Friday, November 30, 2018

Masta.... What Should I Do Now Boss?

Look at the symbols below! See here for more about the RCMP. They know exactly what is going on in this country. They are covering it up with our politicians. They are complicit in allowing the torture of Canadian citizens with electromagnetic weapons and classified technology. This is an absolute disgrace to everyone who pays their taxes, who the HELL do they think they are? GOD? NO YOU WORK FOR US! 

Correctional Officers in Canada

Image result for flag of israel

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Must See Video: The Problems of Technology That Are Here Right Now

See here for more about classified technology. See here for more about Facebook and typing with your thoughts. See here for more about brain-computer interface technology. See here for more about microwave weaponry.  See here for geo-slavery, slavery by satellite. See here for a video from a medical doctor who openly spoke out about satellite terrorism and organized stalking. (See here for organized stalking tactics.) To learn more about Transhumanism, see here.( Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles and videos there.)

See here for more about organized stalking and its connection to Zionist interests. This is perpetuated by a collaboration between intelligence agencies, law enforcement and organized crime. 

Jewish Donors Granted Unfettered Access to NYPD Headquarters

No surprise here, some Jews have massive influence and connections with law enforcement. See herehere and here for more about the history of the Anti-Defamation LeagueSee here and here for past posts about how they train the police.  See here and here for how law enforcement travel to Israel to learn police tactics. See here for more about Homeland Security and its connections to Zionism. See here for more about organized stalking and its connection to Zionist interests. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Anti-Defamation League Is Using Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence To Deal With "Hate"

Yes, you heard that correctly. An organization that was literally funded by Jewish organized crime is concerned about "hate." See herehere and here for more about the history of the Anti-Defamation LeagueSee here and here for past posts about how they train the police.  See here and here for how law enforcement travel to Israel to learn police tactics. See here for more about artificial intelligence. 

Mandatory Holocaust Training For the Police

You will notice at the end of the video below that they say this sort of training has been mandatory for the FBI and other federal law enforcement for about a decade. Do you really think it is any different in Canada? To learn more about the Holocaust, see here. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles.) You will also notice that one of the people in the video is a spokesperson from the ADL. See herehere and here for more about the history of the Anti-Defamation League

Friday, November 9, 2018

Jews and Communism

 See the videos below. I don't agree with the presenter about race, but, I do agree with his views about Jewish involvement in Communism. You must also read this book here called 'The Secret History of Communism.' To learn more about the little-known Holodomor see the website here.

No that doesn't mean I believe all Jews are Communists. BUT, Communism was always a Jewish-driven movement. The reality is, the Cheka was a large influence on the beginning of the KGB which lead to the Stasi in East Germany. All of these ideologies are connected and are now playing out in Homeland Security laws. The Communists even outlawed "anti-Semitism" just like the United States has done today. (Also see here for Trump signs in anti-semitism law and here for 'Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism.') Communist Russia was also the second country to recognize the state of Israel.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

News Covers Organized Stalking & Satellite Terrorism & Dr. John Hall Interview About His Problems With Satellite Terrorism (Scroll Down to See Doctor's Video)

Download and listen to MP3 radio interviews with Dr. John Hall hereherehereherehere and here.
Also, see here for an article by academics called Geo-Satellite Slavery. 

It is rather interesting, Andrew Tate's name in Gematria is 666 and he was charged with supposedly human trafficking. I really don't know if he is or was, but, I do know there is a bunch of losers covering this up. Mr. Tate also mentioned that his father worked for the CIA at one time. How interesting. This is why you have to be suspicious of some people in the public eye. (He is far from being the only one.) This  also involves parts of the military industrial complex, corrupt cops, Wall Street, organized crime, drug dealers and drug cartels, the sex industry, (porn, escorts etc. ) and last but not least Hollywood.

Geo-slavery is "a practice in which one entity, the master, coercively or surreptitiously monitors and exerts control over the physical location of another individual, the slave." 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Veteran Of The Israeli Army Gives Explosive Tell-All: “I Was The Terrorist”

Eran Efrati spent years as a sergeant and combat soldier in the Israeli military, but has since become an outspoken critic of the occupation of Palestine and Israeli apartheid.
Efrati gives explosive testimony on the reality of his service and explains how war crimes are institutionalized, as well as how systematic the oppression against Palestinians really is in a war of conquest that will no-doubt be accelerated under the Trump Administration.

Sam Harris, Who is Jewish Himself: Jews Often Bring it On Themselves (This is What He Used to Say When He Was More Honest)

Sam Harris also knows the truth of COVID-19 (also see here for how people on Wall Street and Silicon Valley benefited from it,) and because he is a mouth piece that works for the CIA, he will not tell you the truth about that either. Interesting, he is also friends with the Satanic loser Joe Rogan and some of the Silicon Valley clowns too

They don't care about any of you, they lie all the time. Sam, why don't you talk about this? You should know about what is happening, you are a neuroscientist, just like Andrew Huberman. 

It's a trick, we always use it. I love that. Here is another interesting video of an Israeli saying the "Godly" action is to kill you. Sam, why don't you talk about some of the crazy extremist psychopaths in the state of Israel? Like this guy. That's only one, and he is the equivalent of the head of Public Safety Canada or Homeland Security in the USA. He literally is a supporter of terrorists and now arguably, is one! What is the real threat in Canada and the USA right now? It is Jewish Zionist extremism

The only country in the world that says this.  See this comment from a past Israeli Prime Minister! If you had Christians or Muslims saying this, we would not hear the end of it. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

And You Thought The Liberal Party Was Bad In Canada & The USA --- Check Out Israel!

And you thought the Liberal party was bad in Canada and the United States, check out the Israeli Liberals. The Likud party is the current party in power in Israel. It grew out of the Irgun, a terrorist organization, see here and here for more. Vladimir Jabotinsky, the controversial right-wing Zionist leader founded Israel's Likud party. Vladimir Jabotinsky was the father of Jewish Terrorism. See here for more. Learn more about Jewish terrorism hereherehereherehere, and here. See here for how the RCMP targets Muslim terrorists and gives Zionist terrorists a free pass. See here for more about the Canadian government killing freedom of speech and criticism of Israel. 

So, you think Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East? They don't even have a constitution!

Ex-Mossad Officer Reveals How Intelligence Agents Think They Are God

What he mentions in the video below is pretty much my experience. As you can see from blog posts like this and this, these privileged scumbags do whatever they want.  See here for more about classified technology, see here for more about microwave technology and here for more about the techniques they use to discredit people.

I would like to be clear here.... it is not just the Israeli Mossad who think they are God --- it is the Canadian CSIS, CSE, the American NSA, CIA and the British GCHQ and Secret Intelligence Services. These people are among the most terrible pieces of trash on the earth. They are completely entitled psychopaths that forget where their funding comes from.... the TAX PAYERS! 

These pieces of garbage need to be put in their place in a way that they never forget. I can promise you, a civil war is coming to the United States, and the intelligence agencies are going to be on the chopping block. These agencies are full of vile lowlifes that torture people, compulsively lie, and are complicity involved somehow with everything from murder and drug trafficking to human and child trafficking. People need to wake the hell up and take responsibility for what it happening in their own countries and in their name in other countries. It is your money and your country!