Thursday, March 23, 2017

Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA & Other Western “Democracies"

See here for a previous article that touches on the topic of abusing political dissidents by throwing them into mental health facilities. Watch the documentary below. Areas of psychiatry are being increasingly debunked as valid science and seen to be what they were historically set up for ---- a strategy initiated by 19th and 20th century old-world, eugenicists, racists, and control freaks to prop-up a fraudulent State-supported methodology of social control with the help of pharmaceutical companies.

This isn't to say that there are no good people that are psychologists or decent psychiatrists working in the industry --- it's just that the very beginnings of psychiatry are suspect and the DSM Manual was massively connected to the CIA right from the beginning. (See here and here for more about this.)

But, most importantly, it’s useful to remember that throughout the last two centuries it has been used as a tool by totalitarian governments and authoritarian groups ---- the East German Stasi, the KGB of the Soviet Union, the US secret agencies among them --- to crush dissent, destroy truth, and silence credible witnesses.

See previous posts on this topic below the video.

Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Now Happening in Canada and the United States

MKULTRA Scientists and Electromagnetic Weaponry

CIA Mind Control Techniques MKULTRA Program Brainwashing

Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron: The Psychopathic Canadian Psychiatrist Behind "Psychic Driving"

Canada Psychiatrist Concerned About Remote Influencing Weaponry Affecting Mental And Physical Health

Just Remember the Ad Hominem Video... Don't Let Them Destroy the Message by Trying to Destroy the Messenger

Zersetzung - The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State Part 2

Is This Still Happening In Canada? Dr. Ewen Cameron Lives On --- the Nazis Didn't Lose the War, They Just Had to Move...

Transhumanism and its Connections to Eugenics and Political Control

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