Showing posts with label Autism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autism. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Dr. Martin Pall & Dr. Paul Dart, M.D. Oregon House of Rep. Health Committee Presentation on Microwaves

Besides the article below, see the articles here and here about being targeted with electromagnetic energy and the resulting symptoms. See this previous post for a whole bunch of links to check out about directed energy microwave weapons. See here and here for more information about psychotronic weaponry and electromagnetic weapons. See here and here for more information about classified technology, mind control, and electromagnetic weapons. Also, see here for an article about how exposure to electromagnetic fields could be the real cause of autism.


Professor Emeritus Dr. Martin Pall Washington State University wrote a series of white papers, starting with this one in 2013 detailing the reasons for why the harmful biological health effects of microwaves are not listed anywhere.

The chief reason is, the countries of the world have the information classified for national security reasons, likely so they could weaponize it and use it for surveillance while denying knowledge to the public on it. There is no other reason behind them wishing to maintain secrecy about it, because in general, only the governments have the power to develop or use technologies capable of manipulating the electromagnetic spectrum. "Microwave Electromagnetic Fields Act by Activating Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels: Why the Current International Safety Standards Do Not Predict Biological Hazard" mentions specifically why the non-thermal effects of microwave radiation are classified and hidden:

"Barrie Trower, a retired military intelligence expert from the U.K. has stated that different wavelengths vary in their biological activities as well, but the specifics are all classified by multiple countries because of “national security.” The problem, of course, is that this does not help the security of our bodies." Microwave sources include military radar, satellites, cell phones, WiFi, microwave towers, electronic warfare, and others mentioned in the document.

Some effects of microwaves include: the activation of voltage-gated calcium channels intracell, which causes the release of calcium which is converted to nitrous oxide and superoxide. Symptoms include a variety of health effects such as headaches, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, autism, cancer, DNA/brain damage, depressed melatonin production, etc. "A whole series of biological changes reportedly produced by microwave exposures can now be explained in terms of this new paradigm of EMF action via VGCC activation, including: oxidative stress; single and double stranded breaks in cellular DNA; therapeutic effects; blood-brain barrier breakdown; greatly depressed melatonin levels and sleep disruption; cancer; male and female infertility; immune dysfunction; neurological dysfunction; cardiac dysfunction including tachycardia, arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death."

Dr. Paul Dart from Eugene Oregon, has also authored a paper on the biological health effects, or a review of the literature, on microwave radiation exposure. Entitled: "BIOLOGICAL AND HEALTH EFFECTS OF MICROWAVE RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSMISSIONS A REVIEW OF THE RESEARCH LITERATURE" "Research at the military radar installation in Akrotiri, Cyprus, showed that residents of exposed villages had markedly increased incidence of migraine, headache, dizziness, and depression, and significant increases in asthma, heart problems, and other respiratory problems. (Preece et al., 2007)" People exposed to military radar signals, ie electronic warfare have died from more disease, cancer, lymphoreticular cancer and die at greater levels than those with no exposure or less exposure: "Figure 4: Mortality (1950–1974) in U.S. Navy Korean War Veterans, stratified by inservice levels of occupational radar exposure. (Cherry, 2002a, after Robinette, 1980) A study performed for the U.S. military published data comparing a cohort of 20,000 Korean War veterans with higher occupational exposure levels to RF/MW exposure to 208,000 Korean war veterans with minimal occupational exposure during their service years. Mortality statistics were reviewed for the interval between 1950 and 1974. (Robinette et al., 1980)

This data shows that the group with the highest rated occupational exposure level (aviation electronic technicians) had a significantly higher total death rate during the study period, and a higher death rate from disease, from malignancy, and from lymphatic and hematopoetic malignancies. (Goldsmith, 1997a) A study of Polish career military personnel from 1971 – 1985 showed double the risk of cancer in personnel with occupational exposure to RF/MW transmission, as compared other personnel. The exposed cohort had higher morbidity rates for GI cancers (Observed versus Expected Ratio = 3.19 – 3.24), brain tumors (OER = 1.91), and hematopoetic malignancy (OER = 6.31), including chronic myelocytic leukemia (OER = 13.9), acute myeloblastic leukemia (OER = 8.62), and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (OER = 5.82). (Szmigielski, 1996)" (one of my MDs personally co-authored the paper with Dr. Paul Dart and other Eugene MDs, during the fight against smart meter installation which we ultimately mostly won).

Dr. Martin Pall and Dr. Paul Dart were called in to testify on this issue to Oregon's House of Representatives Health Committee February 24th, 2014. Watch and listen to the video below:

Microwave Radiation Dangers In Your Home

Besides the video below, See the articles here and here about being targeted with electromagnetic energy and the resulting symptoms. See this previous post for a whole bunch of links to check out about directed energy microwave weapons. See here and here for more information about psychotronic weaponry and electromagnetic weapons. See here and here for more information about classified technology, mind control, and electromagnetic weapons. Also, see here for an article about how exposure to electromagnetic fields could be the real cause of autism.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Is Exposure To Electromagnetic Fields The Real Cause Of Autism?

Note: In addition to the following article, please see here, herehere, here and here.

Posted by Lloyd Burrell

There are so many unpleasant diseases in the world who can say that cancer is worse than motor neuron disease, or that Parkinson’s is worse than Alzheimer’s, or that a brain tumor is worse than a defective pancreas? One thing I do know, in my book anyway, is that child diseases are worse than so-called adult diseases.  Seeing kids being cheated of a normal life is always heartbreaking. Autism is one of these child diseases.

Autism And Electromagnetic Radiation

Autism, a neural developmental disorder, may be apparent soon after birth but usually appears within the first three years.  It is characterized by impaired communication and social skills.
What is alarming is the rate at which this disease is developing. There has been nearly 60 fold increase since the late 1970s, but the most significant increases in the past decade.
All sorts of explanations have been put forward. Genetics,  mercury, vaccines,  the psychological state of the mother and even an inability to break down a certain protein in milk are all said to be possible triggers. But another less talked about cause is electromagnetic fields.


Several studies have pinpointed this risk.  Robert Kane in 2004 and  a 2007 study published in the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine identified electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) from cell phones and similar wireless technologies as an accelerating factor in autism.
Delbert Parkinson who has 54 years of experience in the electronics field and has worked for a number of years for the US Department of Defense, like me, firmly believes that EMFs have a lot to answer.
His particular bone to pick is with EMFs and autism. Below I would like to share with you a few short videos where Delbert gives rather a good explanation of the link between EMFs and autism.
Delbert Parkinson: “Good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Delbert Parkinson. I live in Lacey Washington and my endeavor is to explain to you what causes autism. I have worked for 54 years in the electronics field.  For most of my career, I have provided technical and logistic support to the US Department of Defense on terrestrial and tactical satellites systems around the world. I have also worked on atmospheric and seismographic detection systems for measuring above ground nuclear detonations levels and checking for intercontinental ballistic missile lift off locations.


I will try to explain to you what I believe is the cause of the current epidemic in autism, in autism spectrum disorders including Asperger syndrome. I’m sorry to say but I can’t cure autism or Asperger syndrome because I believe in my heart and mind that it is an electromagnetic radiation problem. In my estimation, most children spend most of their first 2 -3 years in and around their homes. For this very reason, we must take a closer look at the conditions of our homes to determine if there is something there that is hurting our children’s’ health.

More Electromagnetic Gadgets In The Home – More Autism

I don’t think that it is a coincidence that the number of children suffering from Autism spectrum disorders has increased as typical households acquire more and more gadgets that emit stronger and stronger electromagnetic radiations. You cannot see these electromagnetic radiations, EMR, but I will show you where you can find them in your homes by using my electromagnetic field meter. The FCC does not oversee the EMF or EMR exposures to common household appliances including microwave ovens, television sets computer monitors and cordless phones.”

Delbert Parkinson: “We’ve talked about the electromagnetic emissions that are in my house from different appliances and equipment, but now I want to go into a basic course on how the brain works. The brain consists of typical nerve cells which at one end have 4 to 5 synaptic gaps where the communication occurs. The brain also contains Glial cells, there’s only about 1 to 50 trillion of these cells in the brain. The brain has approximately 100 billion cells.
The important thing about this whole presentation is talking about the Limbic system of the brain. The Limbic system communicates through the hypothalamus and goes out to the frontal cortex of the brain. This is where the entire decision-making process takes place. The Limbic system starts in the middle of the brain. The brain, as you know, is the world’s greatest computer, it is just unbelievable when you study this. But I am going to show you what the Limbic system controls: happiness, smelling, sensory input, pleasure, and addiction and it’s required for decision making.

EMFs From Your TV Damage Your Limbic System

Now the reason that the Limbic system controls all those and that autism children cannot do few or any of those is because they’ve sat for 2 to 4 hours for half of their lives in front of a television that radiates electromagnetic radiation and gives their frontal lobe, the front of their brain, an electronic lobotomy and it is terrible. Let me explain the electronics of the action potentials in the nerve cell. We start at -70mV, when we get a stimulus what happens is the Sodium channel opens, Potassium channel closes and we trigger and we go up to a plus 30mV level.
All these are very very low voltage and that’s the whole endeavor of my research here is to show you that the 100 billion neuron cells in the brain are operating at -70mV to 30 mV, a thousand of a Volt. The action potential comes down the neuron and it is perpetuated through the center of the cell and out to the end, to the synapses. And at this time, the voltage fires a chemical reaction and it is the chemical reaction that goes across this opening to enable the next neuron.”

The US frequency Allocation Chart Of Electromagnetic Radiation

Delbert Parkinson: “This is a United States Frequency allocation chart that is put out by the government; Department of Commerce. There are 420 channels of electromagnetic radiation put out around and in America. This radio spectrum goes from basically 3 kilohertz to 300 gigahertz and they fit into the radio spectrum which is a frequency spectrum around the world. There’s infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays, but these 420 channels fit into this radio spectrum.  150 years ago the radio spectrum was zero: there were no radiations put out. There were very few radio stations, no TVs, it was a blank slate.
My endeavor is to show you how many radiations are between me and the camera. This is a little 15 band, RadioShack radio and when I turn it on and as I go down the dial, each one of these radio stations you hear is electromagnetic radiations from all over. We can go on for an hour listening to them because there are approximately 350 different radiations coming into my house 150, according to my estimation and my 54 years of electronics, 150 of these are strong enough to overcome your corona field: they are very dangerous. But the levels of these radio signals are basically down, around -70 to -80 DBM.
The radiation coming off the TV is very high. The TV spectrum in channel 6 is 78 megahertz and according to my friend doctor Henry Lai, he stipulates that man, on average --- a 6-foot man, the absorption of the maximum power for man is 78 megahertz. That’s man’s resident frequency. If you are in the TV area on Channel 6 you will absorb a majority of that electromagnetic radiation.”

Can Electromagnetic Radiation Be The Real Cause
Of Autism And What Can You Do About It

I do think that EMFs go some way to explaining the spike in autism rates we are currently experiencing. I think the degree to which EMFs are causal varies from case to case.
The point is EMFs impact our health and those of our children in ways in which we are only just beginning to discover. If you are concerned on this issue my advice is to limit your exposure to electromagnetic radiation.