Showing posts with label Techno-Slavery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Techno-Slavery. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Where's the Justice? Silicon Valley Billionaire Scum Along With the CIA and NSA: Must Watch Documentary Below- Learn the History of Manipulation of Human Beings With Classified Technology (Many Silicon Valley Billionaires, Electrical Engineers, Computer Scientists, Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists Know About This & Are Complicit in Covering it Up)

See here for more about Ewen Cameron.  See here for a list of government agencies involved in covering up the human rights abuses and torture that continues now.  

See here and here for more about classified and hi-technology. See here for more about MkUltra. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles when you click through on the MkUltra link.) See here for more about Transhumanism. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles and videos when you click on the Transhumanist link.)

The documentary below is an absolute must watch. Be sure to watch the whole presentation. You will learn how long this technology has been around and the massive human rights abuses that have been perpetrated. This is something that is rarely talked about, in fact, it is extremely difficult to find information on this topic. Be sure to watch this old news clip from CNN in the 80's. Also interesting are movies from the 80's like Videodrome and Brainstorm

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

News Covers Organized Stalking & Satellite Terrorism & Dr. John Hall Interview About His Problems With Satellite Terrorism (Scroll Down to See Doctor's Video)

Download and listen to MP3 radio interviews with Dr. John Hall hereherehereherehere and here.
Also, see here for an article by academics called Geo-Satellite Slavery. 

It is rather interesting, Andrew Tate's name in Gematria is 666 and he was charged with supposedly human trafficking. I really don't know if he is or was, but, I do know there is a bunch of losers covering this up. Mr. Tate also mentioned that his father worked for the CIA at one time. How interesting. This is why you have to be suspicious of some people in the public eye. (He is far from being the only one.) This also involves parts of the military-industrial complex, corrupt cops, Wall Street, organized crime, drug dealers and drug cartels, the sex industry, (porn, escorts, etc.), and last but not least Hollywood.

Geo-slavery is "a practice in which one entity, the master, coercively or surreptitiously monitors and exerts control over the physical location of another individual, the slave." 

Sunday, February 28, 2021

More Relevant Than Ever: President Joe Biden On Microchips and Brain Scans

What is taking place with this classified technology is unbelievably evil, all covered up. Learn more, go here and here for more about high-technology. See this post about nine creepy Orwellian technologies that are potentially already inside of you. See here for a paper from two academics. See this video from a doctor. See here for documented radio frequency testing, torture and experimentation. See here for Former U.S. Rep From Ohio and Candidate for the President Attempted Ban On Classified Technology.  See a TEDTalk about directed energy weaponry See here for DARPA Smart Dust and here for DARPA guinea pigs. Watch this documentary about the history of human experimentation with MKUltra and the CIA. See Bill Clinton's apology for unlawful human experimentations in the past. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A List Of Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs That Needs to Be Seen For What They Really Are --- Evil Twisted Lying Psychopaths

See the Pictures Below!

Every single one of the individuals below knows about the classified and hi-technology on my blog. (See here and here for more about classified technology. See this video from a person from Silicon Valley talking about technology that many people do not know about. See here for more about former U.S. Representative from Ohio and candidate for the President of the United States Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons.)

This makes them traitors to their country. They are greedy scumbags who need to be shown out for what they are... LIARS. There are tons of smart people that can do what these people are doing. What makes the individuals that are below unique is their level of corruption and how they have sold their souls to the powers of this world. They are working with intelligence agencies, they would not be in the positions they are if they didn't. There has always been a close relationship between Silicon Valley and the Intelligence  Agencies. ( See here and here for more about this.) Facebook is a Zionist Stasi apparatus, people don't understand what these people are doing. (See here for more about dealing with Zionists.)

Some of the individuals below are also heavily associated with the Transhumanist movement. 

Transhumanism is literally being pushed by some of the biggest Silicon Valley companies, especially Google. (See hereherehere and here.)  They know what Transhumanism is, its connections to eugenics ---- and how it is being implemented on humanity without the public knowing.  See here and here for the connections between Transhumanism and Judaism. See here for some introductory videos about Transhumanism. See here for the Transhumanist category on my blog. Be sure to go through all of the articles. The other industry that some people below are involved in is drugs --- especially marijuana As any informed individual knows, the CIA has always been involved with drugs and organized crime. It is not a coincidence that this piece of crap had the forward written for his book by the ex-CEO of Twitter. James Altucher has connections with Jewish organized crime and the orthodox community, intelligence agencies, Wall Street and Silicon Valley. See here for more about Homeland Security, torture, political prisoners, classified technology and drug dealers. 

Here you can see the connections between drugs, organized crime, Silicon Valley, intelligence agencies and stalking losers in my local area. Like this and this shows, Silicon Valley has always had close connections to the intelligence industry. 

For the most part, but not always.... you will often find that most of the people that are engaging in stalking and using classified technology are Zionists
(Jews or Gentiles that are supporters of Israel.) Why? Well, one of the reasons is because it's literally a part of Homeland Security. See here for more about how fighting "GLOBAL Antisemitism" is a part of American foreign policy. See here and here for the Jewish hand behind the internet. See here for how Israel backdoored everything. None of the individuals below seem to think it matters that a bunch of people are being tortured with electromagnetic weapons and their brains are being beamed out like a live radio station to a bunch of stalking psychopaths. (See here for more about Mark Zuckerberg talking about synthetic telepathy, see here for more about Facebook and typing with your thoughts.) 

This is exactly what is happening, this is not an overstatement at all. THIS IS WHAT THE MEDIA IS COVERING UP. This is how some of these sick assholes get off, torturing people and watching it like a reality TV showA good example of this is shown in the movie "The Circle." But, it is actually much, much worse because the technology is more advanced and dangerous. They can get nanotechnology inside your body and transmit electromagnetic waves and sound waves right into you. They can literally control the minds of people. In fact, mind control was already possible in the '60s with microwaves.  Watch this documentary to learn more about this. A good example is the Jose Delgado experiments with the bull, also see this clip from CNN from the '80s and this old newspaper article from the New York Times. This technology is extremely advanced now. See here for a list.

This is how sad countries like the United States and Canada have become, it is absolutely sickening and pathetic. This is the modern-day Stasi Octopus, it starts at the top with the intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley and works its way down. It involves everyone from businessmen and women, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, government employees, trades personnel, (for example; pest control or property management,) law enforcement, drug dealers, writers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, actors, sports figures, priests and religious leaders, addiction recovery groups, university professors, waiters and hotel personnel. This is exactly what it was like in East Germany. There isn't one group they didn't infiltrate. Now your society has become just as sad, our countries have turned into Stasi nightmares. 

Sergey Brin- Jewish
Larry Page- Jewish

Former CEO of Google

Jim Lanzone, CEO of Yahoo Inc.

Elon Musk 
(Probably Jewish)
(Now owns Twitter or X)

Used to be CEO of Twitter

Jeff Weiner-Jewish

Managing Partner at The Founders Fund

Jimmy Wales-Jewish

Kevin Systrom-Jewish 
co-founded Instagram

Max Levchin-Jewish
Cofounder PayPal

Adam Mosseri-Jewish
CEO of Instagram

Sam Altman -Jewish
CEO of Open AI

Mark Pincus-Jewish
Founder of Zynga, a mobile social gaming company. Pincus also
 founded the startups Freeloader, Inc., Tribe Networks, and

Steve Ballmer-Jewish
ex CEO of Microsoft

Monday, March 25, 2019

Absolute Must Read: Microwave Weapons, Torture and Evil Stalking Snake Psychopaths

Update: I originally posted this in April of 2017. My situation has now become worse. I was sent to the hospital on March 22, 2018, (I'm sure the day was just a coincidence,) with severe pains in my stomach and a heart rate of 29. The Mission Hospital can validate this, I am telling the truth. Since then my health has just become worse. (By the way, did you know that the terrorist attack happened in England on March 22, in 2017? Did you know the terrorist attack that happened in Belgium in 2016 was on March 22? ) Interesting the Skull and Bones 322All coincidences right?  

Besides the people listed below, there are many organized stalking losers in the town of Mission, Maple Ridge, and Abbotsford that are involved in this. The police (RCMP and Abbotsford police,) are completely complicit in covering this up. See here and here for proof of this. Canada has officially become a Banana Republic.

You Must Read All 21 Of The Tweets Below!

See here and here for more about classified technology, see here for more about intelligence tactics. See here for more about slandering and discrediting people with hi-technology video and picture editing. What do the people listed below all have in common?  They are being motivated by a Zionist agenda to do what they are doing... whether they know it or not.  So, either they are working with intelligence, they are working with organized crime somewhere, or they are involved with drugs, (see here for the CIA history and involvement with drugs,) or they are Zionists. 

This is how sad countries like the United States and Canada have become, it is absolutely sickening and pathetic. It is important to know that the intelligence agencies, from their very inception, have always been attached to Wall Street and the banks. They are the real ones who control the drug trade. (For more articles about intelligence agencies and their connections to drugs, see all the articles here, scroll down to read and view them all.) 

Intelligence agencies have always worked with organized crime. There have also been strong connections between Silicon Valley and intelligence agencies right from the beginning. These nutjobs rule our countries. Did you know that the FBI and the RCMP literally receive their intelligence from them? Some of the people below know each other. This is a good example. See here for more about vigilante groups that work with the Police and Neighbourhood Watch. There are many people who are involved in Wall Street who know others in intelligence, military intelligence, counterintelligence in law enforcement, Silicon Valley, organized crime, Hollywood, and academia. They all work together. See here for more about FBI InfraGard

This is the modern-day Stasi Octopus, at the top, it's run by the banks, organized crime, intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley, it then filters down into the community level. It involves everyone from informants for the police, drug dealers, drug addicts, neighborhood watch, businessmen and women, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, government employees, teachers, nurses, ambulance drivers, firemen, trades personnel, (for example; pest control and anti-graffiti cleaning companies or property management,) cross-fit centers, Jiu-Jitsu and martial arts places, gyms, vitamin and supplement stores, law enforcement, private security and security guards, writers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, actors, sports figures, priests and religious leaders, addiction recovery groups, university professors, waiters and hotel personnel. This is exactly what it was like in East Germany. There isn't one group they didn't infiltrate. Now your society has become just as sad, our countries have turned into Stasi nightmares. 


2. See here: We Must Not Forget That Some Of The Greatest Murderers Of Modern Times Were Jewish

3. See here: Talmudic Terror and Torture:

4. Counter Intelligence Phonies Who Know About Stasi Organized Stalking & Classified Technology And Keep Quiet About It:

5. Right now, you have a war going on, literally, it will potentially become a full-blown civil war....Zionists and their collaborators

6. against the population, I swear on my life this is true.  I am risking my life to tell people this

7. They are openly torturing people, and openly using bio-warfare on the population, the RCMP is a complete disgrace and does nothing. They are also using neuro-weapons and they know this

. They are openly shooting people with microwaves and classified technology, I feel this all the time

8. I had pain down my arm and radiate to my chest and back like a stroke... for a couple weeks, they watch like snuff.
(See here for more about satellite terrorism.  See this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes. What they have now is even more advanced. They are using brain-chips and nanotechnology.)

9. Chest pain, neck pain.... they are psychopaths. Why are the Zionist-influenced media and our government covering up technology like this?

10. Microwave Warfare & Directed Energy Weapons - a List of Must See Links and a Video: … … … … … …

11. Also, look under my name Shane Hurren on my Twitter here: see classified technology, learn intelligence tactics, discredit someone with hi-technology

12. I am using my real name and I am the only one who is telling the truth about this, maybe in the whole world. This is the truth

13. This all connects to Israel--

14. Counter Intelligence 101 - The Sabotage Of Legitimate Dissent: … …

15. Look what Donald Trump had to say about Senator John Glenn & yet they won't talk about classified technology: … also former U.S. representative from Ohio and candidate for the president of the United States Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons: THEY ARE REAL!

16. RCMP, CSIS, The CSE, And FBI- RCMP knows about microwave technology and they are allowing biowarfare in Canada:

17. FBI knows of and admits biowarfare, but, RCMP supposedly doesn't know...sure:… … #RCMPARELIARS

18. Counter Intelligence Against Political Dissidents:

19. Must read, this is how they deal with counter-intelligence targets: … …

20. A collection of MUST READ posts about brain chips - electromagnetic weapons and mind control: … … … … … … …

21. A list Of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs that need to be seen for what they really are --- liars:

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Must See Video: The Problems of Technology That Are Here Right Now

See here for more about classified technology. See here for more about Facebook and typing with your thoughts. See here for more about brain-computer interface technology. See here for more about microwave weaponry.  See here for geo-slavery, slavery by satellite. See here for a video from a medical doctor who openly spoke out about satellite terrorism and organized stalking. (See here for organized stalking tactics.) To learn more about Transhumanism, see here.( Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles and videos there.)

See here for more about organized stalking and its connection to Zionist interests. This is perpetuated by a collaboration between intelligence agencies, law enforcement and organized crime. 

Friday, December 30, 2016

Who Needs the KGB When You Have Facebook?

Watch The Important Videos Below!

This is an important document that everyone MUST read. It was written about Eben Moglen, who's the guy giving the lecture in this must see video about "The Inevitable Problems of Technology: World Surveillance and the Totalitarian Technocracy."

Essentially, he is touching on the topics that I cover here and here. These same problems were the focus of a documentary called "the Net" which was about the problems of technology, the Unabomber, and the Internet. You can view that documentary here.

By the way, you can watch a video below that shows the links between Facebook and the intelligence community. These same links exist between other Silicon Valley companies too, especially Google, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Oracle, Microsoft, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Apple, LinkedIn and even Yelp.

All of these sites provide excellent platforms for the intelligence community to acquire vast amounts of data on you for data-mining purposes.  As I have pointed out previously, there has always been a strong link between Silicon Valley and the intelligence community. This is not exactly controversial, it is just that so few people know it ... and they would like to keep it that way.

Monday, November 7, 2016

A Collection of Videos About Artificial Intelligence And Big Data And How It's Being Used By Intelligence Agency Supercomputers To Enslave You

Most people have no idea about the power of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence and Big Data are part of the Total Information Awareness surveillance state, another name for this is Full Spectrum Dominance

This ties into what I was talking about here, herehere, here, herehere and here, They can collect data from anywhere, the internet, telecommunications, technology, this includes our homes, our cars, our purchases, the "outside world" and believe it or not, your body and your brain. See here for one of the leading companies behind this. They were also behind the beginning of the internet and work closely with DARPA. As I have said before, the internet is a part of a larger project that most people don't know about. This is a eugenics project that is being used to find people, see herehere and here for more about this. In turn, this ties into what Zbigniew Brzezinski is saying here.

Very soon, every object on earth will be collecting data. So, it would be wise to learn more about big data and artificial intelligence. View the compiled video list below to get started. 

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: This Potential Is Being Used To Monitor You With NSAGCHQCSEASD and GCSB Supercomputers:

1. Making Friends With Artificial Intelligence
2. Big Data and the Rise of Augmented Intelligence
3. The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn

4. Understanding Artificial Intelligence and Its Future
5. Deepmind artificial intelligence
6. Rock-Paper-Scissors: You vs. the Computer
7. Watch: A Welding Robot That’s Learning to Create Art Forgeries
8. How a Painting Robot Was Given an Artist's Soul
9. Humans Need Not Apply
10. Google's Deep Mind Explained! - Self Learning A.I.

11. Deep Learning Demystified
12. Deep Learning: Intelligence from Big Data
13. Living In a Computer Surveillance State
14. What is Big Data? Big Data Explained
15. Science Documentary 2016 | Big Data

16. Analyzing and modeling complex and big data

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Mental Slavery With Classified Geo-Spatial Technology

Just like your fingerprint, you have unique patterns of electromagnetic activity in your brain, these are called resonance frequencies. (See herehere and here.)

Resonance is how fast or slow vibrations repeat or cycle. Through resonance, a comparatively weak vibration in one object can cause a strong vibration in another which can be damaged or destroyed. (See also here for more about resonance frequency weapons.) Your unique brain resonance frequencies can be used to calibrate your brain with a supercomputer and then used to radiate you with harmful frequencies that can damage your DNA and destroy your cells. It is important to protect your frequencies so they are not stolen by people who want to harm you. Intelligence agencies that have your frequencies can control and punish you as if you were a slave.

There are 5 brain wave frequency bands:  

1. Gamma: over 30 Hz, 
2. Beta: 13-30 Hz, 
3. Alpha: 8-12 Hz, 
4. Theta: 4-8 Hz, 
5. Delta: less than 4 Hz.

A Hertz is cycles per second and named after Heinrich Hertz who proved electromagnetism in 1886. Developments in neuroscience (also see here,) have proven that bodily movement, sensations, emotions, desires, ideas, and all psychological phenomenon can be induced, inhibited or modified by electrical stimulation of specific areas of the brain.

For clarity, an Electrocardiogram (EKG) is a test for the electrical activity of the heart, and an Electroencephalogram is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain.

Evoked potentials can also be recorded from the brain, an evoked potential shows what the brain does after it is stimulated by the senses such as sight, sound, pain, pleasure, movement, heat or cold. You can tell what a person is feeling by studying these frequencies.

Patents show that a person's brain frequencies can be used to place sound or voices in their head so that they are the only ones who hear the sound. This is a harassment tool being used by intelligence agencies on targeted individuals. The frequencies stimulate the auditory cortex in the brain, not the ears. Everyone has their own unique brain code so frequencies must be calculated and calibrated for each individual. Controlling another person's mind is very much like slavery, so acquiring someone's brain-specific code for the purpose of harming them must be done in secret.

One way to retrieve or steal your unique brain frequencies so they can get electromagnetic waves into your brain is through free devices and apps that record your Electroencephalogram (EEG). These tools can be used to steal the unique signature from the electrical activity of the neurons in your brain without your knowledge or consent. After this, they would be used to calibrate a supercomputer.

They use a meter or an app for phones made specifically for this purpose which records your unique frequencies by pointing the device at the back of your head. Many people think this is impossible. But it is very real. (For example, see this paper here. How many of even heard of this?) The reality is, the perpetrators have been able to rely on disbelief and lack of public education to keep this technology secret.

Why do they record brain frequencies from the back of your head? Obviously, one reason is because they know you probably won't notice, but, there is another reason.

Alpha waves are strongest over the occipital cortex and over the frontal cortex. The alpha rhythm is most prominent when the subject is at rest with the eyes closed. When the eyes are opened, this rhythm usually disappears, being replaced by beta rhythms (14-35 Hz), this phenomenon is called alpha blocking. The observation of the alpha blocking phenomenon is evidence that a high-quality EEG is in fact, being monitored. Also, the visual cortex is located in the back of the brain or the occipital lobe, this processes visual information.

When do you get your brain frequencies stolen from you? It could be when you are out shopping, having coffee, or eating an intelligence agent points a cell phone or a handheld device at the back of your head when they have the app to be able to do this. You may never know when it is done. Another way they can steal it from you is with biofeedback devices and apps that record your brain's EEG. (Remember, there has always been strong connections between Silicon Valley and the Intelligence Agencies.)

The new battlefield is unpredictable. Not only do you have to worry about hackers when you are using wireless in public places, but also, the potential of having your unique brain frequency code stolen and used against you.  Certainly, whenever you are out and about, beware of anyone pointing their phone at the back of your head for a lengthy period of time.

Once they have your brain frequencies, intelligence agencies can calibrate their EEG supercomputers to you and begin enslaving you with radio microwaves directly into your brain.

They can use your body's frequencies to hurt you, or to disrupt and even stop your bodily functions. Your whole nervous system is connected to this, your body resonates at set frequencies that the perpetrators can play around with.

If someone does not know about this technology beforehand, they might think they are going crazy which gives intelligence agencies a reason to put them in a mental institution. They can put voices into your head or thoughts that are indistinguishable from your own. But that's not all, they can give you constant muscle twitches, eyes twitches, disrupt your bowels, make you sick, but even worse, they can also give you severe headaches, head trauma, and concussions. They can fry your brain with microwaves, give you a stroke and target your vital organs. In other words, they can hurt or kill you. As an example of the power of resonance, think when a wine glass is targeted with a resonance frequency. Essentially, this is torture and murder.

Intelligence agencies know this and so do some law enforcement officers that work with them. It's a good way to either get people committed to a mental institution or harass and hurt them in a way that is covert and plausibly deniable.

Often a targeted individual becomes sick, loses their job, or loses their home. They become alienated from their family, who are often also attacked just for being related to them. When they try to get help, they are accused of being "mentally ill." Obviously, they don't always need your unique brain frequencies to hurt you. Not everyone will be hooked up to a computer, BUT, it is very important to realize that this is the end goal of those in power. (See herehereherehere and here.) The targeting can come from numerous locations and methods, so you have to find out what is happening in your situation. They use microwave towers, satellites, and radar to accomplish their goals. (See herehere, here, here and here.)  But, it must also be remembered, that all of us that live in the developed areas are surrounded by wireless communication radio microwaves, and much of it is pulsed in the range of the brain.

 Illegal Surveillance Injustice Department

The new proactive, intelligence-led policing, (see here and here for more about this,) which means information gathered from the surveillance of brains, (yes believe it, it is happening now,) computers, the internet, your emails, online activity, phone calls, bank accounts, vehicles. and homes allows fusion centers to direct global law enforcement goals. They just harass and kill whoever they want. This includes the "Regulation of Noncriminal Conduct" which means punishment with electromagnetic and acoustic weapons, and the use of "first responders" services and neighborhood watch gang stalkers called cohorts or watchers.

The state is deciding who the "undesirables" are --- literally who lives and who dies. This has happened before in fascist regimes and dictatorships. Why hide this technology? A true representational form of government is about transparency. I think it's important to realize that we live under what some people have coined a  pseudo "Panopticon." For, in a true Panopticon you would KNOW the level of surveillance that you are under. 

THERE WOULD BE TRANSPARENCY. But, if you don't know about the existence of any of this technology, how do you know what the truth is in this world? Think about it for a second. How much of your tax money is going into creating a technological surveillance-dictatorship?

People who will be seen as "terrorists" or "enemies of the state" can be anyone from whistle-blowers, political dissidents, intellectuals, or those who have reported or witnessed crimes of powerful privileged people, police, firemen, paramedics, government officials,  and/ or organized crime with private agendas who steal everything people own, eliminate their rivals and kill anyone who knows or sees what they are doing. They radiate, stalk and harass targeted individuals mercilessly until they either comply and go along with the program, become insane, want to die, or are dead.

How Does Voice-to-Skull or V2K Happen? 

The sounds normally heard by our ears are between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. The sounds you can't hear that are used for V2K are either below or above that. In normal hearing, vibrating sound waves in the ear are turned into nerve impulses that travel along a network of nerve cells to the brain where they are perceived as sound and turned into understandable speech.

With V2K, a voice or "thought" is carried on a frequency which is sent to the auditory cortex in the brain, bypassing the ears as if the brain were a radio receiver.

Brain frequencies can be received and transmitted just like your cell phone picks up signals from a cell tower. The frequencies can be relayed to a satellite, so once you are connected, a person with a satellite computer can program the frequencies with auditory and visual information sent to your brain with special software and the internet using ordinary radio frequencies. Essentially, your thoughts can be read and messages can be put into your mind so that your thoughts, emotions, and actions are not your own. You become a slave.

The 2003 article entitled 'Geoslavery' by Jerome Dobson and Peter Fisher stated possible human rights abuse from the misuse of satellite targeting and surveillance technologies. Geoslavery is "a practice in which one entity, the master, coercively or surreptitiously monitors and exerts control over the physical location of another individual, the slave. Here is another article from the same academics about living in a Panopticon and Geoslavery.

The article describes a scenario of monitoring and remote control by administering arbitrary punishment. Right now, those in high places with power make the decisions about who becomes a victim, a targeted individual, who needs to be tortured and suffer pain or disintegration of their physical bodies, or, potentially even death from electromagnetic weapons.

Brainwaves are affected by all our senses and whatever a person is experiencing will affect their current brainwave state.  With brain entrainment and this technology being used, they can get your specific frequencies and begin to change them. (See here and here about previous MKUltra work done with brainwashing and what is known as "Psychic Driving".)

They can send messages directly back to your brain "carried" on radio waves. This way they can alter and change your brain, abilities, feelings and personality one hertz at a time. Entrainment also includes the concept that even if the frequencies stopped being directed at you, if targeted long enough, just like neuroplasticity, (also see here and here,) the brain will continue to operate at the adapted state it has been entrained to.

Brainwave entrainment can be used to induce concentration, meditation, super learning, sleep and other desirable states, but, as a weapon the worst is possible. If the entrainment is consistent enough and is close to the normal brainwave frequencies then the brain will synchronize its own electrical impulses to the same rhythm.

As one example, (see here, here and here for more information,) powerful EEG machines can enhance EEG patterns up to 200,000 (gain capability). They can be used to silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being, using mechanical, magnetic and/or optical media for repeated transmission to the brain of the victim. - Lowery Patent #5159703

This process is called "Induced Alpha to Theta Biofeedback Cluster Movement".  An "emotional signature cluster" is identified and then placed on a silent sound carrier frequency to trigger the same basic emotions or thoughts to another human being. The victim can't hear the subliminal message and is unaware why they are feeling anger, fear, anxiety, sexual arousal or other emotions or abnormal thoughts. This is mind control.

In closing, there is obviously a lot that popular media and news sources are hiding from you. The funny thing is, even CNN referred to some of this information way back in the 80's. Everyone should begin to ask themselves why popular media is hiding so much information about this advanced technology from the public at the very same time that our governments are taking away our rights in the name of "Terrorism."

For more information about the origins of Homeland Security, see here. See here for how an FBI memo labels patriots, and believe it or not, "truth-seekers" as potential 'terrorists.' See here for the 72 types of Americans that are considered “potential terrorists” from official government documents.