that many of the people that this is happening to have nanotechnology or what is known as brain-computer interfaces inside of them. (See here to learn more about this.) It is in their brains and bodies and they are being used as human guinea pigs. They are literally being shot with microwaves. They are also being mind-controlled. (It is important to note, one does not need nanotechnology or a brain-computer interface inside of them to be shot with microwaves, Nor do you need a brain-computer interface for them to influence you with microwaves. But, most of these targeted individuals do. It makes it a lot easier and more efficient, plus they can target you from longer distances.) These intelligence and organized crime psychos can put thoughts and emotions into you.... they can also cause pain inside your body. See here and here for more about classified and Hi-technology.

If this is happening to you, they more than likely have technology in your brain and your body! Nanotechnology replicates once it's inside of you. This is not good! You can see an old video of Jose Delgado controlling a bull back in the 60's in this example here.

Pavlovian Conditioning Examples On Children