Showing posts with label Amalek Enemy of the Jews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amalek Enemy of the Jews. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Originally Published in 2017: Absolute Must Watch Video For Canadians and Americans

Who Was the Second Country to Recognize the State of Israel After the USA?
The Communist USSR.

The video below is an absolute MUST-WATCH for people who live in Canada and the United States. What you will see in the video is the exact same mentality that I have seen from some Zionists in Canada and the United States. They have no regard for the lives of those who oppose their lies and dictatorial rule. Let me clarify --- this is not about "coexistence" and abiding by the golden rule. This is what most normal people want but not some of these psychopathic Zionist dirtballs.

This is about resisting their rule over you. See here for more about Amalek. Judaism has a historical connection to slavery and usury. See how some of them used to sell slaves on Wall Street. This is also why they are the major ones behind Transhumanism, (see here and here,) some of these people want slaves. They just can't do it in the way they used to. They have to be much more sneaky because they know that you would revolt against them. Some of these people are liars beyond anything that most people have ever experienced. Don't you see how all of this is connected?

The system has been set up to find those who are politically knowledgeable and awake to their lies. They have set up tons of websites that are fronts. Once they find you, they get nanotechnology inside you, and then they contact people around you and begin to stalk, harass, and slander you all while shooting you with electromagnetic weapons. (See these government documents showing the technology.) The Internet is a part of this program. The internet is being used like Mao's Hundred Flowers Campaign. You must learn about this.

Essentially, it is a strategy of allowing a stage of liberalization and relative amounts of free expression in order to locate where their political opponents are. They are beginning to clamp down now. This is a Communist strategy and many of the techniques they are using come right out of East Germany. See here, here, here and here for the connections between Jews, Bolsheviks, the Cheka and the Stasi. The modern-day Homeland Security is an extension of this.

 'The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.' ---- Vladimir Lenin

Here is the technology they use and here are the Stasi techniques they use when they find you.

Many of these Zionists are liars and they know this. Amazingly, this is exactly what they are defending. Their right to keep you ignorant and as their slave while they lie to your face. They don't care about the truth. They think they can do whatever they want and that YOU, their good little obedient slave ---- will never do a damn thing about it. They are complete psychopaths.

They will kill your dog and go after your family and make jokes about it. Remember, they are terrorists. Modern terrorism was invented by Jews and the state of Israel was born in blood. (See herehere, here and here.)

Once again, I am not saying all Jews are doing this, or that they are all participating.  

What I am saying is that Jews and Judaism have a history of terrorist acts that exceed Islam.(See hereherehereherehereherehere and here for more about this.) Zionist terrorists are being given a blank check in North America. These extremists are allowed to persecute people in the United States and Canada and no one will say anything about it.  It just shows you the level of power they have in North America.

Some of these people are literally at war with the population of Canada and the United States. This is why the FBI is saying this and this and why the Anti-Defamation League is so concerned about potential "anti-government sentiments." This is what Homeland Security is about. (Also see here.) Listen to this interview to learn more about this. Anyone who is politically aware knows this is the truth. This is happening right now! 

For more videos like the one below please go here.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Bloodthirsty Sick People

The picture below says it all. 

See herehere and here for more examples of this. Also, see here for how Israel is the only country in the world to automatically prosecute children in military courts that lack basic safeguards for a fair trial. See here for how Israel tortures Palestinian children and keeps them in outdoor cages in winter. See here and here for what some Rabbi's say about the "Goyim" and Amalek. See here and here for the "wisdom of the Jewish Sages." See here for an excellent short video of an honest Israeli talking about the problems with the Talmud, Judaism, and Israel.

Israel... a shining light to the world? Give me a break. I think you have a little work to do. See here for more about Judaism and here for more about the Talmud which produces this sort of behavior. 

The funny thing is, generally speaking, Israeli Jews are more honest about Judaism and the state of Israel. Many decent critics of Israel or Judaism comes from Israel. Even the newspapers in Israel are much more honest because they know that very few Gentiles read them.

It must be remembered, Jews in Canada and the United States have tremendous amounts of political and economic power ---- and yet, they hardly ever say a word about any of this. Then some of them have the nerve to say that "Trump" is a Nazi. Sure. Or even worse, for the Anti-Defamation League to say some of the most idiotic crap known to mankind every time someone criticizes Jews or Israel for their outlandish abuses of power.

Click on the Picture Above to Enlarge

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Kill Amalek: The Jewish "Hate" Campaign Against Perceived Threats

Below is a video that talks about the Jewish hate campaign against perceived threats to Judaism. This applies to critics of Judaism and the state of Israel. This persecution of critics of  Israel is being carried out under Homeland Security in the United States and Bill C-51 in Canada. The reality is, Zionists are the aggressors. As I have pointed out before, they don't have to do this... there are other ways to solve their problems. They are just psychopaths who love having power over people.

They do this because of the insane ideas in Judaism that are hidden from the majority of the public. They cannot allow the public to find out the true nature of Judaism and Israel. Think about it, people that have a difference of opinion do not go to such lengths to snuff out their opposition. They have open debates and discussions about their ideas and differences. That is true tolerance. They do not say "this topic is undebatable." They are not a cult like Zionism is.  Their "COEXIST" campaign is nothing but a meaningless slogan. 

Christians maintain Jesus was the Passover Lamb, a “HUMAN” sacrifice for the sins of all. This being so, it is important for everyone to know that some of the Talmudic Jews think of Gentiles as. Especially those that are seen as Amalek (For proof of this, see here under the heading of Wars, law 611 to 613 at the bottom of the page. Also, watch the videos herehere and here to see how they treat those they perceive as Amalek in Israel.) 

See the Wikipedia write-up for more about the Passover sacrifice of the sacrificial lamb or goat. See here for more about the sin offering and Jesus.

See here for the hidden secret of Israel and Judaism - what they don't want you to know. See here for a complete list of posts about the little known or talked about Jewish Talmud that fuels their ideology and actions. See this article for more about militant Zionism, Homeland Security, and organized stalking. There you will see the actual Talmudic reference to Amalek.

Once again, I am not saying all Jews are doing this, or that they are all participating. What I am saying is that Jews and Judaism have a history of terrorist acts that exceed Islam. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.)  Zionist terrorists are being given a blank check in North America, especially Canada. These extremists are allowed to persecute people in Canada and no one will say anything about it. (See here and here for more information.)

It just shows you the level of power they have in North America.