Friday, February 28, 2025

Whitney Web- Palantir Minority Report -Predict the Future -Prometheus (Forethought)

Something she doesn't even get into and this. Now just imagine how bad it really is.  Two other great must-read articles are here and here. What is interesting, on one side of my family (the Cumming side- scroll to bottom) I have a relative that works for Palantir. On the other side of my family, the (Smith side-scroll to bottom) works at MOOG, a military contractor. 

Mary O Moon O Sun Grace (Eclipse)
Eclipse John 21 (Born in 1992 =1+9+9+2=21) (Shining)
(Marissa, her younger sister Mary- who is born on 1:11) 
(Other Cousin Matthew works at Palantir)
The Gospel of Matthew has 42 Generations and Matthew 1:11
is connected to Ezekiel 1:1  and my Mom's birthday

July 31st. After July 31st there are 153 days left in the year which
connects to John 21, the  153 fish, and the eclipse

My Mom was born in 1951

(Space Needle) = Opened up 111 days into year -11 letters
(The 42nd State to Join Union)
Seattle the Emerald City and the Epicenter of Covid-19
 Broke out in 2020 When I contacted Mary For the First Time

Jesuit Eclipse Symbol 32 Sun Rays
Eclipse Moon in Front of Sun
John 21 -  153/3 = 51

MOOG Colleague = Framed - Entraped (Laying Snares book of PSALMS)
Interestingly also, Marissa's birthday is 21 days after mine
Saint Michael - In Virgo- The Harvester into the Libra Scales

0:00 - 2:40 - Intro 2:40 - 6:39 - The Changing Media Landscape 6:39 - 12:30 - Whitney's backstory 12:30 - 23:53 - Who Took Over Epstein's Operation? 23:53 - 28:48 - Digital Blackmail 28:48 - 37:00 - Palantir & Mass Surveillance 37:00 - 49:00 - Predictive Policing & AI 49:00 - 58:12 - How the Elites view humanity 58:12 - 1:06:40 - Depopulation Propaganda 1:06:40 - 1:13:26 - Dystopian AI, Transhuman Future 1:13:26 - 1:21:20 - AI Brain Rot & Creative Atrophy 1:21:20 - 1:30:50 - Billionaire Culture Grift 1:30:50 - 1:35:33 - Illusion of Division 1:35:33 - 1:42:00 - Ideological Subversion, the war for perception 1:42:00 - 1:45:00 - Authoritarian Power Games 1:45:00 - 1:53:35 - How to Keep Your Sanity 1:53:35 - 1:58:45 - Why Whitney Left America? 1:58:45 - 2:03:34 - Are you afraid for your safety?

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