Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Little Known Connections Between the Talmud, Judaism, and Racism Against Blacks

“The modern Jew is the product of the Talmud.”

— Michael Rodkinson, in preface of Babylonian Talmud, page XI.
The videos below might also explain why the black JEWS do not have a Talmud! The Talmud is not the Bible nor the Old Testament. This is why Jesus was against these people. Just like the quote above says, see here for how all modern day Jews are a product of the Talmud. (Unless they are Karaites or Beta Israel Jews, which is an extremely small group of people.) For previous videos on a similar subject matter, see here for posts about the Talmud, see here for connections between Judaism and the slave trade, see here for a collection of posts about the problems with Judaism and the state of Israel that are rarely talked about or made public.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Almost Everything Israel Tells you is a Lie! #Coexist

Please click on the video below to watch it. Also see here, here, here and here. Do you know that the state of Israel actually has the hubris to call themselves the most "moral" military in the world? Can you believe that? It's crazy. It would be an absolutely insane stretch for the United States to call itself that, that's why they never do. See here, this is how nuts these people are. They are claiming to be the most moral army in the world when Israel is the only country in the world to automatically prosecute children in military courts that lack basic safeguards for a fair trial.

It gets even better, Israel doesn't even have a constitution, so how can they give a crap about free speech? They don't! That's why they do this and why they are trying to get other countries to shut up about what they are doing.  Even more amazing, the United States has made it a part of their foreign policy to go around fighting "anti-Semitism." #Coexist

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Israeli Wedding Celebrating Killing

Wait a short moment for the video to load below. I also recommend you visit the Palestinian doctor that put this on his Twitter below.  Besides the video below, see here and here. Just another reason why Jesus is saying this in the gospel of John.

Israel- a Shining Light? I Don't Think So... Israel Without Her Mascara

Wait a few moments for the videos to load below, they are all must watch. Some of them that show a black screen, just click on them and you'll be able to see them on the Twitter account of the Palestinian doctor. Besides the video clips below, see this important post here. Also, see here for how Israel is the only country in the world to automatically prosecute children in military courts that lack basic safeguards for a fair trial.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Karl Marx a Jew Himself ---- What He Thought About Judaism

See here for a previous post about the founder of Zionism, Theodore Herzl. Essentially,  Karl Marx argues in his writings that, “In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.” Larry Ray explains, “Marx’s position is essentially an assimilationist one in which there is no room within emancipated humanity for Jews as a separate ethnic or cultural identity.” Dennis Fischman puts it, “Jews, Marx seems to be saying, can only become free when, as Jews, they no longer exist.” Karl Marx also saw Christianity as an evolutionary step up from Judaism.

What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general. -Karl Marx

The Law of the Jungle & the Jews

See here for a previous article about Judaism, see here for another article that asks the important question --- "is Zionism and Jewish nationalism a political cult?" See here for a whole collection of articles about Judaism, Israel and Zionism. 

By Christopher Bollyn

"The Law for the Wolves" is very much like the law for the Jews.

Now this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky,
And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.

As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back;
For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.
- “The Law for the Wolves” by Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936) 

Having lived on a Zionist kibbutz (Afikim) in the Jordan Valley, I learned as a teenager about Zionism directly from people who had been raised with notions of the Jewish collective and Jewish nationalism.  It did not take long for this observant outsider to realize that Zionism is nothing more than Jewish tribalism, although “the tribe” is not really a tribe in the true sense of the word. The Jews that I met on the kibbutz and in Israel came from every corner of the world and really had nothing in common except their belief that somehow they belonged to the same tribe, or perhaps one of the other lost tribes of Israel.

It is pretty absurd how deep that belief goes. I remember asking my girlfriend’s father, the history teacher on the kibbutz, which tribe he thought he came from. I remember him saying that he thought he came from the tribe of Ben. He was a fair-skinned and red-headed “Jew” named Izi Merimsky whose parents had migrated to Palestine from somewhere in the Pale of Settlement of Western Russia. 

There were, on the other hand, families on the kibbutz from Yemen, Morocco, Argentina, Iraq, India, Poland, and America. They were all very different, but they all seemed to operate on the belief that somehow they were from the same tribe and that loyalty to the tribe was all that mattered. The laws of the state and the kibbutz all reinforced the notion that loyalty to the tribe was the supreme good, while individualism was something of a foreign concept.

I was not a member of the tribe and that made me an outsider, something I understood very clearly from my very first days on the kibbutz. I was an 18-year-old Christian American wandering around the Middle East who had migrated to Palestine and Israel from snowy Tehran, which meant a long journey in the middle of winter across Iran, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, and the occupied West Bank.

To understand Zionism one needs to understand how Zionists view Jews as members of a collective. Collective in this sense means people acting as a group. A good source to understand what is meant by the Jewish collective is the Jewish Agency for Israel, the central organ of the Zionist establishment, which has a webpage for Jewish teachers called, “Activity: Who are the Jews?”

The following are extracts from that webpage in which teachers are encouraged to discuss Jewish identity with their students:

The aim of this activity is to provide space for the students to define the entire Jewish collective of which they are a part…

Write a separate list of the things that the students think would take them out of the collective, and discuss it. Is it, in fact, possible to take yourself out of the Jewish collective? Does conversion take you out? Does being a ‘Jew for Jesus’ take you out? Does acting in a treacherous way against other Jews take you out? Does acting in an immoral way take you out?

Now hand out the following piece for the group’s consideration. It was written in the mid-1870s by Peretz Smolenskin, a pre-Zionist ideologist of Jewish nationalism who had an enormous effect in the Eastern Europe of the late-nineteenth century. We have chosen Smolenskin because he deals directly with the issues that we have mentioned, not because we feel that the students should necessarily accept his position.

His essential argument, presented in this piece, was that the Jews must continue to see themselves as a nation open to Jews of all religious outlooks. Religious observance was a criterion neither for belonging to the Jewish collective nor for being seen to live a Jewish life.

The essential criterion for a Jewish life was acceptance of the nation. Only a Jew who sinned against his/her nation should be seen as outside the collective and not living a Jewish life.

Extracts from Peretz Smolenskin’s “It Is Time to Plant”

The Jewish people has outlived all others because it has always regarded itself as a people - a spiritual nation. Without exception, its sages and writers, its prophets and the authors of its prayers, have always called it a people…

Thinking people understand that this unity is the secret of our strength and vitality. But such unity can only come from a fraternal feeling, from a national sentiment that makes everyone born a Jew declare: I am a son of this people…

No matter what his sins against religion, every Jew belongs to his people as long as he does not betray it…

It seems like being a Jew is a lot like being a wolf. Maybe that is where the name came from. As Rudyard Kipling wrote in “The Law for the Wolves", "…the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Victims of Phosphorus Bombs in Gaza

The same ideology (see herehere, and here,) that is driving people to commit such heinous crimes against humanity as what is seen in the video below, is also driving this.

See here for a previous post on this matter, it should be noted that the United States also used this on the Iraqi people in Fallujah.

Rabbi Says its Okay to Kill Goyim (Non-Jews)

This is not science fiction people. This is not said by some antisemitic KKK or Neo-Nazis. These are Rabbis saying it's okay to kill non-Jews.... including children. See here for more about the bankrupt ideology that is known as Judaism. Reform and liberal Jews are adopting ideas from the New Testament and Christianity, even if they don't know it. Tolerance is not something Judaism is known for, even though some would like you to believe it is. There is a reason why Israel is a segregationist state, and unfortunately, very few people even know about this.  

Monday, November 14, 2016

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions

What follows is a fairly honest article from the website My Jewish Learning. In the article he refers to Israel Shahak and his books. To watch videos with interviews and talks with Israel Shakak, go here. Go here to view his books on Amazon. Some of his books are available online for free.


Israel Shahak's theory that anti-Gentile traditions have influenced Israeli policy is well known in both Arab and anti-Semitic circles, but Jews have yet to properly confront it.

Despite its title, Israel Shahak’s Jewish History, Jewish Religion(1994) is not your average intro-to-Judaism book. It is more likely to be found in a Muslim day school in Damascus than a Jewish day school in New York, more likely to be cited on a neo-Nazi website, than your local synagogue’s.
Shahak’s book is an overview of Judaism and Zionism, which focuses on Jewish anti-Gentile traditions. Though he recognizes that many of these teachings are no longer authoritative, Shahak believes that they have, nonetheless, had a profound influence on the development of Jewish identity over the centuries. Most importantly, he believes that they have seeped into Zionist ideology and have affected the way Israel interacts with its non-Jewish citizens and neighbors.
Shahak, a Holocaust survivor who died in 2001, was for many years a professor of chemistry at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He also led the Israeli Civil Rights League from the mid-1970s until 1990. In Israel, he was a controversial figure, but he was revered by the international left as a tireless advocate for human rights.

Are Jewish Lives Worth More?

In Jewish History, Jewish Religion Shahak brings numerous texts and legal rulings to demonstrate Jewish antipathy to non-Jews. He mentions a passage from the Talmud that says that Jesus will be punished in hell by being immersed in boiling excrement. He relates that Jewish tradition teaches pious Jews to burn copies of the New Testament and curse the mothers of the dead when passing non-Jewish cemeteries. Shahak highlights the famous passage from Leviticus commanding Jews to "love thy neighbor as thyself" and mentions that, according to rabbinic interpretation, "thy neighbor" refers only to Jews.
Shahak further suggests that the Jewish tradition values Jewish life more than Gentile life. He cites Maimonides’ assertion that whereas one who murders a Jew is subject to the death penalty, one who murders a non-Jew is not (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Murder 2:11). According to another leading commentator, indirectly causing the death of a non-Jew is no sin at all (Rabbi Yoel Sirkis, Bayit Hadash, commentary on Bet YosefYoreh Deah 158).
Shahak reiterates the well-known Jewish teaching that the duty to save a life supersedes all other obligations and notes that the rabbis interpreted this to apply to Jews only. According to the Talmud, "Gentiles are neither to be lifted [out of a well] nor hauled down [into it]" (Tractate Avodah Zarah, 26b). Maimonides writes: "As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war…their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued, for it is written: ‘neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow’–but [a Gentile] is not thy fellow" (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Murder 4:11).
Indeed, Maimonides is the focus of much of Shahak’s analysis. Shahak believes that the 12th-century philosopher and talmudist was a Gentile-hater and racist. He quotes Maimonides’ statement that, "their [the Turks and the blacks] nature is like the nature of mute animals, and according to my opinion they are not on the level of human beings" (Guide For the Perplexed, Book III, Chapter 51).

Practical Ramifications

Shahak recognizes that many of these traditions are not followed in practice, but he believes that, in general, they have been covered up, instead of confronted. In support of this claim, he refers to another a violent passage from Maimonides that is not translated in the bilingual addition of the Guide published in Jerusalem in 1962. He sees this as a deliberate deception on the part of the editors to soften classical Jewish militancy. His own English translation of the passage, which discusses the command to kill Jewish infidels reads: "It is a duty to exterminate them with one’s own hands. Such as Jesus of Nazareth and his pupils, and Tzadoq and Baitos [the founders of the Sadducees] and their pupils, may the name of the wicked rot."
According to Shahak, Jewish "traditions of contempt" infiltrated Zionism and have affected Israeli policy towards its Arab citizens and the Palestinians. He cites three main areas where he believes this has occurred: residency rights, employment rights, and equality before the law.
As an example, he mentions that 92% of Israel’s land is legally restricted to Jews. While in other countries it would be labeled anti-Semitic if a policy excluded Jews from living on or owning land, in the Israeli context Jews tolerate it. He adds that based on the distinction in classical Judaism between reverence for Jewish cemeteries and not for non-Jewish ones, the state of Israel has destroyed hundreds of Muslim cemeteries, including one in order to build the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv.
Perhaps most disturbingly, Shahak cites a booklet published by the Central Regional Command of the Israeli Army which states that it is permissible, and even encouraged, to kill civilians encountered in war. "In war, when our forces storm the enemy, they are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good civilians, that is, civilians who are ostensibly good." In a footnote, Shahak mentions that this booklet was withdrawn from circulation on the command of the Chief of Staff, but he nonetheless, believes that even the brief appearance of such a text can only be explained by an accurate assessment of the inequality in Jewish tradition between the lives of Jews and non-Jews.

Jews Have Ignored Shahak’s Work, Others Haven’t

Whatever your opinion of Shahak and his arguments, Jewish History, Jewish Religion should be taken seriously for a number of reasons.
For one, the texts that Shahak cites are real (though Shahak’s sporadic use of footnotes makes it difficult to check all of them). Oftentimes, the interpretation of these texts is debatable and their prominence in Judaism negligible, but nonetheless, they are part of Jewish tradition and, therefore, cannot be ignored. And, indeed, they are not ignored. As alluded to above, Shahak’s work is very popular in both Arab and Muslim circles (Radio Islam contains the full text of Shahak’s work) as well as groups that are often openly anti-Semitic (David Duke and Bradley Smith include Shahak’s book on their websites).
Others use Shahak’s work in their presentation of Judaism, and that fact alone should make it relevant to contemporary Jews.
Shahak was an ardent secularist and anti-Zionist, but he wrote his book as a challenge to Jews to engage the chauvinist, dehumanizing elements of Jewish tradition and to help create a self-critical and sensitive modern Judaism. It’s true that he combed the rabbinic tradition in search of hateful passages, often–though by no means always–misinterpreting them and taking them out of context, but this may be beside the point.
Jewish texts exist that can be–and are–understood to be vehemently xenophobic. These texts must be openly and honestly grappled with, explained, and if necessary, repudiated.

Ari Alexander is the co-founder and co-Executive Director of Children of Abraham, an international organization dedicated to the promotion of dialogue between Jewish and Muslim teenagers around the world. In January 2008, he relocated to Paris, where he co-founded Génération Dialogue, with Ambassador Jacques Huntzinger, in order to build a web platform that creates a space for intercultural dialogue between young people in predominantly immigrant suburbs and their peers in Paris. Ari has spoken at numerous international conferences about Children of Abraham in South Korea, Spain, Senegal, Belgium, Morocco, Tunisia and Qatar. He completed two Master's degrees in the United Kingdom as a Marshall Scholar: an MA in Comparative Ethnic Conflict from the Queen's University of Belfast, and an MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Oxford. His research led Ari to spend time living in Jerusalem, Beirut and Damascus. Ari graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in History. He has also served as a counselor and facilitator at Seeds of Peace International Camp and Face to Face/Faith to Faith, in addition to working with Jewish teenagers in United Synagogue Youth and at the Lauder Camp in Hungary.

Jews Face Special Risks, Former Head of Homeland Security Says...

The article below is from 2012 and was in the Jewish Forward, but that's only 4 years ago. (See here and here for articles that are similar and more recent.) The reality is, the Jews do not face any more special risks than any other group of people. They really don't. Their greatest risk comes from people like me exposing how full of crap some of them are. 

See here for the origins of Homeland Security.  See here for the strong connections between Israel, Canada, and the United States. See here for the Canada-Israel “Public Security” Agreement for Counter-Terrorism & Homeland security. See here for how the Canadian government is cracking down on criticism of Israel. See here for how the FBI memo labels patriots, Truth-seekers as potential 'terrorists.' See here for the 72 types of Americans that are considered “potential terrorists” in official government documents.  See here for Israel campaigns against global free speech.

See here for the corruption of the RCMP and how they work with organized crime, see here for a video of the former head of Homeland Security at the ADL "Leadership" Conference. See here for the high technology they are using and here and here for the techniques they are using. See herehere and here for more about data mining and its connections to fusion centers.

Once they find you, they have you under surveillance all of the time, it is called Remote Neural Monitoring. Once you see the connections between organized crime, the media, corporate conglomerates, intelligence agencies, and the police, you'll see what is really happening in our countries.


By Nathan Gutman- Jewish Forward

Jews face special risks that require vigilance, though there is no “specific, credible threat” against Jewish targets, Janet Napolitano, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, told the Forward during a visit to the newspaper’s New York offices.

In a June 4 meeting with the paper’s editorial staff, Napolitano cited the particular exposure she said Jews face in explanation of a DHS security grant program that mostly benefits Jewish groups.

“Unfortunately there are risks attendant on the Jewish community that are not attendant on all other communities,” she said.

A Forward report found that the program for DHS security grants for not-for-profit organizations was tailored to the Jewish community and that almost three-quarters of its funds went to Jewish institutions.

“The fact that it ends up going to many Jewish organizations doesn’t in itself bother me,” Napolitano said. She added that she had seen no evidence that the money was misspent, and that she believes the grant program has been successful.

Tension levels within the Jewish community, Napolitano said, hit a peak this past winter, following intensified rhetoric between Israel and Iran, and the indictment of an Iranian American in Texas for his role in an alleged plot by an Iranian official to bomb the Washington embassies of Israel and Saudi Arabia. These concerns prompted Napolitano to hold a conference call with 200 Jewish communal leaders last February, in which she discussed the threats and the actions taken to ensure the community’s safety.

During her tenure at DHS, Napolitano added, threats to the Jewish community came from foreign entities, from homegrown extremists and from “hate crime type of activity.”

On another topic, Napolitano said that the DHS has decided to allow Israeli citizens to enter the United States via a special fast-track program despite Israel’s decision not to grant Americans reciprocal consideration, as the United States usually requires.

Israel’s inclusion in the Global Entry program allows frequent visitors to the United States to complete a questionnaire about their backgrounds and thereafter enter the country by simply scanning their passports. Napolitano announced the decision to include Israeli citizens in the program during a May 20 visit to Israel. A reciprocity requirement that has been applied to all other countries seeking to join the program was waived in the case of Israel.

“We have a special friendship with Israel,” Napolitano explained. “President Obama is very committed to that relationship, and we are looking for ways to express that commitment within the portfolio of tasks that the Department of Homeland Security performs.”

At the same time, Napolitano was noncommittal when asked about a push by some members of Congress and the Israeli government to allow Israeli citizens to enter the United States without tourist visas at all, as is currently permitted for citizens of some European countries. The administration, she noted, has not yet expressed its view on this proposal.

During her recent visit to Israel, Napolitano discussed with Israeli officials the issue of securing borders while preserving the rights of refugees entering the country. Israel has been dealing recently with a wave of anti-immigrant sentiment aimed at African migrants seeking refuge in Israel. Napolitano did not, however, provide Israel with advice on the issue and would not comment on the Israeli government’s treatment of the Africans trying to enter the country.

On the issue of screening procedures in airports, however, the DHS secretary did make clear that the United States would not follow Israel’s model. Israel is known for employing screening techniques that profile air travelers based on their origin, ethnicity or faith. Security checks conducted at Ben Gurion International Airport routinely require one-to-one interviews. Napolitano said that the huge difference in scale makes screening via personal interviews impractical in the United States, with its scores of international entry points. “It’s against the law here to profile,” Napolitano added.

“Israel has perfected a system that works very well there,” Napolitano said. “They do a terrific job. But it’s not a system we can just transport 100% to the U.S. It won’t fit.”

Napolitano also pointedly declined to criticize New York City’s controversial program of surveillance of Muslim organizations and individuals with no known or suspected ties to terrorism. She said New York remains a potential terror target and that she was not going to “second-guess” any local police department or the program, which civil liberties groups believe amounts to illegal domestic spying.

War on Arabs, War on Africans

For other videos and articles displaying the racism and ethnocentrism of some Jews and Zionists that is completely covered up by your media, please see here.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Vigilante Justice "Zionist Style" With the "Guardian Angels"

It is important to point out the tweets below that I previously posted on Twitter because these Zionist thugs are involved in vigilante justice and this is exactly what is happening in Canada. 

You can even see the Wikipedia write-up lists the terrorist activities of these groups! Do some research on the Jewish Task Force, the Jewish Defense Organization, and the Jewish Defense League, (See the Wikipedia here, here and here. ) Now, believe it or not, they aren't seen as terrorists in Canada. In fact, some were asked to be a part of Stephen Harper's entourage! Just amazing. 

That shows you what Canada really is and how ineffective the RCMP, CSIS, and the CSE are when it comes to dealing with Zionist terrorism. See here for more about the powerful influence of Zionism in Canada. Remember, the Canadian government has taken away your rights in this country! Don't let anyone talk to you anymore about human rights in Canada without addressing Bill C-51 and what these people are doing, don't ever forget this. THEY CAN NOW DO THIS TO ABSOLUTELY ANYONE. See here for an important collection of links about Homeland Security in the United States. The Homeland Security of Canada is called Public Safety Canada. 

There are groups of people involved in organized stalking that have connections with intelligence, law enforcement, and organized crime. This is similar to the Stasi in East Germany, the Cheka in Russia and the Red Guards in China. These are Communist and Bolshevik ideas that have begun to be practiced in Canada and the United States.  It is very important to see these documentaries and this video about the connections between the origins of Homeland Security, Bolshevism, the Cheka, and the Stasi. Also, see here for the links between Jews, Freemasonry, Israel, the East German Stasi and organized stalking. Then watch these documentaries about the connections between Neo-Conservatives and organized crime and here for how the movement is very similar to Trotskyism. 

In fact, former neoconservative luminary Francis Fukuyama of Stanford (formerly of Johns Hopkins,) compares the Neoconservative movement to Leninism. Neoconservatism, according to Fukuyama, is a reincarnation to some extent of both Leninism and Bolshevism. According to Jewish writer Sidney Blumenthal, some of the Neoconservative movement has found its political and intellectual ideology “in the disputatious heritage of the Talmud.” Which makes the connections here even more interesting.

1. Look at these videos: perfect examples of absolute ignorance and crazed supremacism:

2. The bottom video has this guy in it: --- he is so far from being a "Guardian Angel." But, he is the CEO of the Guardian Angels.

3. James Altucher who is with intelligence and works with Israel and the United States used to have a pic of Curtis and him on his Twitter account.

4. Believe it or not, in the picture James was in his full "Guardian Angel" coat and hat. Vigilante Zionist justice that can't seem to go after all of the problems I talk about on my blog and twitter.

5. Here is a video from a former member of the Guardian Angels who left the group and he talks about the corruption:

6. This is not just the "Guardian Angels," it's the US and Canadian governments, the intelligence agencies, military intelligence, and mostly federal law enforcement. But the largest element is organized crime because they have become so embedded in the intelligence agencies.

7. It would be helpful to read the articles hereherehere and here to learn more about organized crime. To see how organized crime works with law enforcement, see here

8. Everything I am pointing out to people is true. Silicon Valley and Wall Street are also greatly responsible, and unfortunately, they are full of awful people.

9. Look no further- if James Altucher was once a part of the "Guardian Angels" you have some serious problems over there.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Five Authors That You Must Read - Learn More About Israel and the Problems of Militant Judaism and Zionism

I was wondering if the "chair" of the Junto or the "POWERFUL podcast host could do little old me a favor.

I'm saying to both of you ... it's okay. Take a break. You guys deserve it. I know how hard your jobs are. But, you can stop following me around for a day or two. Here's a tip. You have to get rid of that scared little voice in the back of your heads that says, "But what if he's a terrorist like that Osama Bin Laden guy?" 

You know, that guy Robert Fisk, among others... found and interviewed? The same guy the whole US military and intelligence apparatus supposedly couldn't find? Wow, what is this? Why couldn't they seem to find him with all of the advanced surveillance technology that is on my blog, (and yet, some lowly Jewish journalist can!) Isn't there something wrong here? 

Oh, sorry ... I'm wrong. Years later, they did find him. And when they did ---- they killed him. (Though he would have been much more valuable to the American people ALIVE.) And of course, what did they do once they killed him? What most sensible people would do to the mastermind of this tragic and unforgettable day ... they dumped him in the sea.

There I go rambling. If only someone would put me in a triangle choke and shut me up. Anyways, back to my favor. Here's what I would like one of you to do....

Host one of the following authors at your Junta gathering or on your podcast show.

Shlomo Sand 
Ilan Pappe
Max Blumenthal
Gilad Atzmon
Miko Peled

Now you might be asking yourself... "Why would he ask us to do such a thing?"

Listen. I know how much you guys hate censorship of the free exchange of ideas. I also know how much you guys despise anything that resembles "anti-Semitism."

This is why I have to ask you guys for this. But why should I just single out you two?
Why oh why.... when so many are doing the same. 

remember a financial scumbag fool saying the reason that he is doing this to me is simply because HE CAN.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Israel’s Nazi Nuremberg Law-based Citizenship Definition not Strict Enough, says its Chief Rabbi

DECEMBER 6, 2014
Israel’s Nazi Nuremberg Laws-based citizenship rules are not strict enough to preserve Jewish racial purity and more needs to be done to prevent non-Jews from marrying Jews, that country’s chief rabbi has declared.
Interviewed by the Israeli newspaper Ynetnews, Israel’s Chief Rabbi David Lau—the single most powerful and influential Jewish religious leader in the world—said that his nation’s “Law of Return” was letting too many non-Jews into the country.
The “Law of Return”—which allows persons with Jewish heritage three generations back to immigrate to Israel—is, according to the Ynetnews, specifically based on the Nazi Nuremberg Laws which defined who was a Jew—and which are, ironically, paraded by the Jewish Supremacist-dominated media as the ‘apex of evil.’
The article, titled “Chief rabbi: Stop allowing non-Jews to make Aliyah” (Aliyah is the Hebrew word for Jewish immigration to Israel), quoted Chief Rabbi Lau in connection with a discussion of a recent study in Israel which revealed that people who are not defined as Jews in terms of Halacha (Jewish religious law) were getting in to Israel by exploiting the weak definitions of who is a Jew as contained in the Law of Return.
According to the article, some “nine million people from around the world are eligible for Israeli citizenship despite the fact they are not Jewish according to religious law.”
Someone who is Jewish by Halacha is defined as a child born to a Jewish mother. According to Reform Judaism, a person is a Jew if they were born to either a Jewish mother or a Jewish father, while according to Orthodox Judaism, the father’s religion is irrelevant as long as the mother was Jewish. Both strands therefore demand racial-genetic-descent in order to qualify as Jews.
The debate currently underway in Israel is therefore how far back this racial descent must stretch.
This situation—where Jews who are not Jews “according to religious law” has prompted Israel’s chief rabbi to demand that the Law of Return be tightened to exclude these “non-Jews.”
Chief Rabbi Lau told Ynetnews that “we must change the Law of Return immediately so it will include only those who are Jewish according to the halacha.
“Israel can decide to be the third world’s welfare state, but as long as that decision has not been taken—it needs to stop allowing non-Jews to make Aliyah,” Rabbi Lau said.
Lau went on to give what he called a practical example of how whet he views as “non-Jews” are immigrating to Israel under the current Law of Return definition:
Rabbi Lau gives as an example which he says he is personally acquainted with: “Because of one Jewish grandfather who is buried in Moscow, over 73 people (his children and grandchildren) moved to Israel through the Law of Return.”
The Chief Rabbi then went on to say that the “the biggest threat this poses [the weak Law of Return definitions] is inter-faith marriages”—in other words, letting non-Jews into Israel is creating the situation where they can marry with Jews, and dilute the pure Jewish blood in that country.
The article then goes on to explain exactly how the Israeli citizenship laws are based on the Nazi Nuremberg Laws:
There are roughly 14 million Jews around the world, but over 23 million people eligible for citizenship, a new study claimed as the government authorized a massive overhaul for the conversion process.
According to the study by Prof. Sergio DellaPergola from the Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University, as of the beginning of 2014, the number of Jews (people born to Jewish mothers) stands at 14,212,800 (a 0.66 percent increase in comparison to 2013).
If you take into account those born to Jewish fathers, but non-Jewish mothers, the number rises to 17,236,850. 
The number jumps to 22,921,500 when you take into account people who can trace Jewish ancestry three generations back—the maximum allowed by the Law of Return.
The definition is similar to the one laid out by the Nazi’s Nuremberg Laws, and is thus understood to be Israel’s response to the threat posed to Jews by anti-Semitism based on racial—as opposed to religious—criteria.

In other words, according to Israel’s Chief Rabbi, the Nazi definition of who is a Jew—as spelled out in the Nuremberg laws—is not strict enough, and more needs to be done to stop non-Jews coming to the Zionist state.
There has, of course, been no coverage of this in any of the Jewish Supremacist-controlled media in America or Europe, as it would expose the Jewish Supremacists for the undoubted hypocrites that they are.
In America and Europe, Jewish organizations work full-time to accuse any individual, organization, political figure or party that seeks to preserve European racial identity as “Nazi”—while the truth is that the only Nazi-like racial state on earth is the Jews-only country of Israel, as the Ynetnews article has now finally admitted.
In America, for example, the single most powerful Jewish lobby, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, supports Israel without question—while its component members include organizations such as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and the Anti-Defamation League, the latter of which poses as the official anti-racist” front of organized American Jewry.
At the same time as it claims to “oppose racism,” the ADL runs “support Israel programs and offers advice to its supporters on how to defend Israel.
The hypocrisy is staggering: on the one hand, all the official Jewish organizations in Israel accuse any Europeans attempting to preserve themselves as “Nazis”, while on the other hand these same Jewish organizations support Israel which literally does use Nazi laws to preserve its identity.
Furthermore, any religious leader in the West who called for a ban on Jews marrying non-Jews would also be subjected to the “Nazi” smear by the Jewish attack dog organizations such as the ADL—but the chief rabbi of Israel can make this exact same demand without a word being said by anyone.
Furthermore, Israel has recently started using DNA tests to check if potential immigrants are really Jewish…
Ynetnews is the online English language Israeli news website of Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s most-read newspaper, and the Hebrew Israel news portal, Ynet. It is part of the Yedioth Media Group which also owns stock in the Israeli TV Channel Channel 2; HOT, the Cable TV company, weekly local newspapers, magazines, and other non-media companies.