Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Good Quote to Keep in Mind- Liars, Cowards, and Weasels

The Jewish Iliad is a story about attacking innocent people in high school or younger who have no functional military. (James Altucher, you always wanted to go down in history as a writer, here is your chance. Satanyahus Jamesophus Israelis. After losing to and being thoroughly humiliated by a 14-year-old girl in chess, what is one to do?)

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”- Voltaire

How many of you stalking weasel turds from the bowels of Hell know that over 50% of the population of Gaza is in under 18 years old! Can you believe this?  Are you all this dumb or evil? These twisted Zionist maniacs are comparing these children to the Nazi's! 

Some of these Jews are even saying there is no innocence in Gaza AT ALL and ALL the Palestinians are animals. But that's not all, the people of Gaza do not even have a military nor do they have control of the air space or what comes in and out of Gaza, that includes the water supply! They have also been cutting off aid and starving them! They are even selling some of the seized land from the Westbank to fellow Jews in the United States! (There is no Hamas in the Westbank, so they should not even be there, it is Palestinian territory where some Jews are occupying and now openly stealing the land of Palestinians, all sanctioned and protected by the government of Israel.) 

They are comparing the people of Gaza to one of the greatest fighting war machines of history! (The Nazi regime.) It is beyond insane, there are no words for how evil and sick some of these people are. 

You are all abysmal disgusting cowards or pathetic morons. You reap what you sow, remember that. Oh, one more important point, see this and this. Very important. Keep that in mind. 

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