Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Watch Losers- This is Who You Are Right?

 See here for blog about me being set up, they know who I am. 

Sam Vaknin is Describing
What Zionist Psychopaths Do 

Learn from the master himself, the great scumbag Sam Vaknin, a diagnosed narcissistic psychopathFormer criminal and Israeli citizen born April 21, or 111 days into the year and 254 days remaining, (what a surprise hey Sam!) He is probably still working for the Mossad because he still follows me around and reads my blog all the time. He also know about this, and of course, he will not talk about it like many psychologists and psychiatrists. One of the first people to put up videos regarding narcissists, gaslighting, gang stalking, stalking by proxy, smearing campaigns, torture etc. His earliest info is the best.  See here for my list about narcissism. 

On Torture 

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