Sunday, December 22, 2024

Jake Guerre- Andreessen Horowitz? Know Anyone There? Charlie Brown. Ben Horowitz's Neo Conservative Father. Plus Peter Thiel used to Work With Weekly Standard Bill Kristol. Peter Thiel Got Start at Same Firm as Allen Dulles, Sullivan and Cromwell. He Was Involved in Funding Facebook and Worked With Elon Musk With PayPal. The Project For the New American Century- Pax Romana

This guy has come on CIA/NSA Joe Rogan a few times, just like Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg. Look at the names of Mark Zuckerberg's children, all Roman names. He was Caesar "Star Trek Data" Zuckerberg, plus his old Caesar haircut. Remember the movie the Circle? Based on Google and 666, what would happen if something like this, but much worse, came true? Would people want to reverse this technology against the powers in control just like the movie does? 

Charlie Brown Came Out 76 Years Ago in 1948- Same year Israel, the CIA, and the NSA were established. I was born in 1976. Under Truman, hence the TRUMAN SHOW. His dog Snoopy symbolizes Sirius Dogstar.  He has 21 in Paleo Hebrew on his shirt. 
Charlie Brady Birthday 7/11 Married to Mary Grace Birthday 1/11
7 Head of Statue of Liberty
11 Base of Statue of Statue of Liberty
7+11=18 or 3+6+9 (Hours Christ on Cross) or 6+6+6
My Birthday- August 24th to September 11 = 18 Days
7/11 is a Cancer Sign 6x9=54 St. Peter in Last Supper Painting, (He is restored in John 21)
My Mom's Birthday -July 31 to Signs in Sky in 2017- September 23 = 54 days
Eclipse on August 21st, 2017
Sign of Pilate in Gospel of John: 22nd =Hebrew, 23rd= Latin, 24th = Greek Omega
My Birthday August 24th

The New Apollo Colossus
The Virgo
(Woman in the Last Supper Painting)
See 111 in Front? (Trinity)
151 feet high- 46 meters (23+23) 23 and me. 
One - 51 states including Wahington D.C.
Gospel of John 46 years, temple the body
Washington State + British Columbia = Washington District of Columbia (Eclipse) 

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