Friday, February 28, 2025

Whitney Web- Palantir Minority Report -Predict the Future -Prometheus (Forethought)

Something she doesn't even get into and this. Now just imagine how bad it really is.  Two other great must-read articles are here and here. What is interesting, on one side of my family (the Cumming side- scroll to bottom) I have a relative that works for Palantir. On the other side of my family, the (Smith side-scroll to bottom) works at MOOG, a military contractor. 

Mary O Moon O Sun Grace (Eclipse)
Eclipse John 21 (Born in 1992 =1+9+9+2=21) (Shining)
(Marissa, her younger sister Mary- who is born on 1:11) 
(Other Cousin Matthew works at Palantir)
The Gospel of Matthew has 42 Generations and Matthew 1:11
is connected to Ezekiel 1:1  and my Mom's birthday

July 31st. After July 31st there are 153 days left in the year which
connects to John 21, the  153 fish, and the eclipse

My Mom was born in 1951

(Space Needle) = Opened up 111 days into year -11 letters
(The 42nd State to Join Union)
Seattle the Emerald City and the Epicenter of Covid-19
 Broke out in 2020 When I contacted Mary For the First Time

Jesuit Eclipse Symbol 32 Sun Rays
Eclipse Moon in Front of Sun
John 21 -  153/3 = 51

MOOG Colleague = Framed - Entraped (Laying Snares book of PSALMS)
Interestingly also, Marissa's birthday is 21 days after mine
Saint Michael - In Virgo- The Harvester into the Libra Scales

0:00 - 2:40 - Intro 2:40 - 6:39 - The Changing Media Landscape 6:39 - 12:30 - Whitney's backstory 12:30 - 23:53 - Who Took Over Epstein's Operation? 23:53 - 28:48 - Digital Blackmail 28:48 - 37:00 - Palantir & Mass Surveillance 37:00 - 49:00 - Predictive Policing & AI 49:00 - 58:12 - How the Elites view humanity 58:12 - 1:06:40 - Depopulation Propaganda 1:06:40 - 1:13:26 - Dystopian AI, Transhuman Future 1:13:26 - 1:21:20 - AI Brain Rot & Creative Atrophy 1:21:20 - 1:30:50 - Billionaire Culture Grift 1:30:50 - 1:35:33 - Illusion of Division 1:35:33 - 1:42:00 - Ideological Subversion, the war for perception 1:42:00 - 1:45:00 - Authoritarian Power Games 1:45:00 - 1:53:35 - How to Keep Your Sanity 1:53:35 - 1:58:45 - Why Whitney Left America? 1:58:45 - 2:03:34 - Are you afraid for your safety?

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

This is For People I am Related to, and Former Friends #MARK AMERY Tough Love (I'll Remember That)

See here for front businesses

See here for gaslighting.

Shane. Nobody is following you. Talk to somebody and get help buddy. It's truly sad. I know you are paranoid that something is happening to you, but just seriously ask yourself why. What do people want from you? Is it money or ? Shane you were a great friend and everyone in our "group" thinks that maybe you need some help. Ever since you started with mr swing and were working through the nights it started to go down hill. I have talked to the police and they said you should get help from a family member as you will have no trust in friends or others, this is why I reached out to Shawn. Not to hurt you, to see if he can help you. I hope you can work through this, as I told Shawn if there is anything we can do on our end to help let me know. I didn't open your links or blogs through this email because I truly don't care what it says and probably wouldn't understand anyways. Take Care Shane. Mark

 - Mark Amery in email to me (He also taped my phone call and sent a cop over to my house. They took me to a mental institution.) You knew the truth the whole time, just like your lowlife Mother, right? You all know the truth. How many years of being tortured and treated worse than an animal?  BEING FRAMED. EXPERIMENTED ON. Living on the street and in my car, smashing up two cars, breaking both my hands, suffering potential brain damage, minor stroke, minor heart attack, concussion, heart issues, circulatory issues, and a hernia that almost killed me. Had to go to the hospital with a heart rate of around 30. (They can do all of this to people with this technology.) Plus, losing many years and how much money? This has cost me everything and millions of dollars. How many years has this been going on? I don't even know. The worst was between 2013 and 2023. (Jake and Tara Beast? Torture? Wine Glass? Beast Mode 24?) 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Remember the Story of Job, He Didn't Do Anything Wrong = Hatred Without a Cause Gospel of John (Irish People, You Like U2?)

A Scapegoat for the TRUTH

Right, Shelby?

In Front of the Cross of Andrew
The Unicorn of Scotland

Leviticus 16


Moon in Front of the Sun

Born 1976 =1+9+7+6=23 or U2 (Band Also Formed in 1976)

16 Years Old in 1992 =1+9+9+2=21
 or John 21 or Achtung Baby

The Eclipse of John 21 = the Georgia Guidestones
Ezekiel 1:1 (July 31,) my Mom's birthday, 153 days left in the year (she was born in 1951)
153 Fish/3=51  in John 21

The Jesus and Mary Chain From Scotland
21 Singles

John 21=153 vesica piscis / 3 = 51 = 50 states + Washington D.C. 
The Statue of Liberty = 151 feet high, (look at the 111 on front of it.)
7 at its head and 11 at its base for Flavius Constantine
"New York" is the New Rome. Constantine of York in Britain.

Jesus and Mary

36 x 3 = 108

Andrew in Da Vinci's Painting With His Twin Hands
Scottish Flag

X of Andrew

Georgia Guidestones Cube

MM= Mary Magdalene 
JAM= Jesus Ave Maria
Turn Letters to Numbers = 108

The Space Needle opened up on April 21, 1962, (1+9+6+2=18,) this is 111 days into the year. In a leap year like 1976,  Hitler's birthday is on April 20th, which is the 111th day of the year.  He was a Roman Emperor, and the first Reich was Charlemagne. 

The top - antenna spire 605.00 ft = 6+5=11 (184.404 m) = 1+8+4+4+4=21

Technical details: Floor count = 6  Lifts/elevators = 3 = Total  9
Total = 9/11 and 21. 

9/11 is also connected to the destruction of the Jewish temples, this is known as Tisha B'Av, which is the 9th of Av

January 1st month-11 days or 1-11: 354 days left 3 x 54 = 162 = 3 x 6 x 9 = hours Christ on the Cross

April 21: 111 days in - 254 days left 2 x 54= 108 (Georgia Guidestones) -See below

September 11th:  254 days in  254 days left 2 x 54= 108 (Georgia Guidestones) and 111 days left 

My birthday is August 24 which is 18 days before 9/11
or 3+6+9 (hours Christ on Cross,) or 6+6+6 = 18

A Jew Who Went to Stanford For Computer Science Put Together a Crossword
 With the Space Needle On My Mother's Birthday, See the Date: July 31, 2017 

(Click to Enlarge) 

See this article with Buzz Aldrin at the Space Needle on July 31st
 celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Space Needle. 

Collogues at MOOG

 2 Come Together to Make 1

Jesuit Eclipse Symbol 32 Sun Rays
Eclipse Moon in Front of Sun
John 21 -  153/3 = 51

Smith (Grandmother Maiden name)
Cumming (Mother Maiden name)
British Intelligence and CSIS
and my Loser Family
The Head of British Intelligence Changed his Last Name to Cumming
When he Married a Woman from Scotland. 
He used to write in Green, (writing in green ink is associated with the leadership of MI6 due to this historical practice by Smith-Cumming.) This is connected to the underage Roman Emperor, his guardian used green ink to write his signature.

Posted 11th Month 9th Day
Cousin MOOG

The Book Takes Place During the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall is imminent and the Cold War will soon be over.
But for BOX 88, a top-secret spying agency known only to an inner circle
of MI6 and CIA operatives, the espionage game is heating up.

CSIS Headquarters in Canada

British Intelligence 

Lynching- Boba Fett Steve Amery and "I Like This" Craig Gilmore - You Guys Know What the Horse "Beast" is in Maple Ridge Right? Hunting People from the Highest Levels - Peter Thiel Rene Girard Scapegoat, Elon Musk the "Burning Man" of Silicon Valley - Same Year I Was Put in the Towers- 2007: Scapegoat Publishing published The Satanic Scriptures by Peter H. Gilmore in 2007. The book is a collection of essays and rituals that present the Church of Satan's philosophy.

Want to know something else interesting? January 11th in the United States is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. This began in 2007 when I was 30 years old. That same year I moved into these towers. I left them after Passover and Easter in 2010 when I was 33. Christ's ministry in the Gospel of John is 3 1/2 years. But it gets even more interesting. On my mother's side of the family, her mother's father, (my mother's maternal Grandfather,) was half-black and their connections go back to a Slave Plantation in Missouri. See here how January 11th is an important day in Missouri for slavery.  

Unveiling the Modern Terror: Gangstalking and the Echoes of History

In the annals of history, the echoes of oppression resonate through the ages. I stand before you today, a black male born in 1964, an educator, a political, civil rights, and human rights activist. I have witnessed the relentless tide of discrimination, but what I share now shakes the very core of our understanding of power and control.

Gangstalking, an organized plague on our existence, is a sinister cousin to the lynching that once terrorized our ancestors. Just as lynching aimed to break spirits, silence dissent, and intimidate, so does gangstalking prey on the vulnerable, casting shadows of fear and despair upon lives that dare to resist.

In both scourges, community actors play a chilling role, sowing seeds of intimidation and hatred. Just as our forebearers faced vigilante justice at the hands of mobs, today's gangstalkers strike under the cover of darkness, emboldened by a lack of accountability. Law enforcement, the very protectors we trust, may cloak themselves in indifference, tacitly approving these reprehensible acts.

Imagine a life where you're relentlessly pursued, your home invaded, your every step monitored. This is the life of a gangstalking victim – a life I know too well. False rumors, harassment, and even psychological torture shatter our sense of safety. Just as lynching was rooted in prejudice, so is this modern terrorism, festering under the banner of "Neighborhood Watch" groups.

Do not be deceived by the term "gangstalking." Behind this innocuous name lies organized torture and murder, a term that's been around for centuries, hidden behind different masks. Victims, discarded as "undesirable" by law enforcement, find their cries muffled in a sea of apathy. The system's gas-lighting tactic dismisses us as mentally unstable, perpetuating the cycle of victimization.

The KKK's shadow lingers in the dark corners of history, a mirror to the present-day gangstalkers. Police, entrusted with our safety, often morph into our tormentors, leaving us to ponder the very definition of justice. News reporters serve as their allies, painting a veneer of legitimacy over these atrocities.

Our society, once the beacon of freedom, teeters on the precipice of fascism. My brethren, my fellow targeted individuals, we stand united in our fight for human rights. We must unearth these truths, expose the systemic rot, and demand accountability. Only then can we lift the veil on gangstalking's sinister face and let justice prevail. The echoes of history should remind us that this fight is not new – it is the continuation of a struggle against those who seek to suppress us.

The Church of Satan is connected to Jewish causes. The symbol is surrounded by
Hebrew Letters. Samael and Lilith are from the Talmud and the Kabballah.
The inverted goat pentagram contains the Hebrew letters at the five points
 of the pentagram spelling out Leviathan the Sea Monster (לויתן).
See Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, the book of Job
 3:8, 40:15–41:26
Job 41:1–34, Isaiah 27:1, Psalms 74:14.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

MARCO and Michelle Brugman = Liars---- Sirius-ly - The Complete Scum of the Earth

 See his Facebook

Now you know why the woman below is holding up a wine glass on June 25th, same as this. See also 9/11 connections

Wine Glass Mrs. Amery,
Picture Put Up on June 25th

The Sirius One

In ancient Egypt, June 25th marked the approximate date when the star Sirius would rise just before sunrise (heliacal rising), which was considered a signal that the Nile River would soon begin to flood, bringing life-giving water and fertile silt to the land, essentially marking the start of the Egyptian agricultural year; this connection between Sirius and the Nile flooding was a key part of their calendar and mythology.

 June 25th? 176 Days into the Year, 189 Days Left.
I was born in 1976 and the Beast clock (CUBE) was put in Maple Ridge in 1989. This is Pontius Pilate's Feast Day, He Puts the Sign Up in the Gospel of John.  
I was 13 Years Old in 1989.
10 Provinces +3 Territories =13 (Canada)
13 Stripes USA flag (USA)

Look Above Jesus Head 6x6=36

The Spear of Destiny 
Flavius Constantine = 306 A.D. to 337 A.D.
36 Squares to 37 x 3 = 111
37 x 24 = 888
In 2013, I was 36 When the First Jesuit Pope came in.
On August 24th of that same year, I turned 37 on August 24th.
The Pope was born in 1936 and was 76, I was born in 1976 and was 36.

X Marks the Spot
Truman Show
Harry Truman 
Israel, CIA, and NSA were established under him in 1948

8+8 (Moon and Sun)

Flag of Israel

Jesus and Mary

Feels Like Easter Friday
Mark Amery (Liar) Company
See here and here.

 See here for Stigmata. Padre Pio feast day is September 23rd, the same day you saw this in 2017

1. From Easter Friday in 2017 to July 31 (My Mom's Birthday, Ezekiel 1:1) is 54 days
2. From July 31 to September 23 is 54 days = 108 which is the Georgia Guidestones 

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” - Galatians 3:13 

You must not leave the body on the tree overnight, but you must be sure to bury him that day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God's curse. - Deuteronomy 21:23

I broke both of my hands in 2019 and 2020. Both the same way. Below is the X-RAY I had to get on both hands. Insane but true! A stigmata.  

Stigmata = a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. "the stigma of having gone to prison will always be with me"

Guess when I broke my hands? The first one on the 3rd sign, (this is Andrew the Gemini or twin, holding up his hands, in the Last Supper painting, the flag of Scotland. The Unicorn.) The second hand on the 9th sign in the painting is the Sagittarius. (the Pope's sign.) I am the 6th sign, the Virgo, August 24th. This is the cusp of the Leo and the Virgo, or the baby and the Mother in the Last Supper painting. So I broke my hands on the 3rd and 9th sign, and I am the 6th sign. 3+6+9, these are the hours Jesus was on the cross. He was crucified for 6 hours.  

1----> 8 pointing up = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36, look above Jesus' head 6x6=36
Count 1 up to 36 = 666.

Notice it is also a W
John 21 = Ezekiel 1.1 (my Mom's birthday) = 153 days left in year

Simon Peter is the Cancer sign in the Last Supper painting (4th from the left), this is very important. The Cancer sign is a 6 x 9 = 54 or July 31 (My Mom's Birthday) to September 23.
 That is 54 Days.

July 1st, (Canada Day) 69 A.D. is when the Flavians became the Roman Emperors. Go down to the Flavian Dynasty. (They destroyed the Jewish Temple. You will see that Vespasian served for 9 years and 11 months.)  This is why there is a Roman Colosseum replica in Vancouver. They built the original Colosseum!