Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Smart Dust Is Coming. Are You Ready?

 Bernard Marr

Enterprise & Cloud

Imagine a world where wireless devices are as small as a grain of salt. These miniaturized devices have sensors, cameras and communication mechanisms to transmit the data they collect back to a base in order to process. Today, you no longer have to imagine it: microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), often called motes, are real and they very well could be coming to a neighborhood near you. Whether this fact excites or strikes fear in you it’s good to know what it’s all about.

What can smart dust do?

Outfitted with miniature sensors, MEMS can detect everything from light to vibrations to temperature. With an incredible amount of power packed into its small size, MEMS combine sensing, an autonomous power supply, computing and wireless communication in a space that is typically only a few millimeters in volume. With such a small size, these devices can stay suspended in an environment just like a particle of dust. They can:

  • Collect data including acceleration, stress, pressure, humidity, sound and more from sensors
  • Process the data with what amounts to an onboard computer system
  • Store the data in memory
  • Wirelessly communicate the data to the cloud, a base or other MEMs

3D printing on the microscale

Since the components that make up these devices are 3D printed as one piece on a commercially available 3D printer, an incredible amount of complexity can be handled and some previous manufacturing barriers that restricted how small you can make things were overcome. The optical lenses that are created for these miniaturized sensors can achieve the finest quality images.

Practical applications of smart dust

The potential of smart dust to collect information about any environment in incredible detail could impact plenty of things in a variety of industries from safety to compliance to productivity. It’s like multiplying the internet of things technology millions or billions of times over. Here are just some of the ways it might be used:

  • Monitor crops in an unprecedented scale to determine watering, fertilization and pest-control needs.
  • Monitor equipment to facilitate more timely maintenance.
  • Identify weaknesses and corrosion prior to a system failure.
  • Enable wireless monitoring of people and products for security purposes.
  • Measuring anything that can be measured nearly anywhere.
  • Enhance inventory control with MEMS to track products from manufacturing facility shelves to boxes to palettes to shipping vessels to trucks to retail shelves.
  • Possible applications for the healthcare industry are immense from diagnostic procedures without surgery to monitoring devices that help people with disabilities interact with tools that help them live independently.
  • Researchers at UC Berkeley published a paper about the potential for neural dust, an implantable system to be sprinkled on the human brain, to provide feedback about brain functionality.
Disadvantages of smart dust

There are still plenty of concerns with wide-scale adoption of smart dust that need to be sorted out. Here are a few disadvantages of smart dust:

Privacy concerns:

Many that have reservations about the real-world implications of smart dust are concerned about privacy issues. Since smart dust devices are miniature sensors they can record anything that they are programmed to record. Since they are so small, they are difficult to detect. Your imagination can run wild regarding the negative privacy implications when smart dust falls into the wrong hands.


Once billions of smart dust devices are deployed over an area it would be difficult to retrieve or capture them if necessary. Given how small they are, it would be challenging to detect them if you weren’t made aware of their presence. The volume of smart dust that could be engaged by a rogue individual, company or government to do harm would make it challenging for the authorities to control if necessary.


As with any new technology, the cost to implement a smart dust system that includes the satellites and other elements required for full implementation is high. Until costs come down, it will be technology out of reach for many.

What should you do to prepare?

The entities who have led the development of smart dust technology since 1992 and large corporations such as General Electric, Cargill, IBM, Cisco Systems and more who invested in research for smart dust and viable applications believe this technology will be disruptive to economies and our world.

At the moment, many of the applications for smart dust are still in the concept stage. In fact, Gartner listed smart dust technology for the first time in its Gartner Hype Cycle in 2016. While the technology has forward momentum, there’s still quite a bit to resolve before you will see it impacting your organization. However, it’s important to pay attention to its trajectory of growth, because it’s no longer the fodder of science fiction. We might not know when it will progress to the point of wide-scale adoption, but we certainly know it’s a question of when rather than if.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Relevant to Today- Absolute Must Watch Video About the Protests in 2018- See the TRUTH of What is Really Happening in Gaza

Watch the video below! See how full of crap some of the Jews really are, see how they lie to us every single day. They are attacking innocent defenseless people, just like the organized stalking program in North America which is done by Public Safety Canada and Homeland Security. Absolute evil incarnate. Sick, demonic, cowardly, and full of lies. How do you defend this Canada? Just twisted beyond anything you could ever imagine.

To see some pictures from the past conflict in 2014 see here.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Feel Like Being the Slave of Jews? See Below...

What can I say but... I told you so... the only country in the world that says this.  See this comment from a past Israeli Prime Minister!

Oh, don't worry my fellow Canadians, we support Israel unconditionally! See this past video here. Also, see here and here. As for you Liberals out there, see here if you think Israel or Judaism is compatible with your Liberal values. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Jewish Ethnocentrism and Racism = Slavery

See here for more about Jewish identity. See here for more Jews saying they want slaves. See here for the little known or talked about connection the Jews have to the slave trade.

Zionists? Anything to Say?

 See here for more about Zionism and organized stalking. Also see here for how intelligence agents think they are God. See here for dealing with Zionist psychopaths and here for more about Zionism as a cult. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Psychopathology and Hypocrisy = Israel (Quick Question... Is This Fake News Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey and CNN?)

Update: they took the Doctor's twitter account  down that provided the video. Thankfully I have a backup. See more here, herehere, here and here for more examples of this psychopathology. 

Jews you are such good liberals... right? So yearning for justice and equality.  

 PLZ HELP US TO BRING THE #Israeli government to the #Hague for committing such unimaginable crimes. Ahmad, 15 yrs, shot dead in the head with a gas bomb. Gaza Massacre — Dr. Basem Naim (@basemn63)

Saturday, August 1, 2020

“The Technology” of Project Brainstorm As Depicted in 1983 Movie, “Brainstorm:”

To see some clips from this movie and a short series from CNN, go here.  Also be sure to watch this documentary about the history of cybernetics and human experimentation. See here for the movie "Anon," see here for the movie Gamer, see here for more about Surrogates.

A machine, the protagonist of the 1983 movie, “Brainstorm,” bears a striking resemblance to “the technology” deployed in global gangstalking-electronic torture-mind control operations described on this website. The fact that this film was made in 1981 and came out in 1983 indicates how old this “technology” really is. We may consider the film as predictive programming for the masses.

Of special note:

1) “the machine” allows one individual to see through the eyes and hear through the ears of another individual, thus potentially transforming the second individual into a piece of surveillance equipment. This dynamic is reported by innumerable “targeted individuals.”

2) “the machine” is quickly coopted by the military, specifically the US Air Force and NASA, for purposes of espionage and warfare.

3) The machine is used for brainwashing purposes.

4) The machine uses electronic surveillance, trauma, dream states, and physical pain and is capable of creating chaotic and psychotic episodes and psychotic breaks in targets’ brains. 

From movie notes:

This machine can record your thoughts and sensations on tape, or to any person.

New York Times Review/Summary of Movie Plot:

IN a button-pusher’s paradise, replete with the dazzling array of hardware that ”Brainstorm” so effectively utilizes, a group of scientists is poised on the brink of an astonishing discovery. They have created a device that allows one person to experience vicariously the sensations of others. If Person A, wearing a specially designed helmet, eats a piece of steak with nuts, chocolate sauce and marshmallow on top (that’s the meal used in the experiment), Person B can taste the same stuff and share in the same indigestion.

When the scientists discover that their invention actually works, they excitedly drink a toast to its seemingly endless possibilities. ”Brainstorm,” which opens today at the Ziegfeld and other theaters, follows the scientists as they then discover that there are less purely research- minded individuals, in the military and in industry, who can imagine more sinister uses for the device. It also follows Dr. Michael Brace (Christopher Walken), one of the inventors, and his wife, Karen (Natalie Wood), as their marriage falters. But mostly it follows the helmet itself, since this is indeed the movie’s real star.

Douglas Trumbull, the special-effects wizard, has devised an unusually varied high-tech look for ”Brainstorm.” The laboratory where the scientists work looks amazingly sophisticated but also very lived in; the helmet itself is refined from a collection of lights and wires and lenses to something streamlined and sleek. Later on, when an automated assembly line is established to mass produce these machines, Mr. Trumbull makes its very immaculateness seem sinister. And when the place is sabotaged, it becomes a sudsy mess, which in this orderly and detail-conscious film, seems even more wicked than it would anywhere else.

The most special of the effects are, of course, reserved for those images provided by the helmet. To say that this device captures the ultimate sensation is hardly hyperbolic, since one of the scientists, while experiencing a heart attack, manages to slip into the apparatus and switch on its recording equipment. Mr. Trumbull can’t convey this for real, thank goodness. But he can certainly make believable the frightening and then euphoric fireworks that explode across the screen.

REVIEW by Roger Ebert:

“Brainstorm” … begins with the invention of an amazing machine that gives you the impression you are actually having somebody else’s experience. Plug into it, and you hear, see, feel, touch and smell whatever’s been programmed. What’s more, it’s telepathic; it can take those sensations out of one mind and channel them into another.

The applications are endless. In one demonstration, the wearer believes he is being chased down a mountain road by a runaway truck, and then his car misses a curve and goes sailing through the air. There also are the usual stunts like putting you in the front seat of a roller coaster. But then there’s a complication. One of the scientists who developed the gadget inadvertently records her own death. And when her colleagues play back her recording, they have the death experience, too.


Inventor of “machine” (Christopher Walken) tries to hack into computer program to find out what is being done with his invention by the military.

Here is the computer code he uses to hack into the machine:

Project Brainstorm

Defense Instrument Research Group
Raleigh, NC
Electronic Surveillance
Classified R and D

Flight Data Recording- NASA 6011
Adhesives- Heat Shield 2212
Mylar Nose Cone Sealant- USAF
Related Processes- See File DX09

SECURITY: Top Level Entry







Dialogue from Movie:

Project Coordinator Talking:

“In a few moments you will have an experience which will seem completely real. It will be the result of your subconscious fears transformed to your conscious awareness. Warning: this tape must not be played by government personnel. It can be extremely harmful and result in severe trauma.”

Inventor of machine (Christopher Walken): “I can’t believe it. They are using my invention for brainwashing people.”

Doctor to parents of 11 year old boy who put on the machine:

“This boy has had a serious psychotic break. He’ll come out of it and he’ll be OK. But I think you better go home and take a rest because we are going to have to watch him a couple days under sedation.”

Friday, July 31, 2020

Two Stalking Phony Psychopathic Lowlifes From Hell- James Altucher & Joe Rogan

 Look at the pictures below!
They even have the same "POWER" pose! 

See here and here for more about going after political dissidents and whistleblowers.  Like so many Hollywood losers or scumbags on Wall Street, (see here and here,) these two are classic cases of arrogant douchebaggery. They are a part of organized stalking methods that are happening all over North America and potentially more countries.  (See David Lee Roth talking about it here.) These stalking techniques are what they used to use in the East German Stasi. These people are working with intelligence and also have access to classified technology. Just like in the East German Stasi, they had spies and informants in all levels and areas of society. It was a horrible octopus where they had all kinds of people working with them, including public figures like actors. It is also important to note, just as this lady hints at here.... many of these people are Zionists. See here for militant Zionism. See here and here for how Zionism is a part of Homeland Security.

As I have pointed out here about Joe Rogan and here and here about James Altucher, they work with intelligence. They are both Zionists and they both hate critics of Israel. (They are not the only ones doing this.)  Look at this post ---- they know this technology exists, they love to threaten people with it. See here for more about classified technology and microwave weapons. See here for electronic warfare and here for Dennis Kucinich trying to ban this technology. See here for a collection of links about microwaves. Joe is at the absolute least, definitely involved with medical marijuana, as for James --- God only knows what. It is so laughable that James is a "self-help author." James is also connected to Jewish organized crime, Joe probably is too, he does the commentary for the UFC, Jewish organized crime runs the UFC. In fact, Rahm Emanuel's brother Ari owns the UFC!  Just so you know, their father served in the Irgun which was a Jewish terrorist group. All of this is extremely relevant because of the connections between Jewish organized crime and intelligence that goes back decades if not centuries.

Right now, the marijuana boom is big, this is also big in Silicon Valley, just like Transhumanism. There are many wealthy Silicon Valley individuals involved with drugs and working with intelligence agencies. This is why I am having people follow me around that are involved with drugs.

Peter Thiel is a PERFECT example of a Silicon Valley individual that is also connected to the CIA, but there are many of them. This is a good list to start with. Even people like George Soros are involved,
 (see here and here.) Now, he is not a Silicon Valley individual, but, a Wall Street Billionaire. Wall Street is also big-time invested in drugs. See how Peter connects to Facebook and the CIA, see here for the connections between Silicon Valley and the CIA. See here for the history of the CIA and drugs. It must be remembered, these people are using classified technology that the taxpayers finance. They are using it on the population. See this list of lying Silicon Valley scumbags that know about classified technology. Also see this post about the Jewish hand behind the Internet: Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo! and eBay.

What is happening in Canada and the United States is exactly what was going on in East Germany with the Stasi. EVEN THE PROFESSIONS are the same. It literally encompasses all levels of society.

Here is an excerpt from Stasi: The Untold Story of the East German Secret Police: 

Like a giant octopus, the Stasi's tentacles probed every aspect of life. Full-time officers were posted to all major industrial plants. Without exception, one tenant in every apartment building was designated as a watchdog reporting to an area representative of the Volkspolizei(Vopo), the People's Police. In turn, the police officer was the Stasi's man. If a relative or a friend came to stay overnight, it was reported. Schools, universities, and hospitals were infiltrated from top to bottom. German academia was shocked to learn Heinrich Fink, professor of theology and vice-chancellor at East Berlin's Humbolt University, had been a Stasi informer since 1968. After Fink's Stasi connections came to light, he was summarily fired. Doctors, lawyers, journalists, writers, actors and sports figures were co-opted by Stasi officers, as were waiters and hotel personnel. Tapping about 100, 000 telephone lines in West Germany and West Berlin around the clock was the job of 2000 officers.

Stasi officers knew no limits and had no shame when it came to protecting the party and the state. Churchmen, including high officials of both the Catholic and Protestant denominations, were recruited en masse as secret informers. Their offices and confessionals were infested with eavesdropping devices. Even the director of Leipzig's famous Thomas Church choir, Hans-Joachim Rotch, was forced to resign when he was unmasked as a Spitzel, the people's pejorative for a Stasi informant. Absolutely nothing was sacred to the secret police. Tiny holes were bored in apartment and hotel room walls through which Stasi agents filmed their "suspects" with special video cameras. Even the bathrooms were penetrated by the communist voyeurs. Like the Nazi Gestapo, the Stasi was the sinister side of Deutsche Grundlichkeit (German thoroughness.)

 What is the big difference now? 

1. It is much more organized and covert. It is done with space-based weaponry. (See here and here for more information.) 
Using this, harassers can view ALL the innermost thoughts of the targeted person on a screen - as clearly as one reads a newspaper. The eyes of the target become a live camera for the trackers. (See old video here showing looking out cat's eyes.) Whatever the target views or looks at is recorded on the trackers' computer or viewed by the trackers' brains using a brain-to-computer interface (BCI) These satellite-based technologies result in gross bypassing of fundamental human rights such as personal privacy, health, safety, data security, family security, etc. 

2. They have spies who participate in actively parroting your thoughts or what you are doing back to you over the internet. (When you visit their websites, blogs, YouTube videos and accounts, Facebook and Twitter accounts etc. They are tracking I.P. addresses, using spyware like Pegasus, and special cookies.) Most of these people are Zionists. See here for more about Homeland Security. They watch you and try to drive you crazy with gaslightinganchoring, and parroting techniques. The policy is active denial and is a part of what is called "no-touch torture." Imagine being surrounded by a bunch of psychos who have access to your brain and trying to drive you crazy. They also work with foot soldier community-based organized stalkers who pretty much do the same thing. (See here and here for more information.) All these attacks are 'no-touch' / ‘Covert ‘and are remotely operated - and so leave the minimum evidence (if at all) thus making all available laws ineffective and powerless to help the targeted innocent civilians. 

3. Space-Based INVISIBLE PHYSICAL HARASSMENT: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS ('DEW'), see here for more links on directed energy weapons.) Any of our body parts can be targeted and attacked by these directed energy weapons. Attacks can be done with EMF/ELF waves and can cause a wide range of diseases including cancer, heart failure, kidney disease, vertigo, hands/legs paralysis, internal decay, memory losses to name a few.

4. TOTAL LOSS OF PRIVACY: Surveillance is usually carried out first unannounced secretly for years - without the targets ever being able to detect that their innermost details had been collected and stored - and that their own eyes themselves are made to act as cameras giving the latest details about themselves and the places and persons they visit. Victims have no privacy anywhere on the planet, (bathrooms and bedrooms included). Here are a few Hollywood movies about similar technology, see hereherehere, and here

Loser Joe Rogan with the son of the
 founder of the Church of Satan

The Church of Satan is connected to Jewish causes. The symbol is surrounded by
Hebrew Letters. Samael and Lilith are from the Talmud and the Kabballah.
The inverted goat pentagram contains the Hebrew letters at the five points
 of the pentagram spelling out Leviathan the Sea Monster (לויתן).
See Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, the book of Job
 3:8, 40:15–41:26
Job 41:1–34, Isaiah 27:1, Psalms 74:14.

Lowlife Entitled Scum of the Earth --- Meet James Altucher- Intelligence Psychopath Who Poses As a "Self Help Author"

See Picture & Links Below!

Something to keep in mind, James Altucher is a computer scientist, he knows about this technology. So, why doesn't he enlighten the world by educating us all? He claims to be a "self-help" author, well wouldn't he be helping others by revealing this information? This proves I am telling the truth, do you honestly believe that he doesn't know about this sort of technology?

3. James Altucher and Recent Interview With Phony Jewish Human Rights Activist Garry Kasparov

4. See here for James Altucher- Entitled Psychopathic Lying Zionist Scum 

5. Classified Technology:  Learn Intelligence Tactics:  Discredit Someone with Hi-Technology: 

6. See here for vigilante Zionist justice

7. Zionist Vigilantes With James Altucher and Curtis Sliwa 

8. See here for connections between Zionism and Homeland Security 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A List Of Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs That Needs to Be Seen For What They Really Are --- Liars

See the Pictures Below!

Every single one of the individuals below knows about the classified and hi-technology on my blog. (See here and here for more about classified technology. See this video from a person from Silicon Valley talking about technology that many people do not know about. See here for more about former U.S. Representative from Ohio and candidate for the President of the United States Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons.)

This makes them traitors to their country. They are greedy scumbags who need to be shown out for what they are... LIARS. There are tons of smart people that can do what these people are doing. What makes the individuals that are below unique is their level of corruption and how they have sold their souls to the powers of this world. They are working with intelligence agencies, they would not be in the positions they are if they didn't. The reality is, there has always been a close relationship between Silicon Valley and the Intelligence  Agencies. ( See here and here for more about this.) Facebook is a Zionist Stasi apparatus, people don't understand what these people are doing. (See here for more about dealing with Zionists.)

Some of the individuals below are also heavily associated with the Transhumanist movement. Transhumanism is literally being pushed by some of the biggest Silicon Valley companies, especially Google. (See hereherehere and here.)  They know what Transhumanism is, its connections to eugenics ---- and how it is being implemented on humanity without the public knowing.  See here and here for the connections between Transhumanism and Judaism. See here for some introductory videos about Transhumanism. See here for the Transhumanist category on my sure to go through all of the articles. The other industry that some people below are involved in is drugs --- especially marijuana As any informed individual knows, the CIA has always been involved with drugs and organized crime. It is not a coincidence that this piece of crap had the forward written for his book by the ex-CEO of Twitter. James Altucher has connections with Jewish organized crime and the orthodox community, intelligence agencies, Wall Street and Silicon Valley. See here for more about Homeland Security, torture, political prisoners, classified technology and drug dealers. 

Here you can see the connections between drugs, organized crime, Silicon Valley, intelligence agencies and stalking losers in my local area. Like this and this shows, Silicon Valley has always had close connections to the intelligence industry. 

For the most part, but not always.... you will often find that most of the people that are engaging in stalking and using classified technology are Zionists
(Jews or Gentiles, mostly Jews that are supporters of Israel.) Why? Well, one of the reasons is because it's literally a part of Homeland Security. See here for more about how fighting "GLOBAL Antisemitism" is a part of American foreign policy. See here and here for the Jewish hand behind the internet. See here for how Israel backdoored everything. None of the individuals below seem to think it matters that a bunch of people are being tortured with electromagnetic weapons and their brains are being beamed out like a live radio station to a bunch of stalking psychopaths. (See here for more about Mark Zuckerberg talking about synthetic telepathy, see here for more about Facebook and typing with your thoughts.) 

This is exactly what is happening, this is not an overstatement at all. THIS IS WHAT THE MEDIA IS COVERING UP. This is how some of these sick assholes get off, torturing people and watching it like a reality TV showA good example of this is shown in the movie "The Circle." But, it is actually much, much worse because the technology is more advanced and dangerous. They can get nanotechnology inside your body and transmit electromagnetic waves and sound waves right into you. They can literally control the minds of people. In fact, mind control was already possible in the '60s with microwaves.  Watch this documentary to learn more about this. A good example is the Jose Delgado experiments with the bull, also see this clip from CNN from the '80s and this old newspaper article from the New York Times. This technology is extremely advanced now. See here for a list.

This is how sad countries like the United States and Canada have become, it is absolutely sickening and pathetic. This is the modern-day Stasi Octopus, it starts at the top with the intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley and works its way down. It involves everyone from businessmen and women, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, government employees, trades personnel, (for example; pest control or property management,) law enforcement, drug dealers, writers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, actors, sports figures, priests and religious leaders, addiction recovery groups, university professors, waiters and hotel personnel. This is exactly what it was like in East Germany. There isn't one group they didn't infiltrate. Now your society has become just as sad, our countries have turned into Stasi nightmares. 

Sergey Brin- Jewish
Larry Page- Jewish

Former CEO of Google

Mark Zuckerberg-Jewish
Lary Ellison-Jewish

Bill Gates

Jim Lanzone, CEO of Yahoo Inc.

Peter Thiel

Jeff Bezos

Elon Musk 
(Probably Jewish)
(Now owns Twitter or X)

Tim Cook

Marc Andreessen

Jack Dorsey- 
Used to be CEO of Twitter

Jeff Weiner-Jewish

Sean Parker
Managing Partner at The Founders Fund

Jimmy Wales-Jewish

Scott Heiferman-Jewish

Jeremy Stoppleman-Jewish

Michael Dell-Jewish

Adam D'Angelo-Jewish

Mark Cuban-Jewish

Chris Hughes
New Republic
Co-Founder of Facebook

Dustin Moskovitz-Jewish
Co-Founder of Facebook

Eduardo Saverin-Jewish
Co-founder of Facebook

Max Levchin-Jewish
Cofounder PayPal

Adam Mosseri-Jewish
CEO of Instagram