Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Remember the Story of Job, He Didn't Do Anything Wrong = Hatred Without a Cause Gospel of John (Irish People, You Like U2?)

Yes, They Really Are That Terrible and Full of Lies

A Scapegoat for the TRUTH

Right, Shelby?

In Front of the Cross of Andrew
The Unicorn of Scotland


Leviticus 16


Moon in Front of the Sun

Born 1976 =1+9+7+6=23 or U2 (Band Also Formed in 1976)

16 Years Old in 1992 =1+9+9+2=21
 or John 21 or Achtung Baby

The Eclipse of John 21 = the Georgia Guidestones
Ezekiel 1:1 (July 31,) my Mom's birthday, 153 days left in the year (she was born in 1951)
153 Fish/3=51  in John 21

The Jesus and Mary Chain From Scotland
21 Singles

John 21=153 vesica piscis / 3 = 51 = 50 states + Washington D.C. 
The Statue of Liberty = 151 feet high, (look at the 111 on front of it.)
7 at its head and 11 at its base for Flavius Constantine
"New York" is the New Rome. Constantine of York in Britain.

Jesus and Mary

36 x 3 = 108

Andrew in Da Vinci's Painting With His Twin Hands
Scottish Flag

X of Andrew

Georgia Guidestones Cube

MM= Mary Magdalene 
JAM= Jesus Ave Maria
Turn Letters to Numbers = 108

The Space Needle opened up on April 21, 1962, (1+9+6+2=18,) this is 111 days into the year. In a leap year like 1976,  Hitler's birthday is on April 20th, which is the 111th day of the year.  He was a Roman Emperor, and the first Reich was Charlemagne. 

The top - antenna spire 605.00 ft = 6+5=11 (184.404 m) = 1+8+4+4+4=21

Technical details: Floor count = 6  Lifts/elevators = 3 = Total  9
Total = 9/11 and 21. 

9/11 is also connected to the destruction of the Jewish temples, this is known as Tisha B'Av, which is the 9th of Av

January 1st month-11 days or 1-11: 354 days left 3 x 54 = 162 = 3 x 6 x 9 = hours Christ on the Cross

April 21: 111 days in - 254 days left 2 x 54= 108 (Georgia Guidestones) -See below

September 11th:  254 days in  254 days left 2 x 54= 108 (Georgia Guidestones) and 111 days left 

My birthday is August 24 which is 18 days before 9/11
or 3+6+9 (hours Christ on Cross,) or 6+6+6 = 18

A Jew Who Went to Stanford For Computer Science Put Together a Crossword
 With the Space Needle On My Mother's Birthday, See the Date: July 31, 2017 

(Click to Enlarge) 

See this article with Buzz Aldrin at the Space Needle on July 31st
 celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Space Needle. 

Collogues at MOOG

 2 Come Together to Make 1

Jesuit Eclipse Symbol 32 Sun Rays
Eclipse Moon in Front of Sun
John 21 -  153/3 = 51

Smith (Grandmother Maiden name)
Cumming (Mother Maiden name)
British Intelligence and CSIS
and my Loser Family
The Head of British Intelligence Changed his Last Name to Cumming
When he Married a Woman from Scotland. 
He used to write in Green, (writing in green ink is associated with the leadership of MI6 due to this historical practice by Smith-Cumming.) This is connected to the underage Roman Emperor, his guardian used green ink to write his signature.

Posted 11th Month 9th Day
Backstabbing Cousin

The Book Takes Place During the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall is imminent and the Cold War will soon be over.
But for BOX 88, a top-secret spying agency known only to an inner circle
of MI6 and CIA operatives, the espionage game is heating up.

CSIS Headquarters in Canada

British Intelligence 

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