Sunday, June 30, 2024

Gematria Calculator for a Woman Born on 1-11 and Bellevue Weird Address "Signs" (Look What Comes Up For Your Address)

See here for the Gematria counter. Remember, Washington state was the 42nd state to join the union and the Washington University W hand sign

Stanley Kubrick movies, are telling a story. But let us start with the Shining; Apollo 11 on Danny's sweater, room 237, 42 on his sleeve and the two twins forming an M while they hold hands. You can see their dresses each form a T for Twin Towers or turn the letters to numbers 2020. (When we made our first contact under the sun, crown or corona virus.  Remember, Seattle was the epicenter for the virus

My full name - Shane Russell Hurren = 237- Simple Gematria (Think the Shining, Room 237 and 42 on Danny's arm in movie while he writes backwards in mirror writing, left-handed people are known for doing this better, I'm left handed and so was Davinci.) 2x3x7=42. Now, 42 is in the genealogy of Matthew but also in the book of Revelation for many events including rule length of the beast. (This is also 3 1/2 years, the ministry of Jesus in the gospel of John is also 3 1/2 years.)

 I was born on the 237th day in 1976 and it was a leap year

Now,  type in your full name and your birthday with year you were born, (old surname,) you might be interested in what comes up. Go through it --- here is one:

- Two Hundred Thirty Seven

Here is two others:

- You should be concerned about being my husband M - this is connected to the Gmail sign M and the  other Google sign (O 666) 111 and 666 connected

- She married the wrong person - the videos or the M forming corpse bride

Now, it gets even weirder, if I type in my Grandmother "Grace" old address (which itself adds up to 18 or 3+6+9 or 6+6+6,) and has two lions in front of the house like the two lions in front of Lionsgate bridge in Vancouver that is 111 meters high. (Lionsgate Pictures) 

You get this : Seven Two Three, but it is the same Gematria number as Two Three Seven (put it in) 

Now, put in your old home address in Bellevue where Lincoln square also happens to be, ( remember, Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President (8+8 = Moon and Sun) and Leviticus 16. Lincoln square was started in 2001 and finished in 2017. (9/11 and the signs in the sky in 2017, see posts below.) The architect who created Lincoln square also put up the towers I was in here. There is also One88 in Bellevue

Type in your old address and the city Bellevue this is what you get: I can connect this to my Mom too, my Mom was born in 1951 /  3 =  51, her birthday is July 31st and after it there is 153 days left.  Ezekiel 1:1. 

-Two One - One  =  (Your Work)  = 1+9+9+2=21 = Meaning, two come together to become one in John 21 Vesica Piscis 153 fish. 2001 = 2 O Moon O Sun. The address of the towers I was in (see here) adds up to 21,  1200+1288=1488=1+4+8+8=21. 

- Follow Rabbit = Trinity = 153/ 3 = 51 = Washington  D.C. (Your Work) 

- Two Becomes One = Eclipse = John 21 and HAL-9000 in 2001 A Space Odyssey. 4000 +5000 fish  in Gospels + HAL = H = 8, A=1, L= 12 = Total 21 for John 21 = 153 fish or Vesica Piscis  

- The Man Hated For Telling the Truth = Me 

- Ready Player One = think what you want here player or Avatar "One" are you real? Ma- (Woman) Trix- (Trinity) = Simulation and Eve's fall. The character in this movie are a man named Parsifal (Richard Wagner) and Artemis (Hunger Games) about finding the Grail.  

- Six Six Four = 6+6+4=16 = 8+8,  (Moon and Sun) Also 6 x 6 x 4 = 144 (In 2017, after the eclipse on the 21 of August (21 days after July 31st) to January 11 there is 144 days, 144 000 book of Revelation)

- fifth of November = the Gunpowder Plot and the movie V for Vendetta (Catholic) 

- Harry Potter = a fan favorite for some of you in Washington (bloodlines) the sacred 28 bloodlines, you were 28 in 2020 when I contacted you

- the Fourth Reich = the fourth Rome 

- Isis and Osiris

- Square the Circle = Pi or John 3:14  

- Phoenix Sun = rising of the Phoenix and the Sun

- Im Cupid Stupid  = 21 Your Twitter and Augustus baby in statue + his birthday = September 23 Signs in the Sky in 2017

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