Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Almost Everything Israel Tells you is a Lie! #Coexist

Please click on the video below to watch it. Also see here, here, here and here. Do you know that the state of Israel actually has the hubris to call themselves the most "moral" military in the world? Can you believe that? It's crazy. It would be an absolutely insane stretch for the United States to call itself that, that's why they never do. See here, this is how nuts these people are. They are claiming to be the most moral army in the world when Israel is the only country in the world to automatically prosecute children in military courts that lack basic safeguards for a fair trial.

It gets even better, Israel doesn't even have a constitution, so how can they give a crap about free speech? They don't! That's why they do this and why they are trying to get other countries to shut up about what they are doing.  Even more amazing, the United States has made it a part of their foreign policy to go around fighting "anti-Semitism." #Coexist

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