Saturday, March 29, 2025

Donald Trump the Pizza Delivery Man - How Interesting, Donald Trump and the Emerald City (Remember Seattle is Also Referred to as the Emerald City and it's Where the Epicenter of Covid-19 Was.)

You really have to think deeply to understand the importance of this. Who was the Pizza Driver? Was it TRUMP? Now, do you remember who the Wizard turned out to be? He wasn't real, it was ALL make-believe. Follow the yellow brick road, (the money changers in all four gospels that Jesus is dealing with. OZ means oz. of GOLD.) A wave of the Hollywood wand. Hollywood is connected to magic. I'm connected to reality. So who is real? WHAT IS REAL, and what is the eclipse really about? Now you understand this

First off, don't forget the importance of the Space Needle.  Next, Trump and the eclipse


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