Wednesday, September 14, 2022

You Know Who You Are - Your Day Will Come

Here is a Movie You People
Might Like to Watch Called the Box 
Involves the NSA, CIA and NASA takes place in 1976 (Year I Was Born)
The Box is about the Cube and Judas Iscariot (Stabbing People in the Back) 
Judas and his money bag, the kiss of betrayal, those complicit in murder and theft
Satan is a slanderer, deceiver, temper, leads people astray, but also an accuser and judge
(All Stalking Losers Watch This)


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Satanic Scumbags: Joe Rogan and James Altucher Exposed (Just Like All The Rest of the Losers in the Alternative Media )

See here for more about Joe Rogan. Be sure to scroll down and read all the articles.  Also, watch this documentary, it was made by someone who used to work for Alex Jones. Alex Jones and Joe Rogan both know about the history of human rights abuses with classified technology. 

See here and here for a list of these lying pieces of crap. See here for James Altucher the complete lying psychopath.  See here for a list of Silicon Valley scum. They all work for  government agencies or they are connected to them somehow.  

All of these people are Satanic human waste, that is what they all have in common.  That is what the video below shows, Joe Rogan is a Satanist. All of them serve the evil Satanic system while they cover up torturing innocent people.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

This Got Me Blocked From Jordan "Struggles With God" Peterson Twitter "X" Account - Screenshots For Everyone to See

 First off, a video of Jordan Peterson having dinner with Ben Shapiro and Benjamin Netanyahu. Also see this past post of someone in the Netanyahu government blocking my Twitter account before it was taken down. (I had no idea who she was.) Jordan Peterson works for the Daily Wire.  (See here for an article about the differences Candice Owens had with the Daily Wire regarding Israel. )

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? - Mark 8:36-37

This is when Jordan Peterson boldly (cowardly?) called for the massacre of Palestinians after Oct. 7.

Nimrod Vax -See Pictures Below

His company is an American company with engineering in Israel. See herehere, and here.

It definitely connects to the World Economic Forum.  Look up who Nimrod is

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Shoot 8 Year Old Child in Gaza = Quality Human Being

Be sure to watch to the 7 minute and 14 second part of the video below. Shoot kids just like dropping white phosphorus on them like this.  Total psychopaths, takes no account into consideration that he is the occupying force and that he is an 8 year old child. "The most moral military in the world!" Yes, they can say that with a straight face, amazing.  I know Jews liked comedy but come on! They are the only country in the world that even says this. Such hubris.

See here for past articles about Zionist terrorism.  Something to read here

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Must Watch: Doctor Interviews About Gaza - News Flash: There Are Palestinians in Gaza That Are Not a Part of Hamas Elon Musk, Sam Harris, Bill Mahar, Gaad Saad, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Ezra Levant

"Most Zionists Don't Believe That GOD Exists, But They Do Believe He Promised Them PALESTINE." - Ilan Pappe

See here, for most will never tell you the TRUTH. Are we losing free speech in America? See hereSee here for how even Sam Harris, a Jew himself, says "Jews often bring it on themselves" because of  Judaism's strident sectarian beliefs.   

For past posts on the current massacre going on in Gaza, please see here, here, here, here, and here.

“What the Palestinians are asking is not the stars, the moon, and the sky. They are asking for their minimum basic, uncontroversial rights under International Law, which have been repeatedly certified in all the political, and legal, and human rights bodies in the world” - Norman Finkelstein

These Israeli Protesters Are Blocking Aid To STARVE Gaza