See here and here for little known technology that is used for torturing people. See here for slavery by satellite, geo-slavery. See here for gang stalking and smearing techniques.
See here for more info about technological human rights abuse. See here for more about gang stalking.
Psychological torture is considered a war crime under Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions, which has a maximum sentence of the death penalty. The United States has been in a declared state of war, since October 2001, which invokes the Geneva Conventions.
In the United States, it is also a serious felony charge – to conspire to violate the civil rights of thousands of U.S. citizens - a possible sentence of life in prison. Numerous state and federal laws are being broken every day by these criminals. It is disturbing to even consider that government tax payer supported individuals get up every morning, and gladly plan for the torture of thousands of people in the United States.
I am alarmed at the thought of even asking this question: How sick and disturbed does someone need to be, to willingly torture people every day? These are acts of violence that are beyond comprehension and beyond murder, in my opinion. It is planned and deliberate, every day. This site contains information relating to advanced satellite surveillance and “harassment” technologies which are made available to covert government agencies and organized crime syndicates.
The secret technologies in question are covered by military/agency secrecy orders, mostly obtained under the US Inventions Secrecy Act, 1951. There are currently over 5,000 hidden devices, many computer – based and satellite facilitated, all with military / criminal applications. A list of known patents is available under the 'Mind Control Patents' and 'Classified & Hi-Technology' categories (also see here,) of this blog. Neurophones, brain scanners, and brain wave vocabulary software, directed energy and EM weapons. Undemocratically, and to protect powerful criminals from scrutiny, various secret National Security and Defamation legislation has been enhanced in recent years.
The US Patriot Act, for example, protects governments and connected criminals from criticism and/or detection and prosecution. Under this act anyone whistleblowing or fighting the system on a major concern is arbitrarily deemed to be unpatriotic (when it’s the criminals they criticize who betray us). They can then be listed (by a senior politician or at the request, through them, of a connected criminal) as a security risk and harassed covertly; using secret technologies.
In fact a Department Of Defense Directive, Directive 5240 1-R, 1994, gives open permission for those under surveillance to be used for remote experimentation. It’s no coincidence that this particularly undemocratic and evil move was followed in 1996 by a significant increase in the number of satellites deployed for the purpose of civilian surveillance and harassment. Over 20,000 satellites currently target and silence countless people worldwide (est. 500,000 plus) as a result of such terrible laws.
The victims are not openly confronted as that would remove any feigned excuses and leave the perpetrators open to all manner of accusation. Instead the methods used are covert; employing high tech’ to remotely torture, torment, hurt, and deceive victims without leaving evidence. This technology is also capable of mind control, altering brain states and emotions. This leaves them discredited as they vainly seek help from ignorant or complicit authorities (police, MPs, doctors, media etc). This leaves them neutralized and possibly even silenced on the issue they originally raised. This, along with various research aspects, is the purpose of the exercise.
The situation is getting worse not better with more and more secretive, undemocratic legislation being sneaked past the unwary public all the time. State treachery and terrorism are behind it yet it is all hidden under the guise of “the war on terror”. For example, the US gov’t just passed the National Defense Authorization Act, 2012, giving the President (and others) the power to target and silence anyone questioning State corruption. When this is done openly in other countries the US is the first to condemn such evil yet when they are guilty of the same they do it in secret and no-one dares to criticize lest they join the ranks of those they persecute. So much for gov’t of the people, for the people and by the people. The criminals who do such things abuse their authority, betray our trust and secretly mock the democratic ideals they publicly support. They don’t serve us, they simply help themselves and their criminal associates. By using stealth they can feign ignorance and hide their true nature from most.
Eg. In the USA over 300,000 NSL’s (National Security Letters) have already been issued. These allow the agency targeting of innocent civilians whose objections to corruption / crime in high places have been deliberately skewed or misinterpreted as a threat to powerful people. Once placed in a program people can be abused and experimented on, from a distance (using satellites / high tech’). This effectively silences and discredits them while providing agency researchers with guinea pigs for experiments in control, brain function, health, robotics and much more. Post 9/11, $750 billion per year has been spent on satellite weapons used for human experimentation / targeting. Most of this has found it’s way from gov’t coffers to about 80 defense contractors who are also culpable for the crimes against humanity that are addressed on this site.
There is a circular / Catch 22 type problem in that governments use “classified” covers to hide criminal activity (esp. if it is an unconstitutional act) but targets can’t prove any of that BECAUSE it has been classified…. Eg. NSA Whistleblower William Binney in an interview points out that Executive Order 13526 section 1.7 (covering classified status allocation) specifically says that **”You cannot classify information merely to cover up a crime”**. Even if devices or procedures are classified this also applies to them and information on them when they are being used for criminal purposes. So, in theory, by misusing devices, abusing authority and so on the administration not only commits crimes but should open up the information relating to that for public scrutiny…(Government of, by and for the people).
Now Presidents Obama and Bush both signed this executive order 13526 so if any of these hidden crimes was to be presented to the US Supreme Court then any current US leader could be impeached as having breached their oath of office…which includes upholding the constitution. The ECHELON spying system, neurophone harassment, remote neural monitoring, the use of directed energy weapons and more are all clearly crimes against the people and humanity in general and so by classifying the devices the government and it’s leaders are breaching the constitution as well.
As with any crime the break in the loop between the acts, investigation, trial and incarceration is the lack of proof. “Classifying” information and calling it a matter of National Security negates the need for the criminals involved to even create excuses for their conduct. The ability of government to classify crime is what must be fought.
Also, the US military is supposed to be prohibited by law from targeting US citizens with PSYOPS within US borders under Executive Order S-1233, DOD directive S-3321.1 and National Security Directive 130. Of course there’s no-one to police that especially since Psyops, by their very nature, are difficult to prove. This is particularly so where the secret weapons discussed on this web site are employed. Also nothing stops agencies, US or allied, from doing that dirty work and hiding it under the National Security carpet.
Also, previously The International Commitee of the Red Cross (ICRC) raised the issue of psychotronic weapons; firstly in 1994, then the 2002 Geneva Forum and then the 2009 5th Symposium on non-lethal weapons. The EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT passed a “Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy” – A4-0005/99, January 28th, 1999 which called for “An international convention introducing a global ban on ALL development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings”…”It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and the parliaments around the world to enact legislation which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government AND private organisations as well as individuals”. (Plenary sessions / European Parliament, 1999). ]
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