Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Mayan Prophecy and the Codex Borgia

 Codex Borgia

The Mayan Prophecy was the end of 2012, I was 36 (above Christ head 6 x 6 = 36
Turned 37 on August 24th in 2013, 37 x 24 = 888
Jesuit Pope came in 12 March 2013 reunite everyone back under Rome
Jesuits are counter-reformation

The Codex Borgia (look at numbers,) has 39 (Chi-Rho, Constantine)
76 Pages - My birth year- Israel was established 76 years ago-76 book of Septuagint
Reunite all of Rome under Constantine including Greek Orthodox and all Protestants

Simon Peter is the Cancer sign in the Last Supper painting (4th from the left), this is very important.
The Cancer sign is a 6 x 9 = 54 or July 31 to September 23.  

27 x 27 =54 = July 31 to September 23 (Signs in the Sky 2017) -There are 27 Books in New Testament
21 days after my Mom's birthday on July 31st: Eclipse August 21, 2017
(3 days before mine on August 24th)
Gospel of John known as the Gospel of Signs:
Pontius Pilate puts up a sign in Hebrew 22, Latin 23, Greek 24

My Mom's birthday: 11 meters = Ezekiel 1.1 = 153 days left in the year after July 31st
John 21 -153 Vesica Piscis Eclipse
(11 by 11 in), for a total length of nearly 11 meters= 11+11+11 = 33 Jesus Christ Death.

The Jews try to kill Jesus a total of 21 times in the Gospels, and in the book of Revelation there is
 7 scrolls, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls = 21 for the sign of Jonah judgment in John 21. 
Simon Peter is restored in John 21 with the 153 fish and the Vesica Piscis. He is called son of Jonah a trinity of times. (Sign of Jonah, Jonah and the whale from the Old Testament.)
Simon Peter is the Arch between the Jews of James and the Gentiles of Paul in their ministries.
Simon Peter is crucified at end of Gospel of John and the judgment is handed over to Roman Emperor.  
Also Pontifex Maximus or bridge builder(The faith of the centurion that makes Jesus marvel. In the Gospel of John, he wants to save his son and in the Synoptics he wants to save his servant. (Servant and Son) The Roman Saint Longinus pierces the side of Jesus and his feast day is the ides of March, (when Caesar died) Also the Roman Pontius Pilate who washes his hands of the blood of Christ, puts the sign up in the Gospel of John and defies the Pharisees. 

 Sun Behind Buddha Head, Swastika Connected to Sun
4 Noble Truth - 8 Fold Path = 32 Jesuit Sun Rays
John 8:32

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