Exposing Intelligence Agency Human Rights Abuses, Government and Corporate Corruption Along with the Problems of Zionism. The Foundation of Freedom is Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Speech
Monday, December 31, 2018
Sunday, December 30, 2018
The Bolshevik Tortures
A special commission started the Cheka after the Bolsheviks took control of Russia. The Cheka were the NKVD a forerunner of the KGB. They were the secret police but the Russian people called them the political police because they took the Bourgeoisie or anyone else that disagreed with them and their ways into basements and shot them or just shot them on the spot. In a short time 1.7 million Christians where murdered by the Cheka. In the history of Communist Russia over 60 million people would be raped, tortured and murdered by the Bolsheviks.
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Blank. Better known as Vladimir Lenin. This Jewish Communist terrorist, mass murderer, propagandist and dictator of the Soviet Empire, established after the Bolsheviks took control of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, is the architect of this genocide.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Spielberg's Hoax - The Last Days of The Big Lie
Friday, November 30, 2018
Masta.... What Should I Do Now Boss?
Correctional Officers in Canada
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Must See Video: The Problems of Technology That Are Here Right Now
Jewish Donors Granted Unfettered Access to NYPD Headquarters
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
The Anti-Defamation League Is Using Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence To Deal With "Hate"
Mandatory Holocaust Training For the Police
Friday, November 9, 2018
Jews and Communism
See the videos below. I don't agree with the presenter about race, but, I do agree with his views about Jewish involvement in Communism. You must also read this book here called 'The Secret History of Communism.' To learn more about the little-known Holodomor see the website here.
No that doesn't mean I believe all Jews are Communists. BUT, Communism was always a Jewish-driven movement. The reality is, the Cheka was a large influence on the beginning of the KGB which lead to the Stasi in East Germany. All of these ideologies are connected and are now playing out in Homeland Security laws. The Communists even outlawed "anti-Semitism" just like the United States has done today. (Also see here for Trump signs in anti-semitism law and here for 'Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism.') Communist Russia was also the second country to recognize the state of Israel.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
News Covers Organized Stalking & Satellite Terrorism & Dr. John Hall Interview About His Problems With Satellite Terrorism (Scroll Down to See Doctor's Video)
Also, see here for an article by academics called Geo-Satellite Slavery.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Veteran Of The Israeli Army Gives Explosive Tell-All: “I Was The Terrorist”
Sam Harris, Who is Jewish Himself: Jews Often Bring it On Themselves (This is What He Used to Say When He Was More Honest)
Friday, November 2, 2018
And You Thought The Liberal Party Was Bad In Canada & The USA --- Check Out Israel!
So, you think Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East? They don't even have a constitution!
Ex-Mossad Officer Reveals How Intelligence Agents Think They Are God
I would like to be clear here.... it is not just the Israeli Mossad who think they are God --- it is the Canadian CSIS, CSE, the American NSA, CIA and the British GCHQ and Secret Intelligence Services. These people are among the most terrible pieces of trash on the earth. They are completely entitled psychopaths that forget where their funding comes from.... the TAX PAYERS!
These pieces of garbage need to be put in their place in a way that they never forget. I can promise you, a civil war is coming to the United States, and the intelligence agencies are going to be on the chopping block. These agencies are full of vile lowlifes that torture people, compulsively lie, and are complicity involved somehow with everything from murder and drug trafficking to human and child trafficking. People need to wake the hell up and take responsibility for what it happening in their own countries and in their name in other countries. It is your money and your country!
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Fire Did Not Destroy World Trade Center Building 7 On Sept. 11, Scientific Study Reveals
Press TV
The Building 7 of the World Trade Center. (file photo)
- The omission of evidence that at least six of the alleged hijackers—including Waleed al-Shehri, said by the Commission probably to have stabbed a flight attendant on Flight 11 before it crashed into the North Tower of the WTC—are still alive (pages 19-20).
- The omission of the fact that President Bush’s brother Marvin and his cousin Wirt Walker III were both principals in the company in charge of security for the WTC (pages 31-32).
- The omission of the fact that The Project for the New American Century, many members of which became key figures in the Bush administration, published a document in 2000 saying that “a new Pearl Harbor” would aid its goal of obtaining funding for a rapid technological transformation of the US military (pages 117-18).
- The omission of the report that at a meeting in July 2001, US representatives said that because the Taliban refused to agree to a US proposal that would allow the pipeline project to go forward, a war against them would begin by October (pages 125-26).
- The failure to probe the issue of how the “war games” scheduled for that day were related to the military’s failure to intercept the hijacked airliners (pages 268-69).
- The failure to discuss the possible relevance of Operation Northwoods to the attacks of 9/11 (pages 269-71).
- The failure to point out that the Commission’s claimed “independence” was fatally compromised by the fact that its executive director, Philip Zelikow, was virtually a member of the Bush administration (pages 7-9, 11-12, 282-84).
Friday, October 12, 2018
Jewish Privilege at Ivy League Schools
This is easily proven by comparing groups of the top performing students of the United States with the National Merit Scholarships. One can simply compare the percentage of Jews who score in the highest levels in the National Merit Scholarships compared to Gentile groups such as Asian, African, Hispanic and European-American performance on what is the best predictive gauge of student qualification and ability before college.
Mass Discrimination Against Gentiles in the Name of Diversity!
The Jews, just 2 percent of the American population, have taken over American academia and the American elite. They have taken over not because this 2 percent has a majority of the intelligence in America.
They are respectably intelligent, but their weapon of conquest is not their cleverness, but their their ultra-racism and their racial discrimination. Those are the devices their elite has used to depose the European American elite that created America, the American academia, and who today oppress not just European Americans but all Americans who don’t want to ruled over by a alien, racist oligarchy.
If ethnic oppression and exploitation is immoral, then should we not rise up, all of us, and free ourselves from this racist, Jewish supremacism?
More About Jewish Privilege at Ivy League Universities
See previous articles on this topic here and here.
Asians are regularly discriminated against in the Ivy League colleges in acceptance rates. They know this, and a lawsuit was filed against Harvard demanding to see their records.
Look at the image below from Ron Unz’s article The Myth of American Meritocracy. Only at Caltech, which uses a race-blind admissions policy do Whites and Asians capture the expected number of entrance spots due to their merit and intelligence. At other colleges such as Harvard, Whites and Asians are vastly under-represented.
From the New York Times article: Asian-Americans Suing Harvard Say Admissions Files Show Discrimination
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
RCMP + CSE + CSIS = Stasi (Oh, I Almost Forgot, They Already Took "Canada" Out Of The Name Of Our Most Important Spy Agency)
The Stasi was East Germany's dreaded secret police. They spied on ordinary East Germans, tapped their phones, intercepted their mail, assessed their 'reliability', used informants, kept dossiers on persons of interest and ordinary citizens alike.
The hated Stasi fell with the Berlin Wall but they live on - in today's RCMP, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Trudeau's personal security apparatus. Today the RCMP, in conjunction with our official spy agencies, CSE and CSIS, and the Canadian Border Service Agency, operate a domestic spying network called the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team, INSET.
And just whose security is INSET enforcing? Yours? Mine? Canada's? Hardly. Don't be naive. They're the taxpayer-funded security service for them, just like the CBC news. Look at some of the awful information on this blog, why doesn't the CBC report it?
When dealing with a state secret police agency, they're never entitled to the benefit of the doubt. Never. They're thugs who operate in the shadows, in service not to the country but to powerful, immensely wealthy interests.
Relevant links:
RCMP Targets Muslim Extremists, But Gives Zionist Terrorists Free Pass
There Is No Canada - CSIS
Mind Control and Augmented Cognition: Hooked Up to a Supercomputer with Artificial Intelligence at the NSA and CIA
Torture, Slander and Organized Stalking
Domestic Terrorism Silent Rape And Murder - Brain Chips, Nanotechnology and Psychotronics
Download STASI book
Homeland Security and the Alternative Media Agenda
Zionism Like Racism --- Has To Go...
Israel and the Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty
Canada-Israel: The Other Special Relationship
Canada & Stephen Harper: Always Stand Behind Israel?
The Israel You Don't Hear About in the Media - MUST SEE VIDEOS
The Israel That You Rarely Hear About in the Media Part 2
A Collection of Posts About Israel
Who Really Makes Up the 1%?
Is Zionism / Jewish Nationalism a Political Cult?
Which Group of People are Most Likely To Be Terrorists? The Answer May Surprise You
Collection of Posts About Israel and the "So-Called" Jews
Activist Reveals Hidden Military Ties Between Canada and Israel
Monday, September 24, 2018
Type With Your Thoughts- Facebook
This is the exact same technology that is being used right now by intelligence agencies. They are using synthetic telepathy. This is how intelligence agents communicate with each other and monitor their targets. This is also how they put thoughts into the brains of others without them knowing.
This sort of communication can be done between a group of people connected to a targeted individual and a computer, and also, from a computer to a human alone. For example, this could be done by a supercomputer that is monitoring the thoughts and the vital signs of individuals and can put thoughts into their head against their own will.
Yes, this is extremely creepy and all 100% real. It is worthwhile technology when it is done with someone's consent and it is a removable device or a headset, but, when it is connected to nanotechnology or a brain computer interface in someone's brain and they don't know about it... it is an incredible violation of human rights. It not only violates privacy, but also, brain computer interfaces have the ability to control, influence and alter the behavior of people without them knowing it. (See here, here, here and here.) A target can also be infected with a virus without them knowing it.
This technology is not as new as they would have you think. These people have had an unbelievable level of control over the population for decades. Just like they have been microwaving people from over 500 miles away as far back as the 70's, Jose Delgado was using brain-computer interfaces as far back as the 60's to control bulls and people. See here and here for two quick examples of brain computer interfaces.
Friday, September 21, 2018
More About Brain Computer Interface Technology
Organized crime, intelligence agencies, the military, and law enforcement are using this technology on the population right now. They are also using directed energy weapons. (See here, here, here, and here for more about directed energy weapons. They have actually been doing this since the 70's. See here for more about classified technology and here for a list of microwave technology.) If you think or say something that angers someone with political power, you are in trouble. See here for how an organization funded by Jewish organized crime works with law enforcement. There is a massive cover-up going on that is hiding this from the population. Our elected government officials and the media are lying to us.
Our politicians are worse than we could ever imagine. They allow astonishing amounts of corruption and human rights violations to take place. It is almost unbelievable how bad it is. How could it get this bad? One reason... because our society has become pathetic and wretched. The RCMP and the FBI will not protect you. They are a part of the problem. They are a complete joke. We pay for these people with our tax dollars! They are our employees!