Jews see here. How many of you know this exists? Zerubbabel is from Zachariah. That was written way after Constantine. Your Tanakh was compiled after Constantine. It has 24 books like the Omega of Greek. The Talmud is after Constantine. The Protestants use the Masoretic text and have 66 books and 39 books of the Old Testament. The King James Bible originally had the Apocrypha but was taken out. Constantine was the 66th Roman Emperor and the Chi-Rho of Christ and Constantine = 39. The Septuagint has 76 books.
Jesus also received 39 lashes. According to Talmudic law, the maximum number of lashes a person could receive was 39. This was to avoid the possibility of accidentally exceeding 40 lashes, which would be a violation of the Bible.
Jews, how do you interpret Zachariah? Who is Ben Joseph and Ben David in the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel? Do you want to know who it is? It is Jesus. Jesus' first coming is Ben Joseph and his second coming is Ben David. Seriously, it is.
Joseph is like Christ's first coming, and the woman in the sky in Revelation is like Joseph's dream in Genesis. Ben David, Christ has the key of David in Revelation. Hallelujah is in the New Testament four times, the only other place you find this is in the book of Psalms 24 times. The Psalms are supposedly written by David. You also find Hallelujah in the Maccabees, which the Eastern Orthodox and the Catholics have. From the Christian perspective, this would be seen as their religion under attack from a pagan, secular, or atheist society.
In Christianity, even the Roman centurion's faith makes Jesus marvel. This is not a Jew he says this about. This is connected to the faith of the Centurion that makes Jesus marvel, in the Synoptics, he wanted to save his servant, and in the Gospel of John, he wanted to save his son. Made in the image of God. Just like the name Barabbas means. Barabbas means son of the father. This also connects to Leviticus 16 and the Scapegoat.
The 8th King that goes into perdition in the book of Revelation is right before Vespasian. Vespasian served for 9 years and 11 months. He was the 9th Roman Emperor, his son Titus was the 10th and Domitian was the 11th.
There were nine Roman emperors with the name Michael who all had as their patron the Archangel Michael, beginning with Emperor Michael I Rangabe (811 - 813). Michael was the second most popular name to have ever been held by the imperial throne, with Constantine being the most popular (there were eleven emperors with the name Constantine).
God's servant like Nebuchadnezzar, (he is literally called that in the Old Testament,) was driven into the wilderness like Jesus, David, and the Israelites, restored like Simon Peter or Job the Gentile King. Nebuchadnezzar was restored to worshipping God. Nebuchadnezzar lived like a leper or an outcast, he was resurrected like Jesus does for Lazarus in the Gospel of John. This is the same Gospel where Simon Peter the sinful man is restored by Jesus in John 21. The four Gospels are associated with a Tetramorph like the Sphinx. (The Sphinx was associated with the Roman Emperor when Rome began to control Egypt, essentially they were the new Pharaohs.) Before Nebuchadnezzar is restored he is driven into the wilderness where he lives like a beast, (a lion,) he is a man (head of a man) who eats grass like an ox, and his nails grow as long as an eagle's claws. Notice the Tetramorph.
From the Talmud:
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