Wednesday, January 29, 2025

June 25th..... Marriage of Two and Mark Mom Wine Glass. Why? Beast Maple Ridge June 25 = 176 Days in 189 Days Left. Don't Forget Jake and Tara and Their "Signs" (Beast, Wine, 666 and Torture Among Others)

Mary O (Moon) O (Sun) Grace
Established 1951
Former CEO Brady

Collogues at where?

 2 Come Together to Make 1

Jesuit Eclipse Symbol 32 Sun Rays
Eclipse Moon in Front of Sun
John 21 -  153 / 3 = 51

Who worked at Surrey Satellites before their current place? Connections to Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates. Marco and Michelle that name sound familiar? 

Does Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates ring a bell? Connects to the Canadian Space Agency and NASA, among other things. (RCMP and CSIS) Martine Rothblatt's Sirius XM (Dogstar) connects to NASA and satellites too. 

John Trudeau your wife deleted her Facebook, why? She was posting on Marco's Facebook. Marco why are you following Sophie Trudeau? I bet this is all a coincidence. 

See here for how Marco Brugman has interesting connections on his Facebook

Losers Marco and Michelle Brugman know Lori Graham and Billy Graham. Daniel Mate is following Lori Graham's Instagram.  Aaron Mate is his brother, he is a colleague of Max Blumenthal who wrote the 51-Day War about this war that happened over my Mom's birthday and mine. Right losers? Yes. I could put up a bunch of other losers in the community of Maple Ridge too. One was a former Mayor of the town and another a former Mayor of Pitt Meadows who was also a part of the RCMP for over 20 years. All are following Lori Graham and they know what is happening. I could put up a bunch more of you pathetic losers and maybe I will, you are all a fucking joke.

Billy Graham's Company on Marco Brugman's Facebook. Marco is just a lying piece of trash just like the whole Amery family. Marco Brugman, Michelle Brugman, and many others are involved with drugs and work with the CIA. They all live well while they stalk, surveil, and torture innocent people. This is 100% true, take a lie detector test psychos. You all know it is true.

Smith (Grandmother Maiden name)
Cumming (Mother Maiden name)
British Intelligence and CSIS
and my Loser Family

My Aunt
Leviticus 16
16 for Scapegoat right? 
In Front of the Cross of Andrew
The Unicorn of Scotland
Moon in Front of the Sun

Posted 11th Month 9th Day
 Cousin at MOOG

The Book Takes Place During the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall is imminent and the Cold War will soon be over.
But for BOX 88, a top-secret spying agency known only to an inner circle
of MI6 and CIA operatives, the espionage game is heating up.

CSIS Headquarters in Canada

British Intelligence 

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