Tuesday, February 14, 2017

TWO MUST SEE VIDEOS: Brain Chips and Tracking Chips


The two videos below and this article certainly don't surprise me. After all the information I'm talking about. These people don't care about you at all. The reality is, this is not even that big deal in the larger context. This has been happening for years. They experiment on people, just like former President Clinton is admitting here.

But also just like the CIA has always done:
Quoting about the founding of the CIA

"In this anything-goes atmosphere, Donavan appointed this man, Stanley Lovell, a Boston industrialist, to break new ground in many scientific and technical fields, Donavan called Lovell his Dr. Moriaty, after the fiendish professor in Sherlock Holmes. Lovell liked the name and posed for this Saturday Evening Post photo. He later wrote of his OSS job, it was quote "to stimulate the Peck's Bad Boy beneath every American scientist, and to say to him, throw all of your normal law-abiding concepts out of the window, here is a chance to raise Merry hell. It was in this atmosphere that the search for mind control began. "

They are doing this to tons of people. They have chips and nanotechnology in the brains of many unknowing citizens right now. I am one of these people. (See here for more about nanotechnology and here for brain-computer interface with synthetic telepathy.) They have the ability to get this into people with a simple injection, (see this video starting around 4 minutes and 25 seconds,) but they don't even need that. They can do it with a virus, just as if you were catching a cold. (See here and here.) Once it is inside you, it spreads. See here for RFID chips fuse with human brain cells and can be controlled. Also, see here for an excellent video about world surveillance and the inevitable problems of technology. This is happening right now. Do you still want your freedom?

The funny thing is, under Bill C-51 in Canada and Homeland Security in the United States, they think they can do whatever they want... even torture people. Remember, they can actually waterboard you in both countries. Yes, even in Canada. But, they don't have to because there is absolutely no point. They can torture you with microwaves from a remote location and find out what you are thinking without resorting to waterboarding by using classified technology.

That is how many rights you have in these countries. If they don't like you, you go on a list and they will treat you like some sort of animal in a slaughter factory. You will be used, abused, experimented on and potentially killed. They will ruin your life so bad that you will want to kill yourself. They will allow a bunch of people access to you and your brain like it is a reality TV show. THIS IS THE REAL TRUTH. There are tons of awful pieces of scum walking around in your country that know this right now.

They are absolutely ruthless. They hook your brain up to a computer, watching out your eyes and hearing out your ears. (See here.) They can also shoot you with microwaves. (See here.) They contact people around you and slander you. They then get people to stalk, harass and follow you. See here for more information about how intelligence agencies are working with drug dealers, informants, and organized crime to accomplish this. Many of them have access to you too.

Some of these stalking and harassing losers are connected to you with synthetic telepathy.  See here for more about this. The CSIS (Canadian Intelligence,) recruiting videos actually show them following people around! It is absolutely awful beyond anything you could imagine. They think no one will ever catch them or point them out. Some of these psychos also have access to the brains and houses of other people.

Think about it... Google Earth is extremely old technology and you know what it can do.

As one example, in May 25, 2007, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell authorized the National Applications Office (NAO) of the Department of Homeland Security to allow local, state, and domestic Federal agencies to access imagery from military intelligence Reconnaissance satellites and Reconnaissance aircraft sensors which can now be used to observe the activities of U.S. citizens. The satellites and aircraft sensors will be able to detect chemical traces, and identify objects in buildings and "underground bunkers", and will provide real-time video at much higher resolutions than the still images produced by programs such as Google Earth. See here and here for more.

Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that this sort of technology will be abused. You have complete control over the lives of other people without them knowing it. It is like amped up reality TV or a game to these demon psychopaths. If you have nanotechnology or brain-computer interface in you, they have access to your EEG, can put thoughts in your head, look out your eyes and hear out your ears.

They love to torture people and make them go crazy. They love to slander people and watch the public pick them apart. This is exactly what they did in Communist countries with political dissidents, they allowed a bunch of gangs and mobs to go after intellectuals and political dissidents because they were the vanguard of the population.

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