Showing posts with label Canadian Intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian Intelligence. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

An Interesting Video About Smearing Political Enemies- This is What Zionists Love to Do - WWW Internet = 666 In Hebrew - Connected to Finding Political Dissidents

Internet = WWW = 666

First off, go here to read the Wikipedia entry on COINTELPRO. In addition to watching the video below, you absolutely MUST see the articles below the video. Also, see here, is Zionism/Jewish nationalism a political cult?

Doug Christie exposes the attacks on freedom
 in Canada from Ritual Defamation 

1. Torture, Discrediting With Slander and Organized Stalking
2. Examples Of Counter Intelligence Phonies Who Know About Stasi Organized Stalking & Classified Technology And Keep Quiet About It
3. Zersetzung: The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State
4. Zersetzung: The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State Part 2
5. Zersetzung Part 3 - The New Homeland Security
6. Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism
7. How to Discredit Someone With  Hi-Technology
8. How Covert Agents Infiltrate To Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations
9. Front Groups and Intelligence Agents
10. Learning About the Origins of "Homeland Security"
11. Download STASI book
12. Noam Chomsky on COINTELPRO
13. A Perfect Example of a Cointelpro Website
14. Phony Cointelpro Front Websites and the Liars That are Behind Them
15. COINTELPRO and the Phoenix Program
17. Gaslighting: What Intelligence and Informant Stalkers Participate In
18. Video Example of Stasi "Anchoring" Techniques
19. How Easy is it to Get People to Engage in Organized Stalking? A Perfect Example of The Naivete of the Public and Putting Too Much Trust in Authority Figures
20. 'Couple Harassed with Organized Stalking Noise Harassment Campaign'
21. Homeland Security Made in Israel
22. Homeland Security is Connected to Zionism
23. Homeland Security: The Strong Connections Between Israel, Canada and the United States
24. CSIS and the RCMP dealing with Political People
25. FBI Infragard and Private Outsourced Intelligence Agents
26. InfraGard: An Unhealthy Government Alliance
27Proof FBI Snitching & Organized Stalking Program
28. The Current FBI, NSA, CIA, RCMP, CSE, CSIS, and the Canadian Human Rights Commission Leadership That Should Be Prosecuted & Thrown In Jail

Monday, July 26, 2021

Email Letter I Sent to Head of Public Safety Canada, Marco Mendicino - Of Course No Reply

Below is the email I sent to Marco Mendicino, here is his Wikipedia bio. He is the the Minister of Public Safety in Canada and is also responsible for the oversight of the RCMP.

This is the equivalent of  the head of Homeland Security in the United States.

Of course, I never got any reply. 


Hello Mr. Mendicino,

I am writing to you because I have been experiencing problems with technology. Specifically, brain-computer interfaces and nanotechnology. I am experiencing abuse from people in the United States and Canada that are using electromagnetic waves and ultrasound to hurt me, track me and read my thoughts. The technology is inside my body. I have compiled a blog full of evidence that this technology exists, you can see the blog here:  

1. My question to you, are you aware of this technology or if this is happening to anyone in Canada?

2. To your knowledge, has Public Safety Canada had any reports of this over the years?

3. If this is happening and you DO NOT know about it, would you think it's a problem that has to be dealt with? 

Thank you,

Shane Hurren

Email Letter I Sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - Of Course No Reply

Below is the email I sent to Justin Trudeau, here is his Wikipedia bio. He is the Prime Minister of Canada.

Of course, I never got any reply. 


Hello Mr. Trudeau,

I am writing to you because I have been experiencing problems with technology. Specifically, brain-computer interfaces and nanotechnology. I am experiencing abuse from people in the United States and Canada that are using electromagnetic waves and ultrasound to hurt me, track me and read my thoughts. The technology is inside my body. I have compiled a blog full of evidence that this technology exists, you can see the blog here:  

1. My question to you, are you aware of this technology or if this is happening to anyone in Canada?

2. To your knowledge, has Public Safety Canada had any reports of this over the years?

3. If this is happening and you DO NOT know about it, would you think it's a problem that has to be dealt with? 

Thank you,

Shane Hurren

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

GANGSTALKING 100% PROOF Of Police Involvement Targeted Individuals

First, watch this about organized stalking and smearing political dissidents. 

The police can no longer deny this. (See here, here and here for more about RCMP corruption.) As far as I'm concerned they all know this is going on. This is not just about police corruption ---- it is realizing that corruption is built into the whole government and it trickles down into Public Safety Canada and Homeland Security which are the umbrella organizations of the military, the intelligence agencies and the police of North America. (See here and here for strong connections to Israel.) These organizations are abusing community watch programs and using them to terrorize people. 

There has also been a surge in private security and intelligence companies, (when you click through on that link scroll down and go through all of the articles,) that are receiving outsourced contracts from Public Safety Canada and Homeland Security and the Intelligence agencies. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Originally Published in 2020: Public Safety Canada Warns About Harassment of Canadians By the Chinese Government But Doesn't Care About Zionists Harassing Canadians

Read this:

How Interesting eh? Talk about pure insanity. So, apparently Zionist psychopaths can attack the Canadian population but Chinese government agents can't? 

Why isn't the famed supposed whistleblower Edward Snowden talking about any of the advanced technology I am referring to? How does someone like Edward Snowden get on TedTalk, the CBC, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, John Stossel, and the shows of two comedians, namely John Oliver and Joe Rogan. It is pretty simple, it's because Edward Snowden is a phony and a liar by omission like many spies.  The appearance of truth is just as dangerous and sometimes even more dangerous than lies. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

RCMP + CSE + CSIS = Stasi (Oh, I Almost Forgot, They Already Took "Canada" Out Of The Name Of Our Most Important Spy Agency)

Yes, believe it. The coup has been happening for years. After you read my blog, you will see who is behind it. So, my headline should actually read the RCMP + CSE + CSIS = Zionist Stasi.

The Stasi was East Germany's dreaded secret police. They spied on ordinary East Germans, tapped their phones, intercepted their mail, assessed their 'reliability', used informants, kept dossiers on persons of interest and ordinary citizens alike.

The hated Stasi fell with the Berlin Wall but they live on - in today's RCMP, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Trudeau's personal security apparatus. Today the RCMP, in conjunction with our official spy agencies, CSE and CSIS, and the Canadian Border Service Agency, operate a domestic spying network called the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team, INSET.

And just whose security is INSET enforcing? Yours? Mine? Canada's? Hardly. Don't be naive. They're the taxpayer-funded security service for them, just like the CBC news. Look at some of the awful information on this blog, why doesn't the CBC report it?

When dealing with a state secret police agency, they're never entitled to the benefit of the doubt. Never.  They're thugs who operate in the shadows, in service not to the country but to powerful, immensely wealthy interests.

Relevant links:

RCMP Targets Muslim Extremists, But Gives Zionist Terrorists Free Pass

There Is No Canada - CSIS

Mind Control and Augmented Cognition: Hooked Up to a Supercomputer with Artificial Intelligence at the NSA and CIA

Torture, Slander and Organized Stalking

Domestic Terrorism Silent Rape And Murder - Brain Chips, Nanotechnology and Psychotronics

Download STASI book

Homeland Security and the Alternative Media Agenda

Zionism Like Racism --- Has To Go...

Israel and the Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty

Canada-Israel: The Other Special Relationship

Canada & Stephen Harper: Always Stand Behind Israel?

The Israel You Don't Hear About in the Media - MUST SEE VIDEOS

The Israel That You Rarely Hear About in the Media Part 2

A Collection of Posts About Israel

Who Really Makes Up the 1%?

Is Zionism / Jewish Nationalism a Political Cult?

Which Group of People are Most Likely To Be Terrorists? The Answer May Surprise You

Collection of Posts About Israel and the "So-Called" Jews

Activist Reveals Hidden Military Ties Between Canada and Israel

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Corruption of the RCMP and How They Work With Organized Crime

In addition to the following article, please see here and here about the ADL, how it works with the RCMP and the FBI, and its ties to organized crime. See here for the strong Jewish organized crime presence in Canada, see here for the Zionist takeover of Canada. See here and here for previous articles regarding the little known nor talked about topic of Jewish organized crime.


Some of the RCMP  are using classified technology.  (See enumerated previous posts below this article regarding the RCMP, CSIS, and the CSE.) These corrupt RCMP officers work with organized crime, CSIS and the CSE. They know how drugs get in and out of the country at the top of these organizations. It's a complete joke. See this post about the CIA's connections with drugs. Do you think it is any different in Canada?

Organized Crime is running Canada. It's 100% true.

It is Zionism at the very top of the RCMP.  CSIS was formed in 1984 under the supervision of the influential Zionist Bob Kaplan when the intelligence was taken away from the RCMP. This was part of the strategy, this way they could feed the "intelligence" to the RCMP and provide their ideas of terrorism to them. This was around the same time as the Ernst Zundel trial and when Reagan was in power in the United States. Reagan came to power with the help of organized crime. (See herehere and here.) These same powers were and are in control of Canada, (also see here and here.) Did you know that Canada is currently trying to wrestle power away from Zionist bankers over at the Bank of Canada? See here for the secrets of banking and learning about the money changers. 

As far as Ernst Zundel, it doesn't matter if he was right or not, what matters is; 1.) That such a thing even had to go to trial to begin with 2.) How he was treated when going up to the courthouse. I have never seen any criminal in Canada get attacked like him while going into court. Think about that... with all the heinous crimes and criminals we have had in this country. NEVER! In fact, I have never seen anything like that in any country. It just goes to show you how powerful these people are and how controversial this topic is. It was like the Manson trial of Canada.

Now, see here for the origins of Homeland Security. See here for a collection of tweets about Homeland Security and its connections to Zionism. See here for the strong connections between Israel, Canada, and the United States. See here for the Canada-Israel “Public Security” Agreement for Counter-Terrorism & Homeland security. See here for how the Canadian government is cracking down on criticism of Israel. 

These powerful interests are running the country and feeding you a false perception of your country and the world through the media.  Ask yourself one question, why is the media not talking about any of the info on my blog?


This is such important information it can change the way you look at your country and the world. Why won't they say anything?  It is because these are the real people that control your country and they have taken away your rights with Bill C-51, just like the Patriot Act and the NDAA have accomplished in the United States.

Imagine if you really knew the truth of your government and how much they are lying to you. We Canadians should be doing something about this NOW.

1. CSIS- The Recruiting Videos Make You Think You Will Be The Next James Bond

2. RCMP + CSEC + CSIS = Stasi (Oh, I Almost Forgot, They Already Took "Canada" Out Of The Name Of Our Most Important Spy Agency)

3. Canadian Police State - Fusion Centers - Data Mining - Loss of Sovereignty

4. The ADL That Works With the RCMP and the FBI - and its Ties to Organized Crime

5. RCMP Targets Muslim Extremists, But Gives Zionist Terrorists Free Pass

6. Canada --- Pathetic like the United States

7. Zersetzung - The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State

8. Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism

9. Homeland Security and the Alternative Media

10. Activist Reveals Hidden Military Ties Between Canada and Israel

11. Brian Hutchinson: The RCMP and Pickton

12. CIA and Drugs: The Relation to Stasi Stalking and Organized Crime

13. The Canada-United States Partnership

CSIS- The Recruiting Videos Make You Think You Will Be The Next James Bond- Literally Shows Stalking

It's interesting that the video below features content that is similar to what is happening to me.

See here:
and here: for more.

These ridiculous James Bond-like videos make you think that you will actually be participating in a beneficial service to your country. The truth is the exact opposite.

CSIS is a disservice to the citizens of Canada and the very nature of the Canadian way of life. The activities that CSIS are involved in go against everything that Canadians believe in and that makes Canada a great country and worth fighting for. The Canadian Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms are put in place to ENSHRINE the rights that you have as FREE PEOPLE before they were written up. The government does not grant you these guaranteed and fundamental rights and freedoms, it is there to uphold them.

There is ample evidence on this blog of classified technology that "YOU ARE PAYING FOR." I can absolutely guarantee that CSIS is aware of this technology. This technology is highly invasive and infringes on the human rights of Canadian citizens.  Why aren't you told of this? Remember, you pay for it! Why do we allow them to do this? Why did we allow them to pass BILL C-51?

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Canadian Police State - Fusion Centers - Data Mining - Loss of Sovereignty

Beyond looking for keywords set off in sent emails or words used in conversations on phone calls, CSIS and CSE have access to technology very similar to the CIA and the NSA. The NSA and the CIA use extremely sophisticated software like this:,, and to comb through mounds of data to find statistically significant patterns from all of the data they get from all over the internet. Some of the major contributors of data and information are companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, MicrosoftYahooLinkedIn and Apple.  They also have access to the databases of the U.S. government's files. The CIA and the NSA can also access every Canadian citizen's data. See more about PROMIS software hereherehere and here how this was possible a long time ago. There was problems with the United States and Israel at that time. Nothing has changed.

Essentially PROMIS was a precursor to the three software companies I list above and is the brainchild of the PRISM surveillance program.

To learn more about big data go here. Once a target has been recognized, the information is passed along to what is known as a fusion center. (See here for how the United States and Canada are working together in their fusion centers, intelligence agencies, and national police forces.)

This is where the informant society and organized stalking comes into play. This model is based highly on the East German Stasi government.

All of this spying is has reached a pinnacle with political eugenics and Transhumanism. You have to realize that the United States government's intelligence community, DARPA, and Raytheon BBN Technologies were involved in the creation of the internet. This means the internet was set up for spying, intelligence, and data gathering right from the beginning. They have the potential to gather data from numerous sources on the internet, especially counter intelligence websites like the ones shown herehere and here. Also, see here for more about Judas goats and political dissidents. It is important to remember, that the main targets of the East German STASI were those that they deemed to be political dissidents.

Except it is much, much worse...

In May 25, 2007, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell authorized the National Applications Office (NAO) of the Department of Homeland Security to allow local, state, and domestic Federal agencies to access imagery from military intelligence Reconnaissance satellites and Reconnaissance aircraft sensors which can now be used to observe the activities of U.S. citizens. (This is in the United States, but, all of the links below will show you how close the relationship is between Canada and the USA.) The satellites and aircraft sensors will be able to detect chemical traces, and identify objects in buildings and "underground bunkers", and will provide real-time video at much higher resolutions than the still images produced by programs such as Google Earth. See here and here for more.

In other words, these people have access to technology that can find oil and mineral deposits underground with up to 99% accuracy, (this is called earth-penetrating tomography, Interferometry, see also Earth's Field NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance.) See here for an example using space-based radar, see here and here for more about satellite terrorism. 

Along with satellites and radar, the process of weaponizing nanotechnology and brain-computer interface technology has begun, just as this political activist says here. These technologies allow them to read your mind and thoughts, influence your behavior and track you around the globe. See here and here for more about this.

They have access to the EEG readouts of your brainwaves and brain states to know what you are thinking, and the ability to see out of your eyes and hear out your ears. This is called Total Information Awareness, meaning the goal is to have access to every piece of information on this planet. (See here for more about being hooked up to a supercomputer with artificial intelligence at the NSA and the CIA, and here for why Edward Snowden is a fake.) 

Like I said, they can also influence your behavior. They can put thoughts in your head and hook you up to another individual's brain. When engaging in the latter, if an individual changes the EEG of his or her brain,  that individual can change the EEG of another brain that they are hooked up to. Or in other words, two brains can effectively become one.

BUT IT GETS EVEN WORSE! They can also shoot you with space-based weapons. (See herehere and here for more.)

See Below for More About the Loss of Canada's Sovereignty to the
Ideology of Zionism, the State of Israel and the United States: 

Monday, June 12, 2017

EVERYTHING You Do Online Is Recorded In XKeyscore

Unfortunately, it is even worse than what Snowden says because they have access to your brain and body. This is why Snowden is a phony, he is a liar by omission as I say here. He is also, (if you can believe it,) a character from a book and a movie! It is almost like these lying Zionists are throwing it in your face and laughing at you. They want to see if you are awake to their lies. Like I said before, no real spy is going to get interviewed by a major media outlet like NBC and Brian Williams, and no real spy will be interviewed by a comedian named John Oliver.

That being said, the Snowden revelations still have some useful information. Watch the videos below for more about XKeyscore. See past posts about this issue here and here. For more about Echelon see here. For more about the Communications Security Establishment, which is the Canadian version of the NSA, see here and here.

See here for more about nanotechnology and the brain. See here for the DARPA Control Grid. See here for a collection of videos about artificial intelligence and big data and how it's being used by intelligence agency supercomputers to enslave you. See here for a more complete list of articles and videos about classified technology. See here for more about Raytheon BBN Technologies. They have been involved with the intelligence agencies right from the beginning, they literally were involved in the creation of the internet. See here and here for more about Transhumanism and its connections to eugenics and political control.

It is very important to remember that at least 50% of the intelligence budget is being outsourced to what is known as "private" intelligence agencies who contract for the government. To learn more about this, see here. To learn more about front businesses, see here. To learn more about front organizations such as NGO's and "Human Rights Organizations" see here.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The RCMP Terrorism and Violent Extremism Awareness Guide

As you can see from the "RCMP Terrorist Guide" below, they consider people like this to be potential terrorists. Apparently, they should be watched and they are worthy of COINTELPRO techniques being practiced on them. There are a number of people that could be thrown into this category.  For instance, many Libertarians who want to minimalize our government or minarchists who would also be seen as potential terrorists.

These people are often very peaceful people and only believe in self-defense. Most people just think of  "Anarchists" as the idiots who go around breaking stuff and causing riots. The reality is, even Noam Chomsky identifies as some sort of Anarchist. Anarchists, minarchists, and small government advocates are usually just people who want to find more efficient solutions for our economic and political problems. But, even this can make those in power worried because the problems they identify are often granting someone too much authority or making someone money! They might also cause some people to lose their jobs. 

The real problem authority figures have with peaceful politically educated individuals is these political dissidents oppose and expose abuses of power by authority figures. The people in power are stepping all over our rights and Libertarians point this out. Libertarians often cite human rights abuses when constructing their arguments. They base their arguments on natural rights, natural law, and property rights. They abide by peaceful co-existence. All of these were around before our government was brought into existence. We had Common Law which had its birth way back in the Magna Carta. They often want economic freedom and prosperity and this is a part of their reasoning. Their ideologies are very similar to traditional human rights advocates. They believe that the government is established to uphold the rights of the people and if the government is not doing this, it becomes dysfunctional and should be modified or potentially abolished.

Libertarians and Anarchists remind everyone that the government gets their power from the people, not the other way around. Libertarians and Anarchists remind everyone that the government is full of our employees and that we pay for them. Libertarians and Anarchists remind everyone that the government should be dependent on the people and not the other way around.  Libertarians and Anarchists remind everyone that the government should fear the people ---- the people should not fear the government. People in power hate Libertarians and Anarchists, especially when they have taken away our rights and we actually have the "nerve" to say that we have rights and that we are human beings. 

Now, besides the "RCMP Terror Guide" below, see here for the Stasi techniques they use against political dissidents. Make sure you look under the links labeled 'Zersetzung'. See here to learn more about the classified technology they use. You can also look under the classified and hi-technology heading on my blog. Here is an article about the front websites they use to find political dissidents. 

To learn more about Counter Intelligence, see herehereherehere and here.  Also, see this video of Noam Chomsky talking about this problem. You can also check out this latest article about going after political dissidents.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Echelon: The Secret Power of the NSA and Canada's CSE

Watch the documentary below regarding Echelon and Signals Intelligence. First off, realize that this documentary WILL ONLY GO SO FAR IN DISCLOSURE. What they can do is far worse. They are not telling you how bad it really is. See here and here for more information. I'm a Canadian, so I am also pointing out the CSE. (Which is the Canadian version of the NSA.) 

See here and here for two must read articles on the CSE. It is very important to mention that Echelon is a program that is a collaboration between the "Five Eyes" intelligence services. In the video below, former employees mention these organizations used to spy on the Red Cross and Human Rights Groups! Now, what do you think they do to people like this? You don't think they are watching them? These spy agencies are absolutely evil. 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Police State Canada: Communications Security Establishment Runs Massive Stasi-Like Domestic Spying Program

For previous articles about the CSE, please see here, here and here.

The CSE is a part of the 5-Eyes with the NSAThe big secret that they are not talking about with the CSE is the advanced technology of Echelon and Signals Intelligence along with the true nature of what the PRISM data mining program really is. The eventual plan is to have everyone hooked up to a computer to monitor their thoughts and be able to "data-mine" them. It is a form of thought policing that extends far beyond telecommunications and the internet. To learn more about this, see herehere and here.

If you are a targeted person, they are recording your whole life Eventually, the plan is to record everyone's life. That is why they are building giant data centers like the one in Utah, they are using big data with sophisticated artificial intelligence and data mining software so they can predict the future just like in the movie Minority Report. The massive data centers in Utah are for data mining purposes so they can look for statistically significant patterns in the data. They want to have everyone "hooked up" so they can monitor all human thought patterns and hunt for what they deem as "irregular" thoughts or what they believe falls out of their categories of normality. In other words, they have set up a bell curve, and anyone who falls outside of this will be seen as suspicious. Right now, they are able to set alerts on your thoughts the same way they can on phone calls, emails, search terms etc.  See here for more about the inevitable problems of technology. See here for more about the DARPA A.I Control Grid.

As far as Echelon and Signals Intelligence, it's important to realize that Signals Intelligence covers everything from intercepting signals to surveillance and electronic warfare. Please see earth-penetrating tomographyInterferometry, also Earth's Field NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. One part of the secret of Echelon is leaking electrical emanations which is a part of the TEMPEST program and is categorized under RADIATION intelligence. It is classified. All natural things give out radio waves, that includes you.

See this video and this video for an example using a computer. (See here, where the physicist Dr. John Morgan says 2 minutes and 10 seconds into the video, that all natural things emit radio waves. Watch this video with Michael Persinger where he talks about how light and photons can be measured. Also, take notice in this video when the physicist mentions that the brain "radiates" radio.)

What You Are:

The imagers they use are multi-purpose, the imaging transmitters target locations, areas and living animals with directed energy. There are passive and active modes, the active mode requires the transmission of signals into the target where passive mode allows imaging with illumination occurring by other means like spying through leaking electrical emanations, including unintentional radio or electrical signals, sounds, and vibrations. 

Essentially, this technology can be used with nanotechnology for holography and nanoparticle imaging. (See here and here for examples of holography,  here for more about nanoparticle imaging and here for more about molecular imaging.) 

But that's not all, it can also be used for synthetic telepathy. Light can be measured, (photons,) minds can be read, thoughts can be sent. If you can think a thought, you can send it. Just like writing an email with your mind. Zuckerberg is saying it here,  he's just not telling you the whole story.  See here for another article with Mark Zuckerberg referring to synthetic telepathy. See here for a Cisco ad that talks about this technology. Also, see this TedTalk video for another example. This technology can be used between humans that are hooked up to computers, (human to human) or by a computer to a human.

When used in conjunction with nanotechnology they have access to your vital signs, the ability to read your EEG and your brain states, look out of your eyes and hear out of your ears. (See this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes. What they have now is even more advanced.) They can hack into your brain the same way they do with your computer. They can also alter and affect your behavior. (See here and here.) They can track you anywhere on the planet and hurt or maim you in a plausibly deniable way from a remote location. They can shoot you and your family with space-based weapons. See here for more about electronic warfare. See here for more about microwave weaponry.

Remember, YOU PAY FOR ALL OF THIS! That is so important to remember, these losers work for you! Don't ever forget that, they are using your money to enslave you. Demand transparency, do not settle for anything less. Demand that your government starts being honest with you. Honesty and the democratizing of this technology scares the absolute crap out of these people. Do you know why? Because they know they will be lynched. The foundation of Canada will be called into question and they know this. Why are you so scared of them? They are your employees. 


By Keith Jones

On the basis of secret government directives, Canada’s national security apparatus is conducting mass surveillance of Canadians parallel to, if not directly patterned after, the domestic spying operations of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).
Communications Security Establishment (CSE), the NSA’s Canadian counterpart and longstanding partner, has been scrutinizing the metadata of Canadians’ electronic communications since at least 2005.
Moreover, the NSA routinely provides Canada’s security agencies with intelligence on Canadians and CSE reciprocates by providing U.S. intelligence officials with information about people living in the U.S. This arrangement allows both agencies to circumvent legal bans on warrantless surveillance of their own citizenry’s communications.
It was “common” for NSA “to pass on information about Canadians,” Wayne Easter, Canada’s Solicitor-General in 2002-3, told the Toronto Star this week. As Solicitor-General, Easter was responsible for overseeing the operations of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
The extent and scope of CSE’s spying and who is being targeted and why are all zealously guarded state secrets. The CSE functions under secret directives issued by the Minister of Defence—directives whose very existence is unknown to parliamentarians, let alone the public at large.
The Canadian government has responded to any slight or partial lifting of the veil on CSE activities with a campaign of disinformation, dissembling and lies. This campaign has even been facilitated by the supposed opposition parties, like the left-wing New Democratic Party, and of course, the corporate media; they have made no more than tepid calls for greater transparency about the CSC’s spying.
The Globe and Mail reported that in November 2011, former Defence Minister Peter MacKay signed a secret directive authorizing the CSE to continue its “mining” of the metadata of Canadians’ telephone and internet communications. (As I point out above, it is much worse than phone calls and internet communications.) The Globe said the program had been first authorized by Bill Graham, Defence Minister in Paul Martin’s Liberal government, in 2005, that is six years earlier.
MacKay, like U.S. President Barack Obama, responded to this revelation of massive state spying by flatly denying that CSE is “targeting” Canadians or violating constitutional prohibitions on warrantless surveillance of their communications. This lie is predicated on the drawing of a spurious distinction between the metadata created by any electronic communication and the rest of the communication and on the transparently false claim that such information is innocuous.
According to the Globe, a briefing prepared for MacKay in 2011, presumably by CSE or lawyers within his department, declared, “Metadata is information associated with a telecommunication … And not a communication.”
In fact metadata—which includes such information as the source, destination, and duration of a telephone call—is intrinsic to any electronic communication. By systematically gathering and analyzing such metadata, the U.S. and Canadian national-security apparatuses can rapidly build up detailed profiles of targeted individuals and groups, including identifying everything from their associates, to where they work, bank, and shop, and what websites they visit.
In the course of his efforts to cover-up the scope and purpose of CSE’s metadata mining, MacKay did make one revealing admission. In response to a question about the mass surveillance of Canadians’ communications, MacKay told Parliament, “I have a heads-up for the member … This is something that has been happening for years.”
Government sources, many of them unnamed, sought, meanwhile, to refute the Globe ’s claim that there had been serious questions within the state apparatus about the constitutionality of the CSE’s “metadata” mining of Canadians’ communications. In its report, the Globe said that in 2008 the then CSE Commissioner—that is the head of the government-appointed “watchdog” charged with ensuring the agency does not go beyond its legal mandate—had cautioned that the program could be violating Canadians constitutional rights and, because of his concerns, the metadata mining program was suspended for more than a year.
Sources from within the government and CSE dispute this. They say that the questions raised by Charles Gonthier—a former, now deceased former Supreme Court Justice—concerned only a small part of a much larger program, that only this part of the metadata mining program was ever suspended, and then only very briefly.
The current CSE Commissioner has publicly defended the mass surveillance and claimed that his predecessor likewise believed that the CSE has every right to spy on Canadian’s electronic communications. In an e-mailed statement to the Toronto Star, Ryan Foreman, a spokesman for CSE Commissioner Robert Decary, said, “The commissioner never questioned the legality of CSE’s metadata activities.”
MacKay and the government have also sought to shield CSE’s actions from public scrutiny by insisting that it is solely devoted to gathering foreign intelligence and, as MacKay told Parliament, “is specifically prohibited from looking at the information of Canadians.” This is an obvious falsehood and not just because warrantless metadata mining is a form of spying.
CSE’s government mandate stipulates—as MacKay well knows since he has been the minister responsible for overseeing its work for the past seven years—that it “provide technical and operational assistance” to CSIS, the RCMP and other domestic security-intelligence and law enforcement agencies “in the performance of their lawful duties.” Furthermore, CSE can seek authorization from the Defence Minister to capture and read the communications of Canadians who are in some way connected to its foreign intelligence targets. As the Toronto Star ’s Thomas Walkom has observed, “In 2011-12, the last year for which figures are available, eight such ministerial authorizations—all of unknown size and scope—were in play.”
While vigorously defending CSE’s metadata spying, the government has been anxious to put on a record that CSE does not have access to the NSA’s PRISM Program and has not been using it as a means of monitoring Canadians’ communications. Under PRISM, NSA agents are able to directly access the servers of the most important U.S. based internet companies, including Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Facebook.
The government’s claims concerning the CSE and PRISM are not credible. The CSE has been a close partner of the NSA, sharing intelligence information with it on a daily basis, for more than six decades.
Britain, which like Canada, is part of the “Five Eyes”—a consortium formed in the late 1940s by the NSA, CSE, and the signals communications agencies of Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand to jointly monitor global communications—has already said that it obtained intelligence about Britons through PRISM.
The NSA and CSE, as the spurious distinction they have made between electronic communications’ metadata and rest of the communications illustrates, can and do create pretexts and mechanisms to illegally circumvent constitutional prohibitions.
Last but not least, whatever the validity of MacKay’s denial about spying on Canadians through PRISM, it only concerned CSE. As Easter’s comments cited above demonstrate, Canada’s security agencies have long been the recipients of intelligence on Canadians from the NSA as part of longstanding Canada-U.S. intelligence-sharing agreements and partnerships.
The CSE is part of a growing state within the state whose operations are hidden from the public. Most Canadians had never heard of the CSE and even now they know very little about its activities. When former Defence Minister MacKay renewed by secret ministerial order CSE’s authorization to spy on Canadians’ electronic communications in November 2011 he issued six other secret ministerial directives to CSE—none of whose subject let alone contents has been publicly revealed.
As in the United States, Canada’s elite has used the so-called war on terror to justify Canada’s participation in a series of imperialist wars, massively expand the national-security apparatus, and adopt laws that attack core democratic rights.