Saturday, August 1, 2015

Study of Bioethical Issues Before the Presidential Commission

Before viewing the videos below, please watch the videos I posted on Presidential Bioethics Commission and the other Richmond Counsel Meeting Resolution for the Space Preservation Act. Also, check out this post with the Canadian Psychiatrist and this post about Domestic Terrorism; Silent Rape and Murder with Brain Chips, Nanotechnology, and Psychotronics. In the videos featured below, here is the lady that is listening to the testimonies. I have no doubt she knows that what most of these people are saying is true. The universities are involved in this coverup also. They are working with the Intelligence Agencies and the Military. This is the often covered up part about the Unabomber. Please see this video for more information about the link between the Unabomber and computers, the military, the intelligence community, the universities, and the aerospace industry.

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Inevitable Problems of Technology: World Surveillance and the Totalitarian Technocracy

Example of Synthetic Telepathy

In the following video that is located below, Michael Persinger demonstrates for the whole world to see what is known as synthetic telepathy. This is now completely proven. By the way, it is worth mentioning that Michael Persinger has worked with the CIA. Controlling the human mind has always been the goal of those who seek to influence others.

What this demonstrates is how one brain can influence another at a distance. Or, how you could influence the EEG of another person's brain. What can you do when you change the EEG of another person? You can change who that person is. Effectively, two brains become one. There have been scientific studies conducted that show how a BCI (Brain-Computer Interface,) can change the neuroplasticity of a human brain. This is one of the reasons why ethical considerations plague anything that alters the human mind. Especially when it is done without a person's knowledge or consent!

Relevant links for more information: 


Thursday, July 9, 2015

19/5/15 Richmond Counsel Meeting Resolution of Space Preservation Act of Space

Domestic Terrorism Silent Rape And Murder - Brain Chips, Nanotechnology, Resonance Based Weaponry, Direct Energy Weapons and Electronic Warfare

In the following video, you will see examples of scanning for radio frequency emissions. People must understand that nanotechnology is so small that even if it is located with a radio frequency scanner that doesn't mean you will pick it up on an MRI or an X-Ray.  That is one problem, the other problem is that you would not pick up a radio frequency emission to begin with.

It wouldn't be so bad if they just had a tracker on your car, your clothes, or even in your arm. But no, these people are so insanely terrible. They have them in your brain and throughout your body. Once it is in you, it replicates and they can hack into you just like a pacemaker. They hook you up to artificial intelligence and supercomputers. They can also push thoughts into your brain using synthetic telepathy and CONTROL YOUR MIND. (See under ethical considerations.) Especially when you don't know that it is inside of you, you cannot tell the difference between the synthetic thoughts and your own. They can read your mind, look out of your eyes and hear out of your ears, send messages to you using synthetic telepathy that can affect your judgment. Light can be measured, (photons,) minds can be read, thoughts can be sent. If you can think a thought, you can send it. Just like writing an email with your mind. Zuckerberg is saying it here, he's just not telling you the whole story. Also see here for another article with Mark Zuckerberg referring to synthetic telepathy. See here for a Cisco ad that talks about this technology. See this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes.

1.) Nanotechnology- can be introduced into the body with an airborne virus or a bacteria (a cold or flu for instance,) or it could be done by a simple injection. (Also see here.) Once the nanotechnology is inside you, the miniature nanorobots or nanowires replicate and go up into your brain and throughout your body. Imagine your brain being hooked up to a supercomputer and your life being broadcast to a bunch of psychopathic intelligence spies.  Imagine if they could read your mind, look through your eyes and hear through your ears. Imagine being "hooked up" to another brain. Imagine your life being broadcasted "live" and recorded like a movie. Imagine them doing this just for entertainment. You're a girl on Facebook that they like and want to "get to know" on an intimate level? You're a political dissident with political views the "powers that be" don't like? Watch out. The people in power are absolutely terrible and they do this. THEY CAN DO ALL OF THIS NOW! 

2.) Resonance Based Weaponry, Direct Energy Weapons, and Electronic Warfare - Some of the other information that I have put up is about electromagnetic weapons. It also goes by the name of resonance based weaponry. To use this against you, they do not need anything in your body. You are an antenna. You are a resonance being. In this case, people may not emit any radio frequencies from implants or nanotechnology but they could still be influenced, manipulated, injured. maimed or killed. (See old CNN footage from the 80's.)

These weapons are made to covertly harass and torture any human they want. They are integrated into the United States distributed satellites and military radar systems (the radars are distributed receiving and transmitting array's placed in space, on land, and sea surrounding the world.) Some of them use the sky as a reflective surface to access over horizons, mountains, and long distances bouncing signals up into the ionosphere and then down into their targets. As these remote radar sensors and transmitters are aimed at living creatures, electronics, and homes, we can be invaded on a multitude of ways, with the transmitters and satellites locking onto people with the purpose to harass, harm and torture by directing 'radio frequencies,' energies.  (Resonance frequencies of the body.)

With all these inventions, targeted individuals are focused at with directed energy frequencies which broadcast from military radar or satellites far from the person and sometimes even far from the person's present city. See here and here for more. See here for evidence of past use of this technology in the 70's.

Evidence exists that the United States military knew of harmful world scale effects of radar very early on, that radar could be used as a weapon against humans. Hints of this include the story of how the original microwave oven was invented based on military radar technology, as a man named Percy Spencer identified in the 1940s that radar would warm soldier's bodies and melt candy bars in their pockets (proof of world scale effects identified early on). While he was not the first to notice it, this inspired him to investigate further ultimately creating the first microwave oven for the purpose of food heating by attaching a high-density electromagnetic field generator to an enclosed metal box (basically radar parts).

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

There Is No Canada - CSIS

The following article is from Dr. Denis G. Rancourt, who is a former tenured and Full Professor of Physics at the University of Ottawa, Canada.


It could not be more clear. CSIS, the Canadian corporate media, and Canadian parliamentarians could not have made it more clear. There is no Canada. Here is Canada's spy chief, Richard Fadden, publicly making the "bold" assertion that "a number of Canadian politicians are being influenced by foreign states". The responses are swift and vehement. Parliamentarians want to get to the bottom of this inexplicable "intel"...? And Canada's corporate media are hot on the trail of this confounding revelation!

What is revealed by these dedicated truth seekers is that the elephant in the room is as large as the G20-Toronto police state mass aggression budget was gargantuan: It turns out that CSIS and none of the media and none of the parliamentarians are talking about the US or Israel as the influence on Canadian politicians.

Hello...? Is someone going to say something? The US and Israel are not foreign states? This comes just days after Canada-born Zionist leaders Stephen Harper (Prime Minister) and Bob Rae (Liberal MP) accused Libby Davies (MP, NDP Deputy Leader) of saying "some hateful things about Israel" and "'extremist' comments and 'a fundamental denial of Israel's right to exist," and demanded that she be fired as NDP Deputy Leader in the House of Commons, ALL BASED ON THE VIDEO EMBEDDED BELOW. Houaaa...

For the elephant in the room to be this large we must conclude that there is no Canada. Simple as that. When a reasoned questioning of national sovereignty is this taboo and the perceived reprisals to MPs this significant, it has to mean that it's over and that the question will never come up again. English Canada is dead. The US-globalists and geostrategists ran the attack against democracy at G20 in Toronto and run the show in Canada's foreign policy.

Why is Canada in Afghanistan again? And why does Canada's security depend on supporting Israeli war crimes, to the dismay of the rest of the world? How does that work exactly? Is there a parliamentary committee looking into these questions? Is there a single MP or Senator speaking out?

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Secret For Gaining Admission To The Ivy League

Ivy League BannersContrary to popular opinion, the most important criteria for admission to the Ivy League is not grades, nor SAT scores, nor recommendations, or even essays. The most important criteria is actually race/religion. By claiming to be Jewish, an applicant can increase his chances of admission by up to 15 fold.
While Jewish students comprise only 2% of the American population, they account for 12-15% of the student bodies at Dartmouth, Princeton, and Cornell. And more than 25% of the student bodies of Brown, Columbia and Yale; shockingly, more than 30% of the students at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard, are Jewish. The Ivy League, the breeding ground of future leaders, has between 6-15 times Jewish overrepresentation. Most other top American schools have similar Jewish overrepresentation as well.
Theoretically, these lopsided admissions statistics could be explained by a number of factors other than racial/religious discrimination in admissions, such as: A higher value for education among Jewish families, or even superior intellect and abilities. Setting aside the fact that these same elite universities claim that there are no differences in racial intelligence, if one were to accept the research of racial intelligence academics such as Richard Lynn and account for supposed differences in racial intelligence, the ratio of non-Jewish whites to Jews is still astronomically lower than it should be. Accounting for the supposed superior Jewish intelligence, non-Jewish white students should have representation of around 7 to 1 to Jewish students, rather than the current ratio of 2:1 and in some cases 1:1. When sheer ability and qualifications are factored in, Jews are still 1,000% overrepresented. In fact, when it was discovered that Princeton was not favoring Jews in admissions to the extreme that other Ivy League universities were, four front page articles were written in the Daily Princetonian as well as a New York times article to address the “problem”. In one article, a rabbi leading the campaign to ensure maximum Jewish overrepresentation was quoted as saying she, “would love to see 20%”  Jewish students, which would be a ten times overrepresentation to their percentage of the population.
If the overrepresentation of Jewish students in the Ivy League has little to do with credentials or intelligence, how can we explain the racial disparity? It just so happens that most of the top administrators in the Ivy League are Jewish, and this is likely impacting the admissions process. The following list of names was constructed about two years ago, so some of the administrators may have retired or moved to other roles, but it is unlikely that the overall statistics have changed much. On a side note, these statistics are similar at most top schools in America.
Brown’s Chancelor, Thomas Tisch and Provost, David Kertzer are Jewish.
Lee Bollinger, President of Columbia, is Jewish.
The President of Cornell, David Skorton and the Provost Kent Fuchs are Jewish.
Chairmen of the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth, Stephen Madel Jr. is Jewish. And so is the Provost, Carol Folt.
The President of Harvard: Drew Faust is married to a Jew: Charles Rosenberg.
The provost of Harvard, Steven Hymen, is Jewish.
The President of Princeton Shirley Tilghman is married to a Jew named Jospeh Tilghman.
Chairmen of the Board of Princeton Stephen Oxman is Jewish and so is the Provost Christopher Eisgruber.
The President of UPenn, Amy Gutmann, is Jewish and Vincent Price, the provost, is also Jewish.
The Chairmen of the Board of UPenn David Cohen is Jewish.
Yale President Richard Levin is Jewish and so is the Provost Peter Salovey.
About 80% of the senior officials in the Ivy League are Jewish or married to Jews; And these Jewish administrators are accepting Jewish students at a ridiculously overrepresented rate, while simultaneously claiming to push diversity on campus. How can there be diversity when a minority group that represents 2% of the population is taking between 12-35% of the places?
When applying to the Ivy League, either claim to be Jewish or married to a Jewish person, or strongly infer that you are Jewish or contemplating converting to Judaism.