Friday, August 3, 2018

Interesting Quote From Famous Jewish Director About Hitler

Is there information being covered up from the public? Are they telling you the whole story about Hitler, the Nazi's and Germany? 

This is a quote from the JEWISH director of renown movies like 2001, a Space Odyssey, the Shining, a Clockwork Orange, Eyes Wide Shut, Doctor Strangelove and Full Metal Jacket.

His name is Stanley Kubrick. Here is the quote... 

"Hitler Was Right About Almost Everything"-Stanley Kubrick

It would be good for everyone to check out this article that I put up. Could World War II have been stopped? Did they allow it to happen? Something to think about. The people in power today are absolute lying psychopaths, all they do is lie. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Marlon Brando- "I'm Very Angry With Some Of The Jews- They Run Hollywood- They Should Be More Sensitive To People Who Are Suffering"

Right from the mouth of the Godfather... just as I say here and here. Don't forget about the influential Jews on Wall Street and intelligence. The reality is, if you look into the history of the CIA, you will see that it connects to Wall Street. Intelligence is connected to protecting the class interests and resources of the insiders of banking and corporate business. This includes the drug trade.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Corruption of the RCMP and How They Work With Organized Crime

In addition to the following article, please see here and here about the ADL, how it works with the RCMP and the FBI, and its ties to organized crime. See here for the strong Jewish organized crime presence in Canada, see here for the Zionist takeover of Canada. See here and here for previous articles regarding the little known nor talked about topic of Jewish organized crime.


Some of the RCMP  are using classified technology.  (See enumerated previous posts below this article regarding the RCMP, CSIS, and the CSE.) These corrupt RCMP officers work with organized crime, CSIS and the CSE. They know how drugs get in and out of the country at the top of these organizations. It's a complete joke. See this post about the CIA's connections with drugs. Do you think it is any different in Canada?

Organized Crime is running Canada. It's 100% true.

It is Zionism at the very top of the RCMP.  CSIS was formed in 1984 under the supervision of the influential Zionist Bob Kaplan when the intelligence was taken away from the RCMP. This was part of the strategy, this way they could feed the "intelligence" to the RCMP and provide their ideas of terrorism to them. This was around the same time as the Ernst Zundel trial and when Reagan was in power in the United States. Reagan came to power with the help of organized crime. (See herehere and here.) These same powers were and are in control of Canada, (also see here and here.) Did you know that Canada is currently trying to wrestle power away from Zionist bankers over at the Bank of Canada? See here for the secrets of banking and learning about the money changers. 

As far as Ernst Zundel, it doesn't matter if he was right or not, what matters is; 1.) That such a thing even had to go to trial to begin with 2.) How he was treated when going up to the courthouse. I have never seen any criminal in Canada get attacked like him while going into court. Think about that... with all the heinous crimes and criminals we have had in this country. NEVER! In fact, I have never seen anything like that in any country. It just goes to show you how powerful these people are and how controversial this topic is. It was like the Manson trial of Canada.

Now, see here for the origins of Homeland Security. See here for a collection of tweets about Homeland Security and its connections to Zionism. See here for the strong connections between Israel, Canada, and the United States. See here for the Canada-Israel “Public Security” Agreement for Counter-Terrorism & Homeland security. See here for how the Canadian government is cracking down on criticism of Israel. 

These powerful interests are running the country and feeding you a false perception of your country and the world through the media.  Ask yourself one question, why is the media not talking about any of the info on my blog?


This is such important information it can change the way you look at your country and the world. Why won't they say anything?  It is because these are the real people that control your country and they have taken away your rights with Bill C-51, just like the Patriot Act and the NDAA have accomplished in the United States.

Imagine if you really knew the truth of your government and how much they are lying to you. We Canadians should be doing something about this NOW.

1. CSIS- The Recruiting Videos Make You Think You Will Be The Next James Bond

2. RCMP + CSEC + CSIS = Stasi (Oh, I Almost Forgot, They Already Took "Canada" Out Of The Name Of Our Most Important Spy Agency)

3. Canadian Police State - Fusion Centers - Data Mining - Loss of Sovereignty

4. The ADL That Works With the RCMP and the FBI - and its Ties to Organized Crime

5. RCMP Targets Muslim Extremists, But Gives Zionist Terrorists Free Pass

6. Canada --- Pathetic like the United States

7. Zersetzung - The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State

8. Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism

9. Homeland Security and the Alternative Media

10. Activist Reveals Hidden Military Ties Between Canada and Israel

11. Brian Hutchinson: The RCMP and Pickton

12. CIA and Drugs: The Relation to Stasi Stalking and Organized Crime

13. The Canada-United States Partnership

CSIS- The Recruiting Videos Make You Think You Will Be The Next James Bond- Literally Shows Stalking

It's interesting that the video below features content that is similar to what is happening to me.

See here:
and here: for more.

These ridiculous James Bond-like videos make you think that you will actually be participating in a beneficial service to your country. The truth is the exact opposite.

CSIS is a disservice to the citizens of Canada and the very nature of the Canadian way of life. The activities that CSIS are involved in go against everything that Canadians believe in and that makes Canada a great country and worth fighting for. The Canadian Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms are put in place to ENSHRINE the rights that you have as FREE PEOPLE before they were written up. The government does not grant you these guaranteed and fundamental rights and freedoms, it is there to uphold them.

There is ample evidence on this blog of classified technology that "YOU ARE PAYING FOR." I can absolutely guarantee that CSIS is aware of this technology. This technology is highly invasive and infringes on the human rights of Canadian citizens.  Why aren't you told of this? Remember, you pay for it! Why do we allow them to do this? Why did we allow them to pass BILL C-51?

Remote Control of Brain Activity with Heated Nanoparticles

 Click Here to Read Article

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

United States Sends State of Israel $7000 a Minute

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Is Zionism / Jewish Nationalism a Political Cult?

Also see here for more about the "so-called" Jews.

By Juan Cole

Liberal politics in the broad sense, in the tradition of Locke, Voltaire, Madison, Jefferson and John Stuart Mill, is rooted in a conviction that vigorous debate clarifies issues and makes for better public policy over time. This principle is often misunderstood by political partisans, who confuse analytical disagreement with simply being contrarian and hurling insults.

The opposite of liberal debate and analytical argument is the cult. Sociologists of religion sometimes shy away from that word nowadays, feeling that it has been appropriated by the tabloids and become pejorative. But it has an important place in the history of the modern sociology of religion and I think it should be used, but defined carefully.

I define a cult as an organization characterized by very high demands for obedience by the leaders, complete intolerance of dissent, secretive whisper campaigns against dissidents, dishonest destruction of reputations, and shunning and excommunication as social control mechanisms. It will be objected that all churches have some of these characteristics. But cultness is on a spectrum. Some organizations are high on a cult scale, some are much lower.

There are also political cults. Stalinism and Baathism are both political cults in this sense.

And, it is clear to me that some devotees of Jewish nationalism or Zionism practice their politics in a cult-like manner. I am not a fan of nationalism. I think most of its premises are frankly stupid. There are no “peoples” in the sense that romantic nationalists used the term. No “peoples” are tied to a land or territory. There is no such thing as a national character. People switch out their languages (the ancestors of most Americans did not speak English; the Mongolians of central Afghanistan, the Hazaras, are now Persian-speaking Shiites). I don’t think making Judaism the basis for nationalist zealotry is a good idea, and most American Jews were appalled by the idea for most of the first half of the twentieth century. It isn’t worse than other nationalisms. It mostly isn’t much better. But when it is practiced as a political cult it is truly objectionable.

In Liberal politics (which includes modern conservatism of the William Buckley sort), if you make an argument, you can expect a counter-argument and a debate. In a political cult, if you make an argument you can expect to be smeared, undermined, and if possible destroyed professionally. Cults are extremely destructive, whether religious or political. They insist that the leader and the organization be exempt from criticism.

That so many Jewish nationalists insist that it is not legitimate ever to criticize anything Israel does is a clear sign of political cultism. It is the same mindset that American Communists had in the 1930s about Josef Stalin and the Soviet Union.

So a considered examination of the Israeli government’s Gaza War might conclude that disproportionate force was deployed, and that the army showed reckless disregard for civilian life.

By no means, all Jewish nationalists would be unwilling to debate these points rationally. But very large numbers are not willing, and they respond to this perfectly legitimate argument with abuse. The author of the argument is, they allege, a racialist bigot. He or she is purveying a Protocols of the Elders of Zion conspiracy theory. Others contradict without arguing. Or he or she is questioning the right of Israel to exist (they don’t specify the national borders). They mouth slogans such as that the Israeli army is the most humane in the world, or that Hamas is to blame for civilian deaths even when Israeli bombs do the killing. Some even hint at violence (a Jewish dissident wrote me recently, fearful of thuggish tactics of the Jewish Defense League– an organization classed by the FBI as having been the major source of domestic terrorism in the US 1965-1980). And perhaps worst of all, they secretly compile and send around a dossier to the employer of the author of the argument, seeking to have the person fired.

Of course, all nationalism is somewhat intolerant. The Dixie Chicks got into trouble for disavowing the Bush administration and its war of aggression in Iraq. But in a Liberal society, nationalism’s worst excesses are curbed by a rule of law. People are not punished for making arguments in public in a free society, assuming they are not libelous (and a truly free society needs to avoid having political libel on the books).

All this is prelude to my condemnation of of the University of Illinois for firing Steven Salaita, apparently for his Twitter feed! Professor Salaita said some provocative things during the war, but none of them are indefensible in rational debate. When asked about organized religion, Voltaire said “Crush the infamous thing!” Jefferson advocated an American revolution every 25 years, which would have gotten him in trouble with today’s FBI. Etc. Are there lines that shouldn’t be crossed? Sure, but they should bad arguments based on shoddy research that people in the field have a consensus as being bad.

Vijay Prashad, now at the American University of Beirut but previously at Trinity, wrote on Facebook:

“But I do know that twice, the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation came to see my college president to have me removed from some administrative positions I held because they argued that I was an anti-Semite based on my role in the BDS movement (I am fortunate that the outgoing president at Trinity sent me all the emails before he left). I’ve been slowing reading through them — it is astounding how these organizations held private meetings with the president about my role on campus, and the administration at no point asked me to meet with them, or at no point did they wish to meet with me. It was an attempt to get me out behind closed doors.”

He later saw emails detailing the skullduggery.

I strongly suspect that Zionist organizations pressured the university to fire Professor Salaita. But note that they did not engage him in a public debate. They went into the halls of power behind the scenes. We saw this a few years ago with Norman Finkelstein. This behavior is undemocratic and cult-like, and it is unacceptable in a Liberal society. We also see Jewish nationalists on the bench, in public office, and in high administrative positions who misuse their public position to engage in a sectarian vendetta so as to protect Israel from criticism or to punish its critics. That behavior is unethical. US law and the US constitution should guide the decision-making of public servants, not narrow and idiosyncratic commitments. Would it be all right for a judge of Serbian ancestry to throw the book at a Croatian-American defendant?

Universities are places for argument and debate. If Salaita says challenging things, he should be debated on them. He has been saying such things for a long time, so they should have been known when he was hired. But academic hiring and firing in any case should be based on academic writing, not on Twitter! Will we next be promoting people to academic positions because they sent out flattering tweets about their president or dean?

Issues in decorum are legitimately taken account of in decisions about whether to promote someone to an administrative post at a university. But professors should argue, and sometimes they may argue provocatively, deploying rhetorical devices like hyperbole. We have a tenure system to make sure that academic debate is not punished, and I believe that it is important to the republic and its democratic values that this be so. Our journalists are often muzzled by the corporations for which they work. Likewise, businesses often maintain that they can fire employees for taking political stances that embarrass the business. Much of America cannot in fact exercise free speech, for fear of economic reprisals, despite constitutional guarantees. That is not right, but at least in academia it is difficult to just fire someone for making a public argument. But sometimes the dirty deed can be done, with regard to the untenured or to those with an outside offer who are moving between tenured positions. It is a shameful business.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Something Very Few People Know About- The Attack on the USS Liberty By Israel That Was Covered Up

For a previous post on this topic, see here.  For more about Zionist terrorism see here
See here for Zionist terrorists who need to be dealt with. See here for how the RCMP targets Muslim extremists, but gives Zionist terrorists free pass. See here for how the Canadian government is killing freedom of speech on Israel and Zionism. See here and here for Zionism against the United Nations.