Exposing Intelligence Agency Human Rights Abuses, Government and Corporate Corruption Along with the Problems of Zionism. The Foundation of Freedom is Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Speech
Showing posts with label September 11-2001. Show all posts
Showing posts with label September 11-2001. Show all posts
Friday, August 16, 2019
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Fire Did Not Destroy World Trade Center Building 7 On Sept. 11, Scientific Study Reveals
For more information about September 11th, see my September 11th section here. (Be sure to scroll down and look at all of the articles and videos there.)
Press TV
Press TV
The Building 7 of the World Trade Center. (file photo)
A comprehensive study conducted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) in association with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth found that fire was not the cause of the collapse of the Building 7 of the World Trade Center (WTC).
The official theory established that the 47-story colossus collapsed on its base after the tragic attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, at 5:20 p.m., when it was affected by the fire coming from the Twin Towers—Buildings 1 and 2 of the World Trade Center. The building was completely destroyed in just seven seconds.
However, after investing four years in computer simulations, the FAU scientists published a draft report that concludes that the collapse of the third WTC skyscraper on Sept.11, 2001 was not due to any fire, but “the almost simultaneous failure of every column in the building.”
“Despite calls for the evidence to be preserved, New York City officials had the building’s debris removed and destroyed in the ensuing weeks and months, preventing a proper forensic investigation from ever taking place,” Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth explained on its website.
“Seven years later, federal investigators concluded that WTC 7 was the first steel-framed high-rise ever to have collapsed solely as a result of normal office fires,” the specialists emphasized, noting that new evidence invalidates that hypothesis.
Request to reopen the investigation
Some time ago, more than 3,000 active and retired architects and engineers called on the US Congress to conduct a new investigation into the three WTC skyscrapers that were destroyed on Sept. 11.
Under the name ‘Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth,’ they said there was “sufficient doubt about the official story to justify reopening the 9/11 investigation.”
“The new investigation must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that might have been the actual cause of the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7,” they said.
‘Possible use of explosives’
In 2009, independent research conducted by a team of international scientists discovered, after analyzing some dust samples from the debris in the area where the skyscrapers collapsed, that they all contained a red layer of active thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology.
The study conducted by Niels H. Harrit, a chemist at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, determined that it was a high energetic explosive material that would explain the remains of molten metal, and why the fires lasted under the rubble for months.
Professor David Ray Griffin, author of a reference work in which he details up to 115 omissions and distortions in his work, “The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions,” which aims to dismantle the official version of the attacks on the World Trade Center, as well as the Pentagon and the White House, which occurred on the same fateful day, collaborated in the investigation.
The following is a summary of some of the most important points that Griffin mentions in his book alleging a possible complicity of some elements of the government in the attack:
- The omission of evidence that at least six of the alleged hijackers—including Waleed al-Shehri, said by the Commission probably to have stabbed a flight attendant on Flight 11 before it crashed into the North Tower of the WTC—are still alive (pages 19-20).
- The omission of the fact that President Bush’s brother Marvin and his cousin Wirt Walker III were both principals in the company in charge of security for the WTC (pages 31-32).
- The omission of the fact that The Project for the New American Century, many members of which became key figures in the Bush administration, published a document in 2000 saying that “a new Pearl Harbor” would aid its goal of obtaining funding for a rapid technological transformation of the US military (pages 117-18).
- The omission of the report that at a meeting in July 2001, US representatives said that because the Taliban refused to agree to a US proposal that would allow the pipeline project to go forward, a war against them would begin by October (pages 125-26).
- The failure to probe the issue of how the “war games” scheduled for that day were related to the military’s failure to intercept the hijacked airliners (pages 268-69).
- The failure to discuss the possible relevance of Operation Northwoods to the attacks of 9/11 (pages 269-71).
- The failure to point out that the Commission’s claimed “independence” was fatally compromised by the fact that its executive director, Philip Zelikow, was virtually a member of the Bush administration (pages 7-9, 11-12, 282-84).
In this context, former CIA analyst George Beebee recently alleged in his new work that Russian leader Vladimir Putin personally warned President George W. Bush two days in advance to prevent the 9/11 attacks. (Source: thebl.com)
Monday, September 11, 2017
Israeli Terror 9/11: Classified
See the September 11th, 2001 section of the blog located here for more articles about the terror attacks. (Be sure to scroll down and go through them all.)
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Police Scanner From September 11th, 2001 Terrorist Attacks
See the September 11th, 2001 section of the blog located here for more articles about the terror attacks. (Be sure to scroll down and go through them all.)
Friday, July 14, 2017
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Some People In The U.S. Military Know Israel Did 9/11
Watch Both The Videos Below!
How much do you really know about the attacks on September 11th, 2001? Besides the videos below, see here and here. Just remember, even from the official story of the September 11th, 2001 attacks, the terrorists were Saudi's.
Did you know that Saudi Arabia is a strong ally of Israel and the United States? For more past posts on this topic, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
You have to understand there is a connection between the number 23 and the September 11th attacks. See here and here for more about the dates on the Hebrew calendar. The September 11th attacks = 23, add it up: 9+11+2+0+0+1=23. World Trade Center = WTC. W is the 23rd letter of the Alphabet, T is the 20th letter of the Alphabet, C is the 3rd letter of the Alphabet. So, WTC = 46 (Twin Towers.) 46-23= 23.The Twin Towers were like the number 11 as they were standing side by side. The date of the attack: 11/9= 1+1+9=11. The sentence "September 11" consists of 9 letters and 2 numbers = 9+2=11. September 11th is the 254th day of the year= 2+5+4=11. After September 11 there are 111 days left to the end of the year.
Friday, May 5, 2017
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Download Audio About September 11th, 2001, Terrorist Attacks - Learn About Zionist Involvement In This Attack
For previous posts on this topic, see here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
To download the audio, left click on the link below. Then left click on the download button in the top right corner. It will ask if you want to download the file and say the file is too large for Google to scan for viruses. I assure you there are no viruses in the file. Just download it.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Israel & Islamic Fundamentalism
In addition to the article below, please see here, here, and here . Also, watch this video.
Why would Israel provide covert support for Islamic fundamentalist extremists? What interests do the Israelis and ISIS have in common? The answer to these provocative questions points toward a dirty little secret that the major media in America is keeping under wraps.
As hard as it may be for the average American to digest, there is a solid record of evidence pointing toward a long-time—albeit little known— role by Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, in providing financial and tactical support for the very “Muslim extremists” presumed to be Israel’s worst enemies. The truth is that Muslim extremists have proven useful (if often unwitting) tools in advancing Israel’s own geopolitical agenda.
Although the media has devoted much coverage to the topic of “Islamic fundamentalism,” the media has failed to pursue the documented behind-the-scenes linkage between Israel and the terrorist networks now the focus of media obsession.
In fact, evidence suggests that the world’s number one Muslim villain—Osama bin Laden—was almost certainly working with the Mossad in years past. Although many Americans are now aware that bin Laden’s early efforts against the Soviets in Afghanistan were sponsored by the CIA, the media was reticent to point out that this arms pipeline— described by Covert Action Information Bulletin (September 1987) as “the second largest covert operation” in the CIA’s history—was also, according to former Mossad operative Victor Ostrovsky (writing in The Other Side of Deception), under the direct supervision of the Mossad.
Ostrovsky noted that: “It was a complex pipeline since a large portion of the Mujahideen’s weapons were American-made and were supplied to the Muslim Brotherhood directly from Israel, using as carriers the Bedouin nomads who roamed the demilitarized zones in
the Sinai.”
Former ABC correspondent John K. Cooley, in Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism, provides some confirmation for Ostrovsky’s allegations. He writes: Discussion of the input of outsiders to training and operations in Afghanistan would be incomplete without mention of Iran and the State of Israel. Iran’s major role in training and in supply is a matter of historical record. As for Israel, the evidence is much sketchier.
At least half a dozen knowledgeable individuals insisted, that Israel was indeed involved in both training and supply… Whether or not units of Israel’s elite Special Forces trained the Muslim warriors, who would soon turn their guns against Israel in Muslim organizations like Hamas, is a well-guarded Israeli secret. (Also, see here.)
Several Americans and Britons who took part in the training program have assured offered information that Israelis did indeed take part, though no one will own to having actually seen, or spoken with, Israeli instructors or intelligence operatives in Afghanistan or Pakistan.
What is certain is that of all the members of the anti-Soviet coalition, the Israelis have been the most successful in concealing the details and even the broad traces of a training role; much more than the Americans and British … In addition, it should be noted that Sami Masri, a former insider in the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) told journalists Jonathan Beaty and S. C. Gwynne (both of Time magazine) that BCCI “was financing Israeli arms going into Afghanistan.
There were Israeli arms, Israeli planes, and CIA pilots. Arms were coming into Afghanistan and [BCCI was] facilitating.” In fact, although BCCI was generally said to be an “Arab” or “Muslim” bank, BCCI was very much working in close concert with the Mossad in the very realm where bin Laden first made his mark.
So there is some evidence, indeed, that bin Laden was very much part of a network that was closely tied to Mossad intrigue in the arming and training of the Afghan rebels. However, there’s much more to the story of the Mossad’s ties to the so-called Islamic terror networks that are the stuff of American nightmares today.
In his follow-up book, The Other Side of Deception, ex- Mossad figure Victor Ostrovsky unveils the disturbing fact that the Mossad had a secret history of supporting radical Islamic groups for its own purposes.
Pointing out that Arab- and Muslim-hating hard-liners in Israel and its Mossad believe that Israel’s survival lies in its military strength and that “this strength arises from the need to answer the constant threat of war,” the Israeli hard-liners fear that peace with any Arab state could weaken Israel and bring about its demise. In that vein, Ostrovsky writes: Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well with the Mossad’s general plan for the region. An Arab world run by fundamentalists would not be a party to any negotiations with the West, thus leaving Israel again as the only democratic, rational country in the region. (See this video here, also see here, here and here.)
One of Israel’s prime targets was the kingdom of Jordan, then-ruled by King Hussein, who was actually in the process of making peace overtures toward Israel. Ostrovsky reports that the Mossad was determined to “destabilize Jordan to the point of civil anarchy.” The means used were to be:
A high influx of counterfeit currency, causing distrust in the market; arming religious fundamentalist elements similar to the Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood; and assassinating leading figures who are symbols of stability, causing riots in the universities and forcing the government to respond with harsh measures and lose popularity.
Actually, this tactic has also been used by the Mossad in dealing with non-Arab nations. For example, in the March 1982 edition of his newsletter, Middle East Perspective, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, a pioneer American Jewish critic of Israeli excesses, reported that Italy’s then-top-ranking magistrate, Ferdinando Imposimato, had charged, in Imposimato’s words: At least until 1978, the Israeli secret service infiltrated Italian subversive organizations and on more than one occasion gave arms, money and information to the [terrorist] Red Brigades.
The Israeli plan was to reduce Italy to a country torn by civil war so that the United States would have to depend more on Israel for security in the Mediterranean. Lilienthal pointed out that Imposimato’s sources were two jailed Red Brigade leaders who reported that the Israelis had not only helped the Red Brigades enroll new recruits, but also track down traitors who fled abroad.
Even columnist Jack Anderson, a devoted news conduit for the Israeli lobby, has bragged of Israel’s skill: He wrote as long ago as September 17, 1972 that: The Israelis are also skillful at exploiting Arab rivalries and turning Arab against Arab. The Kurdish tribes, for example, inhabit the mountains of northern Iraq. Every month, a secret Israeli envoy slips into the mountains from the Iranian side to deliver $50,000 to Kurdish leader Mulla Mustafa al Barzani.
The subsidy insures Kurdish hostility against Iraq, whose government was militantly anti-Israel.
In an April 25, 1983 column Anderson pointed out that one secret State Department report speculated that if Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yassir Arafat were to be dislodged, “the Palestinian movement will probably disintegrate into radical splinter groups, which, in combination with other revolutionary forces in the region, would pose a grave threat to the moderate Arab governments.”
Then, according to Anderson’s account, the State Department reported that: Israel seems determined to vent this threat … and can be expected to greatly expand its covert cooperation with revolutionary movements.
Anderson added that “two well-placed intelligence sources” had explained that this meant that it was in Israel’s interests to “divide and conquer” by setting various Palestinian factions against one another. This would then help destabilize all of the Arab and Islamic regimes in the Middle East. Anderson then stated flat-out that the sources said that “Israel had secretly provided funds to Abu Nidal’s group.”
Anderson’s reports about Abu Nidal’s apparent ties to the Mossad were only the tip of the iceberg. British journalist Patrick Seale, an acknowledged authority on the Middle East, devoted an entire book, entitled Abu Nidal: A Gun for Hire, outlining and documenting
his thesis that Nidal was largely a surrogate for the Mossad all along.
Nidal was replaced by Osama bin Laden in media headlines as “the world’s most wanted terrorist.” And, like Nidal’s efforts to divide the Arab world, particularly the Palestinian cause, bin Laden’s activities seemed to have a congruence of interests with those of Israel; although this is something that the major media has not been ready to acknowledge.
While Bin Laden himself (quite notably) never attacked an Israeli or Jewish target, even the Washington Post pointed out that bin Laden’s primary goal was bolstering “a destabilizing brand
of Islamic fundamentalism in a long list of existing Middle East and Central Asia regimes.
That same Post article revealed that—contrary to the general public view that somehow bin Laden was in league with favorite Israeli targets such as Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Muammor Qadaffi, a former bin Laden associate had testified that bin Laden was, in fact, quite hostile to both the Iraqi leader and the Libyan leader. This again is quite in line with Israel’s attitude toward the two Arab icons.
So considering bin Laden’s previous ties to the joint CIA Mossad operations in Afghanistan coupled with his unusual congruence of agenda with the Mossad, the question arises as to whether bin Laden was a successor to presumed Mossad surrogate Abu Nidal in more ways than one.
And in light of recent questions about the real nationalities and identities of the purported “Arab hijackers” who brought down the four planes that created havoc on American soil on September 11, Jack Anderson’s aforementioned September 17, 1972 column pointed out something that should be noted: Israeli agents—immigrants whose families had lived in Arab lands for generations—have a perfect knowledge of Arab dialects and customs. They have been able to infiltrate Arab governments with ease.
Even Israeli sources have provided further data showing the extent to which the Mossad and other elements of Israeli intelligence have gone “under cover” in the Arab world. On September
29, 1998, famed Israeli journalist Yossi Melman, writing in Israel’s newspaper, Ha’aretz, revealed that:
Shin Bet agents, who worked undercover in the Israeli-Arab sector in the 1950s, went as far as
to marry Muslim women and have children with them, in an attempt to continue their mission without
raising suspicion. When the unit was disbanded, some of the families were broken up, while in
others, the women converted to Judaism and stayed with their husbands.
In fact, there are some doubts as to whether those who have been identified as the hijackers on September 11 were indeed the hijackers. Writing in The New Yorker on Oct. 8, 2001, veteran
investigative journalist Seymour Hersh pointed out something that has otherwise gone unmentioned in the mainstream media:
Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues about the terrorists’ identities and
preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, “Whatever trail was left was left deliberately—for the FBI to chase.”
Hersh has also raised questions about whether or not bin Laden’s network was capable of carrying out the terrorist attack alone. Hersh noted that a senior military officer had suggested to
him that, in Hersh’s words, “a major foreign intelligence service might also have been involved.”
Hersh did not point fingers anywhere, but a reader familiar with Hersh’s past history of pinpointing intrigue by Israel’s Mossad could perhaps read between the lines and guess at which foreign nation Hersh’s source might, however obliquely, be alluding.
In the end, the idea of the CIA and the Mossad financing Islamic terrorist groups is not extraordinary to former readers of the now-defunct Spotlight. As long ago as March 15, 1982, writing in The Spotlight, veteran correspondent Andrew St. George revealed that the big secret about the scandal involving former top CIA official Edwin Wilson’s international arms smuggling was Wilson’s partnership with the Mossad. While Wilson contended that these activities were done with the approval of the CIA—which denied it, of course—the major media kept Wilson’s Mossad link under wraps.
St. George reported that Wilson had teamed with two veteran Mossad agents, Hans Ziegler and David Langham, who set up a firm, Zimex, Ltd., based in Switzerland. The project was known by its CIA cryptonym, KLapex. This venture was a joint undercover CIA-Mossad operation to set up a chain of dummy business firms for the purpose of selling and chartering personal jet aircraft to Arab leaders. The planes, ranging from Gulfstream II corporate jets to giant 707s, came with flight and maintenance crews, each of which had Mossad operatives among its members. The primary mission of the Israeli spies was to operate and service the elaborate electronic eavesdropping systems concealed in the cabin of each plane to record the confidential conversations of Arab statesmen in mid-flight.
However, St. George revealed, the commercial network under KLapex was used for an even more sinister purpose: To provide covert aid to some nationalistic, pan-Arab and Islamic radical movements in Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the other Persian Gulf states. In each case, when the Mossad extended such secret assistance—whether in cash or access to smuggled weapons, or in some other form—the purpose was to weaken or pressure some government thought hostile or dangerous to Israel at that particular moment.
What Israeli sponsorship, if any, can be found behind the current media-promoted Islamic bogeymen remains to be seen; but the evidence of past Israeli sponsorship and connections is
there for those who dare to look for it.
Why would Israel provide covert support for Islamic fundamentalist extremists? What interests do the Israelis and ISIS have in common? The answer to these provocative questions points toward a dirty little secret that the major media in America is keeping under wraps.
As hard as it may be for the average American to digest, there is a solid record of evidence pointing toward a long-time—albeit little known— role by Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, in providing financial and tactical support for the very “Muslim extremists” presumed to be Israel’s worst enemies. The truth is that Muslim extremists have proven useful (if often unwitting) tools in advancing Israel’s own geopolitical agenda.
Although the media has devoted much coverage to the topic of “Islamic fundamentalism,” the media has failed to pursue the documented behind-the-scenes linkage between Israel and the terrorist networks now the focus of media obsession.
In fact, evidence suggests that the world’s number one Muslim villain—Osama bin Laden—was almost certainly working with the Mossad in years past. Although many Americans are now aware that bin Laden’s early efforts against the Soviets in Afghanistan were sponsored by the CIA, the media was reticent to point out that this arms pipeline— described by Covert Action Information Bulletin (September 1987) as “the second largest covert operation” in the CIA’s history—was also, according to former Mossad operative Victor Ostrovsky (writing in The Other Side of Deception), under the direct supervision of the Mossad.
Ostrovsky noted that: “It was a complex pipeline since a large portion of the Mujahideen’s weapons were American-made and were supplied to the Muslim Brotherhood directly from Israel, using as carriers the Bedouin nomads who roamed the demilitarized zones in
the Sinai.”
Former ABC correspondent John K. Cooley, in Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism, provides some confirmation for Ostrovsky’s allegations. He writes: Discussion of the input of outsiders to training and operations in Afghanistan would be incomplete without mention of Iran and the State of Israel. Iran’s major role in training and in supply is a matter of historical record. As for Israel, the evidence is much sketchier.
At least half a dozen knowledgeable individuals insisted, that Israel was indeed involved in both training and supply… Whether or not units of Israel’s elite Special Forces trained the Muslim warriors, who would soon turn their guns against Israel in Muslim organizations like Hamas, is a well-guarded Israeli secret. (Also, see here.)
Several Americans and Britons who took part in the training program have assured offered information that Israelis did indeed take part, though no one will own to having actually seen, or spoken with, Israeli instructors or intelligence operatives in Afghanistan or Pakistan.
What is certain is that of all the members of the anti-Soviet coalition, the Israelis have been the most successful in concealing the details and even the broad traces of a training role; much more than the Americans and British … In addition, it should be noted that Sami Masri, a former insider in the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) told journalists Jonathan Beaty and S. C. Gwynne (both of Time magazine) that BCCI “was financing Israeli arms going into Afghanistan.
There were Israeli arms, Israeli planes, and CIA pilots. Arms were coming into Afghanistan and [BCCI was] facilitating.” In fact, although BCCI was generally said to be an “Arab” or “Muslim” bank, BCCI was very much working in close concert with the Mossad in the very realm where bin Laden first made his mark.
So there is some evidence, indeed, that bin Laden was very much part of a network that was closely tied to Mossad intrigue in the arming and training of the Afghan rebels. However, there’s much more to the story of the Mossad’s ties to the so-called Islamic terror networks that are the stuff of American nightmares today.
In his follow-up book, The Other Side of Deception, ex- Mossad figure Victor Ostrovsky unveils the disturbing fact that the Mossad had a secret history of supporting radical Islamic groups for its own purposes.
Pointing out that Arab- and Muslim-hating hard-liners in Israel and its Mossad believe that Israel’s survival lies in its military strength and that “this strength arises from the need to answer the constant threat of war,” the Israeli hard-liners fear that peace with any Arab state could weaken Israel and bring about its demise. In that vein, Ostrovsky writes: Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well with the Mossad’s general plan for the region. An Arab world run by fundamentalists would not be a party to any negotiations with the West, thus leaving Israel again as the only democratic, rational country in the region. (See this video here, also see here, here and here.)
One of Israel’s prime targets was the kingdom of Jordan, then-ruled by King Hussein, who was actually in the process of making peace overtures toward Israel. Ostrovsky reports that the Mossad was determined to “destabilize Jordan to the point of civil anarchy.” The means used were to be:
A high influx of counterfeit currency, causing distrust in the market; arming religious fundamentalist elements similar to the Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood; and assassinating leading figures who are symbols of stability, causing riots in the universities and forcing the government to respond with harsh measures and lose popularity.
Actually, this tactic has also been used by the Mossad in dealing with non-Arab nations. For example, in the March 1982 edition of his newsletter, Middle East Perspective, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, a pioneer American Jewish critic of Israeli excesses, reported that Italy’s then-top-ranking magistrate, Ferdinando Imposimato, had charged, in Imposimato’s words: At least until 1978, the Israeli secret service infiltrated Italian subversive organizations and on more than one occasion gave arms, money and information to the [terrorist] Red Brigades.
The Israeli plan was to reduce Italy to a country torn by civil war so that the United States would have to depend more on Israel for security in the Mediterranean. Lilienthal pointed out that Imposimato’s sources were two jailed Red Brigade leaders who reported that the Israelis had not only helped the Red Brigades enroll new recruits, but also track down traitors who fled abroad.
Even columnist Jack Anderson, a devoted news conduit for the Israeli lobby, has bragged of Israel’s skill: He wrote as long ago as September 17, 1972 that: The Israelis are also skillful at exploiting Arab rivalries and turning Arab against Arab. The Kurdish tribes, for example, inhabit the mountains of northern Iraq. Every month, a secret Israeli envoy slips into the mountains from the Iranian side to deliver $50,000 to Kurdish leader Mulla Mustafa al Barzani.
The subsidy insures Kurdish hostility against Iraq, whose government was militantly anti-Israel.
In an April 25, 1983 column Anderson pointed out that one secret State Department report speculated that if Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yassir Arafat were to be dislodged, “the Palestinian movement will probably disintegrate into radical splinter groups, which, in combination with other revolutionary forces in the region, would pose a grave threat to the moderate Arab governments.”
Then, according to Anderson’s account, the State Department reported that: Israel seems determined to vent this threat … and can be expected to greatly expand its covert cooperation with revolutionary movements.
Anderson added that “two well-placed intelligence sources” had explained that this meant that it was in Israel’s interests to “divide and conquer” by setting various Palestinian factions against one another. This would then help destabilize all of the Arab and Islamic regimes in the Middle East. Anderson then stated flat-out that the sources said that “Israel had secretly provided funds to Abu Nidal’s group.”
Anderson’s reports about Abu Nidal’s apparent ties to the Mossad were only the tip of the iceberg. British journalist Patrick Seale, an acknowledged authority on the Middle East, devoted an entire book, entitled Abu Nidal: A Gun for Hire, outlining and documenting
his thesis that Nidal was largely a surrogate for the Mossad all along.
Nidal was replaced by Osama bin Laden in media headlines as “the world’s most wanted terrorist.” And, like Nidal’s efforts to divide the Arab world, particularly the Palestinian cause, bin Laden’s activities seemed to have a congruence of interests with those of Israel; although this is something that the major media has not been ready to acknowledge.
While Bin Laden himself (quite notably) never attacked an Israeli or Jewish target, even the Washington Post pointed out that bin Laden’s primary goal was bolstering “a destabilizing brand
of Islamic fundamentalism in a long list of existing Middle East and Central Asia regimes.
That same Post article revealed that—contrary to the general public view that somehow bin Laden was in league with favorite Israeli targets such as Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Muammor Qadaffi, a former bin Laden associate had testified that bin Laden was, in fact, quite hostile to both the Iraqi leader and the Libyan leader. This again is quite in line with Israel’s attitude toward the two Arab icons.
So considering bin Laden’s previous ties to the joint CIA Mossad operations in Afghanistan coupled with his unusual congruence of agenda with the Mossad, the question arises as to whether bin Laden was a successor to presumed Mossad surrogate Abu Nidal in more ways than one.
And in light of recent questions about the real nationalities and identities of the purported “Arab hijackers” who brought down the four planes that created havoc on American soil on September 11, Jack Anderson’s aforementioned September 17, 1972 column pointed out something that should be noted: Israeli agents—immigrants whose families had lived in Arab lands for generations—have a perfect knowledge of Arab dialects and customs. They have been able to infiltrate Arab governments with ease.
Even Israeli sources have provided further data showing the extent to which the Mossad and other elements of Israeli intelligence have gone “under cover” in the Arab world. On September
29, 1998, famed Israeli journalist Yossi Melman, writing in Israel’s newspaper, Ha’aretz, revealed that:
Shin Bet agents, who worked undercover in the Israeli-Arab sector in the 1950s, went as far as
to marry Muslim women and have children with them, in an attempt to continue their mission without
raising suspicion. When the unit was disbanded, some of the families were broken up, while in
others, the women converted to Judaism and stayed with their husbands.
In fact, there are some doubts as to whether those who have been identified as the hijackers on September 11 were indeed the hijackers. Writing in The New Yorker on Oct. 8, 2001, veteran
investigative journalist Seymour Hersh pointed out something that has otherwise gone unmentioned in the mainstream media:
Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues about the terrorists’ identities and
preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, “Whatever trail was left was left deliberately—for the FBI to chase.”
Hersh has also raised questions about whether or not bin Laden’s network was capable of carrying out the terrorist attack alone. Hersh noted that a senior military officer had suggested to
him that, in Hersh’s words, “a major foreign intelligence service might also have been involved.”
Hersh did not point fingers anywhere, but a reader familiar with Hersh’s past history of pinpointing intrigue by Israel’s Mossad could perhaps read between the lines and guess at which foreign nation Hersh’s source might, however obliquely, be alluding.
In the end, the idea of the CIA and the Mossad financing Islamic terrorist groups is not extraordinary to former readers of the now-defunct Spotlight. As long ago as March 15, 1982, writing in The Spotlight, veteran correspondent Andrew St. George revealed that the big secret about the scandal involving former top CIA official Edwin Wilson’s international arms smuggling was Wilson’s partnership with the Mossad. While Wilson contended that these activities were done with the approval of the CIA—which denied it, of course—the major media kept Wilson’s Mossad link under wraps.
St. George reported that Wilson had teamed with two veteran Mossad agents, Hans Ziegler and David Langham, who set up a firm, Zimex, Ltd., based in Switzerland. The project was known by its CIA cryptonym, KLapex. This venture was a joint undercover CIA-Mossad operation to set up a chain of dummy business firms for the purpose of selling and chartering personal jet aircraft to Arab leaders. The planes, ranging from Gulfstream II corporate jets to giant 707s, came with flight and maintenance crews, each of which had Mossad operatives among its members. The primary mission of the Israeli spies was to operate and service the elaborate electronic eavesdropping systems concealed in the cabin of each plane to record the confidential conversations of Arab statesmen in mid-flight.
However, St. George revealed, the commercial network under KLapex was used for an even more sinister purpose: To provide covert aid to some nationalistic, pan-Arab and Islamic radical movements in Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the other Persian Gulf states. In each case, when the Mossad extended such secret assistance—whether in cash or access to smuggled weapons, or in some other form—the purpose was to weaken or pressure some government thought hostile or dangerous to Israel at that particular moment.
What Israeli sponsorship, if any, can be found behind the current media-promoted Islamic bogeymen remains to be seen; but the evidence of past Israeli sponsorship and connections is
there for those who dare to look for it.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Was September 11, 2001 The New USS Liberty?
Note: Before reading the article below, one might want to take a look at this article and realize that this involves more than the state of Israel. The more the terrorist attacks that happened on September 11 are studied with a close eye, the more one comes to the conclusion that this involved collusion with high officials within the Intelligence of the military (NSA) and the CIA. The reality is, when you take into consideration all of the classified technology on this blog that I am exposing, how could it be otherwise? It would also be useful for you to see this article about which group of people are most likely to be terrorists, and this and this on the history of Zionist terrorism.
Posted by Alcibiades Bilzerian

While this may seem unthinkable and shocking to most, those who understand the history of Israel can only view this as a pattern. Israeli false flag attacks date back to 1954 when Israel was caught red-handed hiring terrorists to bomb American and British targets in Egypt with the express goal of drawing the two Western nations into the region to support the Israeli state (see the Lavon Affair). In 1967, Israel purposefully attacked an American navy ship, the USS Liberty, with the intention of murdering every sailor on board and then blaming the attack on Egypt so America would enter the Israeli-Arab War. Israel thought that this “hostile action by Egypt” would get America to change its neutral status on the Israeli-Arab war and form an alliance with Israel to defeat its neighbors. Unfortunately for Israel, a few survivors managed to radio the US command that Israel had attacked them.
The facts of the September 11, 2001 attack are as follows:
Larry Silverstein, a real-estate developer and close friend of Israeli PM’s Ariel Sharon and Netanyahu, was awarded a lease on July 24, 2001 for the World Trade Center buildings for a fire sale price. The man responsible for awarding the lease, Lewis Eisenberg, was a former Vice President of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Silverstein was originally outbid by Vornado Realty, but they mysteriously pulled their bid.
Shortly after purchasing the World Trade Center buildings, Silverstein realized that not only did he have a one billion dollar requirement to remove asbestos from the buildings, but he was also having trouble finding tenants. After winning the bid, Silverstein inexplicably doubled the insurance on the buildings specifically to cover a terrorist attack.
Right after the attacks he sued the insurance company because he claimed each attack was a separate terrorist attack and therefore he was entitled to double the payout. He received more than $4.68 billion off his original $15 million investment.
Silverstein admitted in a television interview with Charlie Rose that he had breakfast in “Windows on the World” restaurant in the World Trade Center every single morning in the months preceding the attack, except on September 11th, 2001. Silverstein claimed that his wife had made an early doctors appointment for him that morning. Neither his son nor daughter, who worked in building 7, showed up on September 11, 2001.
More than 1600 Architects and Engineers have staked their reputations and licenses on the line to say building 7 of the WTC was not brought down by planes. The scientific evidence that led these architects and engineers to this conclusion is overwhelming.(see the videos below.)
The Iranian President Ahmidinijad said most world leaders believe America (aka Israel) orchestrated the September 11 attacks, and his statement was later substantiated by the chief of Japan’s Democratic Party who said that 9/11 was a hoax. According to the Anti-Defamation League, more than half of the world now believes that Israel was responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
Kroll Inc was responsible for the WTC security, and the owner, Jules Kroll, is a dual US/Israeli citizen. ICTS, an Israeli company, was responsible for airport security at Boston’s Logan airport, which was one of the airports that allowed the 9-11 terrorists on the planes.
An Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, reported that Odigo, an instant messaging service, confirmed that two Jewish workers were messaged 2 hrs before the attacks to get out of the buildings. Odigo has offices in Herzilaya, Israel, where the Mossad main office is located.
Some hijackers originally blamed by the FBI later turned up alive and actually gave press conferences to prove they were alive. Directly after the attacks, Osama Bin Laden said that America had perpetrated the attack themselves. In fact, the FBI never made a connection between Bin Laden and 9/11. See the videos here, here, here, here and here. The last two videos display information about the historical connection between the CIA and the Mujahideen, which morphed into Al-Qaeda.
The mainstream media has attempted to discredit the movement for a thorough investigation of the attacks from the start. Calling the people who seek this investigation the derogatory term, “truthers.” The Huffington Post, which was recently bought up by big media, even censored Jesse Ventura’s article “What really happened on 9-11.” The Huff asked Ventura to write an article on anything he wanted, and originally posted it on the front page, but immediately removed it after publication.
Now, please watch all the videos below. Also, check out these three articles:
2. Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?
9/11: Blueprint for Truth - WTC Building 7 - 10 minute
Segment from AE911Truth.org Companion Edition
Segment from AE911Truth.org Companion Edition
9/11: Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction- 114 min
9/11: Explosive Evidence - The Experts Speak Out
9/11 NYPD Found Suspicious Device Believe A Van
Full Of Explosives Caused The Collapse
Full Of Explosives Caused The Collapse
9/11 Fire Fighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed World Trade Centre Lobby
9/11 FDNY Chief of Safety, Albert Turi Describes Bombs
And Secondary Explosions Killing Responders
9/11 George Washington Bridge Incident Full All News Agencies
9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks
Fox News Report: Israel Spying on the US Before 9/11 - Part 1 of 4
Fox News Report: Israel Spying on the US Before 9/11 - Part 2 of 4
Fox News Report: Israel Spying on the US Before 9/11 - Part 3 of 4
Fox News Report: Israel Spying on the US Before 9/11 - Part 4 of 4
Cheering Israelis, Were They Tracking Hijackers Pre 9/11? 1/2
Cheering Israelis, Were They Tracking Hijackers Pre 9/11? 2/2
Christopher Ketcham Interview
9/11: September 11 Terrorist Attacks - Missing Links
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