Showing posts with label Psycho Silicon Valley Liars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psycho Silicon Valley Liars. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Watch Video Below About Joe Rogan: They Are Covering Up Torturing People -These People Need to Be Arrested or Hung For Treason

Be Sure to See Below

See here for a list of Silicon Valley individuals. They all know what is going on. Why do none of them say anything?  How Many Were at Trump's Inauguration? They are scum, they know this is happening. They sit on mounds of money lying to ALL OF YOU EVERY DAY.

See here for a list of individuals in the alternative media covering up DARPA tracking nanotechnology and satellite-based torture. These people are all scum of the earth.
Not one word. 

The internet is connected to www or 666.

What is the only flag in the
world with 666 on it? Israel. 

Here is a list of government agencies 

Watch the Video Below!

Watch this documentary, it was made by someone who used to work for Alex Jones. Alex Jones and Joe Rogan know about the history of human rights abuses with classified technology. 

See here and here for a list of these lying pieces of crap. See here for James Altucher the complete lying psychopath.  See here for a list of Silicon Valley scum. They all work for government agencies or they are connected to them somehow.  

All of these people are Satanic human waste, that is what they all have in common.  That is what the video below shows, Joe Rogan is a Satanist. All of them serve the evil Satanic system while they cover up torturing innocent people with nanotechnology via space-based weaponry, satellites, and radar.  See here for other lowlifes in Hollywood (Hollywood means magic wand,) involved in this and covering it up. They are scum.  Here is more about how it connects to the internet and slandering people

Here are some CSIS (Canada Intelligence,) videos showing them following people around.  

Here is some information about InfraGard and how they are a part of the FBI, they work with all the major corporations in the USA. See here for government documents about tagging and tracking with nanotechnology. 

The stalking game they are involved in reminds me of Videodrome, the Circle, the Running Man, or the Hunger Games. Check out the links below the video too. 

Lying Weasel Scum James Altucher

1. See this important post about intelligence and law enforcement abusing this technology (Women getting raped, videos with a medical doctor)
2. See another doctor confirming that Stasi organized stalking and smear tactics exist
See my blog with technology here

In the Movies: 

4. Gamer -controlling people
5. Videodrome - snuff and torture
6. Brainstorm - experiencing other people's emotions, seeing out their eyes
7. Surrogates - live through surrogates (people)
8. Anon - see out eyes of people, voyeurs, and police 
9. 8MM about Snuff and Porn

Loser Joe Rogan with the son of the
 founder of the Church of Satan

The Church of Satan is connected to Jewish causes. The symbol is surrounded by
Hebrew Letters. Samael and Lilith are from the Talmud and the Kabballah.
The inverted goat pentagram contains the Hebrew letters at the five points
 of the pentagram spelling out Leviathan the Sea Monster (לויתן).
See Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, the book of Job
 3:8, 40:15–41:26
Job 41:1–34, Isaiah 27:1, Psalms 74:14.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A List Of Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs That Needs to Be Seen For What They Really Are --- Evil Twisted Lying Psychopaths

See the Pictures Below!

Every single one of the individuals below knows about the classified and hi-technology on my blog. (See here and here for more about classified technology. See this video from a person from Silicon Valley talking about technology that many people do not know about. See here for more about former U.S. Representative from Ohio and candidate for the President of the United States Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons.)

This makes them traitors to their country. They are greedy scumbags who need to be shown out for what they are... LIARS. There are tons of smart people that can do what these people are doing. What makes the individuals that are below unique is their level of corruption and how they have sold their souls to the powers of this world. They are working with intelligence agencies, they would not be in the positions they are if they didn't. There has always been a close relationship between Silicon Valley and the Intelligence  Agencies. ( See here and here for more about this.) Facebook is a Zionist Stasi apparatus, people don't understand what these people are doing. (See here for more about dealing with Zionists.)

Some of the individuals below are also heavily associated with the Transhumanist movement. 

Transhumanism is literally being pushed by some of the biggest Silicon Valley companies, especially Google. (See hereherehere and here.)  They know what Transhumanism is, its connections to eugenics ---- and how it is being implemented on humanity without the public knowing.  See here and here for the connections between Transhumanism and Judaism. See here for some introductory videos about Transhumanism. See here for the Transhumanist category on my blog. Be sure to go through all of the articles. The other industry that some people below are involved in is drugs --- especially marijuana As any informed individual knows, the CIA has always been involved with drugs and organized crime. It is not a coincidence that this piece of crap had the forward written for his book by the ex-CEO of Twitter. James Altucher has connections with Jewish organized crime and the orthodox community, intelligence agencies, Wall Street and Silicon Valley. See here for more about Homeland Security, torture, political prisoners, classified technology and drug dealers. 

Here you can see the connections between drugs, organized crime, Silicon Valley, intelligence agencies and stalking losers in my local area. Like this and this shows, Silicon Valley has always had close connections to the intelligence industry. 

For the most part, but not always.... you will often find that most of the people that are engaging in stalking and using classified technology are Zionists
(Jews or Gentiles that are supporters of Israel.) Why? Well, one of the reasons is because it's literally a part of Homeland Security. See here for more about how fighting "GLOBAL Antisemitism" is a part of American foreign policy. See here and here for the Jewish hand behind the internet. See here for how Israel backdoored everything. None of the individuals below seem to think it matters that a bunch of people are being tortured with electromagnetic weapons and their brains are being beamed out like a live radio station to a bunch of stalking psychopaths. (See here for more about Mark Zuckerberg talking about synthetic telepathy, see here for more about Facebook and typing with your thoughts.) 

This is exactly what is happening, this is not an overstatement at all. THIS IS WHAT THE MEDIA IS COVERING UP. This is how some of these sick assholes get off, torturing people and watching it like a reality TV showA good example of this is shown in the movie "The Circle." But, it is actually much, much worse because the technology is more advanced and dangerous. They can get nanotechnology inside your body and transmit electromagnetic waves and sound waves right into you. They can literally control the minds of people. In fact, mind control was already possible in the '60s with microwaves.  Watch this documentary to learn more about this. A good example is the Jose Delgado experiments with the bull, also see this clip from CNN from the '80s and this old newspaper article from the New York Times. This technology is extremely advanced now. See here for a list.

This is how sad countries like the United States and Canada have become, it is absolutely sickening and pathetic. This is the modern-day Stasi Octopus, it starts at the top with the intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley and works its way down. It involves everyone from businessmen and women, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, government employees, trades personnel, (for example; pest control or property management,) law enforcement, drug dealers, writers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, actors, sports figures, priests and religious leaders, addiction recovery groups, university professors, waiters and hotel personnel. This is exactly what it was like in East Germany. There isn't one group they didn't infiltrate. Now your society has become just as sad, our countries have turned into Stasi nightmares. 

Sergey Brin- Jewish
Larry Page- Jewish

Former CEO of Google

Jim Lanzone, CEO of Yahoo Inc.

Elon Musk 
(Probably Jewish)
(Now owns Twitter or X)

Used to be CEO of Twitter

Jeff Weiner-Jewish

Managing Partner at The Founders Fund

Jimmy Wales-Jewish

Kevin Systrom-Jewish 
co-founded Instagram

Max Levchin-Jewish
Cofounder PayPal

Adam Mosseri-Jewish
CEO of Instagram

Sam Altman -Jewish
CEO of Open AI

Mark Pincus-Jewish
Founder of Zynga, a mobile social gaming company. Pincus also
 founded the startups Freeloader, Inc., Tribe Networks, and

Steve Ballmer-Jewish
ex CEO of Microsoft

Monday, July 20, 2020

Masonic Brotherhood in Silicon Valley

Update: Twitter took down two of my accounts in two days, both of the ones below.  Here is the newest one


Anyone who has any good feelings about Twitter and the absolute loser that runs it, it is time for you to question your beliefs. This guy (Jack Dorsey,) is a royal piece of shit. Not only have they closed down tons of my accounts (just closed down my latest account,) for literally doing nothing, but, all the head brass at Twitter know exactly what is happening to me and they gang up on me.

They know I am telling you people the truth and they hate it. Jack Dorsey is not only a scumbag, he is a greedy evil psychopath, just like the majority of people at the top of the organizations in Silicon Valley. This is also why Joe Rogan got his 100 million dollar deal with Spotify, it's because of the Silicon Valley scumbags he had on his show. (See here and here for at least two of them. See here for how they are both in my list of shit bags in Silicon Valley.)

Many of these Silicon Valley assholes are pretty much from Hell. They are involved in eugenics and human experimentation. They are all involved with Transhumanism. (See their Masonic symbols below, the "profane" or "average Joe's" don't know this.) They are also censoring people that tell the truth about how screwed up the United States government and intelligence agencies really are. They are utterly privileged trash that laugh in the face of their customers and fans.

(See symbols below!) All the Masonic brotherhood in Silicon Valley, (tied to end of days and the advanced technology that is bringing it about.)

CIA Motto with Eagle of Rome: Etched into the wall of the original building's main lobby is a Biblical verse which also characterizes the intelligence mission in a free society. It reads:""And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."" John VIII-XXXII

Central Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia

Microsoft (33 and the Cross) 

Facebook and Tubal Cain, beside the Tubal Cain of
the British Intelligence which is 007 (Two Balls and a Cain)

Silicon Valley Freemasonry All
 Connected to Intelligence Agencies

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Jewish Hand Behind the Internet: Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, eBay...

Besides the article below, see here for the connections between Intelligence Agencies, Transhumanism and Silicon Valley and Internet Companies. Also see here for more about Transhumanism. (Transhumanism actually originates from the practice of eugenics, also see here for connections between Judaism and eugenics.) It should also be mentioned that many Silicon Valley and technology companies like Microsoft, IBM, Google, Facebook and Intel have strong relationships with the state of Israel. Just do a little research on the internet and you'll easily find this out.

In the following document, we will give an insight into the Jewish penetration of the Internet and also show the level of cooperation between leading Jewish Internet entrepreneurs and the racist Jewish Apartheid state of Israel.

The Jews - contrary to the "liberal" views they officially say they profess - in their suppressive acts practically demonstrate that they always seek to dominate the information flow, they don´t tolerate any dissent. It is just as when Israel says "Shalom" while Israel´s military at the very same time pounds its Arab neighbor states with bombs and missiles.

The Arabs have learned the hard way the falsehood of these Jewish statements, it is now time for the rest of the non-Jewish world to get this right, and to see that the freedom of information on the Net is seriously threatened. 

This document will not cover the entire field. Also, as it is time-bound to an analysis that is from a 2009 perspective - things will change. 

Companies will change names, new actors will appear. But still, this piece of work is unique and will give a guide into the mechanisms behind the Net, mechanisms that will continue to act even in the future. And as many of these Jewish entrepreneurs are rather young and the Internet seems to be here to stay, we will hear from them for a long time onward.