Exposing Intelligence Agency Human Rights Abuses, Government and Corporate Corruption Along with the Problems of Zionism. The Foundation of Freedom is Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Speech
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
The Psychology of Narcissists and Psychopaths- You Read This Weasels, You Like Exploiting People?
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Why the CIA and CSIS Only Hires Sociopathic Narcissists
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Watch Video Below About Joe Rogan: They Are Covering Up Torturing People -These People Need to Be Arrested or Hung For Treason
Be Sure to See Below
See here for a list of Silicon Valley individuals. They all know what is going on. Why do none of them say anything? How Many Were at Trump's Inauguration? They are scum, they know this is happening. They sit on mounds of money lying to ALL OF YOU EVERY DAY.
See here for a list of individuals in the alternative media covering up DARPA tracking nanotechnology and satellite-based torture. These people are all scum of the earth.
Not one word.
The internet is connected to www or 666.
What is the only flag in the
world with 666 on it? Israel.
Here is a list of government agencies
Watch the Video Below!
Watch this documentary, it was made by someone who used to work for Alex Jones. Alex Jones and Joe Rogan know about the history of human rights abuses with classified technology.
See here and here for a list of these lying pieces of crap. See here for James Altucher the complete lying psychopath. See here for a list of Silicon Valley scum. They all work for government agencies or they are connected to them somehow.
All of these people are Satanic human waste, that is what they all have in common. That is what the video below shows, Joe Rogan is a Satanist. All of them serve the evil Satanic system while they cover up torturing innocent people with nanotechnology via space-based weaponry, satellites, and radar. See here for other lowlifes in Hollywood (Hollywood means magic wand,) involved in this and covering it up. They are scum. Here is more about how it connects to the internet and slandering people.
Here are some CSIS (Canada Intelligence,) videos showing them following people around.
Here is some information about InfraGard and how they are a part of the FBI, they work with all the major corporations in the USA. See here for government documents about tagging and tracking with nanotechnology.
The stalking game they are involved in reminds me of Videodrome, the Circle, the Running Man, or the Hunger Games. Check out the links below the video too.
2. See another doctor confirming that Stasi organized stalking and smear tactics exist.
3. See my blog with technology here
4. Gamer -controlling people
5. Videodrome - snuff and torture
6. Brainstorm - experiencing other people's emotions, seeing out their eyes
7. Surrogates - live through surrogates (people)
8. Anon - see out eyes of people, voyeurs, and police
9. 8MM about Snuff and Porn
founder of the Church of Satan
Hebrew Letters. Samael and Lilith are from the Talmud and the Kabballah.
The inverted goat pentagram contains the Hebrew letters at the five points
of the pentagram spelling out Leviathan the Sea Monster (לויתן).
See Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, the book of Job 3:8, 40:15–41:26,
Job 41:1–34, Isaiah 27:1, Psalms 74:14.
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Sam Vaknin is Describing
What Zionist Psychopaths Do, He Should Know Because He is One of Them!
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Originally Published in 2017: Absolute Must Watch Video For Canadians and Americans
The Communist USSR.
This is about resisting their rule over you. See here for more about Amalek. Judaism has a historical connection to slavery and usury. See how some of them used to sell slaves on Wall Street. This is also why they are the major ones behind Transhumanism, (see here and here,) some of these people want slaves. They just can't do it in the way they used to. They have to be much more sneaky because they know that you would revolt against them. Some of these people are liars beyond anything that most people have ever experienced. Don't you see how all of this is connected?
The system has been set up to find those who are politically knowledgeable and awake to their lies. They have set up tons of websites that are fronts. Once they find you, they get nanotechnology inside you, and then they contact people around you and begin to stalk, harass, and slander you all while shooting you with electromagnetic weapons. (See these government documents showing the technology.) The Internet is a part of this program. The internet is being used like Mao's Hundred Flowers Campaign. You must learn about this.
Essentially, it is a strategy of allowing a stage of liberalization and relative amounts of free expression in order to locate where their political opponents are. They are beginning to clamp down now. This is a Communist strategy and many of the techniques they are using come right out of East Germany. See here, here, here and here for the connections between Jews, Bolsheviks, the Cheka and the Stasi. The modern-day Homeland Security is an extension of this.
Here is the technology they use and here are the Stasi techniques they use when they find you.
Many of these Zionists are liars and they know this. Amazingly, this is exactly what they are defending. Their right to keep you ignorant and as their slave while they lie to your face. They don't care about the truth. They think they can do whatever they want and that YOU, their good little obedient slave ---- will never do a damn thing about it. They are complete psychopaths.
They will kill your dog and go after your family and make jokes about it. Remember, they are terrorists. Modern terrorism was invented by Jews and the state of Israel was born in blood. (See here, here, here and here.)
Once again, I am not saying all Jews are doing this, or that they are all participating.
What I am saying is that Jews and Judaism have a history of terrorist acts that exceed Islam.(See here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here for more about this.) Zionist terrorists are being given a blank check in North America. These extremists are allowed to persecute people in the United States and Canada and no one will say anything about it. It just shows you the level of power they have in North America.
Some of these people are literally at war with the population of Canada and the United States. This is why the FBI is saying this and this and why the Anti-Defamation League is so concerned about potential "anti-government sentiments." This is what Homeland Security is about. (Also see here.) Listen to this interview to learn more about this. Anyone who is politically aware knows this is the truth. This is happening right now!
For more videos like the one below please go here.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Absolute Must Read: Microwave Weapons, Torture and Evil Stalking Snake Psychopaths
Besides the people listed below, there are many organized stalking losers in the town of Mission, Maple Ridge, and Abbotsford that are involved in this. The police (RCMP and Abbotsford police,) are completely complicit in covering this up. See here and here for proof of this. Canada has officially become a Banana Republic.
This is how sad countries like the United States and Canada have become, it is absolutely sickening and pathetic. It is important to know that the intelligence agencies, from their very inception, have always been attached to Wall Street and the banks. They are the real ones who control the drug trade. (For more articles about intelligence agencies and their connections to drugs, see all the articles here, scroll down to read and view them all.)
Intelligence agencies have always worked with organized crime. There have also been strong connections between Silicon Valley and intelligence agencies right from the beginning. These nutjobs rule our countries. Did you know that the FBI and the RCMP literally receive their intelligence from them? Some of the people below know each other. This is a good example. See here for more about vigilante groups that work with the Police and Neighbourhood Watch. There are many people who are involved in Wall Street who know others in intelligence, military intelligence, counterintelligence in law enforcement, Silicon Valley, organized crime, Hollywood, and academia. They all work together. See here for more about FBI InfraGard.
This is the modern-day Stasi Octopus, at the top, it's run by the banks, organized crime, intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley, it then filters down into the community level. It involves everyone from informants for the police, drug dealers, drug addicts, neighborhood watch, businessmen and women, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, government employees, teachers, nurses, ambulance drivers, firemen, trades personnel, (for example; pest control and anti-graffiti cleaning companies or property management,) cross-fit centers, Jiu-Jitsu and martial arts places, gyms, vitamin and supplement stores, law enforcement, private security and security guards, writers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, actors, sports figures, priests and religious leaders, addiction recovery groups, university professors, waiters and hotel personnel. This is exactly what it was like in East Germany. There isn't one group they didn't infiltrate. Now your society has become just as sad, our countries have turned into Stasi nightmares.
2. See here: https://t.co/44FGMBYsOH We Must Not Forget That Some Of The Greatest Murderers Of Modern Times Were Jewish
3. See here: Talmudic Terror and Torture: https://t.co/Pxvb9LQD7H
4. Counter Intelligence Phonies Who Know About Stasi Organized Stalking & Classified Technology And Keep Quiet About It: http://exposeintelligence.blogspot.com/2016/06/libertarian-phony-losers-that.html
5. Right now, you have a war going on, literally, it will potentially become a full-blown civil war....Zionists and their collaborators
6. against the population, I swear on my life this is true. I am risking my life to tell people this
7. They are openly torturing people, and openly using bio-warfare on the population, the RCMP is a complete disgrace and does nothing. They are also using neuro-weapons and they know this.
. They are openly shooting people with microwaves and classified technology, I feel this all the time
8. I had pain down my arm and radiate to my chest and back like a stroke... for a couple weeks, they watch like snuff. (See here for more about satellite terrorism. See this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes. What they have now is even more advanced. They are using brain-chips and nanotechnology.)
9. Chest pain, neck pain.... they are psychopaths. Why are the Zionist-influenced media and our government covering up technology like this?
10. Microwave Warfare & Directed Energy Weapons - a List of Must See Links and a Video: https://t.co/NGeanFRIyV … … … … … …
11. Also, look under my name Shane Hurren on my Twitter here: https://twitter.com/exposecia see classified technology, learn intelligence tactics, discredit someone with hi-technology
12. I am using my real name and I am the only one who is telling the truth about this, maybe in the whole world. This is the truth
13. This all connects to Israel-- https://exposeintelligence.blogspot.com/2018/06/canadian-government-kills-freedom-of.html.
14. Counter Intelligence 101 - The Sabotage Of Legitimate Dissent: https://t.co/gPsY8Wb5nQ … …
15. Look what Donald Trump had to say about Senator John Glenn & yet they won't talk about classified technology: https://t.co/2sjnDfirFZ … also former U.S. representative from Ohio and candidate for the president of the United States Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons: https://exposeintelligence.blogspot.co.id/2014/07/dennis-kucinich-attempted-ban-of-space.html THEY ARE REAL!
16. RCMP, CSIS, The CSE, And FBI- RCMP knows about microwave technology and they are allowing biowarfare in Canada: https://t.co/kdks24S9FV
17. FBI knows of and admits biowarfare, but, RCMP supposedly doesn't know...sure: https://t.co/fgqoUM1vPR… … #RCMPARELIARS
18. Counter Intelligence Against Political Dissidents: https://t.co/YFJMiYg4Xb
19. Must read, this is how they deal with counter-intelligence targets: https://t.co/Se1NB08wOX … …
20. A collection of MUST READ posts about brain chips - electromagnetic weapons and mind control: https://t.co/6WzsdqYbfM … … … … … … …
21. A list Of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs that need to be seen for what they really are --- liars: https://exposeintelligence.blogspot.co.id/2017/05/a-list-of-silicon-valley-entrepreneurs.html
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
More People Who Like To Gang Up On Truth-Tellers
These People. They Are Traitors To Canada! They Are Evil Organized Stalking Psychopaths, They All Know This Is Happening To Me
The scumbags below are all working with psychos like this, this, this, and this. They are working with community watch and the RCMP. See here and here for RCMP censorship, see here, here, here, here, here, and here for more about targeting political dissidents. See here for more about the Anti-Defamation League that works with the RCMP, (be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles.)
See here for a neighborhood watch Stasi book. See here for slavery by satellite and here for satellite and microwave torture with Dr. John Hall. See here for a Canadian intelligence agency "recruiting" video featuring stalking and surveillance.
This stalking, surveillance, and torture comes down from intelligence agencies in the United States and Canada. See here and here for the connections between Zionism and Homeland Security, see here for a lecture from a former employee from Homeland Security talking about some of the tactics used by the Stasi, See here for vigilante justice "Zionist" style.
See here for more about classified technology, see here for a list of links about microwave weapons, learn more about intelligence tactics here, see here for discrediting people with hi-technology.
All of the people below live in Mission, British Columbia. They are all stupid enough to be involved in organized stalking and to have Facebook accounts.
1. Henry Tusi - here is his LinkedIn page. (The coward took down his Facebook account and his picture on LinkedIn, I will contact people at your school scumbag.) This piece of crap is at York University so look for him there. He should be kicked out of University. Hey Henry, you like science so much, tell us the truth, you lying psychopath. You like stalking and torturing people, don't you? You don't like people who tell the truth?
2. Cameron Snow - lives in Mission, B.C.
3. Cole Matt - lives in Mission B.C.
4. Colby Noa- Address- #20- 32705 Fraser Crescent, Mission B.C.
Friday, November 2, 2018
Ex-Mossad Officer Reveals How Intelligence Agents Think They Are God
I would like to be clear here.... it is not just the Israeli Mossad who think they are God --- it is the Canadian CSIS, CSE, the American NSA, CIA and the British GCHQ and Secret Intelligence Services. These people are among the most terrible pieces of trash on the earth. They are completely entitled psychopaths that forget where their funding comes from.... the TAX PAYERS!
These pieces of garbage need to be put in their place in a way that they never forget. I can promise you, a civil war is coming to the United States, and the intelligence agencies are going to be on the chopping block. These agencies are full of vile lowlifes that torture people, compulsively lie, and are complicity involved somehow with everything from murder and drug trafficking to human and child trafficking. People need to wake the hell up and take responsibility for what it happening in their own countries and in their name in other countries. It is your money and your country!
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Larry David On Harvey Weinstein, Jews & Hollywood Rape Culture
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Learn More About Psychopaths- Must See
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Jewish Psychopaths: Watch These Videos - Some Thoughts From a Jew
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
On Jewish Psychopaths
For past articles on this topic see here and here. See here for more about the psychopathic character. Psychopaths possess no conscience, they are compulsive liars and they are entitled in the sense that they have free reign to spew their lies on the population and they expect the rest of us to sit here and say absolutely nothing nor do anything about it.
We see a perfect example of a psychopath in Elie Weisel, a lying piece of trash that everyone should be laughing at. See here, here and here for more about the phony Elie Wiesel who is the most famous Holocaust survivor. See here for his importance in the establishment of the Holocaust Museum. Isn't that pathetic given his lack of credibility?
Essentially, psychopaths like this think they are God and no one can question their authority even when it is based on nothing but pillars of sand and lies. See here the so-called Jews. Some of the Jews think they rule the world and that they can treat the rest of us like slaves. Not only that... some attack people who "think" or say something that they don't like. (See here for classified technology these psychopaths use and here for the tactics they use that were originally developed under the East-German Stasi. See here for the links between Homeland Security and Zionism.)
We have all witnessed a media syllabus unfold before our eyes over the years, a demonstration of the paradigm that keeps the world locked into this false anti-terror paradigm, in which the terror is often manufactured by the people who claim to be fighting the terror. The situation in Syria is a perfect example. The United States and Israel are supporting groups who were previously terrorists that are now our "freedom fighters." This is the exact insanity that you saw in Afghanistan with the CIA and the Mujahideen. Do you get it yet? Many times, the Muslim terrorists you hear about work with the Mossad the CIA or other NATO-sponsored terrorist groups similar to Gladio.
As an example, you will often see someone like Wolf Blitzer, the notorious Israeli agent anchorman, come on CNN and announce that some murder or terror attacks were done by ISIS, providing yet another reason, why we should ramp up the War on Terror. Even though the United States and Israel are allies of Saudi Arabia and support radicals in Syria. This is how insane these people are, they don't even care anymore.
Never, in any newspaper or media source in Canada or the United States, is there a mention that atrocities are often carried out because of some sort of Zionist agenda, Israel, or by “friends” of Israel and the United States. I put the word FRIENDS in quotes because these people really don't have friends, they are psychopaths. As Napoleon said... friendship is but a name. These people can be your friends today and turn on you tomorrow. They will work with anyone and they will stab anyone in the back if they have to.
Two examples of this are the attacks that happened in Norway and France. It is worth noting that both of these countries had gone on record as nourishing the Palestinians by acknowledging a two-state solution. See this post here. Also, watch this interesting video here with Benjamin Netanyahu. See this list of articles about ISIS, be sure to scroll down and go through them all.
The public floggings of journalists like Helen Thomas and Rick Sanchez, whose ordinary remarks about Jews earned them heaps of Jewish media scorn and more importantly, conveyed to the public that it is not beneficial to say anything about Zionism or Jews. The Roman orator Cicero said almost the same thing almost two thousand years ago.
The underlying psych-op message to the world from the France and Norway incidents is that if you actively work to oppose Israel, you could be brought down or punished at any time by intelligence agents, Jewish sayanim or lackey Gentile slaves who, whether they know it or not... have become an instrument of Zionist policy — which, in case you haven’t yet learned... is to enslave every non-Jew in the world. You can look it up. It’s in the Soncino Talmud (1929). Those who oppose this policy will face the consequences. (See here for a collection of articles on the Jewish Talmud, be sure to scroll down and go through them all.)
But because Zionist Jews either outright own or are the major shareholders of ALL the media in the western world — ALL the media in the western world, you heard it right; consider the distribution networks — you don’t hear that. (If you don't believe this, do the research yourself. It is the absolute truth. If you think the CBC in Canada is an exception to this, see here. While they do not "own the CBC," they run it and influence it like they do with taxpayer dollars.) You hear blind allegiance to the official version of events, or you will be ruined, if not killed.
This is the implementation of cognitive dissonance at its finest, as the blurring of political categories keeps everyone confused. Supposed Jewish "diversity" and "coexistence" at its best. CNN’s stories about ISIS terror attacks and murders or any terrorist attacks are now about as credible as Saddam having weapons of mass destruction or Germans gassing 6 million Jews during a period of time, demographics has shown, when the Jewish population of Europe increased.
Any decent research blows away the fragments of the long-discredited story of the 9/11 attacks. These attacks provided the lame excuse for the War on Terror against the entire Islamic world. Can’t you get it through your heads? All terror attacks must be looked at with a suspicious and critical eye. Organizations like the Mossad, the CIA and MI-6 are full of compulsive lying psychopaths that are above the law and do whatever they want.
But then, that’s not such a change in the facts on the ground. People have always been getting killed for their political beliefs. Many writers have commented that assassination has been the one political tool that has governed American history more than anything else.
Now, our countries are about to expire, bled to death by those who worship the bottom line and don’t care about anything else. Congratulate yourself for the role you have played in all this, and the silence you have displayed while participating. The policy of keeping silent, most people are afraid to contemplate, always eventually results in their own destruction or murder. It’s up to you to determine if you want to defend yourself and admit what’s really going on. Check out time is quickly approaching for those in power. Or, you can continue to take your cue from all those astute lackey commentators who still insist the system can be fixed if you just accept their well-considered suggestions.
It’s seriously past time to ask an even more serious question. Now that we know this rancid system can’t be fixed, look yourself in the eye and ask yourself if this hollow, ravaged, insincere, oblivious, poisoned, and looted vestige of what America used to be is, and I mean this sincerely, even worth saving? All America has become today in the world is a giant robotized Zionist war machine that kills people unjustly while its drugged and deluded populace looks the other way, refusing to admit they have become mindless puppets in a giant game show in which the host, picked at random from a giant pool of either Jewish organized crime or sayanim (many of whom are now federal judges), gets to say who lives or dies.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Zionist Terrorists & Jewish Psychopaths Who Need To Be Dealt With
Saturday, July 1, 2017
New Video Examples About Psychopaths In High Places In Our Society
Though no one wants to talk about it, it is all 100% connected to Zionism, Israel, and Freemasonry. People have to understand that Freemasonry connects to the intelligence agencies and it is all about Israel. Like I said before, the Stasi flag of East Germany is similar to Israel and the Masonic sign. It also goes right up to the Royal families and into the British Intelligence too. (See here and here.)
You will see them talk about Freemasonry in the video below, but very rarely --- if ever, will they say how many of these people are Jews. They are highly over-represented in the 1% of our society. (See here, here, here, here and here for more about the 1%.) It is something that must be addressed because they are the ones with the most political and economic power. They are also over-represented in banking and intelligence agencies, and in being so, have unreal control of the drug trade and organized crime.