Monday, February 6, 2017

Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness

Another excellent video showing how pathetic some Jewish intellectuals are. For other interesting posts on political correctness, see here, here and here. Also be sure to see here for more about Jewish slavery with blacks and whites. (Be sure to scroll down and see all of the articles.)

To receive value from the video below, you do not have to be a supporter of Christianity or the Catholic church. It is just important for you to see where some of the crazy ideas of political correctness had their origins.

Most people do not know much about Judaism--- how are you supposed to be a judge of something you do not understand? First off, everyone should read the Old Testament and realize Jews are a people of the Old Testament --- but that is far from being the whole picture, read here to learn more. Also, see here for more about the Jewish Talmud.

Jews need to own up for their major role in slavery. They were involved more than any other group of people. Jewish director Stephen Spielberg will not talk about it in his movie Amistad. Why not Mr. Spielberg? I used to have so much respect for Jewish people, unfortunately, I have seen the truth of what some Jews really are.... absolutely privileged pathetic liars.

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