Friday, January 31, 2025

Scumbags That Framed Me- This is What They Are Covering Up - M Just a Coincidence I'm Sure - Remember, This Movie is From Weimar Germany Before the Nazi's Came to Power, Was This Going on in Weimar? This is the USA Right Now, They Are Covering This Up.

See this book about Weimar, obviously, not everything was bad about Weimar. But, this is a part of the USA today. There is a reason why the USA has the most serial killers in the world. 

John 8:32
8 Paws, 32 Toes

Do You Guys Really Mean This?
From B.C. When the Jesuit Pope visited


FRAMED or Crucified

Fritz Lang - Classic Weimar and German Movie Maker - M About a Child Murderer. The original was in 1931 and is 111 minutes long, it was remade in 1951 (the year my Mom was born) and is 88 minutes long - we are out of time and I was framed. Donny Darko. It is also connected to the moon and the sun

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you- Matthew 5:11

Let evil recoil on those who slander me; in your faithfulness destroy them- Psalms 54:5

For I hear the slander of many; there is terror on every side. They conspire against me and plot to take my life - Psalm 31:13

11 Stories, 3 of them in Seattle
Ezekiel 1:1= July 31=153 days left in year = John 21=153 fish/3=51(My Mom's birthday)
Plus Eclipse August 21, 2017 (21 days after my Mom's birthday, 3 days before mine)
Gospel of John Pontius Pilate puts up a sign in Hebrew 22, Latin 23, Greek 24
(My birthday is August 24th,1976, cusp Leo/Virgo Last Supper painting, baby and Mary)
Space Needle opened up 111 (Trinity) days into the year and the 
book came out in 1992 (1+9+9+2=21)
John 21 and Sin 21 Hebrew
The author's father worked for the
 State Department as a liaison between
the USIA and the CIA.
I was framed, they know who I am
they are pure evil

Space Needle = 11 words + opened up on April 21, which is 111 days into the year.
In the year I was born, 1976 (it is a leap year) and  April 20 (Hitler's birthday) is the 111th day.
The top - a
ntenna spire 605.00 ft = 6+5=11 (184.404 m) = 1+8+4+4+4=21
Technical details: Floor count = 6  Lifts/elevators = 3 = Total  9
Total = 9/11 and 21. 

See previous posts (here and here,) about the connection between human hunting,  gang stalking and the Zodiac Killer. Also, see how the Son of Sam Killing over my birthday and my Mom's birthday.

The Beast of British Columbia Clifford Olson is also connected to 9/11, he was a convicted Canadian serial killer who confessed to murdering 11 children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 18 in the early 1980s. Ages of 9 and 11 children, and 18 or 6+6+6. He was born on the 1st day of the 1st month, and he died on the 9th month in 2011. Once again 9/11.

The Columbine shooting is also connected to 9/11. First they did the shooting on Hitler's birthday in 1999 turn upside down 1-666. Eric David Harris was born on April 9, the 99th day of the year, turned upside down = 666. His partner Dylan Klebold was born on September 11 or 9/11.

The Beast of Columbia Luis Garavito killed people from 1992 to 21 April 1999.  1+9+9+2= 21 to April 21 or the day the space needle opened, the 111th day of the year.) Turn the 1999 upside down 1- 666. In the leap years of 1976 and 1992 Hitler's birthday on April 20th would be associated with the 111th day. 

I could put more serial killers up with strange patterns. The point is not everything is what it seems nor are they always telling you the truth.



 See his Facebook

Now you know why the psychopath below is holding up a wine glass on June 25th, same as this. See also 9/11 connections

Wine Glass Mrs. Amery,
Picture Put Up on June 25th

The Roman "Peace Arch" on the Border of B.C. and Washington State, Napoleon's Mother's Birthday is August 24th - Rebbe Singing the Song 76 Years Ago as of 2024. Why Did They Choose April 20th? You Guys Like Your Trip to Fontainebleau End of 2023? See Pictures...

 See Here For the Peace Arch on the Border of British Columbia and Washington State

Arch in France 

Roads Around Arch

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Bio-Digital Convergence -SHUT UP LIARS - Why is No Media Covering This? Track Everyone- Joe Rogan, Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump, Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk All Know This- Look At All the Tech Billionaires at Trump's Inauguration


More Evidence of the Technology 

June 25h..... Marriage of Two and Mark Mom Wine Glass. Why? Beast Maple Ridge June 25 = 176 Days in 189 Days Left. Don't Forget Jake and Tara and Their "Signs" (Beast, Wine, 666 and Torture Among Others)

Mary O (Moon) O (Sun) Grace
Established 1951
Former CEO Brady

Collogues at where?

 2 Come Together to Make 1

Jesuit Eclipse Symbol 32 Sun Rays
Eclipse Moon in Front of Sun
John 21 -  153/3 = 51

Who worked at Surrey Satellites before current place? Connections to Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates. Marco and Michelle that name sound familiar? 

Does Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates ring a bell? Connects to the Canadian Space Agency and NASA, among other things. (RCMP and CSIS) 

John Trudeau your wife deleted her Facebook, why? She was posting on Marco's Facebook. Marco why are you following Sophie Trudeau? I bet this is all a coincidence. 

See here for how Marco Brugman has interesting connections on his Facebook

Losers Marco and Michelle Brugman know Lori Graham and Billy Graham. Daniel Mate is following Lori Graham's Instagram.  Aaron Mate is his brother, he is a colleague of Max Blumenthal who wrote the 51-Day War about this war that happened over my Mom's birthday and mine. Right losers? Yes. I could put up a bunch of other losers in the community of Maple Ridge too. One was a former Mayor of the town and another a former Mayor of Pitt Meadows who was also a part of the RCMP for over 20 years. All are following Lori Graham and they know what is happening. 

Billy Graham's Company on Marco Brugman's Facebook. Marco is just a lying piece of trash just like the whole Amery family. Marco Brugman, Michelle Brugman, and many others are involved with drugs and work with the CIA. They all live well while they stalk, surveil, and torture innocent people. This is 100% true, take a lie detector test psychos. You all know it is true.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Strangers able to Log into Your Daughters ---- Do You Want This? Mainstream and Alternative Media Covering it Up (Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Secular Talk, Among Others... You Guys and Gals On This?) Seeing That I'm So Crazy and All Of You Are Always Telling the Truth

 Edward Snowden, where are you? Is he still in Russia?

New Blog With List of Technology No More Denying it Scumbags- it is Real- Global News, CTV, and CBC Where Are You? Who Do You Work For? These Losers Seriously Believe if They Ignore Information it Will Go Away!

Click Below For a List of Technology Used For Organized Stalking By Government Agencies and Organized Crime:

Also, see here, herehere, and here.

See here, Former FBI Agent Confirms Organized Gang Stalking is Real

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Psychology of Narcissists and Psychopaths- You Read This Weasels, You Like Exploiting People?

See here and here for psychopaths. See here for narcissistic supply. See here for why the CIA only hires narcissists and sociopaths.  See here for a Mossad agent talking how they think they are God, this equally applies to the Five Eyes Intelligence agencies. See here for all the different agencies and how they are violating the rights of individuals all over Canada and the USA. See here for all of the laws they are violating. 

B.A.I.T.E.R (Backstabber, Abuser, Impostor, Taker, Exploiter and Reckless)

1. Arrogant entitlement 2. A complete lack of empathy 3. No remorse or guilt 4. Irresponsible and self destructive 5. They thrive on drama 6. They brag about out smarting people 7.  A lot of short term relationships or high levels of infidelity... they almost always claim to be the victim 8. They are con artists and liars  9. Use comedy, praise or charm to bring down your guard 10. Use of gaslighting 

2. Another category - Phony religious people, phony humanists and human rights activists, phony "law enforcers", phony law makers, and phony politicians 

I Have Ample Evidence This Technology Exists and I Am Going to Put Up Even More Evidence


Human Rights.

Read this Canadian Human Rights Commission Website.

They actually have the nerve to link to the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Torture is Right at the top, articles 4 and 5.... read.

From Their Website:

Universal human rights

Everyone in the world is entitled to the same fundamental human rights. In fact, there are 30 of them [1.41 MB]. They are the universal human rights that we, as citizens of this world, have agreed we are all entitled to. They include the right to live free from torture, the right to live free from slavery, the right to own property, and the right to equality and dignity, and to live free from all forms of discrimination.

Human rights describe how we instinctively expect to be treated as persons.

Human rights define what we are all entitled to: a life of equality, dignity, respect, and a life free from discrimination.

You do not have to earn your human rights. You are born with them. They are the same for every person.

Nobody can give them to you. But they can be taken away.

Countries have human rights laws to make sure that people and governments are held accountable if your human rights are not respected. In Canada, your human rights are protected by provincial, territorial, federal and international laws.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

All the Laws That Are Currently Being Violated in Canada and Internationally From the Crimes Mentioned On This Blog

See here for how I contacted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with no reply. See here for how I contacted Head of Public Safety Canada Marco Mendicino and received no reply. 

-Violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canada

- Violation of the Bill of Rights of Canada

 Criminal Code of Canada

- Possession of weapon for dangerous purpose

- Drug Trafficking (many of my stalkers are involved in drugs, probably some of the police and intelligence agents too) 

- Human Trafficking (look up the definition of human trafficking) 

-Criminal Harassment

- Torture

- Illegal Surveillance

- Espionage

International Law

- Violation of the Geneva Conventions of human experimentation and torture

- Nuremberg Laws and Code on human experimentation and torture

UN Treaties

- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 

Convention against torture and other cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 

- Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Friday, January 17, 2025

The CBC Was Following My Twitter Account Before it Was Taken Down- See Proof

Note: this was originally posted in December of 2016 with my old Twitter account that was taken down. If the CBC was following my Twitter account, (see screenshot below, see where it says under CBC pic "follows you") who else do you think knows about what is happening in Canada? Freedom in Canada... give me a break. 

The information I was putting out was so controversial and explosive. The CBC knows this, that's why they won't talk about it.  That is also why you should be following this blog. Click on the picture below to enlarge it, and see how they were following me. 

Keep this in mind when you read this blog post and this blog post

(Click on Pic Above to Enlarge, See Where it Says '@CBC Follows You')

Originally posted in March of 2019, Proof That the Israeli Government is Following Me at the Highest Level: Another Israeli Who Blocks Me Because I'm Intolerant Of Their Intolerance (See Picture)

Not only am I being followed at the highest levels of my own country, but, I'm also followed at the highest levels of Israeli government. See the PROOF below! 

See the screenshot pictures and the video below! 

One is a screenshot from the CSE of Canada Twitter account, which is the equivalent of the NSA in the USA, the CSE is the military intelligence of Canada. As you can see, they were blocking me. The other screenshot is from someone in the Israeli government at the highest level, in fact, you can see her in the former Prime Minister of Israel's (Benjamin Netanyahu,) cabinet picture below. I had no idea who this woman was until I read an article about her, looked her up and found her Twitter account. As you can see, she was blocking my old Twitter account that was banned. 

See her Wikipedia here. For some of her interesting comments see here. Here is a small sample of her loving disposition: “May you be raped in your grave,” says the new darling of Israel’s ruling Likud party. Sounds like this charmer here who said Palestinian mothers give birth to “little snakes.”  I am used to being blocked, it is no different than the Canadian Military Intelligence Agency that blocks me. (See picture below.) For more of this classic Israeli and Jewish intolerance, see this soccer game in Israel

Imagine if we had people in the Canadian government saying this? Thankfully we don't --- they just kiss the asses of the people who believe such insanity. See here for more about Judaism. 

See her in red in center. Click on pic above to enlarge, she is right behind
Benjamin Netanyahu (the previous Prime Minister,) and right beside the
 current Prime Minister of Israel. 

Watch 30 Seconds into the video to see her!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Watch the Video Below - Was This Osama bin Laden? Marco and Michelle? You Guys Better Start Telling the Truth (Michelle Blocking People on Your Facebook Will Not Stop the TRUTH)

Anything to Say? 

Is this not EVIL?  Marco see here and see below. 

See here for who really did this.

1992 Sesame Street
The guy's name in the clip from Sesame Street below is Louise. 
It is connected to Lucifer see here.

The Simpsons From an Episode in 1997:
(See here for Jewish control of Hollywood)

You have to understand there is a connection between the number 23 and the September 11th attacks. See here and here for more about the dates on the Hebrew calendar.  The September 11th attacks = 23, add it up: 9+11+2+0+0+1=23. World Trade Center = WTC. W is the 23rd letter of the Alphabet, T is the 20th letter of the Alphabet, C is the 3rd letter of the Alphabet. So, WTC = 46 (Twin Towers.) 46-23= 23. The Twin Towers were like the number 11 as they stood side by side. The date of the attack: 9/11= 9+1+1=11. The sentence "September 11" consists of 9 letters and 2 numbers = 9+2=11. September 11th is the 254th day of the year= 2+5+4=11. After September 11, there are 111 days left to the end of the year.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Secret King


Human Trafficking Awareness Day- Is Anyone Going to Tell the Truth? What Sort of Sick Psychopaths Would Do This?

People that take pleasure in ruining the lives of others. Who the Hell are you people? 
Here is my email for anyone who wants to contact me: 

Human Trafficking Awareness Day Started in 2007 the Year I Was Put in These Towers
January 11 or 1-11 
Wear Blue For Mary Magdalene (Nurses) 
Agatha of Sicily-saint against rape & torture- died when she was 20 or XX - 9/11

Join the Blue of Mary, the baby and Jesus
Baby the Leo / Mary the Virgo
Leo/Virgo Cusp
(My Birthday) August 24th-236th day -1976
24th day + 8th month =32 = One Tower and Jesuit Sign
1+9+7+6=23 = Second Tower (23 Latin) 
I was on the 13th floor in the building with 23 floors = 36 - above Jesus head
There is a quote from Da Vinci at these towers
Address of Towers: 1200 + 1288 = 1488 = 1+4+8+8=21 = 
John 21 -153 Vesica Piscis Eclipse
Didymus (means twin) 3 times in the Gospel of John,
Thomas (means twin) 8 times in the Gospel of John

9 Halo Rays on left Tower Top-Shaped like a C
11 openings shaped like a reverse J beside the right tower


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Latest Articles On Torturing People With Technology That is Covered Up- David Salinas Flores- Faculty of Medicine Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru

Below are three interesting articles, read them all. Also, watch this documentary about experimenting on people with classified technology. Pure evil. The intelligence agencies and many police officers of the Western world are very aware of this technology. See here for more about Homeland Security. This is how truly sick our countries are. They rule over us and they work with criminals.

1.. The secret of the neuroscience boom: are there secret human experiments in Latin America? (Download this)
2. Transhumanism: the big fraud towards digital slavery 
(Download this)

Also, read this past article here:  Slavery By Satellite - Must-Read Article From Academics (Download this)

Does anyone Know People Working With Intelligence Agencies and Drug Cartels?

Former FBI Agent Confirms That Organized Gang Stalking is Real: Global News, CTV, and CBC Where Are You? Who Do You Work For? These Losers Seriously Believe if They Ignore Information it Will Go Away!

See here for a collection of posts about mental illness diagnosis and how people in political power abuse it.  See here for CSIS scum following people around, call them up.... find out how sick and full of crap these losers are. 

     Click Here to Read

Also See Here

1. See this important post about intelligence and law enforcement abusing this technology (Women getting raped, videos with a medical doctor)
2. See another doctor confirming that Stasi organized stalking and smear tactics exist
See my blog with technology here

In the Movies: 

4. Gamer -controlling people
5. Videodrome - snuff and torture
6. Brainstorm - experiencing other people's emotions, seeing out their eyes
7. Surrogates - live through surrogates (people)
8. Anon - see out eyes of people, voyeurs, and police 
9. 8MM about Snuff and Porn

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Where's the Justice? Silicon Valley Billionaire Scum Along With the CIA and NSA: Must Watch Documentary Below- Learn the History of Manipulation of Human Beings With Classified Technology (Many Silicon Valley Billionaires, Electrical Engineers, Computer Scientists, Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists Know About This & Are Complicit in Covering it Up)

See here for more about Ewen Cameron.  See here for a list of government agencies involved in covering up the human rights abuses and torture that continues now.  

See here and here for more about classified and hi-technology. See here for more about MkUltra. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles when you click through on the MkUltra link.) See here for more about Transhumanism. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles and videos when you click on the Transhumanist link.)

The documentary below is an absolute must watch. Be sure to watch the whole presentation. You will learn how long this technology has been around and the massive human rights abuses that have been perpetrated. This is something that is rarely talked about, in fact, it is extremely difficult to find information on this topic. Be sure to watch this old news clip from CNN in the 80's. Also interesting are movies from the 80's like Videodrome and Brainstorm