Showing posts with label Alan Dershowitz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alan Dershowitz. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Israel's Right To Exist Debunked DERSHOWITZ DESTROYED: DERSHOWITZ is a Disgusting Little Weasel- A Shining Example of One of the Losers Who Gets Ahead & Promoted in This Sick World

See here for a past debate with Alan Dershowitz. This guy is nothing but a pathetic liar. See here for more about the Jews. They are literally trying to stop you from criticizing them by yelping about so-called "anti-semitism." See here, herehere, here, here, here and here for Jews and terrorism.

Image result for alan dershowitz

(To Download the audio, click on the link above and then click on the download link in the top right hand corner.)

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Connections That Got Epstein Killed Or Why He Was Told To Go Hide -- Or Sorry, Why He Killed Himself.

Scroll Down To See Pictures About
the Connections of Epstein!

See here for an article I wrote about this a while back. Also, see here for more about PizzaGate and here for more about John Podesta. The one connection I disagree with in the chart below is the Mike Cernovich connection. Yes, he is a piece of trash lying Zionist scumbag from Hell...


PizzaGate was never discredited. They are all pieces of crap. Mike Cernovich is just trying to be some sort of savior when he is a Zionist weasel who lies by omission. (See here for more about Mr. Cernovich.) This is like all the popular alternative media losers. See here and here for a complete list of these scumbags. They are Judas Goats, (see here for more about Judas Goats.) They are gatekeepers. They attract people to the truth like fly papers or fly lights.

THEY ARE BEHIND ALL THE POPULAR ALTERNATIVE MEDIA. It is being funded by your tax dollars! This is the truth. These sick "alternative media" psychos are collecting money from law enforcement and intelligence agencies, it is counterintelligence. This is Biblical, they are "laying snares," and traps. This is how corrupt the United States really is, it is run by Jewish organized crime. This is what they do. If they are not talking about classified technology, organized stalking, and Zionism, they are liars. 

Scroll down the page to see and read all of the information. First off, Epstein knew Trump and Clinton. Clinton had flown on his plane 27 times. Don't be fooled, Trump is very good friends with the Clintons. One of Epstein's lawyers was also Alan Dershowitz. Realize that this is a blackmail ring that connects to Israel. This is no different than what Trump's mentor Roy Cohn, used to do.

Mr. Cohn was a gay Jewish lawyer with a connection to the Jewish mob. Ghislaine Maxwell, a close associate of Epstein for numerous years was connected to the Israeli Mossad. In fact, her father is the famous "super-spy" Robert Maxwell. Here is a book about him. Now, look at this quote from  Donald Trump:

Next, watch this video clip from former Mayor Giuliani, even he can't believe it.... he says "it's impossible"

Now let us see some interesting connections between these people,  scroll down and click on pictures to expand: 

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6

Jeff Epstein special little place on his Lolita island. It was
 a Cube, it is worn on the Jews arm. See the Israeli flag colours?  Same as their tallit colours

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Watch a Debate Between Norman Finkelstein and Alan Dershowitz About The Book "The Case For Israel"

How many liberals would even hold a debate like this today? Not many. That's because you are living in an increasingly pathetic world of censorship and lies. Now watch the videos below and learn the truth. For a previous post on Norman Finkelstein, go here. Also, watch the bottom two videos below the debate. In it you will see Noam Chomsky talk about how Alan Dershowitz tried to stop the publication of Finkelstein's book, and how he was influential in garnering support to block Finkelstein's tenure at the university he was teaching at.