Monday, February 22, 2016

Documented Radio Frequency Testing, Torture and Experimentation

In addition to the article below, see here, here and here. See here for more about microwave weapons. See here for more about classified technology.

The US Navy was testing weapons on Eugene Oregon back in the 1970's for months with microwaves.  Citizens were being tortured, made sick by radio waves beamed into their homes from 500 miles away. The signals were deemed psychoactive by the Pacific Northwest Center for Non-ionizing Radiation. The story ran in the Register-Guard, and Oregon Journal. The University of Oregon, Governors Office, Senator Mark Hatfield, Congressman Jim Weaver and others confirmed it. The FCC and EPA were called in and confirmed it.

Oregon, a directed energy/surveillance system test bed. Check out the news update below for the scoop, the Register-Guard article from 3/26/1978. This confirms they have the ability to hurt people from very long ranges, and have these types of weapons installed over Oregon. (Article continues after newspapers clippings)

Eugene wavelength proves that the US military has the weapons technology to hurt people from hundreds of miles away using radio waves. Back in the 1970s, our government tested devices on Eugene Oregon and Corvallis. Over 150 complaints were lodged. Psychoactive signals were detected in peoples homes. Making them sick, creating voices in their heads, heating and chilling them, creating red skin, making them dizzy and nauseated.

This was investigated by local University of Oregon professor, and other professionals. Oregon's Governor, Senator Mark Hatfield, and Congressman Jim Weaver called in the FCC and EPA. The EPA covered it up, dodged reporters, and left the state lying about what was uncovered.

The FCC determined the signals were being emanated by the US Navy base in Dixon California, over 500 miles away from Eugene. The signals were detected all over Oregon including 3000 feet above the cities stretching for miles, specifically designed to target humans. The signals were building penetrating. This was reported March 26th, 1978 in the Eugene Register-Guard (article title: "Strong radio 'pulse' of unknown origin may cause health problems," and another article entitled "Had enough field-burning?

Try electronic smog" describing the battle between the military who denied radiation effects and environmentalists who focused on the science.), and another paper called The Oregon Journal (this is a Portland Oregon newspaper, it was the main newspaper before going defunct - before The Oregonian.) had similar coverage ("Mysterious Radio Signals Causing Concern in Oregon.")

"Was the technology tested at home on private citizens? In March 1978, the city of Eugene, Oregon, found itself inundated with microwave radiation. The Oregon Journal reported: “Mysterious Radio Signals Causing Concern in Oregon.” Federal government specialists blamed the Soviets, but the Federal Communications Commission concluded that the signal—recorded throughout the state of Oregon—came from a Navy transmitter in California.

Oregonians statewide complained of headaches, fatigue, inability to sleep, reddening of the skin, anxiety, “clicks” in the head and a “buzz” harmonizing with a high-pitched wail. Canadian researcher Andrew Michrowski wrote to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau on September 19, 1978, citing a Pacific Northwest Center for Non-Ionizing Radiation study that found the signals “psychoactive” and “very strongly suggestive of achieving the objective of brain control.”"

Hearing “Voices” The Hidden History of the CIA’s Electromagnetic Mind-Control Experiments

The original two Register-Guard articles are available online in Google's newspaper index, here to read:

The radio signal that has mobilized the health division and that is expected to bring federal experts to Eugene is described by personnel at the University of Oregon and at the U of O Medical School in Portland as a "radio frequency pulse signal." The experts who have investigated the phenomenon describe it as a 4.75 megahertz pulse occurring 1,100 times per second.

"I was surprised," said Clifford Shrock of Portland, a Tektronixs Inc. engineer who specializes in radio frequency analysis. "I'd never seen anything like it before."

Shrock conducted the aerial tests that detected the powerful signal over Eugene. He sits on several FCC committees dealing with radio frequencies. He has been an editor of a technical magazine serving engineers in his field. And, in connection with his work at Tektronix, he wrote sections of the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency manuals on "debugging" methods involving radio frequencies.

"I've seen things like that frequency that I could explain - like when you know you're flying directly over a big military transmitter or a transmitter on a mountaintop," he said. "But to be in that location, over Eugene, and to have a signal stay in that amplitude range for that great an area - that's something.

Van Ert, an industrial hygienist in the University of Oregon's Health Physics Office, says he was approached by the man last October. At that point, Van Ert said, the man had been to numerous public agencies and had spent more than $5,000 with private consulting firms in an attempt to identify that he was experiencing in his home and that he felt were affecting his health. (this is crazy, the guy was getting bombarded with directed energy in his home for long periods of time, no one was there to shut it down or help him - until he found the UoO guy, who pretty much solidified it was all real the whole time)

Van Ert says he visited the Santa Clara area home and also felt low-level sound and vibration. However, despite weeks of testing, he was unable to record the signal with instruments or to detect a source.

He subsequently requested the assistance of Bill Bise, a Portland broadcasting engineer who directs a small non-profit corporation founded for research on possible adverse health effects of radio waves and microwaves.

Bise and Shrock came to Eugene with more sophisticated instruments and conducted a limited series of tests which they say detected the signal at six ground locales and in the air over the city. At the same time, Van Ert conducted a series of about 25 interviews with persons who live or work in areas where the signals have been detected. A few of the contacts were in Corvallis, where aerial testing also showed the signal to be present, he said.

Although the source of the powerful signal is unknown, Van Ert, Bise and Shrock offer several possibilities. One is an errant signal from a government or military installation. Another is the possibility of a "spurious" signal, a physical phenomenon that occurs under certain conditions when two or more frequencies combine to produce another signal.

And still another possibility is "skywave," or "skip," the freak transmissions that occur when signals from a distant location bounce off the atmosphere and are directed to earth again.

This tells a story about our government (either intelligence, police or military,) or organized crime, actually attacking and beaming radiation into citizens from remote locations with incredible accuracy (I also heard about other operations they did this in, such as CIA Operation Pique, we targeted European's in that case), enough to hit a single individual, inducing illnesses and mental effects to cripple and debilitate, being tested on citizens around the world. No longer can anyone claim this is not reality, possible, and highly scientific.

Dr. Peter Breggin, a Harvard psychiatrists work, investigated this and helped the victims, he also worked along top mind control doctors at Harvard based on other sources. He has experience working with victims remotely controlled with radio waves and implants, those victims falsely labeled as psychotic by other doctors. Interesting. This shows that in fact, when people want to help others with this problem, they can, but it simply requires an uncorrupt person to do it.

"Following the nightmarish operation, Dr. Peter Breggin of the Center to Study Psychiatry, an ombudsman of psychiatric abuses, investigated Kille’s case and found—despite Mark’s and Ervin’s reports of therapeutic success—that the post-op patient was “totally disabled and subject to nightmarish terrors that he will be caught and operated on again at the Massachusetts General Hospital.”

In 1971, a hospital attendant discovered Kille holding a metal wastebasket over his head to “stop the microwaves.” A sympathetic doctor at Boston’s VA hospital, where Kille was transferred, ordered for him “a large sheet of aluminum foil so he may fashion a protective helmet for himself.” Uninformed that Kille had been fitted with electrodes, the VA doctors diagnosed him as a delusional paranoiac.

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