Sunday, September 18, 2016

Two Interesting Books on Judaism

The point of my numerous posts is for one purpose only. We often hear the words preached to us to "coexist" with other belief systems, and yet, certainly in Canada and the United States, we hear very little about the true nature of Judaism and where it comes from. Here is your chance to learn more about it for yourself.

As I said here, it doesn't matter if you are Christian or secular, the purpose is to learn more about Judaism. We often hear that "Jesus was a Jew," and yet, very few people know why Jesus was put to death by the Pharisees and Rome. Certainly, very few people question if he was a Jew like the Pharisees. Most people do not know that almost all of the Jews of today come from the Pharisees and the Talmud. In other words, the Pharisees are the foundation of modern day Rabbinical Judaism.

Everyone should know that one of the major reasons for the persecution of Jesus by the Pharisees was his defiance of them. Most people do not understand that the beginnings of our secular society and our ideas of tolerance grew out of Christianity. From natural law and natural right theorists going back to Thomas Aquinas to the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. These philosophers and thinkers derived their ideology from the idea that you were unique and that you were made in the image of God.

The one idea that anyone should take from the gospels (Christian, Secular or Atheist,) is the same message one should take from Socrates. Jesus and Socrates were both disrupters of power, they both defied the powers of this world.

Now, besides reading the books below, you can see other informative posts on the topic of Judaism here. To see more books about Jewish identity and how Judaism is a group evolutionary strategy, go here. To learn more about the Talmud, one of Judaism's most sacred books, go here.

Click on the links below to
 download the books

Judaism Discovered by Michael Hoffman 

Judaism's Strange Gods by Michael Hoffman

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