Showing posts with label Hollywood Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hollywood Movies. Show all posts

Sunday, August 2, 2020

“The Technology” of Project Brainstorm As Depicted in 1983 Movie, “Brainstorm:”

To see some clips from this movie and a short series from CNN, go here.  Also be sure to watch this documentary about the history of cybernetics and human experimentation. See here for the movie "Anon," see here for the movie Gamer, see here for more about Surrogates.

A machine, the protagonist of the 1983 movie, “Brainstorm,” bears a striking resemblance to “the technology” deployed in global gangstalking-electronic torture-mind control operations described on this website. The fact that this film was made in 1981 and came out in 1983 indicates how old this “technology” really is. We may consider the film as predictive programming for the masses.

Of special note:

1) “the machine” allows one individual to see through the eyes and hear through the ears of another individual, thus potentially transforming the second individual into a piece of surveillance equipment. This dynamic is reported by innumerable “targeted individuals.”

2) “the machine” is quickly coopted by the military, specifically the US Air Force and NASA, for purposes of espionage and warfare.

3) The machine is used for brainwashing purposes.

4) The machine uses electronic surveillance, trauma, dream states, and physical pain and is capable of creating chaotic and psychotic episodes and psychotic breaks in targets’ brains. 

From movie notes:

This machine can record your thoughts and sensations on tape, or to any person.

New York Times Review/Summary of Movie Plot:

IN a button-pusher’s paradise, replete with the dazzling array of hardware that ”Brainstorm” so effectively utilizes, a group of scientists is poised on the brink of an astonishing discovery. They have created a device that allows one person to experience vicariously the sensations of others. If Person A, wearing a specially designed helmet, eats a piece of steak with nuts, chocolate sauce and marshmallow on top (that’s the meal used in the experiment), Person B can taste the same stuff and share in the same indigestion.

When the scientists discover that their invention actually works, they excitedly drink a toast to its seemingly endless possibilities. ”Brainstorm,” which opens today at the Ziegfeld and other theaters, follows the scientists as they then discover that there are less purely research- minded individuals, in the military and in industry, who can imagine more sinister uses for the device. It also follows Dr. Michael Brace (Christopher Walken), one of the inventors, and his wife, Karen (Natalie Wood), as their marriage falters. But mostly it follows the helmet itself, since this is indeed the movie’s real star.

Douglas Trumbull, the special-effects wizard, has devised an unusually varied high-tech look for ”Brainstorm.” The laboratory where the scientists work looks amazingly sophisticated but also very lived in; the helmet itself is refined from a collection of lights and wires and lenses to something streamlined and sleek. Later on, when an automated assembly line is established to mass produce these machines, Mr. Trumbull makes its very immaculateness seem sinister. And when the place is sabotaged, it becomes a sudsy mess, which in this orderly and detail-conscious film, seems even more wicked than it would anywhere else.

The most special of the effects are, of course, reserved for those images provided by the helmet. To say that this device captures the ultimate sensation is hardly hyperbolic, since one of the scientists, while experiencing a heart attack, manages to slip into the apparatus and switch on its recording equipment. Mr. Trumbull can’t convey this for real, thank goodness. But he can certainly make believable the frightening and then euphoric fireworks that explode across the screen.

REVIEW by Roger Ebert:

“Brainstorm” … begins with the invention of an amazing machine that gives you the impression you are actually having somebody else’s experience. Plug into it, and you hear, see, feel, touch and smell whatever’s been programmed. What’s more, it’s telepathic; it can take those sensations out of one mind and channel them into another.

The applications are endless. In one demonstration, the wearer believes he is being chased down a mountain road by a runaway truck, and then his car misses a curve and goes sailing through the air. There also are the usual stunts like putting you in the front seat of a roller coaster. But then there’s a complication. One of the scientists who developed the gadget inadvertently records her own death. And when her colleagues play back her recording, they have the death experience, too.


Inventor of “machine” (Christopher Walken) tries to hack into computer program to find out what is being done with his invention by the military.

Here is the computer code he uses to hack into the machine:

Project Brainstorm

Defense Instrument Research Group
Raleigh, NC
Electronic Surveillance
Classified R and D

Flight Data Recording- NASA 6011
Adhesives- Heat Shield 2212
Mylar Nose Cone Sealant- USAF
Related Processes- See File DX09

SECURITY: Top Level Entry







Dialogue from Movie:

Project Coordinator Talking:

“In a few moments you will have an experience which will seem completely real. It will be the result of your subconscious fears transformed to your conscious awareness. Warning: this tape must not be played by government personnel. It can be extremely harmful and result in severe trauma.”

Inventor of machine (Christopher Walken): “I can’t believe it. They are using my invention for brainwashing people.”

Doctor to parents of 11 year old boy who put on the machine:

“This boy has had a serious psychotic break. He’ll come out of it and he’ll be OK. But I think you better go home and take a rest because we are going to have to watch him a couple days under sedation.”

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Spielberg's Hoax - The Last Days of The Big Lie

Besides the video below, see this post here, see this comment from Oliver Stone about the Holocaust, see this to learn about a woman who has more guts than most men. See here to learn about the hidden history of Zionism and how they worked with the Nazi's. See here to learn about the Zionist Transfer Agreement. See here to learn about Jewish Nazi's in World War II.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Movie ANON an example of Technology I Am Talking About

Must See Video Clips Below!

See below for a preview from the movie ANON. The movie ANON has technology in it that is 100% real and is being used right now by intelligence agencies! What they have right now is the equivalence of the movie Gamer and Surrogates. It is all being covered up from you. Just as a thought experiment, you already know that Google earth can see into your backyard or see your house, that technology is absolutely ancient and was sold to Google by the CIA. Now they are watching out your eyes, (see this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes, what they have now is much more advanced. They can see CLEARLY OUT YOUR EYES NOW.They have access to your thoughts and your vital statistics and they are watching your family.  

Imagine being able to "dial" into a person and listen or see their thoughts read out, not so hard to believe once you realize that everyone can easily be tied to something similar to a phone number or an I.P. address. This is also what they talk about in the movie Gamer(See here for more about classified technology. See here and here for more about microwave weaponry.) 

Right now there are mini nanotechnology cameras floating around everywhere. (See here for a quick introduction.)  Who has access to this technology? Zionist spies. I'm sorry it is just the truth. There are a bunch of people acting like our friends who are actually spies and know all of this is happening. They are all over our society. They have access to our brains and our houses. They could be watching you, your family or your kids. EVEN WORSE, IT COULD BE A FAMILY MEMBER OR YOUR SPOUSE! I am totally serious about this, this is exactly what is happening right now. See here for more about organized stalking techniques. They will not tell you the truth because they are compulsive lying weasels. They are trained to lie. Do not trust anyone. Even your spouses and so-called best friendsYES, IT IS CREEPY AS HELL. It is absolutely amazing that our governments and the media are covering this up from the population and guess what? WE PAY FOR IT! This is what our tax dollars go to in the intelligence agencies.

Right now they can record your whole life. They also have the ability to manipulate you with microwaves and synthetic telepathy. This manipulation can be done by a computer to human connection, or multiple humans connected to another human when they are all connected to a computer. See hereherehere and here for more about connecting brains: merging two brains to become one --- or the ethical implications of when "I" becomes "We."  What can you do when you change the EEG of another person? Effectively, two brains become one. 
See this video with Jose Delgado controlling a bull with a brain-computer-interface in the 60's. See this video from CNN from the 80's about mind control. 

Light can be measured, (photons,) minds can be read, thoughts can be sent. If you can think a thought, you can send it. Just like writing an email with your mind. Zuckerberg is saying it here, he's just not telling you the whole story. Also see here for another article with Mark Zuckerberg referring to synthetic telepathy. See here for a video from Facebook about typing with your thoughts. See here for a Cisco ad that talks about this technology. See here for more about synthetic biology, programming and computation.  See here for more about DARPA guinea pigs and brain-computer interfaces. See here for more about wires in the brain. 

See herehere and here for more about using contact lenses and glasses along with nanotechnology. 

(See here, where the physicist Dr. John Morgan says 2 minutes and 10 seconds into the video, that all natural things emit radio waves. Watch this video with Michael Persinger where he talks about how light and photons can be measured. Also, take notice in this video when the physicist mentions that the brain "radiates" radio.)

Monday, February 6, 2017

Gamer: Some Interesting Information About Classified Technology From Hollywood

Watch Videos Below!

Has anyone seen the movie Gamer? If you haven't read the Wikipedia of the Plot. Check out the video clip below. What you see in that movie is very similar to what they can do with this classified technology, you see him talking about nanotechnology and sending messages to others, he is actually referring to synthetic telepathy. 

As Michael Persinger mentions in this video, light can be measured, minds can be read, thoughts can be sent. If you can think it, you can send it. Just like writing an email with your mind. Zuckerberg is saying it here, he is just not telling you the whole storyAlso see here for another article with Mark Zuckerberg referring to synthetic telepathy and here for more about typing with your thoughts from Facebook.  
See here for a Cisco ad that talks about this technology. See here for connecting brains: merging two brains to become one --- or the ethical implications of when "I" becomes "We." 

See this collection of links about using thought to influence something. See this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes. What they have now is even more advanced. See here for more about nanotechnology, see here for more about full spectrum dominance. See my previous post about DARPA guinea pigs. See here for more about linking processors with light. See here and here about how they can engineer a virus or a bacteria that you "catch" so "THEY" can do this to you. They can also do it by injection, as the top video shows at the link here.

This is bio-warfare being practiced right out in the open in Canada and the United States, (really all over the world,) and of course, no one does anything because we live in Banana Republic dumps. This should be all over the news, it is an epidemic. 

But who has the strongest influence over the news? Take a wild guess

We must demand transparency in the media and the governments. We must not tolerate this. The sad part is we pay for a lot of this with our tax dollars! This is being used by politically connected individuals, mostly the wealthy, organized crime and intelligence. This is what the CSE in Canada hide from us. (They are the Canadian version of the NSA. See here and here for more about the CSE.) THEY WORK FOR US! 

Bruce Willis Surrogates: Another Example of Classified Technology

Watch the video clip below. Think of the surrogates as real human beings, once they get nanotechnology inside of you, this is what they can do. See here for more about DARPA guinea pigs. (See here for more about full spectrum dominance and reality TV torture.) See here for more about controlling someone. See here, here and here about bio-warfare. See here and here for more about nanotechnology and biowarfare. See here for more about brain-computer interfaces.  See this collection of links about using thought to influence something.

If you can think a thought, you can send it. Just like writing an email with your mind. Zuckerberg is saying it here, he's just not telling you the whole story. Also see here for another article with Mark Zuckerberg referring to synthetic telepathy. See here for a Cisco ad that talks about this technology. See this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes. What they have now is even more advanced.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hollywood Showing You Some Truth About Mind Reading, Nanotechnology and the Stasi

Well not directly, but I will help you to understand it. First off, pay attention starting specifically at the 4:30 area of the video here.

This is what I have been talking about here, here, here, here, and here. Scientists working at the University of Southern California have created an artificial memory system that allows thoughts, memories, and learned behavior to be transferred from one brain to another.  Using nanoparticles and a magnetic field, (see here and here for more about magnetic fields and how they can influence our behavior.) University of Buffalo scientists are able to make worms move in any direction they dictate simply by heating clusters of nanoparticles inside them. (See here for how the mind has no firewall.)

Has anyone seen the movie Gamer? If you haven't read the Wikipedia of the Plot. Check out this video and this video clip. What you see in that movie is very similar to what they can do with this classified technology. In the first video clip, you see him talking about nanotechnology and sending messages to others, he is actually referring to synthetic telepathy. As Michael Persinger mentions in this video, light can be measured, (photons,) minds can be read, thoughts can be sent. If you can think it, you can send it. Just like writing an email with your mind. Zuckerberg is saying it here, he is just not telling you the whole story. Also, what he talks about with nanotechnology and smart dust, this too is real. See here. DARPA is behind this. See my previous post for DARPA guinea pigs. See here for more about linking processors with light. See this previous post about how they could engineer a virus or a bacteria that you "catch" and essentially begins to turn you into a robotic zombie.

Another interesting movie to look at is A Scanner Darkly. Check out the video clip here. It is the trailer for A Scanner Darkly. This movie is a clear demonstration of how a group of people are monitoring the public at large. (See here for more.) It also loosely shows the compartmentalization of information within the program of the Stasi society that they have set up, as no one knows who the other guy is. The system is designed to pit the public against the public. That's the point. The people that run Hollywood are showing you the truth in an esoteric way. This is a part of the "program" of the Stasi stalking takedown.

Now, the question is --- do you become a complete robot if this gets into your body? Well, first off, you have to realize that it replicates inside your body and begins to rewrite your DNA. This is why people might begin to have health issues too, like stomach and brain problems etc. I suspect, beyond the torture that is being inflicted on targets, that health problems are from an overabundance of foreign particles in the body. It literally starts making you into a robot. The nanotechnology are mini-computers that communicate with each other. See this article about the military ties between Canada and Israel and how they are weaponizing nanotechnology. (The same can be said about the United States.)

Obviously, It is most effective when someone doesn't know that it is inside of them or that they are being influenced or controlled. For example, you think to yourself, you want to go outside and sit on the porch, so you get up and go. You have an attraction for someone or something... BUT, was it your thought for real? This is difficult to describe and is the most mind blowing part of this technology. It seems unreal but it's not difficult to believe once someone shows you the technology exists.

When you speak or consciously think, the required neurons and generated EM waveforms in your brain are modulated/digitized (just like a computer modem) and transmitted in real time to an intelligence agent at a command center. See here, here and here for patents. The intelligence agent or handler would connect to and receive the subject's signal and essentially merge minds electromagnetically --- for lack of a better description, resulting in one signal, but two minds, (or two CPU's if you will.) It's more complicated than that, but, Michael Persinger, who has worked with the CIA, describe it here. See also his paper "On The Possibility Of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain By Electromagnetic Induction Of Fundamental Algorithms"

So in this capacity, the handler would be able to think a thought and the subject would think the same thought in parallel, speak a phrase and the subject would then speak the same phrase. It is not 100% guaranteed action because the subject may ultimately decide not to say or do something, so paralleling is partially suggestive in nature. But it is very powerful because of how magnetic fields can influence people and their behavior.

The best way to think of paralleling is a technical support guy connecting to laptop remotely to fix it. You can still use your computer, but so can he, so sometimes you fight for control over the mouse.

Once you begin to understand that emotions are simply localized groups of neurons in different parts of the body. The answer is to simply encapsulate all of them and quantify the change, exactly what this technology is made for. (This way you can also record and mimic them.) For example, beyond the EEG from your brain, if you get butterflies in your stomach or feel scared, this can be transmitted back to the intelligence agents data center for assessment and recording. This is also a subset of paralleling, (for a lack of a better word, when two brains merge to become one, see here,) in which emotions can be pushed back making a subject feel a specific emotion too. See here, here and here for more information.

One company behind this is Raytheon, see here for more. See here and here for the links between Intelligence, Silicon Valley, NASA and the Military.