Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dead Animals and Me --- Coincidence? All in One and a Half Years

There's a high probability that someone has been shooting my father’s dog with electromagnetic weapons, (she had a stroke a day after I made a blog on here that was quite revealing of someone,) and they (whoever it is, the military or intelligence...) still continue to shoot her.

She Has Other Weird Symptoms Too... 

She always seems to be hot, like something is cooking her. Her limbs jolt out, and she barks and growls while she is sleeping. Dreams? I don't think so. It strangely happens after I think, say or write something that pisses some people off.

My brother's dog was killed and my mom's cat and dog were killed. (My mom's dog had a large cancerous tumor and then she had a stroke.)

When my brother’s dog was killed, she had many large cancerous tumors on her. She finally just fell down and wouldn't get back up. What is suspicious is how quickly they arose, and how many there were. The next day my brother was complaining about his shoulder hurting, and then someone made a post on his Instagram about cooking a lamb's shoulder. This was after that same someone had already made continuous tweets of my thoughts.

A joke I'm sure. That's something to joke about. I think it's time someone gets some new material.

All of these animals had the same symptoms too. They all had problems with their balance, (similar to me sometimes...) what is called dizziness or vertigo. Theirs was much more extreme than mine, they would fall over. Strangely, or not so strangely... this was also happening to my mom and my stepfather. My stepfather couldn't even get up, and finally had to go to the doctor.

My father has also had many interesting ailments leading me to wonder about him. He has had vision problems and his eyes were bleeding. This is very telling because it's similar to what was happening to Americans who were being bombarded with electromagnetic weapons at the US embassy in Russia. Those Americans also got cancer. Guess what? My dad also got cancer, Multiple Myeloma.

I have fairly regular bouts of confusion and depression. I also have feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness, and I have a hard time with my memory. The most common physical symptoms are severe cold in my arms and legs, and constant muscle spasms. I'm fairly certain that these are side effects from a constant bombardment of electromagnetic weapons.

Just last night, I woke up in the middle of the night with severe pain for a couple hours to my rectum and colon area. This pain makes you want to pass out. (There is nothing wrong with me physically, I had myself checked out. I even had a colonoscopy.) This happened to me ALL THE TIME when I was living in Vancouver and in another apartment in Maple Ridge.

I haven't had this pain for a while, but I had it right after a couple comments I made on two YouTube videos last night. What is interesting is my dad's dog was having the same issues. They shoot her and she begins trying to lick herself to get it to stop.

I also used to experience severe chest pains. One time I had to go to the hospital because I couldn't breathe. I mean, for real like I was having a heart attack. When all of this was happening, I really didn't know what was wrong with me. Why would I even begin to think someone was shooting me with electromagnetic weapons? It's the last thing anyone would think about. Personally, I didn't even know these weapons existed. But now that I do, I'm sure this is what was going on and still is.

Listen, This Technology Exists

There's proof.

They are already reading my mind 24/7 and stalking me. Why wouldn't they be doing this? Thankfully, it seems to have lessened since I have been blogging about it. At first, I didn't know what to do, should I say anything? It finally got to the point that I just didn't care anymore. These people are just complete assholes.

Want to know something else interesting? If you look at the time when the Edward Snowden revelations came out, it was around the same time that I started blogging this information.

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