Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Neoconservative Movement is Trotskyism

Besides the article below, it is very important to see these documentaries about the connections between the origins of Homeland Security, Bolshevism, the Cheka, and the Stasi, then watch these documentaries about the connections between Neo-Conservatives and organized crime.  Also, see here for a list of books about Neo-Conservatism and how it morphed out of the Trotskyites of Communism.

By  Jonas E. Alexis

Former neoconservative luminary Francis Fukuyama of Stanford (formerly of Johns Hopkins) compares the neoconservative movement to Leninism. Neoconservatism, according to Fukuyama, is the reincarnation to some extent of both Leninism and Bolshevism.

Fukuyama’s observation makes sense when even Irving Kristol, who founded the movement, proudly admitted that the “honor I most prized was the fact that I was a member in good standing of the [Trotskyist] Young People’s Socialist League (Fourth International).”

And this neoconservative movement, as Jewish writer Sidney Blumenthal has shown, found its political and intellectual ideology “in the disputatious heritage of the Talmud.” (See here for more articles about the Talmud. Be sure to scroll down and go through all the articles.)

Even after the birth of the neoconservative movement, many of its members such as Stephen Schwartz of the Weekly Standard and Joan Wohlstetter of the RAND Corporation still had a burning thirst for Lev Davidovich Bronstein, known as Leon Trotsky.

In that sense, the neoconservative persuasion is a subversive movement which started out in the 1920s and 30s. Legal scholar Michael Lind pointed out some years ago that,

“Most neoconservative defense intellectuals have their roots on the left, not the right. They are products of the influential Jewish-American sector of the Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, which morphed into anti-communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in American culture or political history.”

This was the case for Kristol, who bragged about how his Jewish intellectual comrades such as Nathan Glazer of Harvard, Philip Selznick of Berkley, Peter Rossi of Johns Hopkins, Merroe Berger of Princeton, I. Milton Sacks of Brandeis, and Seymour Melman of Columbia were not only Trotskyists but were “unquestionably the most feverishly articulate” in indoctrinating students into their Weltanschauung.

Kristol argues in his book The Neoconservative Persuasion that those Jewish intellectuals did not forsake their heritage (revolutionary ideology) when they gave up Communism and other revolutionary movements, but had to make some changes in their thinking. America is filled with such former Trotskyists who unleashed an unprecedented foreign policy that led to the collapse of the American economy.

We have to keep in mind that America and much of the Western world were scared to death of Bolshevism and Trotskyism in the 1920s and early 30s because of its subversive activity.

Winston Churchill himself wrote an article in 1920 in the British newspaper Illustrated Sunday Herald entitled “Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People.”

The United States had document after document in archives (particularly at the Yale Law School) on Bolshevik Revolution. One of those documents is entitled “Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States 1918 Russia Vol. I – The Bolshevik ‘Coup d’Etat’ November 7, 1917.” Virtually no one wanted to tolerate Bolshevism.

Noted Australian economist John Quiggin declares in his recent work Zombie Economics that “Ideas are long lived, often outliving their originators and taking new and different forms. Some ideas live on because they are useful. Others die and are forgotten. But even when they have proved themselves wrong and dangerous, ideas are very hard to kill. Even after the evidence seems to have killed them, they keep on coming back.

These ideas are neither alive nor dead; rather…they are undead, or zombie, ideas.” Bolshevism or Trotskyism is one of those zombie ideas that keeps coming back in different forms. It has ideologically reincarnated in the political disputations of the neoconservative movement.

If this sounds like an exaggeration and if you think the projectile motion of Trotskyism is over, listen to Gabriel Schoenfeld, senior advisor to the Mitt Romney for President campaign, as to why he supported Romney for president:

“My support for Mitt Romney has something to do with a ship called the Serpa Pinto and with an American Marxist revolutionary. Schoenfeld later declared that his father was a Trotskyist in the revolutionary sense, and that Obama was too soft on the Middle East, and Romney was the better choice to take care of Iran. Schoenfeld was an editor for the neoconservative magazine Commentary."

As it turns out, neoconservative think tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute are largely extensions of Trotskyism with respect to foreign policy. Other think tanks such as the Bradley Foundation were overtaken by the neoconservative machine back in 1984.

Some of those double agents have been known to have worked with Likud-supporting Jewish groups such as the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, an organization which has been known to have “co-opted” several “non-Jewish defense experts by sending them on trips to Israel. It flew out the retired general Jay Garner, now slated by Bush to be proconsul of occupied Iraq.”

Philo-Semitic scholars Stephen Halper of Cambridge University and Jonathan Clarke of the CATO Institute agree that the neoconservative agendas “have taken American international relations on an unfortunate detour,” which is another way of saying that this revolutionary movement is not what the Founding Fathers signed up for, who all maintained that the United States would serve the American people best by not entangling herself in alliances with foreign entities.

As soon as the Israel Lobby came along, as soon as the neoconservative movement began to shape U.S. foreign policy, as soon as Israel began to dictate to the U.S. what ought to be done in the Middle East, America was universally hated by the Muslim world.

Moreover, former secretary of defense Robert Gates made it clear to the United States that the Israelis do not and should not have a monopoly on the American interests in the Middle East. For that, he was chastised by neoconservative Elliott Abrams.

In that sense, the neoconservative movement as a political and intellectual movement represents a fifth column in the United States in that it subtly and deceptively seeks to undermine what the Founding Fathers have stood for and replace it with what the Founding Fathers would have considered horrible foreign policies—policies which have contributed to the demise of the respect America once had.

Halper and Clarke move on to say that the neoconservative movement is “in complete contrast…to the general cast of the American temperament as embodied by the Declaration of Independence.”

The neoconservative persuasion is horrible in the sense that much of the war in the Middle East has been based on colossal hoaxes and fabrications.

"This point became more interesting when it was discovered that Israel has maintained covert operations against the U.S. on multiple levels, including smuggling illegal weapons for years, while the neoconservative machine says nothing about this issue and keeps propounding that Israel is a model of Western values in the Middle East."

Israel has been spying on the United States for years using various Israeli or Jewish individuals, including key Jewish neoconservative figures such as Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, who were under investigation for passing classified documents to Israel.

The FBI has numerous documents tracing Israel’s espionage in the U.S., but no one has come forward and declared it explicitly in the media because most political pundits value mammon over truth.

For example, when two top AIPAC officials—Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman—were caught passing classified documents from the Pentagon to Israel, Gabriel Schoenfeld defended them.

In the annual FBI report called “Foreign Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage,” Israel is a major country that pops up quite often. This is widely known among CIA and FBI agents and U.S. officials for years.

"One former U.S. intelligence official declared, “There is a huge, aggressive, ongoing set of Israeli activities directed against the United States. Anybody who worked in counterintelligence in a professional capacity will tell you the Israelis are among the most aggressive and active countries targeting the United States. They undertake a wide range of technical operations and human operations. People here as liaisons… aggressively pursue classified intelligence from people. The denials are laughable.”

In 1991, the Israelis tried to recruit a former U.S. intelligence official, but he declined. “I had an Israeli intelligence officer pitch me in Washington at the time of the first Gulf War. I said, ‘No, go away,’ and reported it to counterintelligence.” Covert operations were done by the Israelis in “a 1997 case in which the National Security Agency bugged two Israeli intelligence officials in Washington discussing efforts to obtain a sensitive U.S. diplomatic document.

Israel denied wrongdoing in that case and all others, and no one has been prosecuted.” Yet this has rarely seen the light of day in the popular media. Pointing these facts out, according to the reasoning of Omri Ceren of the fifth column magazine Commentary, is tantamount to anti-Semitism.

In 2003, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon made the declaration that the United States had already conquered Iraq, and it was time that the U.S. marched against Iran, Syria, and Libya.

Under Obama, Sharon’s prediction became a reality in Libya, and now the U.S. is destabilizing Syria by covertly supporting the Syrian rebels, while the war drum is being beaten against Iran.

In the process, Iran has been blamed for a cyber attack in the Middle East with little evidence. By the fall of 2012, the United States and Israel were even considering a “surgical strike” against Iran.

At the same time, the “democracy” which the neocons dreamed of establishing in Iraq has become “increasingly authoritarian and narrowly sectarian,” according to twenty-eight-year CIA veteran and Georgetown University professor Paul R. Pillar. In his inaugural speech for his second term, President Obama suggested that the perpetual war has come to an end.

But by that time the U.S. was already marshalling  some of our precious men in Mali, and British Prime Minister David Cameron has recently declared that the war in Mali will more than likely last for decades, which is another way of saying that perpetual wars are here to stay. And the people who will be paying for this are the American taxpayers, decent people who are trying to put food on the table and generational children who will be drown in massive debt and student loans.

What, then, are some of the outcomes of the neoconservative movement? What are some of its revolutionary or subversive offshoots? We will explore these questions in the upcoming articles, but one of the indirect by-products of this movement is that no person, democrat or republican, can be elected as president without being a Zionist or at least favoring Israel over the Founding Fathers. This point became clear when Obama won the presidential election in 2012.

Months before election, both Romney and Obama were competing as to who was going to give the biggest tribute to Israel. Romney went to Israel and declared that Iran was the biggest threat in the world, and Obama sent Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to Israel right after Romney’s departure to tell Israel that his administration is in agreement with Israeli officials with respect to Iran. Both Romney and Obama supported deploying troops to Syria if Assad, they said, used chemical weapons.

For Alan Dershowitz of Harvard, it was the Jews in Florida who helped reelect Obama. This is not without evidence, since it has been reported that at least 70 percent of Jewish voters sided with Obama. Dershowitz continues to say that Jews like himself “must now realize that our support for the president will be good for Israel over the next four years…Jews vote for both parties.

Nobody is ignoring us. Every rational candidate knows that they and their party must earn our votes in every election.” One would say that this absolutely means nothing, since Jews are less than five percent of the population. But as we shall show in the next article, Jewish billionaires were largely the main vehicles supporting both Democrats and so-called Republicans.

Dershowitz then declared something that would have been a shock to the Founding Fathers: “Most Americans, regardless of religion, are united in support of Israel’s security, but divided about social and economic issues. It is critically important that support for Israel’s security remains a bipartisan issue, and never becomes a wedge issue that divides voters along party lines, as it has in some European countries.”

In other words, even though the economy is a dismal failure, even though Americans are out of work, even though people are being cheated out of their retirement plans, even though student loans have been skyrocketed, Americans must support Israel (it has been at least $3 billion a year). Just like the Pharisees and rabbis who had to tell Pilate what to do in the first century, Dershowitz declares, “I and others who support [Obama] will have his ear over the next four years.”

Almost two months before he won the presidential election, Obama invited Dershowitz to the White House and told him, “I don’t bluff.” Obama also invited Edgar Bronfman, former president of the World Jewish Congress, to the White House and told him, “My commitment to Israel’s security is bone deep.” What would George Washington, Thomas Edison and others say? Let us hear them.

George Washington: “The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns.

Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.” Thomas Jefferson: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations—entangling alliances with none,” Grover Cleveland: “It is the policy of Monroe and of Washington and Jefferson: Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliance with none.”

Does any president have the courage to pronounce these statements today? The answer is a resounding no. The only former presidential candidate who tried to implement that foreign policy was Ron Paul, but he was castigated as “a vicious anti-Semite” for doing so.

In a nutshell, if you are a follower of the Founding Fathers when it comes to foreign policy, you are a “vicious anti-Semite.” Moreover, if the Founding Fathers were alive today, they would be all anti-Semites! Over the past few weeks, more than 60 articles have been written against Chuck Hagel by two neoconservative magazines alone, Commentary and the Weekly Standard (not to mention the Washington Post, National Review, the Wall Street Journal, etc.).

This brings us to an essentially critical point that will be explored in more details later in the series: the word anti-Semitism has carelessly been applied in the political landscape to shut down rational arguments and important issues. It has become a weapon in the blessed hands of those who seek to destabilize thoughtful discussion.

You either support the neoconservative ideology, or else…

Jonas E. Alexis graduated from Avon Park High School, studied mathematics and philosophy as an undergraduate at Palm Beach Atlantic University, and has a master's degree in education from Grand Canyon University. 

Some of his main interests include the history of Christianity, U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book ,Christianity & Rabbinic Judaism: A History of Conflict Between Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism from the first Century to the Twenty-first Century.  He is currently teaching mathematics in South Korea. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Former American Israel Public Affairs Committee Employee: "He Would Have Been Fired For Writing That In The United States"

Interesting video to watch below. What he says about the Israel Lobby doesn't just apply in the United States, it is just as real in Canada and other countries too. For more on this topic, see herehere and here.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Mind Control- Old Video Clip With Michael Persinger

Below is an old video clip with Michael Persinger, he is one of the leading neuroscientists that has worked with the CIA. For another informative video with Michael Persinger see here. To hear an audio interview with him download and listen here. Read a paper of  his here called "Accessing Every Human Brain By Electromagnetic Induction Of Fundamental Algorithms." You might also want to see this paper here, called "The Mind Has No Firewall." This connects to what I was saying here.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Gaslighting: The Classic Movie Where The Word Gaslighting Came From

The movie below has some interesting lessons about the nature of what gaslighting is and how it is used on targeted individuals by intelligence agencies. For more about gaslighting see here, for more about trauma bonding see here, for more about the psychology of torture, see here.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Mental Slavery With Classified Geo-Spatial Technology

Just like your fingerprint, you have unique patterns of electromagnetic activity in your brain, these are called resonance frequencies. (See herehere and here.)

Resonance is how fast or slow vibrations repeat or cycle. Through resonance, a comparatively weak vibration in one object can cause a strong vibration in another which can be damaged or destroyed. (See also here for more about resonance frequency weapons.) Your unique brain resonance frequencies can be used to calibrate your brain with a supercomputer and then used to radiate you with harmful frequencies that can damage your DNA and destroy your cells. It is important to protect your frequencies so they are not stolen by people who want to harm you. Intelligence agencies that have your frequencies can control and punish you as if you were a slave.

There are 5 brain wave frequency bands:  

1. Gamma: over 30 Hz, 
2. Beta: 13-30 Hz, 
3. Alpha: 8-12 Hz, 
4. Theta: 4-8 Hz, 
5. Delta: less than 4 Hz.

A Hertz is cycles per second and named after Heinrich Hertz who proved electromagnetism in 1886. Developments in neuroscience (also see here,) have proven that bodily movement, sensations, emotions, desires, ideas, and all psychological phenomenon can be induced, inhibited or modified by electrical stimulation of specific areas of the brain.

For clarity, an Electrocardiogram (EKG) is a test for the electrical activity of the heart, and an Electroencephalogram is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain.

Evoked potentials can also be recorded from the brain, an evoked potential shows what the brain does after it is stimulated by the senses such as sight, sound, pain, pleasure, movement, heat or cold. You can tell what a person is feeling by studying these frequencies.

Patents show that a person's brain frequencies can be used to place sound or voices in their head so that they are the only ones who hear the sound. This is a harassment tool being used by intelligence agencies on targeted individuals. The frequencies stimulate the auditory cortex in the brain, not the ears. Everyone has their own unique brain code so frequencies must be calculated and calibrated for each individual. Controlling another person's mind is very much like slavery, so acquiring someone's brain-specific code for the purpose of harming them must be done in secret.

One way to retrieve or steal your unique brain frequencies so they can get electromagnetic waves into your brain is through free devices and apps that record your Electroencephalogram (EEG). These tools can be used to steal the unique signature from the electrical activity of the neurons in your brain without your knowledge or consent. After this, they would be used to calibrate a supercomputer.

They use a meter or an app for phones made specifically for this purpose which records your unique frequencies by pointing the device at the back of your head. Many people think this is impossible. But it is very real. (For example, see this paper here. How many of even heard of this?) The reality is, the perpetrators have been able to rely on disbelief and lack of public education to keep this technology secret.

Why do they record brain frequencies from the back of your head? Obviously, one reason is because they know you probably won't notice, but, there is another reason.

Alpha waves are strongest over the occipital cortex and over the frontal cortex. The alpha rhythm is most prominent when the subject is at rest with the eyes closed. When the eyes are opened, this rhythm usually disappears, being replaced by beta rhythms (14-35 Hz), this phenomenon is called alpha blocking. The observation of the alpha blocking phenomenon is evidence that a high-quality EEG is in fact, being monitored. Also, the visual cortex is located in the back of the brain or the occipital lobe, this processes visual information.

When do you get your brain frequencies stolen from you? It could be when you are out shopping, having coffee, or eating an intelligence agent points a cell phone or a handheld device at the back of your head when they have the app to be able to do this. You may never know when it is done. Another way they can steal it from you is with biofeedback devices and apps that record your brain's EEG. (Remember, there has always been strong connections between Silicon Valley and the Intelligence Agencies.)

The new battlefield is unpredictable. Not only do you have to worry about hackers when you are using wireless in public places, but also, the potential of having your unique brain frequency code stolen and used against you.  Certainly, whenever you are out and about, beware of anyone pointing their phone at the back of your head for a lengthy period of time.

Once they have your brain frequencies, intelligence agencies can calibrate their EEG supercomputers to you and begin enslaving you with radio microwaves directly into your brain.

They can use your body's frequencies to hurt you, or to disrupt and even stop your bodily functions. Your whole nervous system is connected to this, your body resonates at set frequencies that the perpetrators can play around with.

If someone does not know about this technology beforehand, they might think they are going crazy which gives intelligence agencies a reason to put them in a mental institution. They can put voices into your head or thoughts that are indistinguishable from your own. But that's not all, they can give you constant muscle twitches, eyes twitches, disrupt your bowels, make you sick, but even worse, they can also give you severe headaches, head trauma, and concussions. They can fry your brain with microwaves, give you a stroke and target your vital organs. In other words, they can hurt or kill you. As an example of the power of resonance, think when a wine glass is targeted with a resonance frequency. Essentially, this is torture and murder.

Intelligence agencies know this and so do some law enforcement officers that work with them. It's a good way to either get people committed to a mental institution or harass and hurt them in a way that is covert and plausibly deniable.

Often a targeted individual becomes sick, loses their job, or loses their home. They become alienated from their family, who are often also attacked just for being related to them. When they try to get help, they are accused of being "mentally ill." Obviously, they don't always need your unique brain frequencies to hurt you. Not everyone will be hooked up to a computer, BUT, it is very important to realize that this is the end goal of those in power. (See herehereherehere and here.) The targeting can come from numerous locations and methods, so you have to find out what is happening in your situation. They use microwave towers, satellites, and radar to accomplish their goals. (See herehere, here, here and here.)  But, it must also be remembered, that all of us that live in the developed areas are surrounded by wireless communication radio microwaves, and much of it is pulsed in the range of the brain.

 Illegal Surveillance Injustice Department

The new proactive, intelligence-led policing, (see here and here for more about this,) which means information gathered from the surveillance of brains, (yes believe it, it is happening now,) computers, the internet, your emails, online activity, phone calls, bank accounts, vehicles. and homes allows fusion centers to direct global law enforcement goals. They just harass and kill whoever they want. This includes the "Regulation of Noncriminal Conduct" which means punishment with electromagnetic and acoustic weapons, and the use of "first responders" services and neighborhood watch gang stalkers called cohorts or watchers.

The state is deciding who the "undesirables" are --- literally who lives and who dies. This has happened before in fascist regimes and dictatorships. Why hide this technology? A true representational form of government is about transparency. I think it's important to realize that we live under what some people have coined a  pseudo "Panopticon." For, in a true Panopticon you would KNOW the level of surveillance that you are under. 

THERE WOULD BE TRANSPARENCY. But, if you don't know about the existence of any of this technology, how do you know what the truth is in this world? Think about it for a second. How much of your tax money is going into creating a technological surveillance-dictatorship?

People who will be seen as "terrorists" or "enemies of the state" can be anyone from whistle-blowers, political dissidents, intellectuals, or those who have reported or witnessed crimes of powerful privileged people, police, firemen, paramedics, government officials,  and/ or organized crime with private agendas who steal everything people own, eliminate their rivals and kill anyone who knows or sees what they are doing. They radiate, stalk and harass targeted individuals mercilessly until they either comply and go along with the program, become insane, want to die, or are dead.

How Does Voice-to-Skull or V2K Happen? 

The sounds normally heard by our ears are between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. The sounds you can't hear that are used for V2K are either below or above that. In normal hearing, vibrating sound waves in the ear are turned into nerve impulses that travel along a network of nerve cells to the brain where they are perceived as sound and turned into understandable speech.

With V2K, a voice or "thought" is carried on a frequency which is sent to the auditory cortex in the brain, bypassing the ears as if the brain were a radio receiver.

Brain frequencies can be received and transmitted just like your cell phone picks up signals from a cell tower. The frequencies can be relayed to a satellite, so once you are connected, a person with a satellite computer can program the frequencies with auditory and visual information sent to your brain with special software and the internet using ordinary radio frequencies. Essentially, your thoughts can be read and messages can be put into your mind so that your thoughts, emotions, and actions are not your own. You become a slave.

The 2003 article entitled 'Geoslavery' by Jerome Dobson and Peter Fisher stated possible human rights abuse from the misuse of satellite targeting and surveillance technologies. Geoslavery is "a practice in which one entity, the master, coercively or surreptitiously monitors and exerts control over the physical location of another individual, the slave. Here is another article from the same academics about living in a Panopticon and Geoslavery.

The article describes a scenario of monitoring and remote control by administering arbitrary punishment. Right now, those in high places with power make the decisions about who becomes a victim, a targeted individual, who needs to be tortured and suffer pain or disintegration of their physical bodies, or, potentially even death from electromagnetic weapons.

Brainwaves are affected by all our senses and whatever a person is experiencing will affect their current brainwave state.  With brain entrainment and this technology being used, they can get your specific frequencies and begin to change them. (See here and here about previous MKUltra work done with brainwashing and what is known as "Psychic Driving".)

They can send messages directly back to your brain "carried" on radio waves. This way they can alter and change your brain, abilities, feelings and personality one hertz at a time. Entrainment also includes the concept that even if the frequencies stopped being directed at you, if targeted long enough, just like neuroplasticity, (also see here and here,) the brain will continue to operate at the adapted state it has been entrained to.

Brainwave entrainment can be used to induce concentration, meditation, super learning, sleep and other desirable states, but, as a weapon the worst is possible. If the entrainment is consistent enough and is close to the normal brainwave frequencies then the brain will synchronize its own electrical impulses to the same rhythm.

As one example, (see here, here and here for more information,) powerful EEG machines can enhance EEG patterns up to 200,000 (gain capability). They can be used to silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being, using mechanical, magnetic and/or optical media for repeated transmission to the brain of the victim. - Lowery Patent #5159703

This process is called "Induced Alpha to Theta Biofeedback Cluster Movement".  An "emotional signature cluster" is identified and then placed on a silent sound carrier frequency to trigger the same basic emotions or thoughts to another human being. The victim can't hear the subliminal message and is unaware why they are feeling anger, fear, anxiety, sexual arousal or other emotions or abnormal thoughts. This is mind control.

In closing, there is obviously a lot that popular media and news sources are hiding from you. The funny thing is, even CNN referred to some of this information way back in the 80's. Everyone should begin to ask themselves why popular media is hiding so much information about this advanced technology from the public at the very same time that our governments are taking away our rights in the name of "Terrorism."

For more information about the origins of Homeland Security, see here. See here for how an FBI memo labels patriots, and believe it or not, "truth-seekers" as potential 'terrorists.' See here for the 72 types of Americans that are considered “potential terrorists” from official government documents.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

CSE Headquarters' $1.2-Billion Price Tag - But Canadians Would Still Rather Riot About Hockey Games

Go through all of the posts and at see the complete insanity that is listed on my blog. (See previous posts about the CSE here and here.) Just for starters, see here to learn more about the technology they use when they find you, and here and here for the Stasi techniques they use.

It must be remembered, that the CSE is a part of the "Five Eyes" so they share information just like the new Homeland Security laws and plans that were brought in after September 11, 2001.

As strange as it may sound, you are a slave. They just hide it from you, and as I have said previously, they even have the nerve to get you to finance your own slavery! You literally live in a country that is a Stasi fascist technocratic dictatorship similar to East Germany. The ideology that is driving this is Zionism and those who are favorable to the state of Israel.  

The CSE is no different than CSIS, and CSIS was started by the influential Zionist Bob KaplanIt is Zionism controlling the RCMP at the very top, just like the CSE and CSIS. CSIS was formed in 1984 when the intelligence was taken away from the RCMP. This was part of the strategy, this way they could feed the "intelligence" to the RCMP and provide their ideas of terrorism to them. This was around the same time as the Ernst Zundel trial and when Reagan was in power in the United States. Reagan came to power with the help of organized crime. (See hereherehere, herehere and here.
These same powers were in control of Canada at that time, and are still in control, (also see here for more about the connections to mining and minerals companies.)

As a little bit of a side note, did you know that Canada is currently trying to wrestle power away from Zionist bankers over at the Bank of Canada? See here for the secrets of banking and learning about the money changers.

You have to begin to wonder what is wrong with the Canadian and American public. Why do they so willing accept such blatant dishonesty and garbage? How can people be so complacent? How can their priorities be so out of tune that they care more about their favorite hockey team than the issues that are listed on this blog?

It's pretty simple. Some people are just ignorant of all of this. But in other cases, we are dealing with minds of perpetual juvenile delinquency. Something that people would never have tolerated even 45 years ago during the Vietnam War protests in the United States. The protests and riots should be even greater now.

The picture below is of the $1.2-billion CSE building on Ottawa's east side — dubbed the "spy palace" by critics and which is the most expensive government building ever constructed in Canada. And when the $3-billion contract to operate the building for 20 years is added, the new HQ’s cost soars past $4 billion.

LOOK AT IT! It looks like an airport. In fact, the building has more floor space than Toronto’s Air Canada Centre, and cost enough to build “several” large hospitals. It houses roughly 2,000 CSE employees.

All of this is paid for by us, the helpless, ignorant stooge Canadian citizens. That is what they think of us in this country.

This building is made to enforce the control and power of the ruling elite class in this country. (See here, here and especially here for more about this.) This service will never benefit you unless you are connected to the ruling elite or working with them in some way. That is 100% the truth.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Meet Hillary’s # 1 Campaign Donor, Israeli Billionaire Haim Saban - Saban, a long-time supporter and donor of many pro-Jewish and Israel causes, has stated his main goal in multiple interviews: “I’m a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel.”

Introductory Note: I have already written extensively on Donald Trump and his connections to what I believe is the Israeli and Jewish right, (see here, here and here,) now we can look at Hillary Clinton and what is left of the left-wing in the United States. I say this sarcastically, because essentially the Democrats and the Republicans have become one giant party, give or take a few policy points. I have already posted once about Hillary here, now read the article below.

Hillary Clinton has gone all in to win US Presidency and is using foreign donors to do it making a special deal with one issue guy Israeli Haim Saban
Hillary Clinton, Israeli Haim Saban, Israeli Minister Tzipi Livni at the Saban Forum in Washington, D.C

Haim Saban is an Israeli media proprietor, investor, philanthropist, musician, record, film & television producer.
An accomplished businessman primarily involved with business interests pertaining to financial services, entertainment, and media, and an estimated net worth of $3 billion, he is ranked by Forbes as the 143rd richest person in America.
Saban is the founder of Saban Entertainment, producer and distributor of children’s television programs in the US such as Power Rangers. He headed up consortiums which purchased the broadcasters ProSiebenSat.1 Media and Univision Communications. He is a major donor to the US Democratic Party and active in pro-Israel political efforts in the US.

Early Life

Saban was born to a Jewish family in AlexandriaEgypt, in 1944. In 1956, the Saban family immigrated to Israel along with most of the Egyptian Jewish community.
Saban was sent to a Youth Aliyah boarding school. Expelled for being a troublemaker, he enrolled in a night school where the principal told him: “You’re not cut out for academic studies; you’re cut out for making money.”
Saban is married to Cheryl Lynn (Flor) Saban, with whom he has two children. He also has two stepchildren, Tifany andHeidi Lenhart. He resides in Beverly HillsCalifornia.
Saban started his career in 1966 as a bass player and manager with the rock band The Lions of Judah (Ha’arayot).
In 1969, Dave Watts from the British band The Tornados joined The Lions. That year, the band traveled to England, performed in night clubs in London and was signed up by Polydor Records.
In July 1969, the band appeared on the BBC TV programme Colour Me Pop. The Lions recorded a single, “Our Love’s A Growing Thing”, but it was not released in the UK due to financial difficulties. The band returned to Israel and Saban focused on being a music promoter.
In the early 1970s, Saban moved to France where he worked as a music producer. His clients included Noam KanielMike Brant and Shuki & Aviva. He also launched a record company with Shuki Levy.
In 1978 and 1982, Saban used the pseudonym Kussa for music/lyrics writing credits on four records for which he also served as producer using his real name. Since then, he has frequently used the name Kussa Mahchi for his composing credits on Saban Entertainment productions, including the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie theme song.

Saban Entertainment

In the United States, he became a television producer, founding Saban Entertainment in 1988.[13] During that time, Haim Saban and partner Shuki Levy became known for soundtrack compositions for children’s television programs of the 1980s. Although Levy and Saban composed for their own properties (such as Kidd Video and Maple Town), they scored for other production companies as well (such as Inspector GadgetThe Mysterious Cities of GoldM.A.S.K.DinosaucersDragon QuestHe-Man and the Masters of the UniverseShe-Ra: Princess of Power, and Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors).
In 1998, The Hollywood Reporter reported that he did not actually compose all the music (totalling 3,700 works in 2008) he is credited for; ten composers threatened to sue and Saban settled out of court.
In the 1990s, Saban’s company became best known for the production of Power RangersMasked RiderVR Troopersand Big Bad Beetleborgs, which were Western adaptations of Japanese tokusatsu shows.

Hillary Clinton To Hold Fundraiser in Tel Aviv May 17

ABC Family

On July 23, 2001, Saban announced that he and News Corporation would sell Fox Family Worldwide Inc for $5.3 billion to The Walt Disney Company. and on October 24, 2001, the sale was completed and the network was renamed ABC Family. Saban profited about $1.6 billion from this sale.


In August 2003, Saban led a consortium, which acquired a controlling stake in the straggling ProSiebenSat.1 Media group from the Kirch Media Group, the then-bankrupt German media conglomerate.
ProSiebenSat.1, is Germany’s largest commercial television broadcasting company, which owns five German TV channels, including ProSieben and SAT.1, two of the top three stations in Germany. Collectively, ProSiebenSat.1’s channels represented approximately 45% of the German TV advertising market at the time. Saban’s ProSiebenSat.1 acquisition was the first time a foreigner took control of a significant German Media company.
Saban oversaw a successful business turnaround of ProSiebenSat.1, recruiting former business rivals, ex-BSkyB chief executive Tony Ball and former BBC Director General Greg Dyke to the board of the company.
In March 2007, Saban Capital Group and the consortium sold its controlling interest in ProSiebenSat.1 to KKR andPermira, for 22.40 euros a share after originally paying 7.5 euros per share in 2003.
From left: Tzipi Livni, Hillary Clinton, Haim Saban and Isaac Herzog


On June 27, 2006, Saban Capital Group led a group of investors bidding for Univision Communications, the largest Spanish-language media company in the United States.
Other investors in the Saban-led group were Texas Pacific Group of Fort Worth, Texas and Thomas H. Lee Partners. The group was successful in acquiring Univision with a bid valued at $13.7 billion (USD).

Political views and fundraising

Saban says his greatest concern is to protect Israel. At a conference in Israel, Saban described his formula. His three ways to influence American politics were: make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets.
Saban became involved in politics in the mid-1990s when he felt that support for Israel was slipping in the United States. He says his views have shifted over the years: “I used to be a real leftist. I remember Ariel Sharon [the leader of Israel’s right-wing Likud Party] coming here, to my house, a few months before Camp David, when he was still leader of the opposition. He told me there would be no deal because [Yassir] Arafat would not sign. I told myself that there was nothing to be done – these right-wingers were simply insane. I had no doubt that there would be a deal and the problems would be resolved. History proved that Sharon was right and I was wrong. In matters relating to security, that moved me to the right. Very far to the right…When there is a terrorist attack, I am [Avigdor] Lieberman. Sometimes to the right of Lieberman. For two days I really love Lieberman. But afterward I come back to reality. Look, I don’t see a solution today.”
Saban has been a generous and consistent donor to the United States Democratic Party according to his mandatory Federal Election Commission filings. Mother Jones, in an analysis of the major donors to the campaigns of 1998 election cycle, ranked Saban 155th among individual donors. Amy Paris noted that Saban’s Clinton-era “generosity did not go unrewarded. During the Clinton administration, the entertainment executive served on the President’s Export Council, advising the White House on trade issues.” The New York Times reported that Haim and his wife “slept in the White House several times during President Clinton’s two terms.” Saban remains close friends with the former President. Clinton described Saban as a “very good friend and supporter.” Saban contributed between $5 million to $10 million to the William J. Clinton Foundation.
During the 2000 presidential election, Saban increased his rank to 5th among individual donors with a combined contribution of $1,250,500. Matthew Yglesias wrote that “Saban was the largest overall contributor to the Democratic National Committee during the 2001–2002 cycle.”  Saban’s donations during that 2001–2002 period exceeded $10 million, the largest donation the DNC has received from a single source up to that time.
In September 2004, Hillary Clinton described Saban as a very good friend, supporter and adviser: “I am grateful for his commitment to Israel, to a just and lasting peace in the Middle East and to my foundation’s work, particularly on reconciliation issues.”
In May 2007, Haim publicly declared his support for Clinton in 2008 presidential election.
In June 2007, Saban and Steven Spielberg co-hosted a Hillary Clinton fundraiser at the house of Peter Chernin, the President of News Corporation.[According to the Los Angeles Times, the fundraiser brought in over $850,000.
In March 2008, Saban was among a group of major Jewish donors to sign a letter to Democratic Party house leader Nancy Pelosi warning her to “keep out of the Democratic presidential primaries.”The donors, who “were strong supporters of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign”, “were incensed by a March 16 interview in which Pelosi said that party ‘superdelegates‘ should heed the will of the majority in selecting a candidate.”The letter to Pelosi stated the donors “have been strong supporters of the DCCC” and implied, according to The Jewish Telegraphic Agency, that Pelosi could lose their financial support in important upcoming congressional elections.
On May 19, 2008, it was reported that Haim Saban had “offered $1 million to the Young Democrats of America during a phone conversation in which he also pressed for the organization’s two uncommitted superdelegates to endorse Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee for president.”
Saban has also made donations to members of the Republican Party including a 2003 contribution to George W. Bush‘s 2004 re-election campaign.

Saban Center for Middle East Policy

In 2002 Saban provided an initial grant of 13 million USD and a pledge of additional funds to create the Saban Center for Middle East Policy, a foreign policy think tank based in Washington, D.C.. The Saban Center is part of the larger Brookings Institution think tank.[29] The Saban Center aims to provide policy makers in government with information and analysis regarding America’s foreign policy in the Middle East. Saban recruited Martin Indyk to direct the center.
Haim Saban discussed his views on the Middle East and Persian Gulf region in great detail in a 2006 interview with Haaretz. Particularly notable were his comments regarding Iran: “When I see Ahmadinejad, I see Hitler. They speak the same language. His motivation is also clear: the return of the Mahdi is a supreme goal. And for a religious person of deep self-persuasion, that supreme goal is worth the liquidation of five and a half million Jews. We cannot allow ourselves that. Nuclear weapons in the hands of a religious leadership that is convinced that the annihilation of Israel will bring about the emergence of a new Muslim caliphate? Israel cannot allow that. This is no game. It’s truly an existential danger.”

Saban National Political Leadership Training Seminar

Saban sponsors the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee’s Saban National Political Leadership Training Seminar, a series of semiannual seminars in Washington to provide college student activists for three days of intensive pro-Israel advocacy training.[31] The seminars provide up to 300 students from a hundred campuses with training in order to “prepare for challenges and opportunities on their campuses and [the students] left Washington prepared to mobilize for legislative and electoral impact during the next school year and into campaign ’08.”Among the prominent figures to have addressed the seminars are Senator Evan Bayh and Congressman Mark Kirk and academics David Makovsky, Robert Satloff andDennis Ross.

Jane Harman AIPAC controversy

Regarding Jane Harman AIPAC Controversy, in April 2009, New York Times, quoting anonymous sources, said a caller promised her that Saban would withhold campaign contributions to Representative Nancy Pelosi if she did not select Ms. Harman for the intelligence post.”

California redistricting

In 2005, Saban spent $100,000 to oppose California’s 2005 Proposition 77 redistricting reform. Saban contributed $100,000 to pass California’s 2008 redistricting reform, Proposition 11, which created a Citizens Redistricting Commission to redraw California’s state political boundaries, but not U.S. Congressional districts. Saban contributed $2,000,000 to supportProposition 27, California’s proposed 2010 repeal of Proposition 11, the 2008 redistricting reform – the same reform that Haim Saban previously supported with a $100,000 contribution. He joined list of other well-connected, big-money donors to the Democratic Party in supporting Proposition 27.


In 2007, Saban donated $14 million to complete the children’s hospital at Soroka Medical Center.
Saban, a long-time supporter and donor of many pro-Jewish and Israel causes, has stated his main goal in multiple interviews: “I’m a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel.”

Saturday, August 13, 2016

OBAMA’s B.R.A.I.N. Initiative

Obama's Brain Mapping Initiative | A Means to an End  

BRAIN = Brain Research through Advanced Innovative Neurotechnologies.

Our road down the path of destruction is always presented as good intentions.  As you will see in this report, this project is no different. The significance of this project as stated in the White House April 2nd 2013 announcement states: 

“The BRAIN Initiative has the potential to do for neuroscience what the Human Genome Project did for Genomics by supporting the development and application of innovative technologies that can create a dynamic understanding of brain function. It aims to help researchers uncover the mysteries of brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, depression, and traumatic brain injury.”

Let's look at one of the accomplishments of the Human Genome project with respect towards 
advancements in technocracy and trans-humanism.  It has enabled scientists to unlock the coding and sequencing of DNA so they can create synthetic DNA to be used in artificial life forms in conjunction with artificial intelligence by developing 'genetic circuits' to mimic the actions and reactions of living organisms.

Their goal is to map the human mind to create synthetic replicas that will mimic the workings of the neurological processes of the brain in the form of genetic circuits through the use of synthetic DNA.

This represents a quantum leap towards machine driven AGI or [artificial general intelligence] which will inevitably result in the AI singularity event horizon.

With respect to the initiative's claim that it will help scientists to better understand the mysteries behind Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression and other debilitating human afflictions, I see however, this technology has a much more nefarious side and as we've seen in the past, it will be used to those ends and here's why.

1. If you understand the agenda of global governance and the push behind trans-humanism, you 
understand that it is not the goal of these megalomaniacs to extend human longevity or improve 
the overall human condition.  

2. In recent history can anyone site an instance where a technological breakthrough was not used malevolently against humanity...nuclear, space-based technology, genetically modified food, weather modification...just to name of few of these technological feats.  Yet we are 
expected to believe that this will be different.

3.  If you have not read my post of the  patents for military and intelligence organizations use in the field of Remote Brain Computer Interface technology and Remote Neural Monitoring you should take a look at how far and for how long they have been fine-tuning this technology.  Their goal, and it's not hard to see when you start connecting the dots, is to create a population of obedient, temporarily useful, biological robots.  Human Network Nodes. (See herehere, and here for more) Also, see here to learn more about the company that is strongly behind this agenda.  

4. This initiative, if successful, will enable the proponents of a global command and control system and trans-humanism to turn living cells into computers. In support of this initiative, Obama goes on to say, “These breakthroughs have paved the way for unprecedented collaboration and discovery across  scientific fields. For instance, by combining advanced genetic and optical techniques, scientists can now use pulses of light to determine how specific cell activities in the brain affect behavior. 

Similarly, through the integration of neuroscience and physics, researchers can now use high-resolution imaging technologies to observe how the brain is structurally and functionally 
connected in living humans. 

While these technological innovations have contributed substantially to our expanding knowledge of the brain,  significant breakthroughs in how we treat neurological and psychiatric disease will require a new generation of  tools to enable researchers to record signals from brain cells in much greater numbers and at even faster speeds. That's where the BRAIN Initiative comes in.” 

Now, I have to say, there's not a whole lot of detailed information out there regarding specifics 
concerning this Brain Mapping program, so with that said, let's look at some of the key players in 
Obama's BRAIN Initiative: 

NIH   [National Institute of Health] 
FDA    [Food & Drug Administration] 
IARPA [Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency] 
DARPA  [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency] 
NSF    [National Science Foundation] the usual suspects from academia, and the private and 
corporate sectors, like: 
Glaxo-Smith Kline 
US Photonics 
University of Berkeley 
The Carnegie Mellon institute 
The Simons Foundation – mapping neural activity patterns 
The Allen Institute – brain perception functionality 

You can go to the site and explore the interactive map posted there to review the 
different agencies and organizations that have been identified to work on this program and what their 
specific R&D focuses will be.  [Whitehouse/BRAIN] 

The White House 2013 announcement goes on to say,  “ In the last decade, scientists have made a 
number of landmark discoveries that now create the opportunity to unlock the mysteries of the brain.“ I would argue they are creating an opportunity not to 'unlock' the mysteries of the brain as they 
proclaim, but to unlock technology to achieve complete command and control of the inner workings of  your mind....what you you think...what you you behave and ultimately, your perceived usefulness by an Archonic, technocratic elite bent on the enslavement of humanity.    


White House – Brain Initiative – Interesting info and collaborators 9.30.2014 
White House    Brain Initiative  4.02.2013 
BBN    Synthetic Biology    9.05.2012 
The Human Connectome Project    03.20.2015 
Synberc – Synthetic Biology Remote Brain Computer Interface -  RNM    07.26.2015 
NIH The Brain Initiative  8.19.2015 

The Insane Jewish Gene Idea

See here for more examples of insanity and ignorance. Also, see here for more about the rabid ethnocentrism and some of the other craziness that exists in the Talmud.  Another good video to watch is this one, especially at the 1 hour and 12-minute mark where he lays out in simple terms why the Jewish idea of "chosenness" is absolutely absurd.