Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Once Again the Insane Hubris and Chutzpah of Israel is On Full Display For the Whole World to See

Israel is supposed to be a shining light on the hill, a beacon of justice, righteousness and truth.... and you Jews wonder why everyone focuses on you? As you like to say... aren't you the "chosen" people? 

Only a group of psychopaths would purposely assassinate an innocent journalist and attack people at her funeral. Remember, this was the POLICE at the funeral! IMAGINE THIS IN ANY OTHER COUNTRY.  Thank God the Police in the USA and Canada are training with the Israeli Police. (See here, here , here and here. Also, see how the Police work with the Anti-Defamation League

Where are all the liberal Jews, where are all the Hollywood voices like Ben Stiller and Shawn Penn. Silence. 

Hey liberals,  just so you know... human rights is more than using the wrong gender pronouns. 

Monday, May 2, 2022

Hook His Brain Up To a Brain Computer Interface - Fire This Weasel: Steve "Panopticon" Amery - Psycho Lying Piece of Crap From Hell

"Hey Charlie Brown!, Merry Christmas!"

Steve Amery, (he took his LinkedIn account down because he is doing exactly what I am saying, normal people will either contact the Police or contact me and do something about it. Sue me Steve, just like your brother threatened to do.)  

Here is his email:, he is a service manager at in Ireland.

Here is his Facebook,  He is a gang stalking psychopath who enjoys ruining people's lives. (Just like Steve's sick brother with his phony front business. See herehere and here for more about Steve's brother Mark Amery. Here is an another LinkedIn account for Mark Amery. The scam business Puddle Pools. Mark Amery's businesses are a total sham. He is a lying loser. Steve is also related to Leo Amery, the Zionist Freemason scumbag. (See here and here for more about Leo Amery.) Some of these Zionists are evil manipulative lying psychopaths that stab people in the back. They are the Devil incarnate. They slander people and  ruin their lives and take glee in it. They utterly destroy the lives of  people that are a threat to our insanely corrupt government. 

Steve Amery used to be in the Canadian military. This loser is a disgrace to any military, let alone ours. Many of these people work with "Public Safety Canada" or other governments to undermine the lives of people that have been put on watch lists. They work with intelligence agencies, the military, community watch, and the police in organized harassment and stalking campaigns. People like him hate people that tell the truth.  

This loser now lives over in Ireland and he is a Service Manager at Rentokil Initial Ireland. (He took down his LinkedIn account because he is a coward liar.) He should be fired instantly. What they are involved in is so evil it is beyond what most people could even understand. 

To know what they are all complicit in, I urge ALL of you reading this to watch this documentary, also watch the videos here and hereIT IS CALLED HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION AND TORTURE. See here for documented radio frequency testing, torture and experimentation. You don't have to believe me, hook this psychopath up to a lie detector test, better yet, hook his brain up to the mind-reading devices that our government is covering up. 

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Mark Amery- Lying Scum of the Earth: Gorilla Properties More About His Involvement With Intelligence Agencies and Organized Stalking

See here about front businesses and intelligence agents.

See Below For Screenshots

(You belong in jail you sick lying psychopath)

See here for Mark Amery's LinkedIn account. Companies associated with this psychopath:,,, He is a lying psychopath involved in organized stalking. (See here and here for more about this.) He works with the intelligence agencies of Canada, the USA and Israel. See here and here for more about the technology they are using. (Watch this documentary about the history of classified mind control technology.)

1. Hey Mark, "Gorilla Properties" Amery, do you remember this email reply to me? A couple months before I called you and you taped my call and sent an RCMP officer out to my brother's house and they took me to the Maple Ridge Mental hospital:

Take Care Shane.
2. You are such a pathetic lying psychopath. Anyways, a few months later you get me put into a mental hospital:
See here: Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Now Happening in Canada and the United States: and here:
3. What's up with this?, you can also scroll down on my Facebook here. How interesting.

Do you know the guy below? The guy below is a trader, worked at a Prop Trading Firm (First New York,) he went to the same university as both of the owners of the prop trading firm SMB Capital, Here is their website. Now he is trading for Gorilla Capital Fund! (See below.) Where did you get the name "Gorilla" from Mark? I'm sure you just made it up right?
4. What about this guy, you know him? Worked with the CIA. Guess what.... his name was connected to a website of this business in a WHOIS lookup: They have changed it. They also happen to run a pest control company: and you wouldn't believe it...a pressure washing company: just like you do! They were advertising on Craigslist in Vancouver for workers.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Email Communication With Evil Sick Twisted Mark "because I truly don't care nobody is following you" Amery of Gorilla Properties - Front Business Lying Psychopathic Scum From Hell

READ! Yes he doesn't care. I wonder why? Email from Mark Amery from Gorilla Properties in 2014. Some of the links below no longer work because the email is quite old, I tried to replace some of links.  This sick piece of crap is a psychopath. See here for his LinkedIn account, he took his Facebook account down. 

Apparently, no one is following me.... this was after he taped my phone call to him and got a cop to come to my brothers house where I was staying at the time. (He claimed I was making threats because I was yelling and swearing at him.) One day everyone will see who you really are Mark. 

Mark Amery's response: 

Shane. Nobody is following you. Talk to somebody and get help buddy. It's truly sad. I know you are paranoid that something is happening to you, but just seriously ask yourself why. What do people want from you? Is it money or ? Shane you were a great friend and everyone in our "group" thinks that maybe you need some help. Ever since you started with mrswing and were working through the nights it started to go down hill. I have talked to the police and they said you should get help from a family member as you will have no trust in friends or others, this is why I reached out to Shawn. Not to hurt you, to see if he can help you. I hope you can work through this, as I told Shawn if there is anything we can do on our end to help let me know. I didn't open your links or blogs through this email because I truly don't care what it says and probably wouldn't understand anyways. Take Care Shane.



My email to Mark Amery: 

Hi Mark, Shane here. 

It looks like our last conversation ended somewhat prematurely. 

 Did you ever get a chance to look at my blog? Go through every post. What you will see is Nazi style human experimentation. 

I know this stuff is real and I know you guys were following me.  All of the stuff on my blog is true. The torture and all. Do you know what you were fully involved with?  I hope not. This is serious shit. I didn't know any of this until someone started to inform me about it. I now know that it has been happening to me since at least 2007. I saw what they were doing to my Dad's dog right in front of my face. (Shawn had no clue when you called him because I didn't tell him, because 1.) It's horrible and very depressing, it's something no one wants to think about 2.) It's unbelievable until you see the science behind the technology and see credible people speaking out about it.) 

My Mom and my Dad both know. Especially my Mom because I showed her the documentation and videos. The perpetrators think that they can get away with this because it is "plausibly deniable." See the following post for more information about what seemed to be happening when I was working for the landscaping company, and when your Mom came up to me in the Haney Place mall: 

Here are some videos about how this effects human behavior, (start at 27:33):

These videos are nothing compared to the documents on my blog. These people do not need contact with a persons head to effect their behavior. 

In other words, it can be done remotely. It doesn't matter who this is coming from. The cops, the military, organized crime or intelligence. (In fact, I think it's a combination of all. Though it comes from a military and intelligence background.) 

It constitutes human rights abuses that literally effect the foundation of our country. You were threatening to sue me? What are you going to sue me for --- my socks? This is about much more than what you think or have been told it is. 


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Gorilla Properties Doing "Property Maintenance" Outside of My Place On Same Day I'm In a Massive Car Accident

This was originally posted on January 11, 2019. This guy is an evil sick psycho. 

Here is his picture now: he is a compulsive lying psychopath
 that works with Public Safety Canada.

Owner of Gorilla Properties (Lying Evil Scum Needs to Be Arrested)
See Pictures Below With Evidence!
His Company is Associated With
Public Safety Canada. This is the
Homeland Security of Canada

See here for more about Gorilla Properties. This is how insane these psychopaths are. They have people all around where I live, from the psycho living next door to me WHO CONSTANTLY BANGS ON MY WALL, to the property manager that had this Gorilla dirt-bag come to my townhouse complex and do "work" right where I live.

Literally on top of my roof and across the street. See the pictures below.  I was in a car accident and the car was totaled.  The accident happened January 10, 2019, the picture below was taken January 11 of 2019. You can see the front of my car that was in the accident the day before this picture was taken. (Top picture below.) Also, see the the towing truck receipt below where it says the date of the accident, the kind of car it was, (Honda) and the colour of the car, (Silver.)

What a coincidence, the same day I get in an accident  the Gorilla truck shows up to do work. I have been living here for over a year and this is the only time I have ever seen his truck. It gets even better. The morning I had the accident an ambulance shows up at my house and knocks on the door (wakes me up,) and asked me if I called for an ambulance. This has never happened in my whole life, but, it happens the same morning BEFORE the accident happened! But wait there is more... when I got into the accident a fire truck and a ambulance drove by TWICE AND NEVER STOPPED. I WAS BLEEDING ALL OVER THE ROAD AND NO ONE STOPPED. The car was completely totaled.  Believe me, they planned this accident --- this is how sick these people are. They are psychopaths.

These people watch every thing I think, say and do. Plus, they shoot me with microwaves. I now know they literally set this place up for me when I moved here, just like when I lived in Vancouver. The psychopath Mark Amery has been following me around for over a decade easily. The RCMP has community watch all around my place and in the neighborhood I live. (Mission B.C.) When I tried to go into the Facebook community groups for Mission and Maple Ridge, Facebook banned me. (See here, here and here for more about Facebook. See here for Facebook blocking me, I did open another account but they blocked that too.) Why? Because they do not want people to know the truth. This is exactly why I was banned from Facebook. The RCMP community watch works with the US intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley. Just look at the censorship with the RCMP here and here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Even David Lee Roth Seems To Know Something..... Still Don't Know Anything?

Read this, this, and this about torture, slander and organized stalking and how it connects to Zionism and Satanism. What does he mean by RUN RITE? See here and here for what it means.  David Lee Roth was also on Joe Rogan's show many times.  See here for Joe Rogan and Satanism. (See here to see him on Joe Rogan's show.) Read his tweet below:



Like a giant octopus, the Stasi's tentacles probed every aspect of life. Full-time officers were posted to all major industrial plants. Without exception, one tenant in every apartment building was designated as a watchdog reporting to an area representative of the Volkspolizei(Vopo), the People's Police. In turn, the police officer was the Stasi's man. If a relative or a friend came to stay overnight, it was reported. Schools, universities, and hospitals were infiltrated from top to bottom. German  academia was shocked to learn Heinrich Fink, professor of theology and vice chancellor at East Berlin's Humbolt University, had been a Stasi informer since 1968. After Fink's Stasi connections came to light, he was summarily fired. Doctors, lawyers, journalists, writers, actors and sports figures were co-opted by Stasi officers, as were waiters and hotel personnel. Tapping about 100, 000 telephone lines in West Germany and West Berlin around the clock was the job of 2000 officers.

Stasi officers knew no limits and had no shame when it came ot protecting the party and the state. Churchmen, including high officials of both the Catholic and Protestant denominations, were recruited en masse as secret informers. Their offices and confessionals were infested with eavesdropping devices. Even the director of Leipzig's famous Thomas Church choir, Hans-Joachim Rotch, was forced to resign when he was unmasked as a Spitzel, the people's pejorative for a Stasi informant.

Absolutely nothing was sacred to the secret police. Tiny holes were bored in apartment and hotel room walls through which Stasi agents filmed their "suspects" with special video cameras. Even the bathrooms were penetrated by the communist voyeurs. Like the Nazi Gestapo, the Stasi was the sinister side of Deutsche Grundlichkeit (German thoroughness.)

Friday, March 25, 2022

Israeli Soldiers Arrest 10 Year Old Palestinian Boy at His School

Do you think what's in the video below is out of the ordinary? See here for an Israeli talking about shooting an 8 year old in the head. Watch this documentary about Gaza and this one about Palestine.  See here for children that have been absolutely butchered beyond belief. See here for Israeli children signing bombs to send over into Palestine. See here for an Israeli wedding celebrating killing Palestinians.  See here for Israel without its mascara. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022